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9543858 No.9543858[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who's taken accutane before? Was it worth it? How were the side effcts.

I have mild/moderate acne and super oily skin that makes me feel like pic related. I'm wondering if I should start accutane soon because prescription creams don't do shit, it seems.

>> No.9543879

On it right now taking 80 mg a day. Honestly not as bad as I was expecting. The Internet will emphasize the negatives, but aside from chapped lips and a little dry skin it's not bad! If you have the finances/insurance do to it I would recommend. I wish I would have started earlier! My dermatologist said we might bump up the dosage because my skin is still oily, so I hope that shortens the treatment time.

>> No.9543899

Daniel Plainview is so effay though.

>> No.9543950

I took it because I had severe acne that would have scarred me across my face and chest. The negatives were far worse for me than many others taking it - at some points my skin was to dry to move my face, post using moisturizer, but that died down.

I'd recommend it for all guys

>> No.9544026

It's worth it for your skin but don't underestimate the side effects. I took it for three and a half months and had to stop. I was taking 60mg (I only weigh 128). I started having headaches every night, I was moody and not eating, anxiety attacks nighty, I looked like I just got out of the hospital.

Good thing I stopped too, my monthly check up after bloodwork showed my liver enzymes were crazy elevated. So today I had a hepatitis test done. I already look and feel much healthier after stopping two weeks ago. I just have to wait for my liver to calm down.

So yeah, any mental problems you have at all will become worse with accutane. I had mild anxiety and maybe mild anorexia pre tane, it made those worse, killed my appetite and gave me headaches. At least my skin looks better now, still not perfect.

I'm probably an exception; plus my dosing was a little high, it's supposed to be one mg per kg so I was very slightly over dosed. Just don't think you're invincible going into it.

>> No.9544029

i took it once and now i cant stop farting

are you a troll

hahah looks like i done it again


>> No.9544047

No, I really wish I was though. I didn't catch the hep virus from accurate, all it did was fuck up my liver. Not all hepatitis is from needles and sex, it's just a catch all term for liver inflammation.

>> No.9544070

in middle school my mom wanted to put me on it, but I didn't trust doctors and thought they were part of the illuminati or some shit and wanted to ruin my health so I didn't take it. Fast forward to junior year of HS I start taking it. My skin breaks out like shit while on it and my lips are really dry. After I am done my skin is much better now. No more acne on my back or covering my whole face. At 26 I still get acne but it is so minor and controllable compare with before. I had no adverse health issues.

>> No.9544090

How long have you been on it?
I took it a couple years ago and it worked great, haven't had acne since, but I got really bad side effects about a month in.
A lot of the skin on my face was cracking and I got pretty horrible depression, it was really awful and it lasted for months.

>> No.9544383
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I've heard you can lose your hair on it. How true is this? That makes me nervous.

>> No.9544405

I took it a few years ago after suffering through severe acne for years. It surprisingly worked very well, and afterwards, I had no acne left. Now, I still have some on the obvious parts of my face, but it's not a big deal.

Most of the doctors really stressed the possibility of developing side effects, but throughout the period I was taking it, I only noticed a few symptoms. The only ones I remember are constantly dry lips and maybe slight joint pains. It seemed like depression was a pretty common side effect according to the doctors, but taking accutane only made me feel happier, since my acne was finally disappearing.

>> No.9544521

Was on it for about 6 months, chapped lips thats it. About 3 months later terrible pimples on my scalp and continuous head zits since (2011).

>> No.9544849

just stop jerkin it and scrub your face twice a day

>> No.9544885
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Currently on Acutanne. Would recommend.

Skins much clearer. No mood effects. Theres no real scientific consensus that it causes mood effects. Google scholar that shit. If anything my confidence has rocketed because I don't feel like some kind of pus monster.

