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File: 268 KB, 352x389, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9507831 No.9507831 [Reply] [Original]

What happened with Bieber lol

>> No.9507842

He started lurking /fit/ duh

>> No.9507846

so disgusting

>> No.9507848

what the

>> No.9507861

He's bored of being idolised by 13 year old girls, who are now 18 and bored right back, he's tried to shake off the hangers on by by being a bad boy, but that didn't work, now he's just trying to look like a middleadged pre-op tranny.

Whatever works, he's got enough money now.

>> No.9507865

He looks like trash by /fit/ standards. I think it's because he seems to have no lats or traps.

>> No.9507869

awful case of babbyface, his head does not handle the extra weight well

>> No.9507873

no way that is real

>> No.9507904

he looks fat

>> No.9507905


>> No.9507910

it's real

I'm not that bothered about his body or haircut, those are fixable. I can't believe how he completely fucked up his skin with all those absolute shit tier tattoos. He is (and many others are) acting like his body skin is some temporarily paper where you can doodle on. Well, all of it sticks with life. Just imagine looking in the mirror when you're 45 and thinking "what the fuck is this text underneath my left breast even supposed to mean?".

>> No.9507919

was probably insecure about everybody calling him a little boy so he took up fitness to prove everyone wrong and now looks ridiculous

at least he's richer than any of you will ever be though

>> No.9507923

oh my god he looks so bad now, it's almost kinda sad..

>> No.9507930

Celebrities aren't as rich as they seem. Bieber's worth 200M. In the oil game, they talk in terms of how many "units" they're worth, where a "unit" is 100M.

>> No.9507942


>Celebrities aren't as rich as they seem. Bieber's worth 200M
>In the oil game, they talk in terms of how many "units" they're worth, where a "unit" is 100M.

you are truly retarded

>> No.9507944

Until i see a source, i refuse to believe thats him... His CK photoshoot wasnt THAT long ago, so him packing on that much mass in such a little time seems ridiculous... Not to mention reckless. The kids got nutritionists and trainers who are prob. making over 100k a year who wouldnt let him get that big that quickly.
This is like Mac, season 7 of IASIP...

>> No.9507946


>lesbian gets out of jail.jpg

>> No.9507947
File: 263 KB, 1400x1051, justin-bieber-with-fans[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure he cries himself to sleep of what some anonymous, basement dwelling faggot thinks on one of the most time sinking and unproductive places on the entire internet.

>> No.9507952

how is that retarded? I'm worth $20M and my parents worked for a living.

>> No.9507956

He went from a big head kid to a small head kid
Is that shirt oversized or something?

>> No.9507961

He looks like a failed FtM trans.

>> No.9507962


>> No.9507967


>hurrr compared to a multinational enterprise with many investors, Bieber ain't that rich, amirite

congrats on being a daddy's leech, richboi

>> No.9507974

why does his manners remind me of yung lean's?

>> No.9507976

His best friend is a 50 years old dyke.

>> No.9507987

he's on his way to become the next Macaulay Culkin

>> No.9508006


i fucking hate that faggot macaulay so fucking much. if i see him and his fucking band the pizza underground i am going to smash their cunt faces in

>> No.9508007

He's 100 times more popular than Mycoklay Culkin has ever been.

He's more like the next George Michael.

>> No.9508010

i was talking more about him starting to look like a babbyface pedophile

>> No.9508011

>those videos
why the fuck is he with that lesbian bitch every week? did he loose a bet or something


>> No.9508013

Scientist are developing a cream at the moment which can remove tattoos, no pain, no scars, what's your reason to hate tattoos now?

>> No.9508017

because it's not avaliable now and propably will not in the next 50 years

>> No.9508018

>bragging about how your parents earned their money
>while you spend all of said money

>> No.9508019


makes moms like him so their dumb daughter can buy more tickets


>> No.9508020

that it isn't out yet

>> No.9508023

Scientists are developping a way to regrow a foreskin.

>> No.9508024

that the cream isn't on the market yet

>> No.9508028


is that what you told your parents when you got your 1/4 sleeve?

>> No.9508034

oh man he was actually an adorable little boy back then, I can understand how so many girls are still convinced somewhere deep down is a good guy who just got on the wrong path


>> No.9508041

I refuse to believe OPs pic isn't shooped

He has no mass look at his arms abd cheeks, just looks fat on the waist and small limbed

>> No.9508063

Who would invest in some scientists using over 50 years on a cream? You're wrong

And the argument was that he would hate his tattoo when he's +45

Go away retard, you got me.

And the argument was that he would hate the tattoo in the future

I don't have any tattoos

>> No.9508067

gettin on that RIFF RAFF DIET

>> No.9508072

>And the argument was that he would hate the tattoo in the future

Not everybody does.

