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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 84 KB, 610x260, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9503655 No.9503655 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9503656
File: 151 KB, 634x1248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start

>> No.9503661

>new waywt
>grill poster
>average fit at best

Guaranteed replies

>> No.9503664

fit is alright, it looks like not much thought was put into it though.

>> No.9503667


>> No.9503685

post tits you skank

>> No.9503689

Why do you guys hate grills so much?

>> No.9503696

because they lack fashion sense for the most part and too many of them fall into the pleb tier basic bitch category

>> No.9503705
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>> No.9503706

you know what.. now that I think about it: most of them do dress very typically.

>> No.9503712
File: 152 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very similar, I don't have that much clothing, but I tucked my jeans into my boots like a girl and I think it looks better than doing some weird cuff thing

Also I hate my hair

>> No.9503715
File: 2.75 MB, 1000x2385, ofd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw my shirt isnt actually green irl i just wanted to see if it'd work

cba 2day, feedback welcome
also w2c fashion sense??

>> No.9503716

I kinda like the boot-jean interaction.

>> No.9503718

Also my pants are gold and plaid shirt is white

>> No.9503729


>> No.9503730

>wearing a fedora on your wrist

and those pants look like absolute shit on you and rolling them up isn't doing any favors

>> No.9503739

would have been a good fit, if they were black and blue instead

>> No.9503792
File: 678 KB, 2448x3264, CameraZOOM-20150226112452376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9503802


Wtc boots

Nice m8

>> No.9503807
File: 2.87 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150227_180103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Groovy fit + groovy pose + groovy thighs

Inb4 kill yourself

>> No.9503808

this fit is so bad it's offensive

>> No.9503810


>> No.9503811


Otherwise good

>> No.9503812


have you looked into hormone therapy?

for real

you look like a prepubescent boy

>> No.9503813

What is the actually color of your shirt then?

>> No.9503814


>> No.9503825

slate m8

>> No.9503838

stans are so meme

>> No.9503840
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>> No.9503848


>> No.9503851

Is it though?

>> No.9503853
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>> No.9503862

i know that's timber but i googled imaged it and got led to HAIRY BUSH MILF HD

>> No.9503864
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Ich bin kein roboter

>> No.9503876
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>> No.9503880

even worse than usual. repulsive

>> No.9503882

>that necklace
consider suicide

>> No.9503892

white and gold obv

>> No.9503896

clueless italian/10

>> No.9503904
File: 2.28 MB, 2169x2306, 20150227_084815-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9503906

You post way too much and I don't like your /mfa/ core but you actually look pretty cool on the right. Usually you look like an effeminate fuccboi

epic contemporary meme my friend

>> No.9503908

lol pinstripe pants w vertical rib sweater

u bold

shine on

>> No.9503910
File: 2.40 MB, 2474x2021, 20150227_084908-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9503909


>> No.9503912 [DELETED] 

Is it the colors or the fits that you Dont like about my mfa core

>> No.9503914
File: 144 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really trying to make these shoes work. What can I do that with? I tried light wash pants before but didn't feel right.

>> No.9503918

Also, decent fit; a bit too ostentatious. It looks alright, it just feels try-hard.

>> No.9503921

Where to cop those pants

>> No.9503923

whats your name? i think i know you

>> No.9503943

Size is too big. Common problem with every af1 fit I see, even mine. They are super clunky so you either have to size down or have very small feet. If you want to salvage the fit you will have to opt for something a he'll of a lot looser fitting.

>> No.9503946
File: 1022 KB, 551x872, front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new bomber


>> No.9503947

You're a big guy

>> No.9503953
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>> No.9503957


>> No.9503964
File: 2.31 MB, 1573x2606, 20150227_090735-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better, or too top-heavy?

>> No.9503969

Huckleberry i go for similar sleazy look, what do you think of my attempt? I'm the one with the big guy jacket

>> No.9503970

He obviously is a prepubescent boy.

>> No.9503978

Looks nice w2c pants??

>> No.9503984
File: 850 KB, 1728x3072, WP_20150227_17_02_22_Pro[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually dressing like u live in a house

>> No.9503985

bottom half doesn't fit with top

you look like my aunt

nice uniform. hope it cost a lot

>> No.9503989

The pants aren't pin stripe. The picture does that when I make it smaller.
Try to tie them tighter
Post pic.
Is it the fit or the colors you don't like in my mfacore

>> No.9503992

I actually like this. Fuck you and your decent fucking fashion sense.

