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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 96 KB, 660x334, whogivesafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9504453 No.9504453[STICKY]  [Reply] [Original]

Blue and Black?
White and Gold?
Who gives a fuck.

Official discussion here.

>> No.9504456
File: 60 KB, 1314x1061, colour blindness aliens guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9504490

>what is color theory

Is the whole world losing grasp of reality?

>> No.9504495

I saw it as black and blue all of last night.

Then I woke up the morning and it was white and gold for a quick second.

And now it's been blue and black all day.

>> No.9504499

the way you perceive the colors in the photo has to do with how your brain correctly, or incorrectly(white and gold) guesses the effect of lighting and shadows have on a subject in the main view. The reason you probably still think it's white and gold is because of image retention. You are too used to the context that you think it is white and gold that it is difficult or near impossible to change your brains viewpoint of it

>> No.9504503

My brother is actually colourblind and saw it as purple and brown.

>> No.9504507

how the fuck is that white and gold

>> No.9504523

still not white

just very bright blue

and not really gold, more dark brown-green

>> No.9504530

I saw it as white and gold when I woke up this morning but by 11 it was blue and black and has been since.

>> No.9504536

So this whole dress thing is just the normalfag version of babby's first troll, right?

>> No.9504544


>> No.9504549

does anybody else see light blue and brown?

>> No.9504551

It's the other way around. Do you faggots even /p/?

>> No.9504566


>> No.9504574

think how many people will now buy this though man

>> No.9504582

lol another person throwing around color theory

>> No.9504588


Blue is fair enough, but I don't see how anyone can claim that those stripes are black. If that's black it has a lot more yellow in it than black generally does.

>> No.9504595

I've been away from the internet for two days and now I see this shit everywhere. What did I miss?

It's just an ugly looking blue dress with black trim, right?

>> No.9504597

i dont get it

>> No.9504607

what if it was just marketing?

>> No.9504617



Yes. How anyone can claim that it's either white and gold OR blue and black is beyond me.

>> No.9504641

Holy fuck do you lack some relational part of your brain or something. Yes if you took a colour picker on that image it'd be black-yellow, but if you do see it as blue-black, you should be able to see clearly that the yellowness is from the extra light, the stripes are actually yellow

>> No.9504769


>> No.9504776
File: 17 KB, 520x234, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9504778

millennials are retarded
so are you for using capital letters and making that shitty post

>> No.9504807

At least I use capitals. Are you allergic to them or a lazy fuck?

>> No.9505121



>> No.9505124

No it's not. Correctly identifying color under different hues is a scale. If you see white and gold your eyes are retarded and you should only stick to black and white clothing.

>> No.9505125


>> No.9505126

That's because black absorbs light, doesn't reflect it. If it was gold then it would reflect the light.

>> No.9505128

Posting in a sticky

>> No.9505133
File: 71 KB, 1136x960, Dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who see black & gold are trolling.

>> No.9505134

"If you go to the gold/black area [of the dress photo] and blow the image way up, people who see gold will see that the clusters of pixels are basically reds (pinks) and greens (olives)," McLeod went on. "They merge to give the summated color. If you have red-green deficiency, you’ll see just black."

Take this test, post results, and what colors you think the dress are.


I guarantee everyone who says black and blue are color deficient.

>> No.9505135 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 485x500, ay-o-1931-japan-finger-box-3152323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay ass thread

This is now a finger box thread

>> No.9505141

why is this stickied?

>> No.9505142

>this thread is stickied
>an awful, shitty meme thats the embodiment of web 2.0 is sticked

>> No.9505144

I imagine so you faggots stop making threads about it

>> No.9505151
File: 550 KB, 1593x1080, 1407699586548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thank you new #/mod/ friends

>> No.9505154
File: 4 KB, 250x168, 1424092171855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9505160

Am I on reddit?

>> No.9505170


>> No.9505183

Stop forcing this you facebook fuckstain.

>> No.9505189

>this is a sticky

mods I fucking hate you

>> No.9505190
File: 203 KB, 400x225, my-eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.9505194

>This is a sticky

Why don't we just merge 4chan and Reddit at this point?

No point in having two separate but identical sites.

>> No.9505198

You are literally retarded. People aren't saying the correct color of the dress, that we know from other photos of the dress that aren't washed out and taken in artificial (yellow) lighting (that is, it's a fucking blue dress with black stripes) because they're color blind. It's because they're doing second level processing in their brains to contextualize what they're seeing. They know that without the yellow light and bad photography that it would be a dark blue and a neutral black. What are you even trying to say right now?

>> No.9505199 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 900x900, 1419592136445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9505204
File: 171 KB, 1360x976, shirtdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9505206

What mod is shitting up /fa/ now? We're too small for this level of shitting on the bed. Cock off and ban the spammers, this doesn't need to be a thread. WHO THE FUCK STICKIES TROLL POSTS?

>> No.9505210

Not color blind, color deficient. Take the test nigga.

>> No.9505212
File: 43 KB, 690x279, ss+(2015-02-27+at+07.10.35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sort of understand why people say it's blue, it's white has a bit of a blueish hue to it.

But how the fuck do they see black in this? Am i being rused right now?

>> No.9505217

please stop

>> No.9505220

i can see how the blue looks a little white because it's so light but gold hell nah no way

>> No.9505223


There was literally a thread on every board on 4chan when I left for work this afternoon.

Not to mention Facebook, Tumblr, and at least four different threads on the Reddit front page

>> No.9505229
File: 218 KB, 1094x746, 1425014038991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can play that game too.

