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File: 59 KB, 500x666, 1417269208841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9565708 No.9565708 [Reply] [Original]



Discuss it here.

>> No.9565715


That's a pretty man.

>> No.9565717


I bet chicks spill their spaghetti all the time when he talks to them... no homo

>> No.9565718

routine: cocks in the ass
product: accutane
Problem: acne

>> No.9565734

Skin type: oily
Kiehl's oil eliminating face wash every morning then toner
Always keep blotting paper with me
Couldn't handle Retin-A so that's out of my regimen

>> No.9565739
File: 55 KB, 620x809, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be specific

>> No.9565757

I'm currently on my 8th week of accutane for mild/moderate acne. Working well so far, only side effect I've noticed is chapped lips and dry skin but I can avoid that with Cerave and Aquaphor.

>> No.9565769

i use a cotton ball with isopropyl on it a few times a week

never acne, never dry skin
no skin problems

>> No.9565774


confirmed for literal cuck

>> No.9565884
File: 36 KB, 550x535, feelsbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The skin on my face is really dry, and you can see it flaking/peeling from a distance. What is a good facial moisturizer I can use?

>inb4 semen

>> No.9565890


Cetaphil or Cerave are good for sensitive skin and they're noncomedogenic

>> No.9565894

Cetaphil cleanser and exfoliating every 2 days to get rid of dead skin and blackheads. That, and a diet without dairy, sugary shit, and only black bread have worked wonders.

>> No.9565899

only autistic chicks

yeah those are good
eucerin is also good

>> No.9565907

is there an exact method for removing and preventing blackheads?

>> No.9565916

thats not what i was expecting but alright alright

>> No.9565933

>using non-natural products on your face
It's like you WANT to be ugly

>> No.9565939

alright alright!
i'm not busy this weekend, let me get your gfs number.

>> No.9565993

>first breakout in the middle of my forehead in a year
>tfw took good skin for granted

>> No.9566005

Same :(
Accutane cured my acne for two years without having to use any topicals.
I started to get breakouts about two months ago but some retin-a every other day has taken care of it fine. My skin still is a bit dry though.

>> No.9566055

arsenic is naturally occurring

great memes, friend

>> No.9566096

currently no gf atm

>> No.9567437

How do I make my dick less brown?

>> No.9567444

who is this semen possessor?

>> No.9567445

how do i get rid of post-acne blemishes (not scars!)

>> No.9567473
File: 37 KB, 800x621, 10003927_796896747011152_4369006308375227444_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey friends,
so up until now I've tried about a dozen different products and it's sort of funny because what's finally making my skin good is the cheapest shit available that I knocked out because I thought it was too cheap to work -

about 2 weeks ago I've stopped using my harsh soaps and scrubs and shit and switched to the following routine -
wash face with dove bar soap
let face dry
apply light layer of bp10%
let face dry
apply very very light amount of moisturizer (Nivea creme) all over and a bit more in drier/moving areas (around the mouth, and under jaw area, next to eyes)

Also I'd like to note that despite what I've read and know, I am actually seeing a stronger effect with bp10% over lower percentages.

My skin was never really shit but it's starting to look good

I have a couple of questions though -
1. Acne is almost entirely gone at this point - should I keep applying bp? does the skin develop some sort of dependency on it?, do I fade out using it?
2. lip balm recommendations?
3. not sure if related but what's the deal with the whole sulphate in shampoos thing? - is it really slowly killing me and raping my mother?

>> No.9567508

Never had skin problems, never had acne. I do get razor burn in my neck in and around my adams apple. What can I do to clear it, it disgusts me.

>> No.9567516

For lip balm I recommend burt's bees. I had chapped dry lips and now they're silky smooth. As for sulfate it just fucks your hair up pretty bad, even more if you shampoo everyday. I recommend going no poo and if you have to shampoo every 2 to 3 weeks.

>> No.9567517

moisturizer prolly

>> No.9567528

How do i deal with a really dry back that is essentially covered with acne/scars?

>> No.9567558

use some kind of acne medication and moisturize

>> No.9567621

BB cream recommendations for men

>> No.9567636


>> No.9567642

bumping this bc i have it too :(
Eating broccoli, chia seeds, and ginger is supposed to help but I don't know if anything you externally apply can help.

>> No.9567652
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Is this stuff any good?

>> No.9567856

Best exfoliator routine? Are brushes necessary?

>> No.9567868

is this site trustworthy? or just a way for companies to shill their products?


>> No.9567882

how do i get rid of the black dots on my nose? i dont really care about the skincare other than using regenerative cream sometimes

>> No.9567900

Does anyone have tips for really oily skin and hair? I've tried a slew of products and nothing works.