>> No.9508074

>Not everybody does


>> No.9508117


Mass? What mass? He's still skinny as shit. Look at his arms. I've been lifting for over a year and I'm twicr his size but I still consider myself small. He's just wearing a retardedly boxy shirt

>> No.9508127

I never understood the amount of hate Bieber gets.

>> No.9508129


>> No.9508150

I never did either. He's basically a walking advertisement for the work everyone else does for him because he's marketable. He did the same kinds of stupid shit everyone his age does, but somehow it's a huge deal. I'd wanna hang out with him.

>> No.9508162


>> No.9508166

Das it mayne

R u aware?

>> No.9508170

>living past 20
get a load of this faggot

>> No.9508173
File: 354 KB, 573x321, Screenshot from 2015-02-08 16:38:35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you guys are mad hatin

>> No.9508175

Are there more pics? Looks shopped as fukk

>> No.9508191


HOW? He's just wearing two fucking baggy ass shirts

I don't fucking understand what's so unbelievable about the pic, he's not big at all

>> No.9508199


>> No.9508219

I think he's realizing that corporations have been manipulating him all these years by trying to make him something appealing to their target demographics, my guess is that's why he did a lot of batshit stuff, none of that was really "him". Dude's trying to find himself now I think so I respect that.

>> No.9508233

new bieber album when??

some of the songs off his Journals album were next level stuff

>> No.9508298

>I'm worth $20M
Youre not worth a cent. You inherited money, nothing else.

>> No.9508307


>looks like trash

bullshit, he looks great. /fit/ just tries to act like anyone who isn't a bulked up powerlifter is shit.

>> No.9508310

Literally looks like PewDiePie. For fucks sake, now we have two of these cunts.

>> No.9508314
File: 561 KB, 810x824, justin the echidna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought he looked strangely familiar.

>> No.9508322

>by /fit/ standards
Good that fit standards dont matter. To reach the limit of what looks good you dont even need advice. Theres a certain point at which increasing muscle mass still is fine. But especially if youre below 180 this stage is reached after about a year of lifting.

Anything past that has more to do with increasing % of body fat and, at least in my opinion, isnt worth the effort unless you have nothing else to show for in life or still have time to brag about your sixpack at the beach.

>> No.9508324

fucking kek

>> No.9508352

lol nigger, you're the one who's triggered

>> No.9508357
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>> No.9508366
File: 82 KB, 1200x479, riff-raff-fuel-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.9508395

he looks like someone who would drive an old white VW minivan lives in a trailer and is a proud American and is every night in his home bar, knows the bartender very well and has thriving discussions about keeping current gun laws in check

>> No.9508482


>> No.9508494

i just looks like he has spot gained fat instead of muscles

>> No.9508501
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>> No.9508523
File: 39 KB, 600x449, 1425051957195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9508565

>Buy tat removal cream
>be outside tattoo parlour
>wait for swagfag to come out with new tats
>squirt tat removal cream on him
>ruin 600 dollar tat
>run away

>> No.9508665

Lold reminds me of the padlocking stretched ear fag days

>> No.9508671

>cream to remove tattoos
snake oil

the ink is injected into your skin and destroys the original cells which were there

good luck fixing that with a cream

have you ever seen those ex-maffia from Brazil trying to remove the ink with battery acid? pic related, you really think "a cream" can be more efficient and healing than one of the heaviest acids? if you are rich you can have a proper surgery and use some of your own fat tissue to replace the destroyed skin and have it look proper but it is very costly and time consuming because it is possible the skin on your arm for example rejects the tissue taken from excess tissue on your calves

tl;dr I highly doubt there will ever be an effective cream you can smear on a tattoo and be done with it

>> No.9508682

what happened to his chin

>> No.9508694

What if the cream removed the color from the ink itself and made it clear? Leave it to the biochemists and engineers to find a way. Read science daily and you will read shit you never thought possible happens every day.

>> No.9508696


>> No.9508699


>> No.9508732
File: 13 KB, 325x288, 1396055890947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this kid worked out? His torso looks like the backrest on an ergonomic desk chair, complete with concavity for lower-back support. I sit at home masturbating and eating Kit-Kats and my arms are bigger than his.

>> No.9509084

Body just doesn't suit his baby face. Maybe if he had some facial hair he wouldn't look like a little faggot still.

>> No.9509092

You can already laser remove tattoos. Takes like a year with 4-6 sessions but it gets rid of them completely. I recently got rid of some finger tattoos for a job. Completely gone.

In 10 years tattoos will be able to be removed very easily.

>> No.9509214

god just imagine you get into a cab and there's this little dog just hanging over the front seat

>> No.9509317

He looks good in photoshopped ads. So does Kim Kardashian despite being a hairy brown hobbit. Based on his lack of jawline he's operating at about 18% bodyfat.