>> No.9505232


If you're too stupid to realize that this is a containment thread you shouldn't be allowed to post here.

>> No.9505234

wtf is this an elaborate troll

that dress is red

>> No.9505236
File: 104 KB, 1348x601, fkin rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suprised myself but i see black and blue

now what?

>> No.9505240


>> No.9505241

because people like you get butthurt

>> No.9505242
File: 112 KB, 599x660, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is clearly wearing a blue shirt! derp

>> No.9505248


the dress, in real life, is black and blue. check it on amazom you stupid shit-eyed cunt

>> No.9505249

Grow a complete cortex, nigger. There is no need for some dumbass, unsourced internet test on anyone's vision. Either you applied the context, like a functional human brain, or you didn't and you're a moron.

>> No.9505252

we all get that

however, the actual dress IS blue and black. anyone who sees white and gold has a shitty brain which is altering their perception of it. how does that feel?

>> No.9505253


You can't call it containment when almost every board has one

>> No.9505256

for our board dipshit this is containment. Why would we run to say /v/ to discuss this?
Are you really that fucking dumb?

>> No.9505266 [DELETED] 


I can literally make five more of these on /fa/ right now if you want

The mod probably stickied that and went back to finish posting on his tumblr about systemic oppression of transgendered furries.

>> No.9505270 [DELETED] 

Actually I'm right here and I'm ready to ban your shitty threads.
Don't have a tumblr and don't care to, I don't care for SJW's either. They can all suck a dick, and so can you babe.

>> No.9505271 [DELETED] 


>> No.9505272 [DELETED] 

it's probably just a containment thread devised to keep the serial memers from flooding the board with dress threads

>> No.9505274

this is exactly what it is and It'll be unlocked and discarded when all the fun meemsters get sick of it.

>> No.9505275
File: 5 KB, 306x308, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, this image is clearly black. Derp

>> No.9505277

many people refer to ochre as gold.

>> No.9505283 [DELETED] 


I haven't made any, but why is this sticked?

Also, could you delete the one on /biz/ right now?

>> No.9505289

>anyone who sees white and gold has a shitty brain which is altering their perception of it.
i dont think you understand how images work. the color in that picture is nowhere near black, its a dirty gold shade.

>> No.9505295 [DELETED] 

>containment thread

just fucking ban people like real mods do

>> No.9505296

It looks white and gold, but the lighting is fucking crazy. This is the most amazing troll in the past 5 years on the internet

>> No.9505298
File: 247 KB, 936x674, screen-shot-2015-02-26-at-8-46-39-pm[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus christ you're an idiot.

you can tell this >>9505242
man is not really wearing a blue shirt, correct? it is white, but when you take the color off paint or some shit obviously it will show up as blue. but, your interpret it (correctly) as being a white shirt. (if you dont you're beyond hopeless, i'm sorry)

so what you did there with the color you posted was fucking pointless. sure, i know it looks to be gold when you extract the color from paint. but look at pic fucking related ya god damn deficient dipshit

>> No.9505299 [DELETED] 

Sure is contained, since there's five new threads about it.

>> No.9505301


>another brain dead shit poster thought he could act smart

obviously it LOOKS to be one way, but seriously if you have half a brain you can determine the dress, in reality, is black and blue.

>> No.9505302 [DELETED] 

why is this stickied?

>> No.9505303
File: 58 KB, 529x251, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have perfect color vision

>> No.9505304

Has no one ever heard of white balance?

>> No.9505305

Your gonna tell me that looks like the dress in the middle in OPs picture? (color wise)

>> No.9505307 [DELETED] 

It's been said numerous times why it's stickied;
This is a containment thread for /fa/ and /fa/ alone. I've had to delete over 40 threads of this since last night.


No there isn't.

>> No.9505308


>> No.9505311

After the /pol/ shit it was reddit.

>> No.9505316


it is the SAME dress

it just has some shitty lighting/filter in the photos

>> No.9505325

You're all dumbasses for arguing over this.

>> No.9505329
File: 140 KB, 636x964, Dress_Waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's such an ugly colored dress, it hurts my eyes. This makes me want to wish it was actually gold.

>> No.9505330

This color >>9505275 was not extracted from paint, it's simply zoomed in 800% on an area of the dress.
If you see that as black you are beyond hopeless.

>> No.9505339

how you COMPLETELY missed the point is beyond me

wow, just fucking wow

it doesn't matter what you get when you zoom in 800%. zoom in 800000% and i still won't give a fuck. the dress is blue and black. there are images of it in other contexts where its pretty clear the "white and gold" camp is applying a false correction to the shitty photo.

>> No.9505340

It might be the same dress but with the lighting it looks nothing like that. At first glance are you telling me you see dark blue in OPs picture?

>> No.9505344

So the dress is blue and black but with the crazy bright over lighting for the picture makes it look white and gold. You can all go home now.

>> No.9505345


which one? obviously the far right is dark blue. the middle is where the shit lighting comes in and starts fucking with your perception. but the middle one is still arguably bluer than it is white, and dark enough where you can assume the lighting is giving the black a goldish tint. the far left isnt even worth looking at with all the effects applied to it.

>> No.9505350

>where its pretty clear the "white and gold" camp is applying a false correction to the shitty photo.
so youre saying those who are seeing the photo as what it shows in terms of actual color content are doing it wrong.

>> No.9505353

Yes. The first two are fucking edited digitally, you stupid turd of a human phallus.