>> No.9567908

please stop misusing the word cuck

cuck comes from cuckold which comes from the cuckoo bird

its not a replacement for "le autism"

As someone who has a cuck gf, this shit drives me up the wall

>> No.9567912

try putting 100% sulfur on your face

Its natural

fucking retard

>> No.9567915

good meme cuck

>> No.9567919

you make the term more meaningless with every incorrect use

>> No.9567920

you might think they're blackheads but they're not - they're Sebaceous Filaments

I don't think anything can be done about it - I have them too

>> No.9567927

>ebin maymays r srs bsns
go back to reddit

>> No.9567943

using it as a pejorative is just as "reddit" as still using epic and xD

>> No.9567956

>2 months left of accutane left
>lower back and knee pain

ready to be done

>> No.9567961
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My skin is always kinda oily and riddled with tiny pimples then some big ones always pop up. What do u guys recommend?

>> No.9567981

No homo, but thats the most handsome dude I've ever seen

>> No.9567997

you will probably still need the bp but try to cut it out a couple times a year or so and see if you can get by without it. You don't want to outgrow the acne and keep using bp for the next decade when you dont actually need it. Its hard on your skin.

>> No.9568009

Be it on the cosmetic or food industry, most synthesized substances have no or very little prior side effects research and testing, and even when there is, they're still marketed, which is why it's fine to doubt them.

And we are strictly talking about cosmetics in here, something which both arsenic and (pure) sulfur are not. Don't force a misunderstanding you dense motherfuckers.

>> No.9568057
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There's not much you can do, as far as I know they'll just come back anyway.
I'm cursed with a strawberry-dotted nose myself, I blame my dad.
>you will never model skin
Maybe I'll just die in my sleep tonight??

>> No.9568063

>stop taking accutane
>pimples on scalp
>head is a warzone

Every fucking time. Fuck this shit i'm out.

>> No.9568074

this guy looks like a high elf.
Lel its sort of creepy.

>> No.9568218

they're called comedones and these fuckers a like hydra

>> No.9568232
File: 104 KB, 803x688, 1424552667931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be that handsome
>grils and guys will never literally fall in love with you at first sight

might as well end it tbh

>> No.9568500

No topical product is anywhere near as good as eating couple teaspoons of grounded flax seed a day. I like to eat it by putting couple tbps in my mouth then shallowing with water

>> No.9568807


He's not actually that handsome. I'm not sure if it's photoshop or what but he doesn't look that good in other photos. His name is Andreas Sandby.

>> No.9568814

Yeah, I double checked. It's photoshop.

>> No.9568838

Any advice on how to remove skin redness? I have it on my cheeckbones and nose. I easily blush, so it could be because of that

>> No.9568870

>inb4 semen

>> No.9569173

is rituals body shop good for skincare or would it be better if I went to sephora?

>> No.9569209


confirmed for nigger cum-eating cuck

>> No.9569215

so you literally have a cuckold fetish, is what you're saying?

>> No.9569218


>> No.9569220

lots of water

organic orange juice

no diary products

>> No.9569230


lmao he lets his girl fuck niggers because his dick is tiny and pretends he likes it lmao

>> No.9569288

Try Mario Badescu Silver powder. Google it. I feel with you anon.

>> No.9569298
File: 72 KB, 540x405, mario-badescu-overview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need this right here

>> No.9569332


lmao is this how you get over a cold

>> No.9569338

how do i remove a tan? my body is white but my arms and face are brown

I hate looking persian/paki. it's not /fa/. I'm only half persian but dark as fuck.

no bleach suggestion. would aha and sunscreen help?

>> No.9569341
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Main issue is blackheads/large pores on my nose.

Tried everything from aspirin and water to the waxing like pads that you put on then pull off, to salacylic acid or whatever in the Oxy pads to try to get rid of it.

Only other issue is the "wrinkles"/lines from my eyes going through my cheek. Sleep doesn't affect it, and it's not like I lost a ton of weight/have naturally loose skin. Just there for some unknown reason.

Any pointers/tips? I have looked for help on the wrinkles with no avail, and with the acne I've all but given up

>> No.9569343

Your main issue is being ugly

>> No.9569346

it will do both

water is a no brainer

vit c has collagen
essential for skin repair esp if ur a smoker

organic oj has very little sugar and no additives btw

diary products are notoriously bad for skin as they cause hormonal imbalances so unless u like high estrogen stop that shit

>> No.9569349


I wish there was a word for /fa/ broscience.

>> No.9569350

This guy looks like a young Daniel day lewis

>> No.9569353

damn i just realized i was communicating to a cornfed mouthbreather

wasted info

what a shame

>> No.9569355


aha AND sunscreen b/c aha makes your skin more sensitive to the sun

>> No.9569365


If you really think drinking oj rids you of all skin maladies you're not in a position to call anyone a mouth breather. This does nothing unless you're a fucking pirate suffering from scurvy. Same goes for water. This does nothing unless you're that same pirate suffering from dehydration. Please be more educated in the future before you start insulting people in iphone text speak.

>> No.9569438

>drinking water is broscience
>vitamin c is broscience

holy shit lmao


get this trash off this board

make a consultation with ur nearest nutritionist and stop drinking flouridated tapwater before contributing to this community again thanks

>> No.9569447

any advice for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (i.e. acne's gone, but red spots remain)

i'm using glycolyic acid 8% atm

>> No.9569456


Kill yourself

>> No.9569467

give it time

>> No.9569486


>> No.9569500

Used it for a while and it didn't seem to do anything. I have super oily skin.

