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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 431 KB, 1024x608, tooskinny!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9554359 No.9554359 [Reply] [Original]

new popular zoolander 2 promo at runway video, typical youtubers are exposed to fashion and share opinions


>"High fashion" eludes me. Interchangeable eastern european robotic women with pouty faces showing off ugly dresses.

>These girsl look like young, thin boys. Says something about the fashion industry... East european womans are gorgeous if they are well fed. this is just non sense

>lmao right! I mean it won't hurt if some of these designers would have their models smile so they look like they are actually enjoying what they are wearing! Also I never see plus size models anywhere.

>Maybe the clothes they were wearing made them all look ugly or something.

>I would make them much nicer clothes and then people would say things differently. Thy were just being treated like cows, deliberately and going to fast all one after the other.

>Just one black model and she's at the end of the line?

>"tits" . Man those girls are so skinny :(

>Oh yeah, thank you for the FLAT CHEST, dude...

>The real outfits of the models look terrible. These fashion shows are pointless. Why do they attract the attention they get?

>+BayviewFinch it's really sad to me that you think so! That you cannot see that they are clearly underweight, or think they look healthy.

>I'm sorry, but there's more to this world than being really-really good looking.

>I understand clothes design is an art but do people ever wear this crap?

>I'd be afraid to be close to any of those models, because I might break them on accident. They look like they're made of thin, brittle pvc pipes that have been painted flesh tone.

>the hot girls that walk later, look like robots to me dressed in clothing

>Is it just me or have runway models really gotten ugly?

holy shit why does this make me so mad?

>> No.9554364

>just now realizing 95% of the population is pleb as fuck

>> No.9554371

What if they're actually right and we just can't see it?

>> No.9554375

you're retarded if you think any form of art is objective

>> No.9554379

>I would make them much nicer clothes


>> No.9554380
File: 355 KB, 852x473, puredisgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9554382

>going to a fashion show to ogle the models
They're there to present the clothing without any influences like big breasts or thick thighs.
Just go to a high dollar strip club if you want that shit.

>> No.9554385 [DELETED] 

>people who aren't into fashion don't understand high fashion
wow thanks op you blew my mind I cum on cat she hiss at penis i had black labrador i cum so hard at him now I have dalmatian

>> No.9554389

you fucking salad, OP

the one mistake you did was reading the comments on YouTube

they are infamous everywhere.

lurk more

>> No.9554400
File: 36 KB, 720x240, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, this.

>> No.9554402

Actually it could be nice to see some of the dress on more curvacious model.
Sewing a dress for a ironboard chick is easy mode, managing to make something decent looking and perfectly fitting for a fatty is the real challenge.

>> No.9554410

Back to mfa

>> No.9554415

kill yourself fat fuck

>> No.9554417

It's probably some 15 year olds making these comments, you're just giving them the attention they want

>> No.9554419

I say that from a seamstress POV.
Of course being super thin is the best if you want to be fa/, as everything but form fitting slut dresses is going to look good on you.
But sometimes you want something a bit more challenging like a cow-titted grill.

>> No.9554428


Weight isn't art, the way you walk isn't art, the faces you make aren't art... You can be objective about these things, and yes I think some art forms can be "objective" such as literature, not that it matters since I don't think fashion is art to begin with.

>> No.9554432


>curvacious model

what does this mean?

>> No.9554441

A chubby girl with tits and a butt and a waist. Like Liv Tyler for example..

>> No.9554442
File: 392 KB, 536x800, 1424536296435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because skinny girls are hot and homie ain't down with the thickness.

>> No.9554455

you really have no idea how art works

>> No.9554458

>not liking both

>> No.9554468


Brilliant. You're right.

I've been studying this since before your testies dropped, don't bother.

>> No.9554469
File: 302 KB, 1366x2048, MARC4722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>design isn't art

how fucking dense are you jesus christ

>> No.9554474

They think of fashion as function that incidentally looks good instead of art.

>> No.9554478

If you actually had been studying it, you'd know why everything you said is retarded.

>> No.9554479
File: 416 KB, 500x648, tumblr_m0l38vd3uj1qdsjhwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>design is only art when it's in the form of some abstract geometric shit

how's high school treating ya?

>> No.9554483
File: 48 KB, 400x462, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9554484

Damn you're dumb

>> No.9554487


I dunno you tell me :)

>> No.9554489

>Implying all of you aren't arguing like high schoolers

>> No.9554490

There is only one that you could actually admit to dating without being ashamed.