>> No.9505358

See I have no idea which is the original one, so AT FIRST GLANCE not noticing the lighting I dont see how its possible to say that the dress looks dark blue and black. unless you notice the lighting and really look at it.

>> No.9505360

Yes. Because their brains are underfunctioning.

Not as big of an idiot as you are for having anything to do with XKCD.

>> No.9505361

So your eyes see this >>9505275 as black then? Simple question, yes or no?

>> No.9505364




>> No.9505368

>Yes. Because their brains are underfunctioning.
explain to me how seeing what is actually there is malfunctioning in your book.

>> No.9505369

How the fuck would I know which ones are altered or why would I care that much you fucking spaz

>> No.9505370

The question is, which one is the real photo?

>> No.9505373
File: 94 KB, 470x597, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can colors be real if our eyes aren't real?

>> No.9505374

This is the official /fa/ version of Xaiver's chair, isn't it?

>> No.9505375


The middle one you pinhead, you'd know that if you had been on the internet at all today.

>> No.9505380

It looks blue and black in all three pictures.

>> No.9505383

Serious question:
Who would even wear it?

>> No.9505385 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 86x106, wololo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of you are fucking retarded
both pair of colors mustard race:

>blue shadows on a white dress, (light behind dress, backlit)
>light reflected on a blue and black dress

the original dress is black and blue, doesn't matter, you're actually seeing the light of your screen

>> No.9505406

Considering it's a meme dress, I bet most people would.

>> No.9505414

>>9504453 (OP)
all of you are fucking retarded
both pair of colors mustard race:

>blue shadows on a white dress, (light behind dress, backlit)
>light reflected on a blue and black dress

the original dress is black and blue, doesn't matter, you're actually seeing the light of your screen

>> No.9505422

that's the fucking point you autistic faggot. it doesn't matter if the actual dress is black, red, orange, green, or purple. it looks white and gold

>> No.9505424
File: 1.13 MB, 722x1265, pepe starts a riot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9505432

Because you're not seeing what's actually there. Seeing what's actually there includes the context, which is granted by the clearly oversaturated store in the background, that gives the clues to what the color is in reality and not in a bad photograph. Those colors, in reality, are blue and black. Seeing the raw data of the dress (which is not included in any of the pictures in OP, because ALL THREE of them were edited to be EVEN MORE washed out and autobalanced towards gold/white) is ignoring the raw data of the whole photo, as well as implied information gathered from life experience, and so forth. It's underfunctioning. It's ignoring information to such a degree as to generate a false interpretation.

>> No.9505437


>> No.9505439


I see blue & black.

Took the test. Perfect color vision

>> No.9505462

prove it with pic faggot

>> No.9505474

I don't understand this meme. I must be getting old. What is the reference??

>> No.9505497

this has gone around the world but few can see, it matters not the fuck :) thank you, I had forgotten, now I remember how to bring chaos

>> No.9505499

This is that spinning ballerina all over again.

>> No.9505505
File: 287 KB, 649x946, blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not following your favourite porn artists on tumblr so they can explain this wizardy

step up, senpai

>> No.9505521

Well yeah, it's gold, not yellow.

>> No.9505525

That explanation doesn't work because both of the greys in the pic are... the same grey. People are seeing wildly different colors that don't match up. If it were purple/brown and black/blue discrepancies, that would be one thing; but this is blue/black and white/gold -- which one is the diametric opposite.

I think it's just trolling by white/gold persons.

>> No.9505530


>> No.9505533

No. I really did see it as white/gold as a thumbnail for a second or so in one of the undoctored version. It's possible, it has to do with context. Given longer than a second to look at it, my brain settled on blue/black and now I can't change that no matter how I try.

This is a troll thread, though.

>> No.9505544

>I think it's just trolling by white/gold persons.

Yes, countless people in countless places with no relation to each other decided to group up and troll you.

Holy shit, blue blacks are fucking dumb.

>> No.9505555


I hate this meme more than I hate Not User

>> No.9505560

Faggot, do you know what a meme is, academically?

>> No.9505565
File: 3 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always seen it as blue and black.
The thing that drives me crazy is that I cannot at all see the white and I don't understand how people can even see it as white. I get how people can see the gold. I can understand that. But there are people that even after showing them its a blue dress can see it as white.

I have seen this picture 100 different ways.
White balanced.
Messed up contrast.
Messed up brightness.
TV screen.
Computer screen.
Phone screen.
Someone at my work printed it out.

People have blasted this picture to look as white as possible but the god damn dress still looks like a lighter blue to me.

I mean, are there actually people who are not color blind that would look up at this clear sky and be like. "Look at that the sky it's pure white. This is normal in my world."

This is what gets to me now. I now know that I live in a world where half the people are like this. That they cant just look at a close up picture of a dress and even think about how the lighting could effect the colors. They just go through the world assuming that every picture they look at has at least near perfect lighting.

>> No.9505588
File: 29 KB, 884x192, color blind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks gold and white to me too.
And i'm pretty good at distinguishing colors in the warm spectrum.

>> No.9505593

this. theres another pic of the dress under normal uninstagramed light.

>> No.9505599

slightly brighter lighting does not turn white into black if it did we would be living in Alice's fucking wonderland.

take the test

>> No.9505600

I know the dress is actually blue and black, but in that photo, it still looks white/light blue and gold to me.

If I look at the photo long enough, I can see it is overexposed blue and black, only because I now have the knowledge that the dress is blue and black. But without knowing it was blue and black, when I first saw the dress, I thought it was white and gold. And I can't stop seeing it that way.