>> No.9569504

>flouridated tapwater

your bro scieces are just as bad as his....

>> No.9569512

yes, shilling products

but overall it's trustworthy

idk if they get paid to put them up, but like there are no shit products on that list

they're all good

just google what people have to say on makeupalley or internet before you buy any

>> No.9569522

Lel'd hard

>> No.9569525

>OJ has very little sugar

Literally are you retarded

lmgtfy: orange juice nutrition

>> No.9569533
File: 501 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As someone who has a cuck gf

>> No.9569539


>> No.9569541

alright this is my miracle routine, it only works if i do it every day though

morning: in shower, wash with physical exfoliant and scrub with a facerag or something (i don't worry about the brand i just use whatever i can find around)
then, while letting conditioner soak in hair, turn off shower and massage face with baby oil
then, wash with neutrogena pink grapefruit acne stuff
then, get out the shower and use stridex maximum strength acne things
and a spf moisturizer usually cerave

at night do pink grapefruit stuff and stridex and sleep on clean pillow
and once a week on sundays i do some kind of mask or peel (always changes)

>> No.9569546

Natural sugars are completely different than processed or added sugars

>> No.9569555

keyword organic

must be hard using the internet and breathing through ur poorly developed mouth at the same time after a lifetime of industrialized food and poor breeding

my country has higher food standards compared to america anyway but the local oj i have in the fridge right now has under 15g of sugar in the whole bottle (one litre)

no preservatives

just locally produced raw uncooked oranges

go compare that to ur walmart gmo juice

>> No.9569617

>tfw live in Denmark
If this isn't winning the genetic lottery then idk what is

>> No.9569632
File: 356 KB, 960x1280, cute tumblr girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living in Canada

>> No.9569651

but it's cold and dark year round in Canada. In Denmark we at least have warm summers

>> No.9569670
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>mfw I have ance scars
What can I do

>> No.9569717

>brown eyes

>> No.9569809

brown eyes are goat though

convey emotions of warmth, tenderness, steadfastness, dependability

>> No.9569813


Nobody said don't drink water or eat fruit Dr. Oz. It just doesn't do shit for skin on unless you are deprived of it. Can't you read you moron? My water is reverse osmosised and I don't type like a 14 year old so maybe you should take my advice and actually learn something before you say stupid shit.

>> No.9569834

Does the "caveman routine" work or is it a ruse?

>> No.9569841


It's the same thing because has no fiber what so ever. Holy fuck stop giving people you absolutely retarded and objectively wrong advice. Orange juice isn't going to exfoliate your skin for you dumbass.

>> No.9569867


caveman anything is a ruse

paleo diet
paleo training

>> No.9569871

Pls be my gf

>> No.9569934

I think it's good to keep a journal and also not relevant to skin care

>> No.9570502

Then you have never been in Canada if you think that.

>> No.9570658

why is he so beautiful? i cant quite put a finger

>> No.9570695

Try also taking colder showers anon, I used to have that same problem but I always took hot ass showers.

>> No.9570920


Hi yeah can you give me the chemical formulas for natural and processed sugars?

>> No.9570926


>> No.9571012

why don't you people just fuck right off?

>> No.9571106

>decubal foam cleanser
>standard issue moisturiser
>sunscreen (recommend me some btw, my ones are on their last legs)
>eyebrows because lol ginger
>same cleanser
>benton snail bee essence
>paula's choice 5% AHA twice a week or so
>queen helene mint julep mask once a week
>vitamin e cream

>> No.9571116

>le /pol/ meme
gway outta here tard

>> No.9571449

sthlm if you read this, thanks for the cetaphil/cerave rec, they are way less irritating than simple

>> No.9571514

I had a very serious accident a few years ago that caused me to lose a kidney. I'm mostly alright now but as a side effect of the kidney loss the skin of my face gets severely dry very easily. My GP prescribed me a combined steroid cream/emolient but I still need to get myself an everyday use moisturiser so I can top-up during the day.

What do you guys recommend for VERY dry skin? Anything with alcohol in it is a definite no-go because that shit burns like acid on me.

>> No.9571543

how did you lose the kidney

>> No.9571552


Got hit by a drunk driver and my kidney punctured when it slammed into my ribcage from the force. Woke up 3 weeks later in hospital with 7 broken bones and my kidney removed. Doctors had to take it out to stop me from dying from a haemorrage.

>> No.9571561

>cute tumblr girl.jpg
ree you can you fucking go kill yourself already?

>> No.9571568

shit man
i hope you're alright now?

>> No.9571709

rinse face in shower with water
shave every other day and slather on nivea aftershave
exfoliate face with damp rag twice a week
if dry, shea butter on forehead

tfw no more pimples
i think masturbating caused bad acne for me in the past
the nivea aftershave is great, id recommend using it even as a moisturizer
and shea butter works wonders too
dont use too many products, my problems disappeared when i stopped using different cleansers and chemicals

>> No.9571726

doesnt black bread give u gas?
holy shit, gluten free rye bread is my worst enemy

>> No.9572259

How do I get rosacea to fuck off?