>> No.9503999
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>> No.9504002

shoes are bad

every post except the sorta hot girl is awful in here. I hope you guys are satisfied

>> No.9504003
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>> No.9504005


the only ok fits

>> No.9504011

I feel like the pinrolls are a little too high

>> No.9504013
File: 1.99 MB, 390x323, catpaws.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey birthday old buddy

you forgot to conceal ur face
and buy new shoes.

oh but then how wold the other gays know that this is u then???

>> No.9504017

The problem i had with the first pictures was the shirt over sweatshirt-thing you had going on and even though i'm not really into this jacket it is much better.
af1 are hard to make work but they don't look too clunky on you

>> No.9504018

holy fuck i think i know this kid

>> No.9504020

lel nice reference

>> No.9504022
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>> No.9504025
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Well a state college so pretty much yeah I guess

Although you do still technically need a diploma equivalent

Apparently it's "normal" but normal medically can mean really fucking low. It's something I've looked into. Also considered the other direction, go full on trap, but I don't have the body for it
Ill keep posting this till you all stop asking, jeez I did not think I looked that young

>> No.9504026
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inb4 acne is fast fashion, kid

>> No.9504029
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>> No.9504036

worst advice in this whole thread jesus christ calling it a fedora on your wrist go outside

>> No.9504037
File: 1.15 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this hat work?

>> No.9504038

lol everything fits awful proportions are wack

>> No.9504039

Height and face aside, fix your nails

>> No.9504045

>tries b8 posting old photo of timber
>its a good photo

>> No.9504054
File: 3.10 MB, 1860x2617, IMG_20150227_180103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already posted it, but okay ;)

>> No.9504062

Ditch sweater, white button up.
Pop your collar.

Now we sleazy

>> No.9504075

Thanks bro! #Disgusting2015
I dig your mostruous coat btw

>> No.9504078

that coat is three sizes too big

>> No.9504086


>> No.9504108

collars up faggot

>> No.9504110

its called oversized u turd. if u cant see the fashion references in hucks posts get the fuck off /fa/.

>> No.9504126
File: 160 KB, 638x638, My_Dad_Took_This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9504128

are u a christian y/n
is yr sweater black or brown
cool but
stupid meme sweatshirt
dont like
try color pants
try wallabees
better than usual
dont do this
wait for summer to wear that thing w khaki pants / shorts
dont button top button
iron shirt
cuff too fat, awkward
white socks
its fine
good fit
almost ok but tryhard
seems like yr going for ambient music / tape collector core?
pick shoes or sweatshirt
consider pants w drop
better camera angle
better posture
iron shirt ffs
would u like a glass of milk
better pic better reply
stupid sweatshirt
tuck your laces
pity reply
pity reply

>> No.9504141

Faded black, almost a dark brown

>> No.9504143

the day meme became a valid criticism is the day this board died

>> No.9504149

Can't help it I bite then when I get nervous fucking gross I know

>> No.9504150

fuck my ass with your dad

>> No.9504157


>> No.9504170

It looks light and comfortable yet very nice.
With fitting pants it could stand out a bit more.
I would change the jeans, for something more like navy blue instead. Light blue and black just doesn't work for me.
The range of your color scheme is a bit too wide, I would limit it to 3 - 4.
I don't mind the fit that much, it does looks good to me. If the hoodie underneath would be a shirt instead it would be perfect for me.
It looks.. fine. Something in it is bothering me, but I can't say what exactly.
Warm and cohesive, I like. Maybe boots, but it's whatever.
The pants are.. blue? Just go with black.
Never gonna like the whole ankle-trend thing, but I really dig the look.
Still no.
No. The way it fits is really thrift shop-py with the bagginess and just doesn't strike me.
It doesn't really fit and the two different blacks seem to clash.
>Pulling the drawstring off from the hoodie
It's still cool.
Nooo, the colors don't go together at all. You look like you're trying to go for the "menswear magazine" -look and picked little something from every single page. I'm surprised you don't have a wristwatch on both of your hands. Oh and someone really needs to hide the hair gel far way from you. Sorry.

>> No.9504174

I don't know what's the point of constantly posting this fit here. it would actually look pretty good it the jeans were black.