>> No.9505603

Slightly brighter yellow lighting that washes out a digital image does turn black into gold, though, you fucking moron. Is this really why you keep spamming your stupid test? You don't even understand which color becomes which color.

>> No.9505605

I see that.

>> No.9505612

I woke up yesterday morning to see it at white and gold for the first time. Before my eyes, it faded into blue and black...

>> No.9505618
File: 7 KB, 184x275, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw see White and Gold
>tfw you realize you can't see colors properly
>tfw you're now freaking out about how you have probably been poorly matching colors of your outfits this whole time
>tfw you probably look like shit all the time because you're colorblind

>> No.9505624

relax, I took the color perception test and scored perfectly. its the blue/blacks that are retarded

>> No.9505627


oh wait you're a white gold retard so you're lying

>> No.9505640


How do you see the gold parts as black? I mean, you can see they have colour to them. So how can they be black?

Also this man is wearing a white tshirt. >>9505242

>> No.9505641
File: 661 KB, 1280x1913, 1393161547009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yellow lighting that washes out a digital image does turn black into gold

Just because black is all colors combined together does not mean that you "perceiving" the color black as being "washed out" to gold is more valid than my only being able to distinguish gold. Think about how difficult is to convince someone who isn't colorblind that what they're seeing isn't right because they aren't colorblind as well. That's what this arguments sounds like to me. I hate to promote divisiveness as this board can do a bang up job of that in itself as you've illustrated clearly enough but though i can see the washed out blue tint on what is presumably a white base that fooled me into thinking it was something else reflecting on the dress I do not see ant black, at all. Refracted light, chromatic biases etc etc I don't know why but I'm 100% willing to believe that everyone is seeing what they claim to see and that trolls are in the minority. If someone said they saw demons instead of a dress I wouldn't dispute that. I have no right to assume that they aren't being honest or frank with me since i'm not them. I really don't.

and i'm not the guy who posted the test I just took it
Now if you guys would stop these high school shenanigans on the other hand...

>> No.9505652

alright, I'll spend another 20 minutes doing the fucking test so you can suck my cock

>> No.9505655

>aka i'll spend another hour retrying it again and again till i get it perfect

why are white/gold faggots such cucks?

>> No.9505662

lol moron, if I had problems with my color vision I could never get a perfect score on the test no matter how long I tried, I perceive color better than you so cry more. when I post this perfect test here in a bit you will only be able to cry copious tears while choking on my meat pole

>> No.9505663
File: 87 KB, 625x626, 1392001031798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a 22 what did u get

>my face when when i realized every color square within a color family had no perceptible gradation intentionally

>> No.9505666
File: 939 KB, 500x279, tumblr_mq74b1BCfb1qhu2zgo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look here guy

we're all "cucks" so let's help each other out by not mentioning this every second mmkay

>> No.9505667

oh so you'd never be able to just sample the colour codes and cheat?

cry more tears cuck boy

the fact that you're so desperate to prove yourself to me show's how beta you gold/white faggots are

>> No.9505679
File: 1.47 MB, 500x234, tumblr_n6r5mdaDXs1sp9f4bo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone asks me what colors i see on the dress i'm just going to say "demons" from now on. since i live in predominantly christian murrica i think it'd be fitting.

If anyone is combative enough to want to fucking convince me it's not demons i will am going to lol until i can't breathe anymore.

>> No.9505685

The /fa/ inside me doesn't want to believe that someone would mix royal blue and black. At least white and gold is passable.

>> No.9505689 [DELETED] 

:^) :]]] ]

>> No.9505691
File: 99 KB, 900x1344, le tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly inspiring

only an educated mind would recognise such genius

>> No.9505694

>white and gold
i know white is white but
because i'm heavily into cosmetics
white bases =cool tinted to me so it's sacrilegious to mix white with a an obviously warm color. No.

>> No.9505697
File: 36 KB, 400x388, 1419911393141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw surrounded by people with malfunctioning brains that think this dress is white and gold

holy shit

>> No.9505704
File: 164 KB, 800x600, 1420526984193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't worry, uprising soon anon

>> No.9505709


This is the most cringe inducing post on 4chan I've read in a long time.

>> No.9505717
File: 68 KB, 530x189, 1395970751984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just trying to amuse myself bren

pls don't hurt me feelings
OR MAYBE THE MEDIA IS ORCHESTRATING THIS, while they suppress news of the gov't intervening overseas and burning more muslims alive with drones
google it

>> No.9505718 [DELETED] 

thank you my good man, without you the chon would be another vapid shell in the endless wave of christ fags -__-

>> No.9505722
File: 12 KB, 385x278, 1334422416378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the definition of autism

>> No.9505729
File: 133 KB, 640x480, gfs_145573_2_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9505730

Well its quite popular in fashion. Much more than blue and black like wtf

>> No.9505733

Why has this been stickied?

>> No.9505739

You are so magnificently dumb. It's actually beautiful, like an explosion of paint. I have never seen stupidity so stubborn, so bizarre, so all-consuming in my entire life. It's not even retardation. You could be smart about things, but you just aren't. You could break through the surface level, but you don't. It's astounding.

>> No.9505742

With a reinforcing notion that "the brain" thinks independently from who that body part "belongs" to as well as a lack of clarification as to what and how one would be specifically coming to the conclusion as to what color(s) that "the dress" is (rather than the photo/image of how the dress appears in it with the various factors and other images having adjustments made to the original picture itself). A situation epitomizing that the "map is not the territory".