>> No.9572358

I stopped washing my face for a while and my skin started to get clear. When I started washing again, I broke out. Is this just a result of good genetics, or should I keep washing my face?

>> No.9572363

Stop getting embarrassed in public and use products that aren't harsh for your skin

>> No.9572390
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I'm very happy for you.

Thank you for letting me know.

>> No.9572392

i think you should stop sucking in your cheeks

>> No.9572405


let your body do its thing and keep you clear. you are disturbing your natural face chemistry which apparently can handle. most people make their acne worse with overdoing the soap and chemicals IME

>> No.9572759

plus you forgot dark eyes are more resistant to sunlight

But that might be some broscience

>> No.9572771



hope you're ok now my man

>> No.9572796

No, now you're the stupid one.

>> No.9572829

This is the shittiest skincare general I have ever seen.

>> No.9572830

Wash face with face twice every day
Face scrub every two days
Moisturiser twice a day
When I'm not going anywhere I apply vaseline to my forehead because that's where I tend to get zits

Apart from that, low sugar and salt diet
No fapping
Not touching face
Lots of water

Started this a few months back and it definitely improved my face.

>> No.9572836


>> No.9572838

Does no fapping actually help or is that just a myth?

>> No.9572858

argan oil, coconut oil
cocoa butter

>> No.9573087

i need to know too
why tf is my dick the darkest part of my body

>> No.9573621
File: 1.16 MB, 543x885, acne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got my haircut and dont want people to see this terrible acne tomorrow at school, what can i do? also long term what can i do

>> No.9573649

did they catch the cunt

>> No.9573658

>calling other people stupid
>thinks OJ is a good source of vitamin C
>can't even spell dairy

e n d u r s e l f

>> No.9573668

wear a mask

>> No.9573705

girls don't like pasty pink cock. be happy. i'm blessed with a beautiful subtle olive tone

>> No.9573802


>> No.9573820
File: 140 KB, 900x900, Clinique-Gegen_unreine_Haut-Anti_Blemish_Solutions_3_Step_Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a guy that was stuck with really bad skin for ages but I've found the best results for me and my skin is great, no acne or dryness at all.
It's a little pricey but the Clinique 3 Step System is fantastic, I've been using it for about 2 and a half months and it cleared up my skin straight away from being completely terrible.
Just use this along with mild heat showers and only using luke warm water to wash your face, I also use cold water on my face after washing but that's up to you.

You can get the starter pack thing here if you're in the UK. Not sure for USA + anywhere else.

>> No.9573827



no, it won't be detected if you apply it correctly

>> No.9573835

For now see:
For long term:


>> No.9573865

how do you do that? I have bb cream

>> No.9573891

Fuck yeah, about time I see my go to in a thread. This and clindamycin phosphate were the only things that worked for me.

>> No.9573961

clique sucks
facial cleanser is really strong on ur skin, makes it rlly dry afterwards

>> No.9573966

put a finger up your ass and you'll see why

>> No.9573971

i wholeheartedly agree

>cold and dark
just like my heart :s

>> No.9573974

And that's why the 3 step system includes moisturizer?

>> No.9574002


i actually look forward to taking ice cold showers everyday
they're bliss

probably is
iris is the colored part
pupil is the part that sees
they're different parts


At the dosage recommended for water fluoridation, the *****only***** known adverse effect is dental fluorosis, which can alter the appearance of children's teeth during tooth development.[7] Dental fluorosis is *****cosmetic and unlikely to represent any other effect on public health.*****[8]

Who is the stupid one now..........?


>> No.9574005

yeah i know

i just did not like it

i prefer cetaphil, but whatever floats your boat dude

>> No.9574024

used to have big whiteheads on my face (at least 3 a week). would pop because they were so distracting, then i'd have scabs and big sores all over my face. finally went to the dermatologist a year ago next month. got prescribed some shit (not accutane). skin is so much better, maybe a zit once a month.

>> No.9574092


>> No.9574101

wtf does masturbating have to do with acne? are you getting cum on your faces or

>> No.9574102

Couldn't be dumber. It all gets processed into the same sugar.

>> No.9574158

what were you prescribed?

>> No.9574172

lowers testosterone

u shouldnt be wanking more than once or a twice a week loser

>> No.9575208

Any1 in Sweden that can recommend some nice products?

>> No.9575253
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it gets the job done i guess

>> No.9575335
File: 37 KB, 338x507, isprettyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty good with Ps

>> No.9575355

I always get ingrown hairs on my upper lip that look hideous.

I shve with the grain a few times and the final shve thru I go against the grain. Should I drop going gainst the grain?

>> No.9575458


retinoids or BHAs


same as above. finacea also works really well for PIH.




cetaphil moisturizing cream maybe? eucerin makes a good one as well.


finacea helped my rosacea.

