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File: 222 KB, 1000x667, ce12_cav_empt_pvc_number_2_jacket_detail_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9571986 No.9571986 [Reply] [Original]

Cav Empt Thread

>> No.9572021

why is it so perfect and how soon until the supreme/palace/wavey garms fuccbois get here?

>> No.9572069
File: 1.68 MB, 1350x1350, CES7JK07_01-2_1426138299_zoomed_1426138308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else miss this?

Thought I was pretty on top of releases but this thing sold out incredibly fast. Going to have to wait until their next pullover/anorak. The ones they put out are always great.

>> No.9572073
File: 191 KB, 750x1000, upload_2F1421197405692-ap3ouvaa6uu-0b35a02a6e5d0d01712fb10dc934825a_2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9572081
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>> No.9572089
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>> No.9572096
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>> No.9572102
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>> No.9572107
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>> No.9572115
File: 459 KB, 600x600, CES7CS13_GREY_01_1423024352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9572280

What do you mean?

>> No.9572285

Do anybody know anything about Cav Empt and customs in Europe/UK?

>> No.9572480

remember that one WAYWT where three people were wearing this?

CE's meme piece, still dope thought

>> No.9573032

law student here. Caveat Emptor means let the buyer beware. The brand itself is telling you it's shit

>> No.9573040

sold out while I was in school, fuck.

>> No.9573056

i wouldnt be surprised, most of their outerwear is made in china

>> No.9573090

a good amount of their other stuff is made in japan, though

>> No.9573495

Everybody knows what Caveat Emptor means, but it's just the sort of edgy name Sk8thing would choose for a clothing brand.
If it's his intention to troll interested parties or perhaps expose the superficiality of fashion or something pretentious like that then he isn't succeeding. Cav Empt has generally received positive reactions and has quite the cult following, there are people that genuinely like and appreciate the designs.
Assuming you're correct and the brand is some sort of epic troll, then it has been completely reversed on Sk8thing and he's been out memed.

Though this isn't the case and you are actually wrong.

>> No.9573518

bump for this

>> No.9573556

why is being a law student relevant at all

>> No.9573576

Because it's a legal term you fucking idiotic negro

>> No.9573592

if it's a warning to buyers

then everyone should understand

dumb slut

>> No.9573601

I missed that turtleneck sweater you bought you prick

>> No.9573604

lots of their stuff is sold out, where else can i buy it?

>> No.9573606

cav empt is popular enough that most people know what it's short for and what that means
it's a common enough term anyway

>> No.9573607
File: 283 KB, 2208x1200, 1425985507100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever sniped this fucking jacket from me off rak i know youre on /fa/ ive seen you post it sell it to me

>> No.9573612

Grailed/Sufu marketplace is your best bet
Maybe y!jp since it's a japanese brand but i havent checked

There's a ridiculous mark up a lot of the time and most of it doesn't end up being resold anyway so it's better to just keep an eye on drops

>> No.9573619


is it worth the hassle to ship from japan over to usa? how do you deal with fees like shipping and import duties?

i have had an eye on c.e. for a long time now, but it seems so hard to get

>> No.9573625

astronaut here can confirm you suck cock

>> No.9573629

yeah but the only pieces that get a lot of light is outerwear

>> No.9573642

in terms on accessibility yes it is worth the hassle, because if you really like a piece and it sells out that may just be the last chance you ever get to buy it, unless you're lucky and it pops up on grailed/sufu/rak/y!jp

shipping is around $20 from the site but i dont know anything about customs/import duties for the us since im not an american

>> No.9573659
File: 52 KB, 768x1024, IMG_8286_zps9e99c3b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that isn't really true.
Many of their other items are very popular and sell out very quickly

>> No.9573667

>one sweater thats posted everytime cav empt is mentioned


>> No.9573677
File: 176 KB, 640x480, c-e-2013-spring-summer-collection2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obviously an example that was chosen for precisely that reason.
What point are you trying to make here?

>> No.9573686

my point was a lot of their outerwear was made in china
yeah everything else is made in japan but the only thing you want is a sweater
dont get defensive over what you dont have m8

>> No.9573713

I have a feeling that the LONDON FAM made this thread.

>> No.9573716
File: 781 KB, 1280x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really starting to get pretty confused here man.
Where was I defensive exactly? Especially over 'what I don't have.'

I know some of their pieces are made in China and I don't really have a problem with it.

I don't want that jumper. I don't even like it. It was an example of another popular piece since you said the only thing getting any limelight were their jackets. The image in my second post is of another popular non-outerwear item.

>> No.9573717

thats really awesome

>> No.9573732

this stuff is impossible to find now, i bet? shame

>> No.9573737

what are you talking about and whats your point?
that you like their stuff and its sold out?
my point was that most of their outerwear is made in china and now i youre saying "i dont like that jumper" like i even asked

>> No.9573742

it's not like some carnal secret law student knowledge
everyone knows what it means

>> No.9573744

have no idea what youre talking about at this point. you didnt even respond to anything i posted. you must be trolling or just stupid, either one is pretty pathetic tbh

dont bother responding because i know i wont

>> No.9573761


if you're a large

>> No.9573793
File: 19 KB, 483x483, si.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i found a site where they are still selling this jacket but its going for $450
as well as the disguise mask going for $60

is it really worth it? whats the resell like?