>> No.9505743
File: 120 KB, 640x480, nancy-drew-secret-of-the-scarlet-hand_2_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9505750
File: 125 KB, 640x480, fvvggf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9505752



>> No.9505766
File: 127 KB, 640x480, OH GOD THEY PREDICTEDE THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9505779
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 39149-nancy-drew-secret-of-the-scarlet-hand-windows-screenshot-taylor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"[...]my fears are like maggots infesting my poor old carcass.."


>> No.9505785
File: 57 KB, 640x478, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some Cyrillic satanist shit right thur

>> No.9505795
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this demon trying to tempt me with his devilish good looks


>> No.9505806
File: 288 KB, 539x818, mystery dress 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cure for those pitiful fools who can't see black and think it's gold.

Imagine that the dress is in bright light, which it is. Now do you see?

>> No.9505815 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 600x745, 6029358_1_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without mentioning as to who determines (or "diagnoses")that one would be of that condition and how is it concluded that "they" are universally "colorblind".

>If someone said they saw demons instead of a dress I wouldn't dispute that.

Without elaborating upon the specific context and source as to how and why one would state that they "see demons" and be interpreted as them implying that the dress is seen in some way as being of the condition to be categorized as a demon or that the "entity" would be somewhere in the picture. Not to mention the very connotative and denotative fusion of meaning and definition drawn upon as if "the demons" would merely and only possibly be of the singular form attributed to debunked "fairy tales"(and ultimately from a means to consume and digest that information in a manner that the accustomed way to do so with the conceptual etiquette reflected from the state of mind of the consumer would be the wrongfully "right" way of doing so)

>> No.9505818
File: 60 KB, 500x272, d22fee1fd91e1745224c125e44ced0b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a daylight chromatic bias then so what?

>> No.9505823

What is the color of night?

>> No.9505834
File: 27 KB, 400x300, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a distinct absence of sun light at night

i do not need to remain awake at night so...

>> No.9505839

sanguine you faggot

now fuck off back to /v/

>> No.9505847
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9505860

I see dark blue and heavy black with no inbetweens

Thanks the lord for my based eye genetics

>> No.9505867

Nice blue shirt.

>> No.9505888
File: 500 KB, 300x246, abacus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based eye genetics
>not optimized to perceive daylight

what a pleb, snortsnort.

>lit. erryone in this thread


>> No.9505925
File: 125 KB, 599x880, 1424102218259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you people so mad about this shit, if you see it as blue and black, congrats you are an autist, if you see it as white and gold, congrats you are colorblind.

>> No.9505941

this fuck up of a meme died as it lived, so why are debating over the color of an ugly dress?

>> No.9505947

he tweeted that there was no dress

>> No.9505949

wtf mods.

>> No.9505964

That's not pretty good...

>> No.9505970

woah that guy in your picture is blue right?

>> No.9505971

dark orche

>> No.9505973
File: 1000 KB, 500x281, cheers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9505976

well, periwinklish be be exact but yeah

>> No.9506029
File: 49 KB, 660x748, 11014709_10206286696231349_3687601776308808687_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see neither a complete white nor a complete blue, same thing with black and golden. This reminds me of back in middle school when I'd argue over people if something was orange or brown.

>> No.9506058

Blue and Black master race reporting in

>> No.9506070

>master race
top kek

>> No.9506075

† † † † † † I don't need to know what color it actually is. I have faith it is white and gold. † † † † † † † †

>> No.9506082
File: 3.03 MB, 256x144, 1409106567150.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fluoride in the water makes it black and blue

>> No.9506089
File: 1.22 MB, 256x169, 1401294394031.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real illusion here is our perception of time and our place in the cosmos.

>> No.9506090

>hurr it's black and blue, you guys are colorblind lol

It doesn't fucking matter which color it is, if the picture shows it's white (and that's not even white white) and gold, then you can't blame people for seeing fucking white and gold, period.

>> No.9506094


brown is just a dark shade of orange

>> No.9506098
File: 51 KB, 1810x578, Color test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be gentle

>> No.9506101
File: 159 KB, 1087x844, Grey_square_optical_illusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason people are seeing it differently is the same phenomenon as pic related.

A and B are the same color, but your brain interprets it as them being different colors due to the presence of shadow.

It's how your brain interprets it, nothing to do with colorblindness or rods or cones, just how your brain handles luminosity

>> No.9506105

why would a checkerboard pattern have those specific tiles be the same color

this image is EDITED

>> No.9506106
File: 32 KB, 438x440, funny-pictures-interesting-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I learnt more about colors today than I did during my whole school life
The real question is, how do colorblind people see it?

>> No.9506107

>why would a checkerboard pattern have those specific tiles be the same color

To illustrate the optical illusion you dongle.

>> No.9506138
File: 128 KB, 720x1052, IMG_20150228_001108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The color of the dress varies depending on certain biológical and psychological factors that get resumed to the following:
White and gold: you are happy and have a positive way of thinking con mostró subjects.
Black and blue: you are rather sad and you usually see things in a negative depressive way.
Green and purple you are gay and suck a lot of cock.

>> No.9506143

>Green and purple you are gay and suck a lot of cock.

nice pseudoscience buddy but i do not suck cock

also it's black and blue

i'm color blind and have some weird shit going inside my occular cavity so i see gold and light blue
it is what it is

>> No.9506147

green and purple but ive always liked women

>> No.9506163

all of the images are of the same dress. These fuckwads are really stupid enough to not notice that the lighting on the dress changes making us perceive it as different colors although, it still is the same dress.