>> No.9575465

Wet wash cloth in the shower

Genetics come in handy

>> No.9575504


iktf bruh

i get it on my cheeks, i always shave with then against.

hair is so thick and my skin is thin so i amost always get ingrown shit. fuck fuckfuck

>> No.9575509
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Yo is this shit worth it??

>> No.9575589

Whenever I go in the shower I only use regular soap. Whenever I scratch I get dead skin, should I get a loofah?

>> No.9575595

I got darkness under eyes with very dark lines going from inside of eyes downwards on an angle. Any way to fix it seems to keep getting worse

>> No.9575601

lol, that looks like pate

>> No.9575619
File: 367 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mp4k4gp7s61sobkqjo1_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a history of skin problems. Have urticharia and psoriasis, acne and warts. Luckily the urticharia is only seasonal, the psoriasis went away after putting on cream, accutane got rid of most of my acne, now all I have left is warts (on my feet and hands).

How the fuck do you get rid of warts? I tried everything from liquid nitrogen and injections from the dermatologist, to home remedies like apple cider vinegar and duct tape.

Yet sometimes on here or /fit/ I see people who got rid of them in a few days? What is your damn secret?

Picture unrelated.

>> No.9575623


>gluten free
>rye bread

I don't think so mate.

>> No.9575634

Are the effects of accutane permanent?

>> No.9576726

i hear that you people have really slow sperm.
Norway, Sweden and Finland have healthier genes, although Denmark is good too.

>> No.9576763


>> No.9576870

What cream did you use?

>>Warts, liquid nitrogen is not a guarantee. You have to extract the root. If they are really bad the doctor can cut them off. Ive had similar experience with a cyst like wart.

>> No.9576885

They can be.. however I have not experienced any (that I know of)

My side effects were..

- Chap lips
- Dry face
- Blood out of dick hole (I know its crazy, but it stopped when i stopped accutane)
- Depression

All of these have gone away since. However I would recommend you be VERY careful. Allow someone you trust to notify you if they see any changes in you. It may be happening you just may not notice yourself. It worked for me, but I cant say it was a total fix because I took it in my teenage years. Now im older I dont have acne but like that could just be becuase of Growing up

>> No.9576904

Don't know but I guess it may help because after doing it you won't get all the bacteria away and shit.

I've noticed though that I feel much better without fapping, I used to fap maybe twice a week but now I haven't done it so far in 2015.

>> No.9576906
File: 22 KB, 300x596, three_bakers_rye_style_bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mate, think again

>> No.9576944

srs alcohol and cotton ball

no acne for months first thing that worked for me

>> No.9576947

Have to agree that is feels better, and it gives me more time to do shit as well. I think I'll stop fapping just for the sake of it.

>> No.9576957

I don't really get pimples anymore.
I used to get them up until 22 or so but they i don't.
I wash my face with soap once a day when i shower.
After showering i always moisturize. I've started moisturizing more often, it's great.
After i've been partying hard for a few days i usually get some spots on my nose and what not, but they usually go away within a day or two.

>> No.9576991
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>> No.9577016
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>world's most powerful facial

>> No.9577692

Very urgent question!!!
I have pretty bad under the skin acne so to say, and I've been considering getting the Paula's Choice kit. Would that work for my type of acne? If not, what should I do?

>> No.9577762

See a doctor, if not post a picture. 'Under the skin acne' can be a number of things. including.. you guessed it. Not even acne.

>Yeast infection
>any type of fungal infection

>> No.9577816


>> No.9577826
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looks like you have one of these in your mouth

>> No.9577833

been using it for few weeks now, and it has been working pretty nice. It sucks all the oils from the inside of the pores and leaves the skin soft and comfy

>> No.9577852

Been to a dermatologist a number of times and have tried a handful of things for myself.
Have been prescribed doxycycline, sulfameth, and a bunch of topical stuff, with no improvement.
I've also just tried benzoyl peroxide but it didn't do much but dry up my skin, given I didn't moisturize at the time either.
What's been working best for me lately has been rigorously washing my face with cetaphil two times over once a day. I also just ordered a pound of Aztec secret because I figured why not for $8.

>> No.9577856

I should also mention that though the cetaphil has helped, it hasn't improved my situation very much.

>> No.9577870

Fucking nostalgia. Those things literally taste of vomit, in fact vomit tastes marginally better

>> No.9578004 [DELETED] 
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Does anyone hear have skin so dry that it starts bleeding regularly? What would you recommend? I probably need the strongest moisturizer there exists. Anything I put on my skin gets absorbed in seconds and then it's again.

>> No.9579742

I've got a shitty pube beard but everytime I shave acne follows. Be

>> No.9579966

I have question for you, I'm using Fresh Farmacy soap from lush and it works PERFECT for my skin; however I'm a little bit scared because it contains SLS (Sodium laureth sulfate), tho other ingredients are natural (it's also paraben free). So , what are your thoughts on this subject, is it safe to use it daily (2x) or should I try and find some other all-natural soap. Thanks

>> No.9579978

how do i get rid of freckles

>> No.9580048
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I've got oily/combination skin and for a $7 dollar drugstore product this has actually improved my skin a lot. It contains lycopene and the majority of the ingredients are organic. With consistent use of benzoyl peroxide and other harsh chemicals you're fucking up the health of your skin in the long run. I'm hesitant to even use red boxed Stridex now.