Side effects?
/eczema on my arms.
Super dry lips.
Red bloodshot eyes.
This thing at the corner of my lips.
Fragile skin, you can never really pick a spot again, your skin just breaks down.
Nosebleeds often
Swollen lips, I look black.
Increased skin irritation post shaving.

Its all manageable. Do it, worth it overall. Don't listen to half the shit you read on the internet.

Know when you have a pregnancy scare and you look into it and its like. YOUR GF IS PREGNANT WITH TRIPLETS. GIVE UP. CRY. THROW YOURSELF IN THE OCEAN. Its all like that. Really its fine. Its prescribed so often, if it really was that bad there would be more of a push to find an alternative.

>> No.9544929

I took it when I had pretty bad and consistent acne, it really works very well but dries out your skin really badly. For me the side effects weren't too bad and after two cycles of accutane I'm totally acne free which is great. In terms of depression I can't say I noticed anything and I got a massive confidence boost from no longer having the acne.

I'd recommend it to anyone with pretty bad acne but its probably not worth it unless your acne is bad, and I had pretty easy to deal with side effects so bear that in mind.

>> No.9545151

I tried literally everything except accutane for 4 years. Presribed anti-acne medications, facial cleansers, cold showers, towel on pillow, i mean literally everything.
Then i tried accutane and my spots went away in a month and never came back.

>> No.9545473

Good thread.


You're lucky. What dosage of Accutane you took ? Was it bad acne, white heads and shit, or just some spots here and there ?


All your side effects are normal, had the same ones when i took Accutane.


>stop jerking it



See that's interesting. I'm under accutane since three years now, low dosage (10mg the first year, 5mg the two others) and everytime i start to add some space, or stop taking it, i got some pimples coming back on my scalp. Just on my fucking scalp. Like my face remains somewhat free, but my scalp is a warzone. Your dermatologist told you anything about that shit ?


It's true but it's extremely rare. Like don't even worry about it. What you might get to some extent is hair thinning. But honestly that's nothing and when you stop the treatment your hair will go back to normal.

>> No.9545551
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I only get acne around here on my face, am I doing something to cause this?

it's only mild and it's been getting better but It's still annoying

>> No.9545558


Stop touching that zone. Change your pillowcase often. Use clean and disposable tissues to clean / dry that zone when you need to.

Since it's not full blown acne it's probably because you fucked something above.

>> No.9546547
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I just recently got off 20 mg twice a day for 6 months. Except dry skin, and nosebleeds, there were and are no side effects, and no hair loss.The nosebleeds and dryness went away from drinkng a hell of a lot of water. so the only actual lasting side effect was having to piss constantly. My doctor said you only get the really nasty side effects from a much higher dosage. I would suggest it. Stay hydrated! pic unrelated.

>> No.9547030
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>> No.9547183

can we all admit that >95% of males with acne have it purely because of male sex hormones and there is nothing you can do about it but wait out the storm? I'm in my 20's and although I usually am pretty acne free (compared to when I first hit puberty in my teen's) I still get hormonal spurts where my face will flare up with a couple painful, deep zits. It's all hormones guys, quit burning your face with bleach and acid. . .

>> No.9547262
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Been battling acne since I was 11 or 12, took it last year at 18, i think it was 30 mg twice a day for 5 months. I skipped a few days here and there and didn't take the last 2 weeks worth, mostly to drink again because parties were starting and I'm irresponsible (you're not supposed to drink on the tane)

When you start taking it you will have an initial break out where all of the pimples that were under your skin come out at once; this sounds really bad but it isn't, mine wasn't that noticeable and went away pretty quickly.

Other than that your lips will just be very, very dry. I had to apply crazy intense chapstick almost hourly and my lips were still super crusty and disgusting, which kind of sucked, but it's not hard to live with

My skin was amazing, I ended in early june and the summer/fall were completely acne free and awesome. Not having to use any special medicines or washes and simply using water to wash your face was so incredible.

