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/fa/ - Fashion

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9558699 No.9558699 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here /fa/ggots. What "uncommon" tasks or problems do you have to put up with to look effay that you think no-one else has to go through?
>tfw everytime i go to the salon, they have to straighten my hair before cutting it and smells up the room
>i have to a naturally duck stance and i have to force myself to stand and walk upright

>> No.9558713

I have this cowlick from hell on the left side of my hair. It made my hair look like shit when it was long in 7th grade, it looked like shit when I turned into an emofag, and now that I wear my hair short, it doesn't fucking stay up when I put product in and it looks off because it grows so weird.

It fucking pisses me off to no extent.

>> No.9558745

when i finally cut my hair short-ish senior year, I'd get a hair antenna if someone so much as walked past me in the hallways.

>> No.9558765

I used to have terrible acne like almost 6 years ago but I went on accutane and tretinoin and now my face is model tier but I still get self concious when someone is staring at me for too long cause the mental scars are still there.

sounds gay af but fuck you buddy that shit was so traumatizing for me

>> No.9558769

Being a poorfag and not liking any of the clothes at the mall.

>> No.9558776

i had pretty bad acne too
shit is mentally scarring man

acne should be banned

>> No.9558800

I feel for you, my duck-legged brother.

>> No.9558835

fellow duck foot reporting in. either of you snowboard? duck foot is the god tier snowboarding stance

>> No.9558855

i want to snowboard desperately, but i live in the south. i occasionally skate though

>> No.9558859

of course

duck and as far apart as the board alows
shit is butter

>> No.9558884

I have pigeon's chest, makes my left tit look well big and I can't really wear t-shirts without looking like a prick, I'm working out to try and solve this though

>> No.9558979

I /snowboard/ too, didn't realize how much my natural duckfoot helped.

>> No.9559042

fucking hell find a hairdresser that knows how to cut hair that isnt straight and thin

why the hell would you go back to a place that straightens your hair before cutting it?

>> No.9559263


Perhaps your hair is flowing opposite to the natural direction it grows. Try changing the flow of your hair to the opposite way of how it normally flows

>> No.9559278

be 5'4 guy. nothing fits right. tshirts shrink or too large. dont have good hair and if i shave my head i look like an egghead shortman.
clothes fit on me like im disproportionate and look handicapped. Im not even fat, so i look like i have a mental deficiency and my head looks too big. Im pale and look disheveled all the fucking time, must be them mexican genes causeing my moon face.
I cant dress well because it makes my face looks middle eastern. most sizes dont fit right. so i have to stay with the pac sun skater clothing. I do skateboard but wearing dc clothing and vans tshirts gets old. shirts fade too fast.
i am always getting shitty haircuts too. im losing hair because thyroid cancer back when i was 14. also face gets swollen sometimes because of it.

everyone where i live is tall and no love for me.
i think fuck it. ill start dressing like a class faggot from now on, and grow a beard because im going into the it field and my step dads a doctor.

>> No.9559284

Got a fresh cut today
>female friend says she doesn't like it one bit
Well idc about her opinions to be John

>> No.9559285

You sure you're still not 14?

>> No.9559290

im 26. i need to find a better style or get custom clothing.
im stressed as fuck.

>> No.9559305

Chill out nigga
Try riding palewave

>> No.9559332

you guys are the opposite of fashion. i looked it up and thats a terrible idea. ill look like a fag.

ill just shop walmart and shit and just taylor my own.

>> No.9559334

What's it like being 5'4?

>> No.9559346

if i could capitalize on being handicapped i would.

>> No.9559513

The lady I go to does a good job and doesn't cut the top unlike the last place I went to who was very persistent

>> No.9560107
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>add height to shoes to make myself taller
fuck anyone taller than 5'10

>> No.9560121


i-i did this too, 5'10 as well

>> No.9560272


im 5'10 and very happy about my height. stop being such autists.

>> No.9560346
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>trying this hard
Mind as well start wearing heels if you're gonna be such girls about it manlets

>> No.9560352


if it were acceptable, sure

>> No.9560363

I'm 188cm but often I still feel short as fuck because I live in the Netherlands.

>> No.9560391

>tfw 5'11 and wearing boots with soles that make me 6'1.
It's a good feel. Don't wear the soles around people who know me well though.

>> No.9560442
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>I have to wipe my ass after I shower
Idk if anyone else does this, not cause there's shit there but because it stays damp if I don't
>hair grows at an annoyingly fast rate between the brows, have to pluck every 2 days but dont touch the outer brows
On the bright side I had a couple girls tell me my "eyebrow game is on point"
T-thanks bb

>> No.9560781

I have that too, the one where it sticks out, and I used to be super self-conscious about it and would always cross my arms when wearing t-shirt or topless (used to swim). It doesn't help that I'm a hungry skeleton either.

One day my dad told me not to worry about it, and that nobody is looking anyway, which really helped me; By thinking like this I started to ignore it and forget about it. Now I no longer care what anyone else thinks and I wear t-shirts and stand shoulders back with pride (still find it hard being topless though).