>> No.9554496
File: 194 KB, 451x678, 3.1 Phillip Lim SS15 look 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a nice assumption friend

>> No.9554498


i agree, fashion can be very beautiful and even 'artistic' just as cars, buildings, furniture... but they're primarily utilitarian products, unlike paintings, plays, sculptures... do you think potato chip packages are art? i mean, they were "designed" right?

>> No.9554499
File: 396 KB, 700x1050, 1419282000191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying your friends wouldn't high five you for hitting this

>> No.9554506

who's this semen demon

>> No.9554509


Oh no, please explain thoroughly.

>> No.9554517

i think it's a bit ignorant to just say "oh fashion isn't art because it has a mainly ultilatrian purpose"

i think that doesn't do justice to the artists in the field of fashion

to say what the Comme Des Garcons camp is doing isn't art i think does that them great disservice also i don't think all fashion's primary goal or purpose is utilitarian, look at couture or really any runway fashion these aren't exactly practically designed items, they seem to be definitely aimed at aesthetics over function

>> No.9554518

Plato was right

>> No.9554522


this is just your average basic bitch college titcow, i would fuck her but i wouldn't take pride in it, unlike dating a real master race fashion model

>> No.9554526

Will Valentino now become a mainstream pleb tier luxury brand?

>> No.9554532

Well, what did that fucker said?

>> No.9554537

"Jet fuel can't melt steel beams"
- Plato

>> No.9554545


>i think it's a bit ignorant to just say "oh fashion isn't art because it has a mainly ultilatrian purpose"


the fact that something isn't art doesn't mean that it can't be amazingly beautiful, intricate, artistic... it's no disservice

halloween costumes are also aimed at aesthetics over function, do you think they're art?

>> No.9554560

implying /fa/ isn't made up of these people

have you seen the zara lookbook that is modern day waywt?

>> No.9554562


Where do you draw the line? What makes couture art but not clothes from Walmart? At the end of the day couture is sold and most of it is meant to be worn as well, it's just more exclusive

>> No.9554568

costuming absolutely can be art
halloween costumes ehhhh, maybe depends
the mass produced walmart tier crap, probably not

i am biased in terms of costuming as art my grandmother was a professor of costuming and what she did was absolutely without a doubt art

>> No.9554582


>the mass produced walmart tier crap, probably not

why not? this is like saying music stops being art the moment it becomes popular or appears on mtv

>> No.9554606


fam u got me thinking

i gotta reevaluate some shit

>> No.9554614

The music you're talking about is well polished, meanwhile walmart clothes are done out of shitty material with shitty finitions.

>> No.9554617

lol...the stickmen I draw in class while not paying attention is art now?

>> No.9554634
File: 271 KB, 499x750, tumblr_nkkewtx1mZ1s1okg5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>criticize his uninformed a of what constitutes art, infer that he has an rudimentary understanding of art, design, the creative process involved in both. Lel, what a strawman.


damn kiddies

anyway, i finished brewing my tea so I'm back.

>> No.9554635

yes, yr actually a genius dadaist lmao

>> No.9554640

>*criticize his uninformed opinion of what constitutes art, infer that he has an rudimentary understanding of art, design, the creative process involved in both. Lel, what a strawman.

>> No.9554649

still a hell of an assumption

>> No.9554665

damn time to drop out and make art history I guess. All those art teachers who said I was crap, they will be sorry... SO sorry

>> No.9554666



>> No.9554673

Skinny girls are cute. Curvy girls are hot.


>> No.9554675

>implying i would tell them anyways
i try my best to never brag about myself and dont talk about personal stuff

>> No.9554678

Where the hell do you live that she is typical?

>> No.9554682


If you believe you're being misunderstood, defend yourself in a substantial way. don't just keep repeating "that's one hell of an assumption". you're being unnecessarily evasive and it's doing you any favors.

>> No.9554689


have you ever been to college?

>> No.9554692

that's false equivalence, my friend.

Fashion has many functions. All occurring within a context.

>> No.9554694

Most of 4chan is in college, don't be retarded. You're dodging the question.

>> No.9554697

lol ever been outside?

>> No.9554698

>Most of 4chan


>> No.9554707

Most of 4chan is male, between the ages of 18 and 24, and works for small wages and/or takes classes. NEETs are slighted for a reason. Moot releases demo data all the time, educate yourself.