>> No.9573808

post site

>> No.9573829

cav empt turns me on

>> No.9573860


a lot of old season stuff
i bought the last S and M of the pull over tho for resale

>> No.9573950

there's no disguise :(

>> No.9573972

cav empt doesn't have resell value u dumb fucks

>> No.9574012

what season is that sweater? newfag

>> No.9574062
File: 136 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Taxed up the ying yang every time mate

FedEx are still trying to get me to pay tax from this time last year hehe

>> No.9574065

newfag to cav empt here.
Is there a mailing list or anything like that to notify you when anything new is put on the site?

>> No.9574284

don't buy it unless you're really sure you're going to love the piece. their stuff is too expensive and most pieces don't reclaim anywhere near retail (i've kept an eye on yahoo japan auctions for at least a year). cav empt loves awkward sizing, so please make sure it will fit. they tend to love wide, short-ish tops for some reason.

>> No.9574294

are tees and sweats weirdly fitting like that too?
i'm size S
damn :/

>> No.9574304

they can be. just make sure to read their sizing info

>> No.9574316


yes there is. idk where it is though it's somewhere on their website.

>> No.9574327


tees dont size that weird, just a bit small because of japanese sizing. I'm usually a small in regular sizing and my medium shirt fits well. however like he said some things are cut weird around the shoulder and waist ect so just be careful.

>> No.9574339

is dadcore becoming trendy

>> No.9574469

go to the main website and click on contact, the subscription sign up is there

>> No.9576093

what was the exact charge for that fleece for example?
want to know what to expect.

>> No.9576377


30 bro

>> No.9576496

ur dad wears obscure internet meme streetwear?


>> No.9576887
File: 108 KB, 933x1400, ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copped.

More subtle than most cav empt stuff. I like it.

>> No.9577311

not bad. i can bear with that.
thanks sportpoor

>> No.9577319

how do you buy from rakuten or yahoo auctions without paying duties?

it seems cheaper than american boutiques, but the duties make me hesitant

>> No.9577352
File: 15 KB, 736x588, d9f82796711b6654ca840f4f7ac1925b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is probably their best hoodie. wish i could have copped.
defintely don't like how yours is fitting the model though

>> No.9577362
File: 249 KB, 450x600, empt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9577364

Damn, that is nice. Is it possible to get those 2nd hand

>> No.9577369

think about why that happens

your stupid tumblr meme brand has the exact same demographics because it's of a type

boring, low quality, hypebeast appeal-based clothing for the working class teenage boy that is really serious about his superfuture beef

>> No.9577385

they fit smaller, do not cop if youre a large coz it will be very slim on you and youll look like a cakeboi

>> No.9577407

cav empt is hardly obscure everyone I know knows of it's existence and plenty wear it

>> No.9577415

add pigfuck to skype pussy

>> No.9577424

Why is it so Perfect and I cant afford to buy it without getting broke [poorfagdream] :(

>> No.9577441

why would they make these fleeces? trying to get the north face crowd?

>> No.9577454

chicks go wild for that fleece bruh

>> No.9577457

what is a meme brand. i honestly find it difficult to take anybody calling anything a 'meme brand' seriously.
what brands/designers are not meme brands then?

not even protecting cav empt here. i like some of their pieces but that's it

>> No.9577458

yeah but they look and feel like shit irl

>> No.9577739

w2c this mask

>> No.9578115

why would you want it to be subtle/boring? thats kinda not what they are going for

>> No.9578401

there was one on grailed a frew weeks ago but it sold. I should have pulled the trigger

>> No.9578420 [DELETED] 

Size S popped up if anybody wants it. Looks like i'll be needing a size up based on the measurements.


>> No.9578424
File: 69 KB, 360x540, upload_2F1417203138448-xlq81p316sejnhfr-de3fdb91a42861490cde31f06e82a78e_2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Size S popped up if anybody wants it. Looks like i'll be needing a size up based on the measurements.


>> No.9578619

I used to have the plague hoodie, sold it for what I paid for (300). Quality was pretty good, but it was definitely made for Asians because at a size L it was so fucking short on me. I'm 6'2 so maybe that's why but holy shit it was so god damn short.

>> No.9578635

looks like some fratty patagonia jacket

>> No.9578665
File: 176 KB, 800x1170, 1398708771852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so basic but this is my favourite Cav Empt fit

>> No.9579530

>selling THE grail for 300

holy shit nigger i wanted that sooo bad

>> No.9580275
File: 108 KB, 1200x1200, casual-long-sleeve-t-shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i copperoo?

>> No.9580407

I know, I somewhat regret selling it but honestly it fit so badly that I had to sell it... and it got me the money I needed for a pair of Guidis so I'm cool with it.

>> No.9580472 [DELETED] 

babby's first C.E. ?

>> No.9580473


delete this post. far too rude tbh.

>> No.9580494

Lol, I'm just messing with him. It's not bad but C.E. put's out much better stuff. Now, if it has a back print, we can talk.

>> No.9581298

right? why buy cav empt if youre going to get the same memechrome shit as always lmfao

>> No.9582223

maybe because you like how a certain item looks? Why are people so dumb

>> No.9582246


>> No.9583368

shittrip detector going off here, you should probably not post with it any more. I am sorry

>> No.9584358


it's extremely retarded to limit yourself to certain items because of your own preconceived ideas about what the brand is 'going for'
who cares about what the brand is 'going for'? you would seriously not buy a piece you really like because you don't believe it captures the 'brand philosophy' or something pretentious like that, when you aren't even aware of this philosophy yourself. please tell me what cav empt is 'going for.'
please tell me why they would release pieces that so not fit this idea every single season.

these posts are really fucking stupid. you people are sick. >>9581298