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/fa/ - Fashion

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9528722 No.9528722 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you see two ugly people and one fatty trying to pull this shit off.

>> No.9528738
File: 43 KB, 590x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I do my Asian ancestors proud with my topknot but, some fatty and his weeaboo friend are trying to take it away from me.

I applaud your conviction to the time it takes to grow your hair but, much disdain.

>> No.9528746

only asians and to some extent blacks can pull off manbun and not look like shit.

>> No.9528758

My gf pulls off sick manbun
Not even joking

>> No.9528781


>> No.9528927

>Taking fashion advice from a manlet

>> No.9528930

I have a professor at my community college who does this, looks pretty good tbh

>> No.9528946

topknot =/= manbun

>> No.9529541

this you guys are retarded

>> No.9529913
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please shut up now

>> No.9530225

>implying it can be pulled off

>> No.9530367

How long does your hair need to be for the bottom pic?

I actually look pretty similar to that guy and my hair is getting pretty fucking long. I even have a similar beard.

Also how the fuck does he get it so smooth? My hair is something of a mess and it's not even that long yet.

>> No.9530669

not saying I know the product but its deff hair product and its probably really well kept but for me I personally like a man bun higher up with all the hair in it but thats just me

>> No.9530689

Men with manbuns are the best, I was really sad when my boyfriend cut his (he though short hair would help with job searches).
Not saying everyone can pull it off, but a nice nose, short beard and an ok body are enough unless you have other weird features.

>> No.9530771


Manbuns can look fine but topknots always look retarded

>> No.9530839

>tfw even the handsome dude in op's picture can't pull off a man bun
case closed

>> No.9530905

I was actually surprised when i saw a full shot of him. What do you think? 5'5?

>> No.9530939

did you even read thread its not a fuckin man bun you half wit

>> No.9530943

I think OPs pic looks fine, it isn't bad but I wouldn't say it looks good either.

>> No.9530944


>> No.9531090
File: 334 KB, 1280x960, 2015-03-05-20-55-31_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pull it off

>> No.9531114

Hair product but also as your hair gets long it straightens out more, at least thats how it worked for me. Gravity or something

If you have really curly hair obviously it's still gonna be an afro though but otherwise just wait a little longer

>> No.9531127

>the frigid ex girlfriend hairstyle

>> No.9531130

Hey fuck you man.

>> No.9531146


>> No.9531398

its everywhere now man, everyone caught wind to the meme bun

>> No.9531412

I put my hair in a top knot when I don't use product (when I don't give a shit)

OP you can suck my dick

>> No.9531462

This trend was brutally murdered. Hop off immediately. I think it looks okay, but it's the new fauxhawk.

>> No.9531487

why do you faggots insist it's a bun
there's no bun

>> No.9531502

>not having a sikk w.wolf tail hairstyle
>male or female

>> No.9531556

I;m glad people like u exist becuase you make me look way better by comparison. keep looking like shit plz so that I look better by com-parison
sincerely someone with a much better bun than you

>> No.9531569

There's no product necessary fuccbois. Grow hair so that it goes past the bottom of your traps. Have decent straight hair genetics. That's how you get the look. Really simple and if you have to ask you probably couldn't pull it off anyway.

>> No.9531598

This. Always wondered' what was going to come next, after the fauxhawk, then the hitler youth, now its obviously the manbun. And /fa/ was already ahead of the curve on this as well and anticipated it's downfall.

now that all these people have long hair and dont know what the fuck to do with it.... i say the mullet is next.

>> No.9531610

No. It's the Fabio. I guarantee it. Guys will start letting their hair flow. And it will have the same result as the bun. It will look atrocious on 90 percent of people and look amazing on a few.

>> No.9531657

If you roll a man bun you are a faggot. Seriously. What is the appeal it looks so fucking dumb. I can't take anyone wearing that seriously, and I tell them that straight away. You look like a kid who's trying to stay cool or something. Grow the fuck up faggots. Can you imagine how rolled you would've got if you were spotted wearing this in any other generation?