>> No.9506166

So you do suck lots of cock

>> No.9506173

the problem is you wanks are always looking at a screen be it phone, computer, tv....etc. Get out of the virtual world and into the real world. Try looking up at the sky (it's that vast blueness above your head)

>> No.9506181

Tips fedora

>> No.9506199

Top kek

Mad because his eyes are shit

>> No.9506223

Then, how do i win?

>> No.9506227

The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.9506251
File: 552 KB, 480x480, 1425066140960.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>web 2.0
You realize this is 2015 and not 2004, right?

>> No.9506266

why the fuck is this shitty thread stickied?

>> No.9506280

Btw don't steal this is OC please attribute to me

>> No.9506290


>> No.9506303


>> No.9506327

What the fuck is going on?

>> No.9506395

Blue and yellowish. That's how I saw it the first time.

It's also the right answer. Every bozo should know it's just the lighting and the shitty camera that's messing with the real colors.

>> No.9506415

youre a fucking idiot. the point isn't what color the dress is, it's what color the picture of the dress is

>> No.9506474

The point is whether or not you can tell what color the dress actually is. The dress is black and blue. The people saying white and gold don't have the brain power to take into account the lighting and think it really is white and gold.

>> No.9506491

>The point is whether or not you can tell what color the dress actually is
no, the picture of the dress is white and gold. the picture is not black or blue. you're an idiot

>> No.9506512

Oh wow, now I can understand the people who think it's white. Huh.

>> No.9506530

Do you white/gold retards think the color scheme of this board is white instead of blue? Like the box this post is in, is that not blue? And the background, is that too light to be blue?

>> No.9506531
File: 1.75 MB, 320x320, 1425107596745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's blue and black.

>> No.9506538

oh holy shit

>> No.9506544

the color of the dress isn't in question you autistic fuck, it's the color of the picture of the dress.

>> No.9506547

i thought it was purple/black at first, but now i'm convinced its actually blue/yellow

prove me wrong

>> No.9506553

it's obviously green and red

>> No.9506559
File: 71 KB, 240x350, 1424292907855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? If the dress is blue and black then why the fuck would the picture be any different? Just because some people interpret it differently? If this was just another optical illusion I doubt it would've spread so quickly; no, dumbshits are debating the actual fucking color.

>> No.9506561

fucking idiots

>> No.9506565

It's ugly no matter what the hell color it is.

>> No.9506567

blue as my thoughts
black as my soul

>> No.9506572

Pretty much. Sounds like he just doesn't want to be proved wrong.

>> No.9506575

the picture is overexposed to hell so it looks white and gold. doesn't matter what color the dress is, it could be a pure black dress with no patterns at all, but in the picture it looks white and gold, not black and blue

>> No.9506586
File: 61 KB, 402x564, 1421968581969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture is bad, yes, but the blue tints and the larger presence of a dark, almost black shade should be the first thing that is interpreted by anyone's mind. I can see how it can be seen as white and gold, I've "seen" both, but it's still far easier for it to look blue/black instead of white/gold.

>> No.9506589 [DELETED] 

Cant we all get along and say both? It is relative to what lighting the dress is in. The dress trolls us by changing colors. Its a fucking dress, and who cares

>> No.9506591
File: 52 KB, 479x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The dress is Blaue and black

>> No.9506614
File: 59 KB, 490x632, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as a friendly reminder that this "debate" was first started on tumblr and now it has its own sticky on /fa/

this is how bad 4chan has gotten

>> No.9506624

tumblr has never been a four-letter word on /fa/, remember.
there are still people who use it for its intended purpose of sharing art rather than whatever boogeyman you're afraid of at the moment.

>> No.9506633
File: 15 KB, 400x343, jerry_seinfeld065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the deal with this crimson red and aubergine dress anyway?

>> No.9506686
File: 841 KB, 250x205, tumblr_mufni8RVNh1qai2ceo6_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>black and blue
>You see it that way because you understand the lightning makes the black reflect which gives it a more bronish-black-green color. And the blue is clearly blue

>white and gold
>hurr i dont understand lightning, here have a picture of a white shirt in a shadow it has similar color to the blue in the picture which isn't in shadow but in bright light. My stupid brain is tricking me

>> No.9506696

The dress is in shadow too though

>> No.9506701


you can see light reflecting from it

>> No.9506702

Haha what are you smoking!?!?

It's orange and turquoise!!!!!!!!!'


>> No.9506703

But yeah, this is basically the problem with white and gold autists, they are incapable of grasping the nuances of how light affects the shade of what it reflects off of, without having it explained to them like they were a child.

>> No.9506704

they are not even the same shade of grey (hurrdurr 50 shades of grey pun)

>> No.9506721






>> No.9506748

this dress is effay

>> No.9506804
File: 43 KB, 511x507, meme police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a really ugly dress and a shit meme that I don't want to meme, even with colleagues.

>> No.9506810

My co worker and i argued about this earlier today. We both stared at the same picture, but had different answers for the colors we saw. I told him i first saw the dress black and blue but later in the day it was white and gold. Also fuck off with your white saturation or whatever the fuck theory! I saw the dress royal fucking blue and pitch black b4. Now its pure white gold now. He then pulled up three pics of the dress and he said they were all black blue, but i saw the dress in the middle pic as black blue and the other two pics were white gold sooo..... aliens

>> No.9506816

TMZ contacted the designer of the dress and she confirmed it is black and blue, in case you guys wanted to know the irl color

>> No.9506820

What's the backstory here?