>> No.9509338

Holy fucking kek. That would be amazing

>> No.9509339
File: 76 KB, 687x1000, 1381217494203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wearing 3 t-shirts, AT ONCE

>> No.9509356

>During tattooing, ink is injected into the skin. The ink initiates an immune response, and cells called "macrophages" move into the area and "eat up" the ink.

>The macrophages carry some of the ink to the body's lymph nodes. But some of those macrophages that are filled with ink stay put, embedded in the skin. That's what makes the tattoo visible under the skin.

>Falkenham's topical cream works by targeting the macrophages that have remained at the site of the tattoo. New macrophages move in to consume the previously pigment-filled macrophages and then migrate to the lymph nodes, eventually taking all the dye with them.

>> No.9509365

I think hes dirty bulking

>> No.9509618

>getting finger tattoos in the first place

>> No.9509633

yeah probably, but still, lets laugh at him while it lasts

>> No.9509851

They were drunk self done home jobs as well. Had to go.

>> No.9509883

in terms of fitness riff is miles ahead of biebs IMO. but that could just be because he's not a manlet

>> No.9510040

Is this fucking shopped? My mind cannot process what I'm seeing. Its like a fucking optical illusion.

>> No.9510724

I would like to see all of your faces when he's done with his bulking diet and becomes lean as fuck. He will literally be a pussy magnet.

>> No.9510728

>He will literally be a pussy magnet.
>implying he isn't already

idk why he'd even try to improve- there are literally 10's of thousand of dimes willing to fuck him right now, in every major city in the world. he'd just have to tweet where he is and get some poon within the hour

shit isn't fair

>> No.9510729


i dont care if hes got a fucking 12pack dude he's 5'6" or some shit. i am literally more attractive than him to women regardless of all his fame and money and body.

>> No.9510733

how many legitimate dimes have you fucked?

guarantee it's hundreds less than bieber

>> No.9510735

You really think height is more attractive than someone who can pay the bills? Maybe hundreds of years ago where height would be an advantage to hunt for food, but in 2015 it's all about the digits on your bank account.

>> No.9510748

>this is what manlets really believe

>> No.9510750

Anon, you must lead a very sad love life.

>> No.9510751


bieber has fucked more dimes than you've even seen in your life or will ever see

>> No.9510756

If a 9/10 girl would have to choose between a tall guy and Bieber, who would she settle with for life? Let's just imply you are somewhere in the 6"2 range.

>> No.9510761

He is not that intelligent. You are asking too much

>> No.9510780

What, a 10 year old 9/10? Are you okay?

>> No.9510840

Ellen looks more manly than him

>> No.9510849

>those tattoo sleeves

Beeber ur a retard, just like Jaden Smith and his stupid nigger faggot bullshit.

>hurrdurr durr iz no dress

>> No.9510865

Why the fuck are you hating on Jaden Smith?

>> No.9510872

I guess that's why you have millions of women masturbating to you every night while Bieber doesn't. Oh wait.

>> No.9510880

why this nigga got the bodyshape of a cola bottle?

>> No.9510887

I think Bieber actualy has some good tracks:


>> No.9510897
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>> No.9511008

This is worse than dressgate.

>> No.9511024

This, don't see any problem with the dude if I'm honest, does what he loves and is pretty effay while at the same time not caring much for money and is educated, mirin his upbringing

>> No.9511028
File: 14 KB, 476x356, bertstare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9511093

dude, this guy thinks he's a top notch philosopher while talking retard shit all day long and being the laughing stock of all the internet.

>> No.9511106

>is educated

no he isn't. He's a teenage edgelord

>> No.9511237


He's an artist, indie and red pilled, I don't see any problem.

>> No.9511260

He's the son of a famous dad and nothing else. Go back to Club Penguin if you want to suck this little shit's dick.

>> No.9511288

lol Why are you so salty over a 16 year old kid?
Someone needs to sort out their priorities.

>Club Penguin
You're showing your age, bruh.

>> No.9511378
File: 341 KB, 512x384, 458073717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omfg that fucking Patrick star tattoo on his right forearm. My sides are now in the Andromeda galaxy

>> No.9511408

>is educated

>> No.9511440

wtf his hair, shirt, babyface-torso
i honestly prefer bieber of the old compared to this bullcrap.

i honestly didnt think it was possible to laugh at him more but touche to him for proving me wrong.

>> No.9511457

I honestly couldn't care less what Will Smiths fucking brats do, it just pisses me off that some retard (you) is trying to tell people they have talent and education because they clearly have none.

>> No.9511500

Where did his muscles go?