>> No.9504176


>> No.9504187

regardless sweater fit is awkward anyway
like yr older brothers stretched out old abercrombie handmedowns
maybe looser pants but the pants + boots are cool so i would just cut yr losses w this outfit and do something with those


buying something and using it in the exact same way as u have seen on the internet (or in an ad or a music vid or whatever) isnt self expression
and therefore not fashion
its an attempt to "look good" ("not look bad")
and therefore insecure
>wearing clothes as a means to an end
the mfa ethos

>> No.9504188
File: 11 KB, 248x300, Oh-You-Make-Me-Cry-Laughing-Meme-Rage-Face--248x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9504190

recommend lurking

>> No.9504191
File: 46 KB, 569x571, gorilla-rage-on-computer-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate this faggot

>> No.9504204

Everyone borrows from things they like that appeal to them. That's what self-expression is. everyone attempts to look good and fit in with some kind of tribe or demographic. You are retarded and would like to have everyone think every other person on the street is wearing raf velcros.

>> No.9504206

thats the peter saville X raf simons sweater right

did u get it off rak or y!j??

>> No.9504215

Post fit dude. I wanna see how it looks

>> No.9504218
File: 2.91 MB, 2760x4912, DSC04679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inbfr all the shit people get for wearing a pink sweater.

Above the average percentage.

Hey, atleast he has a style to look forward to.

Huck you have some bitchin strides to pull this shit off and show it on /fa/.

Never understood the whole put short sleeved shirt over sweater shit. I never see it pulled off well.

Much better. Actually looks like someone I might talk to or hang out with.

>> No.9504225


way better than your old shit, dunno about the docs tho might just be the yellow laces?

>> No.9504236

Saville never worked did a collaboration with Raf. Raf used his prints because they were friends and respected his work. The hoody is UC
Is it though
Letting what this place tell you what you can and cannot wear is much worse than wearing "meme clothing"
CO meetup up when?
Gotta save up for college bud you can always PayPal me some money if you want to help me get new clothes though :)
White Mountaineering

>> No.9504239

oooooooooooooo my bad and thanks for sauce

>> No.9504258

>Letting what this place tell you what you can and cannot wear is much worse than wearing "meme clothing"

I approve of this message and all of /fa/ should follow suit.

It doesn't matter what kind of style or trend you are sitting on. The thing that matters is what you think is good while having other people's opinions as small tips rather then guidelines.

Which is why people that are new should look at inspo threads to decide what they think is the pinnacle of fashion that they could try and wear. Then they can go try things out at a city or something.

Then when they have lurked enough they can post in WAYWT's, but too bad this ain't a perfect world since people rush into these threads with nothing, but desperately trying to get advice.

>> No.9504270

soo good

>> No.9504275

what tribe is raf velcros precious

recommend developing a personal style / getting to know yourself
recommend letting yourself find things naturally via friends / stores / etc
recommend raf velcros because u own a copy of isolated heroes
recommend raf velcros because yr model friend who lives in berlin had a beat to shit pair of ozweegos that he got for free and wore out that time u guys went to chalet and u want something subtler
recommend raf velcros because you are relaxing from high income occupation by spending weekend shopping boutiques and see / decide you like in store

do not recommend raf velcros because u saw a post on sufu and waited for mrporter sale to buy a pair

drop trip faggot

>> No.9504278

im so sorry man every time you post in a waywt you always have to post a pic of your license too :(
>tbh i think 90% of your fits are dope af

>> No.9504297

Took me a while.
I think black & white and brown may be a bit too much. What do you think?

>> No.9504300
File: 262 KB, 720x720, InstaSize_2015_1 _ 278862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and somebody told me to pop the collar. See? It's shit.

>> No.9504303
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150227_135839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9504305

The sad part is I've been lurking for three or four years and have been doing this and still can't get a fit right every time. Maybe it's genetics.

>> No.9504308

Damn nigga that coat is just bad you look like you're trying to be some kind of Mongolian Khan conquering russia or some shit

>> No.9504312

well i'm finnish so i've got the look already lol

>> No.9504320

fucking kill yourself

>> No.9504324
File: 88 KB, 586x590, 26 Feb, 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9504327


>> No.9504328

All black is fucking over, cross is so tacky.
shit fit capisce?