If she were the norm, that image wouldn't be as viral as it is. Backtrack it and you'll see it's a consistent repost not only here but practically anywhere on the internet. You're an idiot.

>> No.9554717

>demo data all the time,

how large is the sample size of people used to determine these statistics?

there's too many unknowns here, I don't feel confident about this.

>> No.9554730

my high-school art teacher (many years ago) told our class that art has to have a message/statement. obviously walmart crap doesn't have a statement because it is purely functional.

tbh i don't know if i agree with my art teacher's perspective but i wanted to share the point of view

>> No.9554761


it's a 1000 times more likely to see a girl like that on the street than a girl that looks like a fashion model, i don't even know what your point is anymore

>> No.9554778
File: 128 KB, 683x1024, 00230fullscreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art has to have a message/statement

I agree, but there's more to it.

McQueen's collections, for example. They're not just intricate, bespoke clothing but they are statements as well.

>> No.9554787

No, art must have no function other than itself.

>> No.9554792


what's the statement?

>> No.9554797

>McQueen's collections, for example. They're intricate, bespoke clothing and statements as well.

i need to reread the shit i 'm writing b4 i post more often

>> No.9554801


I think by insulting everyone who doesn't join you in drinking the Kool-Ade, you are at least as much of a simpleton as they are.

Pro tip: Haute couture runway is largely a giant in-joke and you aren't in on it.

>> No.9554820
File: 13 KB, 300x300, clipper_i_love_weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these lighters are statements as well, are they art?

>> No.9554829 [DELETED] 

>There were those who found his picture of women with sex-doll lips and sometimes painfully theatrical costumes ugly and misogynistic.

From the little summary on style.com

He's parodying his fashion conscious audience. He's often alluded to the impression he has of fashion industry. He's said that fashion to be him is "storytelling" and all about theatrics, he didn't appear to enjoy the pretentious attitudes of his customers.

"You want me to create something edgy and sexy? Perhaps something the those wishing to flaunt that wealth would lust after? Here it is, my interpretation of the modern woman in all her vulgar glory."

>> No.9554850

>There were those who found his picture of women with sex-doll lips and sometimes painfully theatrical costumes ugly and misogynistic.

From the little summary on style.com

His work is parodying his fashion conscious audience. He's often alluded to the impression he has of fashion industry. He's said that fashion to him is "storytelling" and all about theatrics. He didn't appear to enjoy the pretentious attitudes of his customers.

"You want me to create something edgy and sexy? Perhaps something that those wishing to flaunt their wealth would lust after? Here it is, my interpretation of the modern woman in all her vulgar glory."

>> No.9554873

the lighters *aren't* a statement, they are a tool. i suppose my teacher oversimplified. i guess going off her line of thinking, art primarily exists for its message, while non-art primarily exists for other reasons. for 'art' that is functional, i would say if the message is more important than the function, then it is truly 'art'. my use of 'message' includes just being beautiful for the sake of beauty.

what is art?????

>> No.9554947
File: 52 KB, 396x594, Ermenegildo+Zegna+Milan+Menswear+Autumn+Winter+1im_MK65mX9l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>for 'art' that is functional, i would say if the message is more important than the function

so you agree then that fashion in general isn't an art form, since 99% of the pieces aren't deep extravagant political statements, they're just normal pretty clothes like this

>> No.9554979

i don't know, where do you draw the line between form and function? as i said a 'message' can just be beauty, so political statements aren't necessary. i think if the thought put into the form outweighs the thought put into the function then it could be 'art'. of course, you have to draw the line somewhere, and i don't feel comfortable doing that. also i don't really believe in what i am saying, i am just trying to explore this perspective

>> No.9555041


well i don't believe it either

a company can sell vegan snacks and put lots of thought into the packaging and put a vegan message on it but at the end of the day it's just a bag of chips

beauty isn't a message, it's too vague to be anything, a flat screen tv can be beautiful, it isn't art though, and neither is fashion

>> No.9555072

anons please disreguard every word this dude is spouting

it's nonsense with keywords

mcqueen was a failed tailor who resorted to theatrics to make a name for himself in costuming and sold it as haute couture to the mainstream

>> No.9555080


So one of the parameters of defining art that my fellow curators like to toss around is that it has no practical or functional value. This puts clothing and crafts in the design category (and not art), but jewelry in more of a gray area.

Is it important to declare fashion an art? The word doesn't in itself carry any value judgment. There's bad art. There's brilliant design. Etc.