>> No.9511521
File: 350 KB, 500x482, tumblr_ljtxynzr8w1qb78z1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is now a tattoo thread

>> No.9511528
File: 117 KB, 640x640, 10899199_875750169112072_1456563094_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9511533
File: 791 KB, 1000x1000, c52-Irezumi, Senko, senju, madako, umeå, japanese tattoos, japansk tatuering (15 of 26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9511535
File: 121 KB, 714x1085, 86e22791b8fe05b6873586f541a634be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9511539
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>> No.9511561
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>> No.9511581

tattoos are pig disgusting and trashy
only a retard would get painted on with needles

>> No.9511611

aka Inducing lymph node cancer 101

>> No.9511616
File: 198 KB, 612x612, 966f4131caa34751c103ce58d3f69669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9511618

that's not how it works you retard.

"If a 9/10 girl met bieber, and a complete replica of bieber + money + 6'2" Who would she pick?

Yes there are girls who dig smaller men. However, it plays a huge roll in mating. I am sorry for your lack of height.


6'3 Anon.

>> No.9511647

But that was not what I was defending. You were insulting Bieber for his height, implying someone who's not Bieber but taller would have an advantage. That's not the case. Even then, I doubt people prefer that guy who plays Sheldon over Bieber. Bieber has sex appeal.

>> No.9512720

If I was famous and had all that wiggle room I'd probably fuck around too. Can't hate him for that.

I think we all wish we could street race in a lamborghini with little to no consequences.

>> No.9512846

Oh my god I dont know

it's hilarious though

>> No.9512992

Tattoos have been around for thousands of years and I don't think they're gonna stop because you think they're "trashy." Some people enjoy having artwork on their body.

>> No.9513060

>dat nose
pretty good/10

>> No.9513246

How does anyone stand looking everyday at the same wretched shit branded on their skin.

>> No.9513755

I don't get how people can really talk shit bout Bieber since they can't really understand where he's coming from. don't get me wrong, I think his music is shit and I don't care for him, but I don't really hate him either.

He's been famous since he was like 13 and I think he's doing pretty well now considering.

imagine having so much money and fame as a teenager and being able to do whatever you want. when I was a teenager I was a fucking asshole, and if I was as rich and famous as Bieber was then I'd be getting fucked up every night, going on benders, spend my money on drugs and hookers and do whatever I want too.

leave the guy alone

>> No.9513774

He's getting more attractive, but he still looks so much like a little kid to me.
It kind of kills everything he's going for. Despite being 20-21 years old, you can't take him seriously as an adult, and think of him as a teenager going through a rebellious stage.

>> No.9513791

What kind of shit diet/workout routine did he get on to look that fucking WEIRD?

>> No.9513846

Doesn't Ellen usually sit on the right?

>> No.9513906

No, she's always on that seat.
The only person I can think of who sits on the left side of the screen is Graham Norton, but I don't usually watch these shows.

>> No.9513917

i just feel like if i had Bieber money i would have WAY nicer tattoos.

>> No.9513949

He got them all in the space of like, 1.5 years, they were a rushed effort at making him appear more grown up.

>> No.9514803

what else would you expect from Ellen Degenerate?

curviness? AHAHAHAHAH!

>> No.9515086

Should be a jar instead of a glass

>> No.9515211

Traditional tattoos are amazing.
But that pack of birds flying away from your ass is neither deep or artwork.

>> No.9515309


I'm also fairly certain Riff Raff is on roids or something, he's gotten pretty big in just a few months

He doesn't look good though

>> No.9515317
File: 358 KB, 990x659, faasfua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I have to say about this Ellen show that love the "photography", i dont know how to explaint it exactly, but that HDR bloom that looks like the 90s but with HD cameras is awesome

>> No.9516314

I remember some youtube comment "is bieber trying to do the Ellen style?" or something like that maybe even "mirrin' the new Ellen style on Bieber"

couldn't stop laughing and it had like 400 thumbs up

>> No.9516332

thats excactly what he has been doing you fucking retard

you sound like a fucking faggot who wants to sound mature and cool even tough youre 16 years old

get to bed kiddo

>> No.9518662

everybody hates somebody

>> No.9518715
File: 179 KB, 467x417, Riff-Raff-performs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe he been hanging with Riff Raff

>> No.9519172

this is so disgusting and sad that people think being "big" is attractive. its so 2000s tacky. its like dads called cameron diaz "sexy". being a juicehead is fucking gross and i feel bad for all of you bulky fags getting a false sense of accomplishment

>> No.9519200
File: 76 KB, 445x657, orig-1139331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, something seems to be working for carrot top

>> No.9519216


god those shoulders would never fit in anything worthwhile.

>> No.9519218
File: 18 KB, 500x431, 1347748902099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk shit post fit

>> No.9519223
File: 36 KB, 594x319, WBU7QnaaP-Ql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away jim

guess whos dick you're sucking whenever you get a taste of pam


ill give you a hint

its not yours :^)

>> No.9519236


I just checked he is worth $75M. There is no god.

>> No.9519244

that dude got cucked so hard tho