>> No.9504332

snazzy as hell

>> No.9504341
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20141014_182007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k bbe </£

>> No.9504348

meme but i still think its a safe look

>> No.9504352

You could pull off anything you put on tbh

>> No.9504356
File: 2.97 MB, 2048x2048, collage_20150227130251797_20150227130522070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very close. But we are getting there. When you pop your collar, put you head on the back of it so it goes down a little bit. It'll come out looking like this.

Now lose your belt and undo your collar buttons.

Brown and black is a little bold. Put your black shoes on with your black socks.

>> No.9504358

Do you frequent Ikea?

>> No.9504364
File: 853 KB, 1456x2592, IMG_20150227_082415641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I effay yet

>> No.9504365

drop trip faggot

>> No.9504366

Thanks for advice. I think imma treat myself some nice black derbies soon.
You cool.

>> No.9504368

I go there sometimes. Nice köttbullar and cheap chocolate.

>> No.9504369

If I saw you wearing this in public, I wouldn't think you considered your outfit
king of memes
v nice
I don't like the coat
"just fuck my shit up"

>> No.9504370

pants awkward
shirt fine

>> No.9504379

Or some pointy black boots

>> No.9504380

Thx brah

>> No.9504407

The way you look aesthetically looks fine. You just have issues with the pieces you own and putting them together to make something aesthetically pleasing. Like Nike Airforce One's have flaws which are too bulky and doesn't look right without comfy or full on hip hop streetware. Which is why something like

Also the contrast between the short sleeved collared shirt and the rest of your outfit in the first image are really out of whack. It puts viewers eyes 100% on that piece, which isn't even an interesting piece in the first place. Also it looks like a lame attempt at trying something experimental for the first time.

You should look up German Army Trainers or Common Projects Achilles. They are slimmer, but you are still a lanky dude. So idk what they would look on you specifically. It would be interesting if you found a piece that is in between slim and chunky though.

Also your pants are good enough to pass. All you need to work on is shoe game, tops, and color/silhouette.

>> No.9504409
File: 159 KB, 626x1662, Photo Feb 27, 2 26 53 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be in DC

best fit itt

10/10 would rob a bagel store with

And now for the most anticipated fit of the year

>> No.9504420

>full on hip hop street wear
>or Common Projects Achilles
not sure if bait or not but
drop trip faggot

>> No.9504430

bad camera + boring / 10
post rebuttal if u pls

>> No.9504431

11/10 schemeboi does it again

>> No.9504436
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Idk about this shirt

>> No.9504438
File: 162 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue chino
Frye boots

>> No.9504459

Instead of pointing out strawman crap. Give actual concise advice and explain why what you green texted is right in your perspective.

Like why Achilles are shit and how can AF1's can be used outside of hip hop or comfy fits?

Because of all the times I've been here AF1's aren't as flexible as Achilles or GAT's.

>> No.9504462
File: 463 KB, 1080x1776, Snapchat-1824011971501646637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amateur... I absolutely know nothing about fashion.. Wharya guys think?

>> No.9504466


This looks good

>> No.9504468

Its the skiid mark'a'buddah

>> No.9504469

ty brah v3
was also wearing cav empt jacket

>> No.9504470
File: 14 KB, 250x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because girls are fuckin gay

dam I like this

>> No.9504479
File: 1.70 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fit is comfy as heck

>> No.9504481
File: 9 KB, 250x185, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never seen orange stans before???? trippy

hey earth I like your fits?? !!

>> No.9504484

The word "comfy" is the worst thing to happen to this place in a while. At first it was pretty cool I started noticing these threads like 10 or so months ago and the we're good lots of mori jap brands and stuff thmxs,.sa.;;;;;;;;;;;;;x cmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcmcms

>> No.9504504
File: 3.27 MB, 3096x4128, 2015-02-27 12.01.50 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get these pants?

>> No.9504511

cool jacket, w2c? Not very fond of what it says itself, but I like jacket with text on the back so much

>> No.9504518

No, way too baggy for your legs

>> No.9504519

You need tan chelseas bruh, those shoes look bad

>> No.9504527

sure, theyre cool w pinroll
almost a yohji silhouette
shoe game has to be on 100% point tho

>> No.9504533

Hey; thank-you. This is some pretty good advice-- I guess I'll try and take it into account from now on. Yeah.