>> No.9506821

no the left is a white shirt in the shade and the right is blue

>> No.9506827
File: 642 KB, 1226x582, debunked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TMZ isn't exactly the most reliable source.

It's a different dress. Some people are so stupid and will believe anything they see on the internet.

Also, the people who scientifically explained it revealed that basically if your brain is predispositioned for staying indoors, seeing things in artificial light, etc. you see it as black and blue. So anyone who sees it as black and blue is a horribly depressed internet troll who stays inside all day long every day.

>> No.9506830
File: 834 KB, 572x567, what black and blue fags actually believe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These stupid people are pretending like it's "funny" to act like something that's obviously white and gold is black and blue. Apparently there's something "humorous" about it.

>> No.9506831

>mfw still can't see it as anything but white & gold

>> No.9506833

Yeah you can't see it as anything other than what it is because you're not a lying idiot internet troll.

>> No.9506834

>saying derp
fucking kill yourself

>> No.9506838

I dont understand how i could see both black blue and gold white versions of the dress simultaneously. Three pics side by side 2 white gold 1back blue

>> No.9506844

thank you for being honest with yourself. all the other white golds are butthurt and delusional trying to enforce their faulty vision onto others

>> No.9506846

lol that was so funny

>> No.9506853
File: 705 KB, 2223x2223, 1345459297_apple_red_delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you're all so gullible and naive that you let people tell you what colors you see and you actually believe them.

I'll bet I could convince you dipshits that this apple is blue and you would actually non-ironically believe it.

>> No.9506862

that apple looks green to me sir

>> No.9506913

This butthurt

>> No.9506977

why the fuck is this stickied?

>> No.9506979
File: 64 KB, 1639x528, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9506993

But I am not colorblind and see it light blue and gold? This normal?

>> No.9507035

How retarded could one be to say that all those blackness there is for nothing?

I cannot even understand which part of the dress is being seen as "gold" and "white". Black is there, right before your eyes, how the fuck you cannot see that?

And the white, what the actual fuck about that? The picture is of all colours, and you are saying it somehow is white? I mean, fine, the left one has that really pale blue on it, and that's because it is too illuminated that it has lost some saturation, but still, the blue is right there. I could accept a "pale blue", provided that you are some computer-illiterate fuck, but that is no where "white".

Just filter what you see digitally with a mental colour correction you retarded fucks.

>> No.9507055


>> No.9507067

Thanks doc

>> No.9507087

If you think it's black and blue, but you SEE it as white and gold, you are fucking betraying yourself and you are an idiot.

Your eyes see white and gold but other people tell you that you see a different color and you fucking believe them. You should honestly feel ashamed of yourself.

I can't wait until this whole fucking thing gets blown out of the water and it turns out to be some prankster from Reddit and you guys are a bunch of fags who actually fell for it.

>> No.9507089


Kek, the original dress is blue and black you fucking scrub

>> No.9507096

There is no lighting that you could show the black and blue dress in that would make it appear white and gold. The dress in question is white and gold, and it's a different dress entirely.

>> No.9507099

the exposure's fucked, too. that's the bigger problem.

>> No.9507101
File: 26 KB, 1600x850, Screenshot (32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took the test, scored perfect, male, what now?

My brain just knows how things can go wrong with digital photography, as well as how cloth is seen in real life. I know how that material can shine under warm light, I know that even black can reflect and shine.

>> No.9507105

I scored 15 and I see white and gold.

Or rather, I see light blueish and bronze, which I interpret as white and gold and wrong white balance.

>> No.9507106

This whole situation is retarded. Even if it is the same dress hypothetically, it would be like if I showed you a white coffee cup, but I took a deceptive picture of it to make it look green, and then when people called it "green" I was like "No, it's white!" and I got all offended when people didn't believe me.

If you show me a white and gold dress, I'm gonna fuckin call it white and gold and people just need to get over it.

>> No.9507140
File: 1.03 MB, 598x910, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only photo I've seen where it looks white and gold

>> No.9507148


>> No.9507163

Its pretty clear that this shit is Black but the anything but neutral lightning fucks it to appear like some goldish brown.

>> No.9507183

Black Blue and scored 2.

>> No.9507186

>explain to me how seeing what is actually there is malfunctioning in your book.
Okay, you just went full retard for real. The brain processes contexts all the fucking time, including colours, if it didn't you'd be a literal retard.

>> No.9507187


>> No.9507193

Some of us don't browse the shitstains that are tumblr and twitter, you tremendous faggot.

>> No.9507203

Pretty much this.

>> No.9507204
File: 42 KB, 1000x903, blind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue and black, pretty fucking clearly.

>> No.9507218

why the fuck is this thread stickied?

are the mods that big of fagots?

>> No.9507236

Underrated post

>> No.9507267

The dress is actually black/blue

If you see white and gold it basically boils down to lighting and how your eye/brain perceive colors.

That's it.

I've seen both.

>> No.9507286

Underrated post. Its still black and blue, but i understand the morons who think its white and gold

>> No.9507317
File: 464 KB, 1280x720, video (01).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can all agree that the cow print dress behind it is black and white, right?

>> No.9507319

Do people fall this easily for viral marketing now?

>> No.9507343

>fall this easily for viral marketing
You realize that marketing is only viral if it reaches a lot of people, right? So you need a lot of people to fall for it so it can even be considered viral.

>> No.9507348


in my bumfuck nowhere eastern european country, everyone I showed it to said "yeah I know what that's about a friend showed me" etc etc

EVERYBODY knows about it

>> No.9507353

Which means that it went viral. Your statement simply didnt make any sense.