Just don't buy the moisturizer of the same line, shit has red pepper in it and other irritating ingredients and it
made my skin a fuck ton more oily and broken out.

>> No.9580059

is there a substitute for this, cause i cant get this in the EU?

>> No.9580078

My skin is really pale so any acne really shows up. I should probably go outside more, there just isnt anything to do.

>> No.9580122

>identifies problem
>identifies cause
>still asks what to do
what the fuck do you think you should do

>> No.9580131

>dat heroin chic
nah but seriously just get more sleep and drink water maybe

>> No.9580132

>tfw fap like 3-5 times a day

>> No.9580245

it doesn't lower testosterone you stupid fuck. stop taking shit you read on some shitty site as fact. 2 seconds of google searching will tell you testosterone has minimal interaction with orgasms.
>fucking hurr durr

>> No.9580254

buy 'shave secret' (walmart has it in shaving section)
works really well for me. if that doesn't help enough, also switch to wet shaving and using old fashioned double edge razors/straight razors.

or just be happy with a less close shave

>> No.9581135

nivea aftershave. fixed it for me atleast

>> No.9581140

i used to get monstrous, deep pimples until i stopped fapping
i still have sex a couple times a week though
sooo how does this work

>> No.9581142

what is the best mud soap out there
is there something specific i should be looking for
i have been touching my skin alot recently because i am retarded and i need something that can clean up my skin before i go to bed and after i wake up.
need something that can take care of pimples and blackheads.
help is appriciated

>> No.9581146

are straight razors better than disposables? ive read both sides, that they cause less irritation and that they cause way more
any one with experience?

>> No.9581149

higher testosterone levels are seen with abstinence http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12659241

testosterone increases the production of sebum--which is why it is a major acne culprit, http://www.livestrong.com/article/77411-acne-testosterone/

would be counter-intuitive

5 second google search dumbass

>> No.9581163

I have shades under my eyes and a small pit , wat do ? Is it because of long hours of pc/mobile phones ?

>> No.9581185

5 second read my post
the point of it was to say fapping causes acne but sex doesnt

>> No.9581188

btw nice livestrong article you must be webmd certified

>> No.9581190

you are by far the dumbest person on /fa/

>> No.9581252

A straight razer would provide a closer shave, but not ideal. Just get a better quality shaver, something with 3-5 blades.

>> No.9581275

time to shill
what products do you guys use? and why do you use them?
i want to get a healthy skin routine

>> No.9581410

I've had one wart on my thumb a while ago. I sat down one night and pulled it all out with tweezers. Have fun.

>> No.9581414

ha, I did that when I was a kid and I had one on my foot

>> No.9581453

>Who is the stupid one now..........?

>while citing wikipedia

>> No.9581473

This is very, very common. Watch an amateur porn for once in your life

>> No.9581474
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this meme needs to stop

>> No.9581482


lol, cheek sucking pizzaface homo faggot, kill yourself

>> No.9581510

greater amount of skin covering a small amount of surface

ex. darker elbows

>> No.9582186
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Save me, /fa/ I'm on a barrage of anti biotics and topicals for this shit. They've worked before, but it comes back. How to prevent it??

>> No.9582213

Sorry man, I know nothing about skin care. But please get rid of the beard if you can't grow a moustache.

>> No.9582214

Nuke it with accutane. If your doctor wont give a script buy it online. (aurapharm)

20mg a day for a year and see if its gone, other wise back on it you go.

>> No.9582218

Your facial hair is awful, shave it off.

>> No.9582304


This picture literally makes me depressed. Like how can people stand going in public places looking like this?

>> No.9582346


Buy better shaving products. Fusion proglide with same shaving gel used to fuck my shit up too.

SInce I switched to a routine of pre-shave oil, shave cream from NY SHaving COmpany, a double edge safety razor and an after shave balm, no burn at all.

This will fuck your shit up when you first start shaving with a safety razor because you'll suck at it. But once you learn, its quick, cheaper and a solid shave.

>inb4 hipster shaving
>inb4 2015 hipster pick one

Seriously, check it out. Good bye razor burn.

>> No.9582363

Yes, deal with shitty chaffed skin and no ingrown hairs.

>> No.9582399

Maybe some people arent as insecure as you and their worth isnt determined by others opinions ? You sound like a cali basic bitch honestly >>9582304

>> No.9582422

>cold showers to promote skin moisture retention. no shampoo on hair for kawaii soft succulent hair
>all natural african soaps, preferably of the Nubian Heritage brand
>andis t-outliner clippers and bump patrol aftershave used in addition with witch hazel cuz shitty wool facial hair causes ingrowns
>palmer's cocoa butter sensitive formula during winter. usual routine keeps skin healthy and vibrant throughout summer
>no dairy for no pimples.
>cocoa butter stick for dry lips cuz black

why are you guys so high maintenance? it's literally better for you. less is more.