>> No.9531690

that shit tier patchy beard. Also, that's a girl's bun faggot.

>> No.9531703
File: 665 KB, 2048x1536, 5Pmxv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you roll a man bun you are a faggot. Seriously. What is the appeal it looks so fucking dumb. I can't take anyone wearing that seriously, and I tell them that straight away. You look like a kid who's trying to stay cool or something. Grow the fuck up faggots. Can you imagine how rolled you would've got if you were spotted wearing this in any other generation?

>> No.9531715


>> No.9531719


>> No.9531724

So if you don't have a topknot or a manbun you wear a fedora? I don't try wear my hair like a woman dude.

>> No.9531734

man buns and top knots are literally shit-tier.

>> No.9531750
File: 45 KB, 288x384, aidan2_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So if you don't have a topknot or a manbun you wear a fedora? I don't try wear my hair like a woman dude.

>> No.9531762

He's said himself that he is 5'6

>> No.9531782
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>> No.9532777


>> No.9532797
File: 331 KB, 600x876, aar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man bun-derailment post


>> No.9532806
File: 189 KB, 750x1000, Ryan-Taylor-Model-Bondage-Editorial-Photos-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man bun-derailment post

>> No.9532807

There's some white guy in one of my classes trying to pull one off
But he hasnt trimmed up the back of his neck since the last time he got a haircut
It makes me die every time i see it

>> No.9532813
File: 227 KB, 600x797, 600full-ryan-taylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man bun-derailment post

*seek professional Barbers assistance immediately!*

>> No.9532818
File: 2.17 MB, 683x692, YULHEESKIRT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting waifu to derail this thread

>> No.9532842
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>> No.9532845


>> No.9532855
File: 21 KB, 400x362, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i look?

>> No.9532861

holy shit

>> No.9532874

you look fat, and im not going to talk about yor hair kek

>> No.9532894

please just stop, for the common good cut it off.

>> No.9532897


Oh my god i'm dying here

>> No.9532900


this has to be a ruse

if not, shave it all IMMEDIATELY and be glad you got dubs

>> No.9532903

I've only seen one of these so far and I live in London; home to every stupid fashion trend in the UK.

It was disgusting. I wanted to slice it off with my pocket knife.

>> No.9532912

>carrying a knife in london

lol chav.

>> No.9532919

only seen one?
god i see them everywhere.

>> No.9532924
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>> No.9532929

I like it pls don't kill ur self because of the bullies on this website

>> No.9532951
File: 123 KB, 1266x1170, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy.

>> No.9532969
File: 77 KB, 600x602, 054366857957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well hows about you give me some fucking advise instead of taking the piss?

>> No.9532980
File: 237 KB, 620x490, seira_and_i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need because my waifu seira is my heart.

>> No.9532991


>> No.9532997

> ^ < v

>> No.9533004
File: 500 KB, 245x309, 7k2SWQ1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fuck...
What would I do to find faithful woman like her

>> No.9533054

First pic didn't show your beard. You look decent, Mr. Bear.

>> No.9533071
File: 429 KB, 2000x1600, 1413310051309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9533096

really not taking the piss 100% fucking serious. lost the top not Action Bronson

>> No.9533128

weak beard, weak "haircut"
doesnt fir you at all
oh yeah, first step >>>/fit/

>> No.9533142

And they both look stupid as fuck.

>> No.9533163
File: 81 KB, 400x289, clark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koth-core, I dig it

>> No.9533346

This is Action Bronson LOL

>> No.9533511

bulkfrompowerrangers- core

>> No.9533671
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>> No.9534043


I actually like it from the front. I mean sure you could lose weight but i'm digging the rugged style gratz anon

>> No.9534081
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 10410939_808646009214825_1167801628146605738_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