Marketing has to fool many people for it to be considered viral in the first place. So being surprised that many people fall for 'viral marketing' makes the sense because if they hadnt been fooled it wouldnt be viral. You get what I mean?

>> No.9507382
File: 473 KB, 1075x1319, 894398231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9507386

Yeah, but it has light shining straight onto it.

>> No.9507446

The dress is confirmed blue and black. If you ever saw this as white and gold, congratulations, you're retarded and possibly color blind.

>> No.9507448

Have you faggots never seen a photograph in your life?

>> No.9507464

top kek m8 your vision is shit and you have the mental capacity of a primate

>> No.9507473

not that guy, but you are a pedantic ass

>> No.9507476

>sitting in the shadow
nice try m8

>> No.9507504

Its not pedantic. Its getting shit right so he wont look like a fool in the future. In some places this is considered being helpful.

>> No.9507508

All this damage control.

>> No.9507523

The dress is also in a shadow.

>> No.9508331

bumping memedress thread

>> No.9508438

Funny, now I can see it as black and blue.

>> No.9508457

What does the colour of the actual dress have to do with the colour of it in this photograph with lighting effect? The picture is what's in question not the actual dress.

I see it as light blue and a dark greyish brown.

>> No.9508478

Funny, this was the first board I thought it would have a discussion about the dress.

>> No.9508498

Well, some autist will ignore that completely and tell you are a retard for not guessing the color of an over exposed pic of a shitty dress.

>> No.9508526

whole thing is dumb, what is the question? the colour of the image or the dress itself? clearly in the image the colour is light blue and brown but with the corrected image it is blue and black, why even ask what the actual colour of the dress is if the image isnt accurate

>> No.9508534

This. It's all about how your brain perceives the colors. Nothing else.

I originally saw it as white/gold, but sometimes looking at it, it will look blue/black. I asked someone who never saw the original dress, and they said it looked blue/black. So, yeah.

>> No.9508599

It's mostly purple, if we're being honest with ourselves.

>> No.9508625

He is though. There's no guessing involved. To see any color except a blue and a black is to ignore the whole fucking rest of the image except those pixels which only make up the dress. You would have to be, and I am not buzzwording because of 4chan, some kind of mental fuckup suffering from a cognitive disorder like developmental retardation or autism in order to ignore all the relevant information to such a degree. The washed out background clues in your brain and it changes its interpretation in order to spit the information up to the conscious mind. That's what a functional human brain does. You'd have to have something wrong with your brain to see white and gold.

My girlfriend sees white and gold. She's also incredibly stressed out and has been functioning on 4 hours or less of sleep for months. Her brain is not functioning correctly. I am on easy street and getting eight to ten hours of sleep a night. I see black and blue without effort. My brain is correctly applying post-processing.

There is no debate here. There are people who are butthurt about being brain damaged, however temporary that might be (gold and white), and the majority that are able to correctly contextualize an image in their subconscious (black and blue.)

>> No.9508736
File: 28 KB, 500x331, black-dress-girl-pretty-sunlight-Favim.com-455597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By that logic, this dress is gold too.

Or has no one heard of lighting anymore?

>> No.9508747

I see light blue and gold to royal blue and black

>> No.9508775

7/10 see white and gold, 1/4 blue and black and a small minority of special snowflakes see blue gold (you)

>> No.9508804

So, who's going to be the first to spot someone wearing this dress in public?

Or buy it themselves?

Or at least see it in person in a store window?

>> No.9508814
File: 183 KB, 789x528, club_lighting_2true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see it as white at all. Even when I adjust my monitor brightness or stare at the white light for awhile since still don't see pure white. The most is just light blue but maybe that's because I have a normal grasp of how colors reflect light.

Next we're going to say this guy on lefts skin is red just because it looks red

>> No.9508828

holy fuck you're autistic. his skin looks red in the picture. his skin isn't red, but it appears red in the picture. the dress isn't white, but it appears white in the picture. white things can appear to be lightly blue under shadow, hence the interpretations of the overexposed blue dress as white under shadow. they aren't seeing "pure white" but the light blue appears white as that is the color white objects have under shadow. fuck off with your autistic faggotry.

>> No.9508860

>it appears white in the picture

it really doesn't

>> No.9508868

it does for people that have acceptable light intake and white ballance

>> No.9508920

>is objectively wrong
>talks about "acceptable" vision

Glad my brain can still tell real colours even if there's some light or shadows around.

>> No.9508941

see >>9507382

of course it's not a pure white color, but that is the how white clothes can look when they are in the shadow, it's not about what color the dress is, it's about what color it looks to be, also your exmaple is fucking retarded, they guy is no red are you going to say he doesn't look red in the picture?

>> No.9509067


>> No.9509090

it´s white and gold
now shut the fuck up already

>> No.9509142

Could you explain why I am retarded for my post I asked the relevance of the actual dresses colour in relation to determining the colour of it in the photo and you are correct to an extent in what your saying depending on how the question is asked "what colour do you see the dress as?" the dress is black and blue or white and gold depending on if your brain veiws it as in an outdoor setting or an indoor setting "what colour is the dress?" The dress if looking at the pixels it is light blue and a greyish dark brown.

>> No.9510553
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 10422300_10152635781537217_6185830526023099018_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9510646

Actually nevermind guys just give this to everyone without saying its mine.

>> No.9510671

Look closely at some of the faces in this picture, they're loving it.

>> No.9510697

STFU faggot