>> No.9560792

Same here for both bro. I once left a shit stain on a white towel at someone else's house lol (This was before I learned to wash my ass properly in the shower).

>> No.9560890

please tell me you washed it or something and didn't just leave it there

>> No.9560891


Always wipe my ass after a shower. Especially if you have hair, the moist feeling is so uncomfortable.


Lel, I've done that too

>washed out really easily, dodged a major bullet

>> No.9560901


whining isn't effay

>> No.9560916

Neither is shitposting, spammer.

>> No.9560917


>> No.9560931

I'm 5'8" white guy and I wear thick soles to appear average height. I still get plenty of female attention due to handsome facial aesthetics, but I'd love to be just a couple inches taller.

Also, I blowdry my hair for dat waviness

>> No.9560936
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at least you're not

>> No.9560951

Every single hair on my head seems to have a mind of its own. Some a curry, some are wavey and some grow straight. Seems to be wavey on top, curly at the sides and straightest at the back. It's fucking weird man. I keep my hair short but it looked bizarre when I grew it out.

>> No.9560956

No I didn't even notice it until my wicked stepmother pointed it out

>> No.9560962


you must be part nigger or jew. you should probably kill yourself.

>> No.9560969

I have some Jewish ancestors yes. Go back to /pol/ you angry faggot.

>> No.9560972


I hope some of them suffered unbearably in concentration camps. Or at least I would hope that if the Holocaust ever actually happened.

>> No.9560979


this is what a 1.8 gpa looks like, m8s.

>> No.9560981
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I'm not Jewish. I hope you don't have hatred in you for the rest of your life :)

>> No.9560987
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The fuck is happening

>> No.9560990

Still in school?

>> No.9560994

graduating with my ba this summer, p excited. I'll start my m.s. in the fall and I'm not even 21.

>> No.9561078

Reported to Interpol for being a holocaust denier

>> No.9561317
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/pol/ you're not welcome here, stop shitting up muh thread

>> No.9561395

I legitimately judge people who walk with duck feet or walk pigeon toed. Honestly I think less of them. Not even trolling I just do, its kind of weird to be honest.

But I dont judge them if they have a limp because of an injury or walk weird because of some genetic deformity though.

>> No.9561443


/fa/ is my home and i say they're welcome

>> No.9561535


cry more

>> No.9561571
File: 41 KB, 337x276, 1313174076506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>believing the holocaust happened

>> No.9561588

Same here, why the fuck can't you faggots walk with your feet straight

>> No.9564024

you...you people don't understand

>> No.9564070

> tfw 6 feet tall
> tfw 4 of 7 guys I work with are at least 6'2"
> feel like a manlet around them
> no big deal as I'm way more attractive than anyone around me, most of the time

>> No.9564074

my dick's too big for my body
sometimes it makes me pass out

>> No.9564078

aw intimacy, too much intimacy as per usual =) whataguy.

>> No.9564087

I pluck my eyebrows.

>> No.9564305

This feel is a feel I feel.
>Finally biting the bullet and applying to be a model tomorrow
Wish me luck fam

>> No.9564310

I bleach my skin and I put on blue contacts to make me look white and beautiful.

>> No.9564323

i hope you dont actually do that
brown eyes are dope

>> No.9564518

>bleach my skin
How and what product? Never heard of this before

>> No.9564795

Seconding, used to be pale as fuck but live in California and got tan, would be fine if I didn't have black hair and dark brown eyes

>> No.9565173

what part of cali?

>> No.9565209

shut up

>> No.9565225

not that anon, but there are a lot of whitening soaps on the market primarily marketed in Asia. Lika's Papaya soap is a popular one as well as soaps that contain kojic acid, like Kojie-San. They're pretty cheap, but take note that they do not work by 'bleaching' your skin, but rather as like a chemical exfoliant. At most, they return you to your original colour.

>> No.9565232

I have low self esteem.

>> No.9565771

There are so many neat chinese products that noone out of china knows about.

Anyone know if Nose-Up works? It's a little clip that goes on your nose and is supposed to, over time, shape it into a nicer, smaller looking shape.

>> No.9566256

>I have the shittiest resting profile, I literally look like a fucking character from ¨How the Grinch Stole Christmas ¨ mainly because my tiny pointy nose.
>my right eye is almost imperceptible bigger than my left one, self-consciousnesses drives me crazy.
>I really want a beard but my facial hair is way too blonde, worst of all my facial hair is blonder than my actual hair.

>> No.9566518


>> No.9566533

enlighten w bleach ones pls

>> No.9566591

>Also, I blowdry my hair for dat waviness

this isnt a problem though

everybody should know how to blow wave

>> No.9568482

blow frizz or blow wave??
explain how please

>> No.9568501

Sorry about the profile, but dw bout it fam.
Everyone's face is mildly asymmetric.You're the only one who notices, trust me.
Who gives a fuck, a blond beard sounds dope bru

>> No.9569405
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we all do anon...we all do

>> No.9571723

W2c red turtleneck

>> No.9571834


>> No.9572239

not me mother fucker