>> No.9504550

nice asf

>> No.9504565
File: 1.98 MB, 3400x2499, DSC_0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9504568
File: 76 KB, 474x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz be soft

>> No.9504628

What brand shirt is that? It looks comfy

>> No.9504632

I like it, what are they?

>> No.9504643

Relaxed fit levi's, actually.

>> No.9504651

Damn that's a dope ass jacket what is the designer?

>> No.9504652
File: 130 KB, 425x955, incaseitrainstomorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9504654

Thanks mayne! Chill memes

>> No.9504663

t-shirt looks weird / makes you look fat

try a different color / bigger size

>> No.9504670

do you even own collar bones?

>> No.9504673
File: 1.77 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150227_205828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna clean my room

>> No.9504681

Asos, I'm wearing a small (6'2", 148lbs).
Just got it today, I suggest throwing it in the dryer first for a comfier fit. But you're right, this is really comfy

>> No.9504683
File: 66 KB, 720x960, 10583959_1523776821187119_6867588509745916787_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9504694
File: 468 KB, 1094x1920, tumblr_nkg7uoj9Su1rvhwhbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.9504697

scoop neck: doing it right

scoop neck: doing it wrong

>> No.9504782

>buying something and using it in the exact same way as u have seen on the internet
But this is under the implication that you haven't dubbed articles of clothing memes rather than the way in which they are worn. The UC sweater with the Joy Division print--where have you ever seen that piece? And where have you seen it worn in that manner?

If you aren't calling Stan Smiths in themselves a meme and are actually referring to the way they are being worn, then you're completely wrong. The same is true for the standard bomber. Simply wearing it over a t-shirt is a 'meme' now? Really? It's obvious that you were responding to the pieces themselves rather than the way in which they've been styled.


>> No.9504788

Knoch is this you posting because every time you post here I immediately see it on Unwoven. You don't have to answer but it would make me happy to know you post here again :')

>> No.9504790

I'm not knoch, sorry.

>> No.9504796

literally cancer

plaid shirt and jeans


looks too forced

w2c sweater and coat

>> No.9504811
File: 743 KB, 1000x958, waywt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how terrible did I do today?

am I improving at all? getting worse? staying roughly the same in shit fashion levels?

>> No.9504813


>> No.9504817

get rid of the t-shirt

v-necks are so 2013

>> No.9504826
File: 674 KB, 2448x3264, bVlJJvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Timer

>> No.9504830
File: 195 KB, 598x1142, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, this was yesterday's fit. don't think I got any replies on it in the previous waywt thread, so i'm not sure whether to take that as a good or bad sign

>> No.9504831

pants are okay
rest looks stupid, not a good jacket/sweater combo. and you should probably try to relax, that pose isn't exactly helping

>> No.9504839

please don't wear that shirt or any other shirts you may own that resemble something like that

>> No.9504840

>not a good jacket/sweater combo

oh, it's actually one whole jacket, not a seperate jacket and sweater. the sweater is zip-in

>> No.9504842

Nothing I look at and instantly think, oh /effay/.
Nothing I grimace at.
Green pants idk though, just don't know about their existence in general.

>> No.9504844

w2c whole fit

>> No.9504846

ok, I'll bite.

>> No.9504848

>Nothing I look at and instantly think, oh /effay/.
>Nothing I grimace at.

i'll take that as a good sign then, since previous people said my fits were horrible and some of the worst they've ever seen.

>> No.9504859

Crooks & Castles Joggers
Salvation Army Womens Peatcoat (lol)
Primitive Crewneck
KR3W Black Boots

>> No.9504894
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I need to learn how to smile on camera.

>> No.9504898

You have holes in your leggings my man

>> No.9504907

would be friend with/10

>> No.9504929

fuccboi 4 real

>> No.9504930

Wouldn't suprise me, they've been through hell and back twice. Good eyesight though.

>> No.9504940

>7.5 KGS
Is that right? Do you crazy Muricans say 7.5 Kilograms?

>> No.9504944

W2c chain

>> No.9504948

We measure weight in pounds.

>> No.9504954
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>> No.9504966

w2c bomber

>> No.9504969

nobody cares at this point

>> No.9504972


>> No.9504978

On reddit, they delete mean comments. I thought it was hysterical.