>> No.9555106
File: 107 KB, 868x934, fite me irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mcqueen was a failed tailor who resorted to theatrics to make a name for himself

someone's incredibly jealous, aren't they? He enjoyed enormous success and was one of the most celebrated designers of our era. what do you know about bespoke apparel?

and here you are, trying to rouse a "depressed" chick.

Truly deplorable.

>> No.9555112


>> No.9555117

you don't have depression, you're a bubbly weeb idiot transplant from /cgl/ who is trying to go "goth" thinking that kids your age into CCP like it

>> No.9555127

Plus sized fashion shows already exist, and I'm sure the designers interested in that are already involved in it. Please post a picture of something you've made before telling a layman what is and what isn't a challenge

>> No.9555138
File: 551 KB, 245x170, would stare at for extended periods of time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still an ugly troll, sieg. Time to retire.

>> No.9555142

Does every form of media need to have a fat chick and a minority in it to appease the masses?

>> No.9555146
File: 265 KB, 480x390, tumblr_n9ytrz7YPu1ttdz7co1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555150

guess it's time to retire when someone less attractive comes around to take your spot under the bridge

go ahead TM....go ahead

>> No.9555160
File: 808 KB, 245x300, judgy will.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555174

tubby pls go

>> No.9555176


is it you anon?! i miss you ;D

>> No.9555178

elementary samefagging

why do you still post here? go plz

>> No.9555187

this thread is full of people attempting to criticize definitions of art by bringing up kitschy shit that satisfies the definition but is essentially "bad" or "tacky" or "ugly" other "negative aesthetic descriptor"

what this form of criticism fails to address is that there can be tacky or ugly art. there can be bad art. art does not have to be refined or of masterful quality (unless that's inherent to the proposed definition). no matter how you define art, you will find pieces that are undoubtedly art but that either disagree with your definition or at least your aesthetics. you have to make room for a definition of art to include "bad art". this is pretty fucking basic shit, like, art history 101 shit.

>> No.9555189

who here rofled at this thread? 。゚(゚^ਊ^ํ )゚。

>> No.9555195

mhmm, yes, quite so, quite so, old man. yes.

you will regret this here actions, ya balmy toad. i swear on me mum!

>> No.9555206
File: 14 KB, 229x220, 02 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of 4chan is in college
Most of 4chan is in high school. That should be extra clear based on how people choose to dress here on /fa/.

>> No.9555223

Far from all music is well polished. Slap some autotuned bitch on a mainstream beat and bam you've got yourself a hit song.

>> No.9555264

every time i respond to you i get the feeling that i am purposefully stepping in dog shit

you're the dog shit of /fa/

just fucking worthless

>> No.9555274

>Implying you have confidence when you need confirmation

>> No.9555314
File: 138 KB, 640x640, http%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F0ef581344a85d86d577bb1d9d6783ec9%2Ftumblr_niksvaqmhc1qzco77o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youve done me in for sure this timr, toady(・_・、)

my...last wishes...are....are....that /fa/ cherished the very memory of my tepid attempts at debating


>> No.9555337

You're literally retarded he said X and for some reason you think he said Y, then criticize him for saying Y and when he says that you're making a hell of a assumption you ask him to defend him and Y opinion.. Maybe he said Y somewhere else idk but if he didn't this is a retarded conversation

>> No.9555342

both of you just fucking leave. /fa/cist is the only good tripfag here

>> No.9555354

He's likely the only one actually worth of tripping, there's a few that's better than the average poster at least but half of them are nothing but shitposting attentionwhores.

>> No.9555397


yeah but he's gay

>> No.9555399

> he said X and for some reason you think he said Y

the fuck are u talking abot? Is your own reading comprehension that bad?
He was arguing that fashion isnt totally utilitarian and that it could be 3edgy5me avant garde bullshit too which seemed to imply that there was a distinct lack of creativity involved in making most clothes. The same creativity and innovation present in creative endeavors and shit is present in clothing design, whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. People have been adorning their bodies for millenia. Prehistoric women choose partners who could create the most elaborate and impressive handaxe. Therr was intention and messages behind these creations.

now go talk to someone more on ur fucking level turbopleb

>> No.9555402


In all fairness, you might be the only trip here that would cause most of us to experience visceral, physical revulsion should we encounter you in real life.

As shitposty as this place has become I don't entirely understand why you think it needs a representative from the body odor / diabetes segment of the population.