>> No.9582436

Because not everyone's skin works the same and I'm not a nigger?

>> No.9582448

I feel sorry for you then. All of these artificial-out-the-ass products you guys use to look good are no better than ugly girls caking their faces with makeup.

>time for essentially before 12:00am beauty sleep which is as fundamentally part of my "routine."

>> No.9582464

I can, I trimmed it wrong and it looked awful so I shaved it.
Thank you for the advice, you're such a kind helpful person.
I guess my real problem is that it's recurring. I was diagnosed with cystic bacterial acne, and once it's gone it stays down for a few months then pops back up again.

>> No.9582471

But either way, thank you for the actual advise. I appreciate it.

>> No.9582476


uhh all acne is caused by bacteria and accutane is specifically recommended for cystic and nodular acne. what's your fucking excuse again?

>> No.9582814

make sure to use it with ACV especially if you have oily skin. I have super sensitive skin and this even worked for me

>> No.9583272

I will kill myself if this shit in my face doesn't go away in a few months.
I can't bear living like this.

>> No.9583439

I wash my face with water. Never had acne or dry skin.

>> No.9583626

sls cause cancer

>> No.9583647

hes right

>> No.9583652

its an internal problem
you can cure it
life is bad before it gets good

>> No.9583683

>Acne up the wazoo
>Nothing gets rid of it
>End up getting erythromycin capsules from doctor
>Cures it
>Don't have any routine now
Just wait for your shit to clear up or go to the doctor, nothing else will clear you up as quickly or successfully.

>> No.9583687
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Started using this awhile back but i swear it doesn't do anything good nor bad, anyone know if it's effective?

>> No.9583703

Using it now. I agree that there aren't any obvIous effects. Definitely not buying another tube.

I swear Equate's cheap ass 3$ daily facial wash was the best stuff I've ever used. Yeah it was a little rough but not by much and it really worked for complexion. Too bad they randomly decided to stop selling it for literally no reason.

>> No.9583708

That's called dehydration you dumb fuck. Time to stop those shitty diets recommended on here by mr skeltal and get your body to retain some water.

>> No.9583975

I never had acne before.
Since I started taking the anti tuberculosis drugs my face is horrible.
Now it's been 1 month since I finished the cure and my face is still shit.
I'm going to kill myself

>> No.9584280
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I've had that exact one + the blue scrub one + the deep clean orange cleanser one and non of them did me any fucking good

The only Neutrogena product that seemed to work - and actually work well - for me was the Visibly Clear Pore & Shine wash

There's also a scrub from the same line but I haven't tried it.

It has salyctic acid in it, btw

>> No.9584320

Are cold showers generally better for my skin? I've heard cold water closes your pores. Is that good?

>> No.9584905

do not fucking kill yourself
i had cystic acne all over my face after i took antibiotics for lyme disease
not only that but they fucked up my stomach and i ended up with even more problems
it took time but it went away
my skin is clear now, lifes good
suicide is not gonna cure ur problems dude
just gonna cause everyone else a ton of heartache

>> No.9584917

Cold showers prevent the showers from damaging your skin. To close your pores, you can wash your face in cold water, use an ice pack, or (I think, not really familiar with them) use a astringent.

>> No.9585103

Anyone able to help me with blackheads? Got loads of them around my nose area and I've been using freederm face wash to stop excess oil that leads to spots and stuff but it doesn't work that well. I just don't want people to be disgusted looking at my face. Please help

>> No.9585147

>tfw shit-tier oily/flaky dermatitis facial skin

>> No.9585212

go to http://skincaretalk.com they're experts for shit like that

>> No.9585223

I can't help you but I just want to say that you should shake that awful beard, and you have beautiful lips and eyes and facial features. Work out on that blemishes and you are like 7,5-8/10

>> No.9585440

what about the hairline?

>> No.9585764
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Can anyone tell me what the long think lines are? I started getting them when I was younger, they start appearing randomly or when I do pushups

>> No.9585774
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Other pics

>> No.9585779

stretch marks buddy
dont worry about them, most people get them. there's not really any way to get rid of them but if you get a tan they will be less noticeable

>> No.9585788
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>> No.9585792

OK. So is it because of the push ups? Should I stop?

>> No.9585795

and they will fade and probably disappear over time too

>> No.9585799

it's because your body grew too fast for your skin. stop if you want but it really doesn't matter too much

>> No.9585817

I don't think I'm gonna stop. Thanks for the info buddeh

>> No.9585831

I love being a poorfag student with no way to afford skin care products.

>> No.9585854

without beard you can try something else, buzzcot or anything; who cares about the hair nowdays ;)

>> No.9585954

Don't be a nigger

>> No.9585965

Nice meme friend :^)

>> No.9586115

my BHA liquid has started yellowing a bit, is it still good to use

>> No.9586547
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how to get rid of shit like this? no redness or discoloration or anything, my acne is just bumps. I feel like I would be a LOT more attractive without.

>> No.9586562
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other side of face.
forehead is clear.
temples are not.