>> No.9504982

I repeat: Nobody cares.

>> No.9504987

The novelty has worn off. Hard

>> No.9504990

looks like qlo

>> No.9504996

grrr sold out

if that is what it is anyway

>> No.9504999

Cept, you guys.
Y'all care enough to tell me.
How considerate. Thanks.
I'll be taking my leave now.

So long 4chan. You all were lovely.
God bless. Take care of yourselves.


>> No.9505004
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At the hospital

>> No.9505005

You're retarded. I don't care about your shit fits but I have to tell you because you don't stop shitting up the board with them otherwise.

nothing of value was lost

>> No.9505009


dope pants

>> No.9505010


Nah it's just the new look one

>> No.9505011

im not him, but isnt the point of this thread to post what you're wearing today?

whether you like his fits or not, he's still just doing exactly what the thread is made for, nothing more and nothing less.

>> No.9505016


I bet you walk on your tip toes.

>> No.9505017


they're levi 511's, although oddly enough they fit more like a 510

>> No.9505019

I don't care. If there is no quality threads like this are pointless.

If you look like shit, don't post.

>> No.9505021


thanks for contributing. liked your fits.

>> No.9505023

>If you look like shit, don't post.

see, that's not what the thread is about.

it's "what are you wearing today"

also, i believe as they say, talk shit post fit

>> No.9505026

I already posted, try to find me faglord

>> No.9505030


That's the chemo /fa/ needs.

>> No.9505034

i know you're probably joking, at least I hope so, but I think you dress pretty good and i like the confidence you display in your pics. keep on doin your thing

afraid of directing me to your actual fit? who knows, maybe i'll compliment it. i don't judge peoples fits based on being assholes, i just judge their clothes.

>> No.9505035

You talk way too much.

>> No.9505038

What a comeback, very nice.

>> No.9505044

Why have you still not posted your fit?

>> No.9505045


>> No.9505052

haha, surely this isn't huck's actual trip?

r-right guys?


>> No.9505056


>> No.9505062

I told you I already did fuckface.

>> No.9505063 [DELETED] 
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you where my inspo

>> No.9505064

yeah docs like that you have to tuck, cuffing looks weird

>> No.9505065
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My fashion game is strong

>> No.9505066

Why have you still not quoted your fit then?

>> No.9505071

What SUNY school do you go to?

>> No.9505074


w2c pants?

>> No.9505076

Because I don't want any fag opinions from fags such as yourself.

>> No.9505077


i beg of you

get rid of those fucking glasses

Even a cheap $2 pair of reading glasses from a dollar store would look better on you

>I don't want anyone's opinions of the way I dress, but I'm going to post in a WAYWT

>> No.9505087

All those moments will be lost in time
in rain...

>> No.9505093

88mph core

>> No.9505096

link pls i can only find purple blue and grey

>> No.9505097

Ccw add me on Skype. Huckleberryhimself

Haha. Trolled

Please you guys, dont be too hard on eachother. You are all you got.

>> No.9505101

very interesting details on all the pieces. Im not sure i would ever go out looking like that but its very well put together artistically

dont tuck pants into shoes. color of pants is good, but i dont like the shawl collar here its too much.

i think i know what you are going for with the techwear/distressed look, but i dont think the shirt goes here. you shoulda went with a normal black shirt without any branding imo

Huck plz come back also jacket is dope, but im not feeling the cut wide cut neck

>> No.9505108

thanks for the advice.

do you think the shawl collar is too much because of the similar pants style/color or just too much in general?

>> No.9505109
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>> No.9505111

Don't be surprised if im not on much though

>> No.9505112


So many feminine homo fuccbois, so little HIV to go around

>> No.9505117


ISIS called, they said don't come in today if you're not gonna follow the dress code

>> No.9505138

where do you bought that coat?/Wo hast du den Mantel gekauft?

>> No.9505143

sorry ur ego is so fragile. go take a nap, buddy :)

>> No.9505162

hey are u single?? pls responddd

>> No.9505184

Im sure you know it, this shit's pretty clean.

If i could change one thing it'd be the black jeans? with some type of wool pants.

>> No.9505191


>> No.9505193

dude if you arent gay i applaud you. i dont like the tucked in shirt with the jacket on.