>> No.9555449

>he doesn't know what plebs are

Are you just now realising how retarded you sound?

>> No.9555459

>>I'm sorry, but there's more to this world than being really-really good looking.

that's just a Zoolander reference.

>> No.9555497

>waaa why can't anyone be a pretentious teen like me


>> No.9555543

The aforementioned creations are art, in case you couldn't arrive to that conclusion on ur own.

>> No.9555635

you are an idiot
art can literally be anything

>> No.9555642

Did you include the movie reference as obtuse bait?

>> No.9555647



>> No.9555720

and please fuck off, you little shits can't get any more repulsive. Did your mothers drink alcohol while pregnant or something? Holy fucking shit, please die.

>> No.9555779


if art can "literally" be anything then art doesn't exist

>> No.9555856

art anything you create with the intention of appealing to some sense

>Art is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities, usually involving imaginative or technical skill.

>n. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium

fashion is artistic, i.e pleasing to the senses by the sheer fact out clothes are revelatory and meaningful, whether plain and ugly or not.

I don't know if my view is one that's particularly popular or not but yes, fashion can be art.

>> No.9555869

*by the sheer fact that our

and to make this clear. I WAS MOCKING VERSACE, don't put that much thought in my derisive bullshit.

ugh i feel queasy from having to write out "versace" ...god you people...

>> No.9555926
File: 580 KB, 800x600, art for assholes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some fucking "art" for you assholes

>> No.9555962

ben stiller is shit
owen wilson is shit
zoolander was shit
zoolander 2 will be shit

fuck whoever allowed them to pay for the promo to be be taken at that show

makes me more angry than the fucking comments

>> No.9555974


just go away

>> No.9555978


The attributes you used for an example all have artistic value an merit based on the audience and artist. It's not up to you to determine what is/isn't art, it's your opinion if you don't like it/don't get it/are a little bitch.

It's just like the fags who pretend they like Classical music who hate modern music. It's simply, "muh superiority." In fact, you can't even accurately criticize something, you have to resort to undoing it. Think about all the stupid Americans who say the same thing. They don't understand so they attempt to remove it from any facet of understanding. Everyone else, in their mind, is just trying to sound edgy or smart by liking it.

You can also appreciate art without liking it, that's one of the cool things about art.

Continue to make ridiculous claims further proving you actually don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9555984

Does your teacher not have a grasp of post modernism or Avant Garde?

>> No.9555996

>being assmad about a fun, funny publicity stunt
>have shit taste
leave fa faggot
I believe that most precure modernism makes the statement of what. and what isn't objectively functional in a post revolutionary society. The united States of America have been occupying this movement for some years now, and I look froward to what art brings to the political world in the next few years. Gay people are bad.

>> No.9556000

I bet you're a really boring and or annoying person

>> No.9556007

>OMG they're all ugly flat chested sluts. And they have terrible taste in fashion. Does everybody in Europe wear such lame clothes and suck dick?

I fucking hate white social media girls

>> No.9556029

if it wasn't shitty actors promoting a shitty movie then I wouldn't care

if i went to a fashion show, i would be interested in the clothes not a sequel to garbage and would be angry for the time they took away from me

>> No.9556053
File: 1.74 MB, 500x765, tumblr_nl0anqHmFp1s3y9slo1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every-time i see this faggot i want to tell him to fly away with ears and take his shitty movies with him

>> No.9556066

That is a shitty reference and you should be ashamed for feeling superior because of it

>> No.9556068

If I fucked a filthy fat kike such as that Id do my best to keep it a secret from my friends.

>> No.9556076

Disgusting, I can tell from her fatness that her pussy absolutely stinks of armpits and piss

>> No.9556081

Flabby spic. No thanks.

>> No.9556084

it's not a shitty reference its making fun of his ears

what does this have to do with feeling superior

he's a bad actor who makes bad movies along with owen wilson

>> No.9558007


Wow! You're a huge idiot. The saddest thing is that you probably don't even suspect it.

None of those attributes have any artistic value as such, they can acquire some significance within the context of a work of art, such as a painting, but not by themselves.

You're such an idiot. Did I say fashion isn't art because I didn't like it? Did I say that was the reason? Because you wrote a whole paragraph on that. Fashion isn't art for the reasons that have been pointed out here already. Read the threat again if you still don't know what they are. The fact that I like/dislike it is irrelevant. Again, you're a fucking dumbass.