>> No.9586611

you're saying you can't afford like $30 for a basic set of cheap drugstore skincare stuff? a lot of drugstore stuff is really good

are you poor or just whiny

>> No.9586626

these look like closed comedones. you didn't provide a list of products you currently use, so i'm going to make the big assumption that it's not bc of a product you're using right now, just normal shit your skin does

try using a chemical exfoliant (an AHA or BHA—look them up). these are basically bits of gunk clogging up your pores under the skin. AHAs promote cell turnover so the gunk will get to the surface, and BHAs can penetrate inside pores and help clean them out. pretty simplified explanation. you don't need to use both.

you could also look into benzoyl peroxide, which is cheaper and usually available at drugstores. i'd recommend 2.5% and just daily use in the bumpy areas (FOLLOW UP WITH MOISTURIZER)

if you go too much higher for your benzoyl peroxide %age, it'l make your skin super dry

>> No.9586662

could be warts as well, in which case, you just have to wait that shit out.

>> No.9588582

w-what are you?

>> No.9589134


>> No.9589179

/fa/ I'm at my wits end dealing with razor bumps.

I've tried using electric and standard razors, different shaving creams, aftershave, moisturizers, etc... yet they're always covering my neck and they're very noticeable. What can I do to get rid of them? I don't want to grow a beard, but right now they're the #1 worst aspect of my facial appearance.

I have a little bit of acne too, but it's usually not too bad. Any recommendations to change that that would help the razor burns are appreciated. My current routine is:

>Dove facial cleanser
>Cotton ball with witch hazel
>Cocoa butter to moisturize, sometimes dove moisturizer + SPF 15

>> No.9589205

Myth. Not fapping for a few days increases testosterone, which is bad for zits. You should fap every 3-5 days at least before the testosterone peaks.

If you don't fap it will fall back down to normal levels eventually, but you will break out.

Not to mention you run the risk of creaming yourself while you sleep as your body needs to get rid of built up semen. Kek.

>> No.9589213

Can confirm accutane will RAPE any zits you have forever. The bad part is you will likely get a really bad stomach ulcer or some shit. It has a lot of side effects but if you have severe acne accutane is the way to go.

>> No.9590119


>> No.9590186

It's all genetics and lifestyle

>> No.9590199

All my cock and balls do all day is sweat and I just don't know what to do about it. I trim my hair down there but don't shave it and don't really want to. Do I have to shave it for that area to stop sweating as bad as it does or does it not work like that?

>> No.9590416
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my recent order

The BHA is to replace the Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid I'm using.
The Cosrx AHA says not to use any other BHAs when using it, but everything else I've read says it's fine to use BHAs and AHAs at the same time. So it should be fine, I think?
Anyone have experience with Cosrx products?
Also, do AHAs cause a lot of purging?

>> No.9590449

Use sand, just put some on your face. Rub, rinse and repeat. Works every time

>> No.9590471

w2c jawline

>> No.9590509

how to get rid of keyloids

>> No.9590528

i dunno

he's got those alain delon genes though

>> No.9590548

The AHA I use has not caused any purging. It does not penetrate the pore so I don't think any purging is likely to happen...

Higher concentrations irritate the skin easily so use the lowest concentrations first.

>> No.9591184


>> No.9591229

>but it's cold and dark year round in Canada. In Denmark we at least have warm summers

im so sorry you had to see this
denmark has a cold, windy costal climate with ''mild'' winters and rather cold summers
canada for the most part has cold winters and hot summers due to the mainland climate
also canada isnt affected as much by the gulf stream as denmark is.
regards; a dane

>> No.9591232

actually we have the most wanted sperm, britbong women really crave it for some reason, must be some ancient thing back from the viking era

>> No.9591238

>inferior non-dane thinks pic is rye bread


>> No.9591241

But retin-a is very gente , unless you were applying huge gobs of it on your face

>> No.9591254


don't just buy this shit online
it has severe sideffects and can fuck up your liver enzimes if you're not carefull
consult an actual doctor

that being said, it actually works really well

>> No.9591312

only shave down with shaving creme and dont use a automatic shaver.

>> No.9591357

how many did you take with what dosage over what timeframe?

>> No.9591470

Retinoids will work

>> No.9591572

sorry anon you have syphilis

>> No.9591626

dont use witch hazel or cocoa butter
just shave, warm rinse, cold rinse, nivea aftershave balm

>> No.9591777

Could someone give me the skin-care essentials? I feel like my cheeks and chin are kind of dry while my nose and my forehead is to some degree oily. I have some blackheads but nothing excessive. I dont really have any acne on my face but I have some on my chest and back. Im also bothered with a flushed complexion but magnesium before bed seemed to help.

Thanks beforehand /fa/, I just want to be beautiful

>> No.9591881
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I don't use any skin care products.

My skin is still better than 99% of /fa/

>> No.9591909

yes but thoooooose ears ... it's just sad :(

>> No.9592283

ur a 4/10 tho so who cares

>> No.9592433

good skin donesnt matter if ur that ugly tho