However around october it started coming back, only small at first but it progressed to big pimples again and I'm currently washing my face twice a day and using Rx cream at night, have been since about december, and i still get acne. It's not as bad as before, maybe like 70% of what it was, but it still sucks. I think it's because I didn't complete it, even though I was mostly done :/

This is NOT true, at least not for everyone. I have bad social anxiety problems/self doubt/mood problems etc. etc. and accutane literally did nothing to my mental state. I was just the same on accutane as I am off of it.

pic unrelated

>> No.9547354

I'm about 4 months post accutane
>my skin never breaks out anymore
Worst side effect: I underestimated it's power and got second degree sunburns on a surfing trip I went on.
My derm diagnosed me mild/moderate and I went on 80 mg (40mg morning and night)
>do it

>> No.9547428

Just got off, do it brahs. Used to look like complete shit, now look reasonably less shit. Just carry lip balm everywhere and don't go outside without sunscreen out the ass.
>going outside.

>> No.9547457

I took it in high school like 6 years ago. Completely changed my skin, i had moderately bad acne all the time (which was painful on my face) and since accutane i haven't had it at all.

Agree with dry lips and skin.

They say suicidal thoughts are a potential outcome. I was already depressed and don't recall specifically having suicidal thoughts but I did feel like shit all the time. I'm not sure if any of that was due to the accutane, or if the accutane made it worse.. but I have felt much better about my skin ever since and while I occasionally get zits, never acne.

>> No.9547866

I've been on it for about a month and a half now. You need to have two blood tests.. one to see if your body is capable of taking the drug and one to see if your body is in anyway harmed by accutane. The only side effects I've had are.. the occasional blood noses. Dry lips, eyes and skin. Heaps of boogers up my nos :( and joint pains in my lower back, chest, fingers and toes.. apart from that.. its worth it so far! would recommend.

>> No.9547889

I'm 2 mts tall and took only 20mg for like 4 months
only side effect was chapped lips
no more acne
I recommend it fosho

>> No.9547905
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>mild anorexia

>> No.9548003
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Medical student here, my med school invented Retin-A and has one of the best derm departments in the cunt-tree.

Accutane can knock out your acne for a year or two, but it basically is a stop-gap to get you over the worst hormonal period of your acne. It doesn't "permanently cure" your acne, regardless of what you heard from some derm or read in some science article. The overall consensus is that it can suppress your oil glands for 1-5 years essentially. FOr most ppl, they woulda gotten over their acne phase by then. For unlucky ppl like me, it didn't work so easily.

I've only ever had MILD acne, but extreme extreme extreme oiliness, like it was repulsive and disgusting how wet and oily my face looked. I still now have to shower twice a day or else my hair will smell due to just sheer extreme oil production.

I took it once in 2007, a fast course of 3.5months reaching the goal cumulative dose of 120mg/kg (I hit 127 I think). Acne didn't go completely away but was controllable with topicals. Over time it got worse and oiliness increased.

So I did a 2nd course of Accutane in late 2014, reaching 135mg/kg. Just finished 3 months ago, still get occasional zits and skin is under control with Finacea (azelaic acid 15% gel). Hope it doesn't get much worse.

I had psych side effects definitely. I have fellow med student friends who took it and also got psych SFX. One of them is now on SSRIs for anxiety when she's never had that problem before. Will it cause you to kill yourself? Prly not. But it will lower your Serotonin levels and that could give you anxiety/depression symptoms. It definitely made me moodier, more irritable, etc.

Sadly there is no perfect guaranteed long-term cure for acne. I want one so bad but if my skin gets bad again I dunno what I'll do. My skin is uber sensitive so even like benzoyl peroxide causes bad scarring and hyperpigmentation.

>> No.9548083

Please don't take accutane, /fa/, unless you have very severe acne. You can convince a dermatologist to give it to you, but it causes Chron's disease down the line and is associated with other expensive, painful chronic diseases.

Save your booty. Don't do it unless it's absolutely necessary.