>> No.9505197

No, you don't

>> No.9505207

Cool bro, didn't know that a shirt jeans and shoes constitute as 'comfy'

>> No.9505209
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cool fit
tee ruins fit
pants are good everything else no
lunar as fuck nice job

>> No.9505215

Bro, you got a button down and Dikies* khakis. You're every moms dream. It gets deeper than this.

>> No.9505216
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should i change the jacket

>> No.9505225
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>> No.9505239

jacket is fine considering the boots have a similar material

>> No.9505257

wow you do actually know a little bit how how to dress, decent fit

>> No.9505261

I think the watch is more of a problem than the shirt

too bad you look like an auspie

nice belly


you are a meme but you're also a big guy

>> No.9505268

rip huckle
late 2014 - early 2015

>> No.9505281

Good quality threads. Seems like you're at the point of not asking for advice and finding confidence.

>> No.9505290


>> No.9505297

W2c parka?

>> No.9505300


Okay thanks, I kind of thought it could be too matchy.

>> No.9505309
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>> No.9505322

Fucking terrible sweater.
Like actually terrible.

>> No.9505328

Dyed fleck parka?

>> No.9505331

its fucking with my eyes make it stop

>> No.9505348
File: 76 KB, 540x720, Rick_Owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9505436

simply epic

>> No.9505438

probs ur best fit tbh. at least on the pants

>> No.9505440

>his fit is shit
>i dont want any fag opinions

dude's mad huck's fit is better

>> No.9505441

looks comfy [2]

>> No.9505512

Is the bomber warm at all? Looks really thin >>9504694
This is amazing. Fav fit in the thread
Your fit is fine and you're a qt. Don't let the haters get to you.

>> No.9505523


hm, general consensus seems to be that the pants are good but everything else is pretty meh.

disregarding outerwear/jacket, what would you guys recommend to match with the pants instead?

>> No.9505535

do you go to ualbany? i recognize the bookstore bags lol

>> No.9505537

haha nah, but my college is about an hour and a half away from UAlbany

>> No.9505538

>album print on a zip hoodie
>having a graphic split horridly in two
fuck no
These are cool as
Nice arms, calves and bottom half

>> No.9505539
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>> No.9505574

oh ok lol. nice fits btw. you're improving a lot

>> No.9505576


it looks like he actually made it to space

>> No.9505615

huge improvement over yesterday, where are your shorts from?

>> No.9505628

thank you

>> No.9505656

Rick Owens

>> No.9505701

black or white low sneakers and some kind of black or grey drape-y sweater

>> No.9505723



>> No.9505812
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>> No.9505820
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How did I do?

Saint Laurent black and white baseball jacket.
Thom Browne wool charcoal heathered t-shirt.
T by Alexander Wang t-shirt as an undershirt, black.
Black cropped Rick Owens drop crotch pants.
Black Nike AF1's.
Bamford blacked out Rolex watch.

>> No.9505828

dad, can you please stop spending money on shit clothes and feed me

>> No.9505843

this fucker from reddit

>> No.9505850


>> No.9505878

is that you buffalo bill?

>> No.9505895


>> No.9505935

tights and shorts only look good w/ 5" inseam or shorter. i also think the necklace needs to go and acg's with the shorts look booboo

>> No.9505938
File: 54 KB, 220x220, davjew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go kill yourself man

>> No.9505945

its not even oversized its just a long coat. look at the shoulder seams.

>> No.9505953

weird how a year ago /fa/ was all over ur stuff like this and now they hate it. i think it's one of your better fits, the pant material looks really out of place tho?

>> No.9505960

this would look cool as shit w/ that denim jacket tbh!

>> No.9505983

nah but the scarf is meh

>> No.9506019

>weird how a year ago /fa/ was all over ur stuff like this and now they hate it.

you realise fashion changes you fucking inbred

>> No.9506048

yeah true, no need to be so mad tho >:-/

but i'd say /fa/ hasnt really changed that much since 2013 except for maybe there are more off topic posters, which is why i thought it was an interesting phenomenon

>> No.9506206

would you date me???

theoretically of course

>> No.9506374

fuck off you fucking faggot

>> No.9506377

You're a god

>> No.9506663

Wtf is wrong with your legs?

>> No.9508445

get out of /fa/ fatass

>> No.9508453

Jesus how poor are you, the background is absolutely revolting.

>> No.9508459

Woah this is really cool dude