And yes, you can appreciate art without liking it. Did I say you could not? Who are you even responding to???

You say I don't know what I'm talking about and to "prove me wrong" you proceed to respond to a bunch of claims you imagined I made, thinking you're "teaching" me something, hahaha. I hope you realize how much of a fucking moron you are by now.

>> No.9558015

Are you fucks still going on with this?

>> No.9558037

why did you people have to derail my thread

all i wanted was a discussion on what these idiots on youtube were saying, not all this philosophical nonsense

go to /lit/ or something

>> No.9558187
File: 213 KB, 480x800, 20150312054823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9558283

Underrated, ya'll are no better

>> No.9558285

>thread about shit comments
>shit comments itt
Why we gotta be like this /fa/m?

>> No.9558310

fuck owen wilson and ben stiller

shitty fucking actors shitty fucking movie

>> No.9558316


>> No.9558320

>ben stiller
>owen wilson
nah man

>> No.9558612
File: 679 KB, 2362x1575, 16568853142_882a8fd6bd_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you say about beautiful pieces of engineering, like ships, cars and jets...
Let's take the F22, Lockheed recently stopped producing that because it is too expensive and too flawed for the price.

The jet does meet its intention of being quick and deadly, but there are better jets out there.
The design especially is something I'd consider artistic, because it looks pretty beautiful.

Is the look of something irrelevant if it's parts function? I would say not at all, there are beautiful people and ugly people and ugly people are still people, serving a cause, maybe a 10/10 girl/boy is wasting their life away on drugs...they are not serving their purpose as intended, or maybe they do by looking good, maybe that is in fact art by itself, a sense of beauty that not necessarily every man can see.

Maybe appearance is even more important to most people than function, how else would the Apple products be such a success, they are in general flawed products, their design is mostly their selling point- therefore people who are buying it not only because of a mainstream appeal, are considering art and design for more important than function.

Think of it fucks

>> No.9559149

Name two /fa/ movies that Owen Wilson has been in.
We know you can name one. Everyone can.

>> No.9559182

I love the butthurt in this thread.

>fashion is super serious business

>> No.9559196

midnight in paris
darjeeling limited

>> No.9559199

is zoolander actually /fa/ though

>> No.9559202

you sick fuck, you call those movies?

>> No.9559203

he was in the royal tenenbaums but had a smaller role. midnight in paris is definitely great

>> No.9559216
File: 361 KB, 960x1280, thick meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9559221

>pic related
The type of MEN im into

>> No.9559226

that thong raises too high

>> No.9559230
File: 269 KB, 960x1280, seshemetka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.9559249


yr upset about my trip? lmao
you kno whats really silly we agree more or less when it comes down to it

>> No.9559255


>> No.9559265

There isn't a clear definition of how art works and where you draw the line. Everyone's going to tell you different shit about what is and what isn't. It depends on the person, the artist, and their shared interaction with the piece. It can be or it can not be

>> No.9559303

when will finally be purged of shit trips

>> No.9560432

I think you might be autistic

>> No.9561058

>tfw skinny gf
>tfw starting to miss the thickness
>no face for this feel

>> No.9561074
File: 25 KB, 435x402, aaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, nah, I'll stick to girls that look like boys

>> No.9561076

Please post a fit sieg
Show us how it's done.

>> No.9561081
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x893, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, so dumb, leave her and take a thick girl so that there are more skinny single chicks and less single chubsters

>> No.9561085

The high test meme is so fucking real.
My dick can't handle those fucking thighs.

She'd have teeth marks on those tits for the rest of her life.

>> No.9561110 [DELETED] 

my knee is fucking up

>> No.9561119

this has to be shooped. I mean her hips are as wide as her fucking shoulders wow wtf

>> No.9561171

I've found a new appreciation for fashion shows.

>> No.9561309


you realize this 'statement fashion' is like 0.5% of fashion shows right?

>> No.9561429

That's rare but a real thing. They are never, ever single.

>> No.9561452

>that fucking fat bald guy to the right

>> No.9561455


that's what they tell you so you can fuck off

>> No.9562841

Most people on here are sadly, no different from those "simpletons" they dislike.

>> No.9562994

They probably could be in a warhol-ean way. Shitty art, just missing intention.

I'd say Art is just something creative intended to be expression. Ofc runway shows can be art

>> No.9564543
File: 76 KB, 625x352, thedude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
