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9481619 No.9481619 [Reply] [Original]

skincare general?

my skin is literally trash. it is always dry. and my lips are always dry. so I moisturize, but I feel like all that does is give me acne while only giving me temporary relief from the dry skin.

does anyone have any suggestions? perhaps im just using the wrong kind of moisturizer?

>> No.9481846

it could be a dietary issue rather than skincare, or maybe you wash too much and it removes the oils?

>> No.9481858

I have pretty normal/balanced skin and I do use any products outside of a little soap and water in the morning. Is there any need to use anything?

>> No.9481862


*don't use

>> No.9481959

soap prob is drying up your skin. use an actual face cleanser.

do this:

morning: splash water on face
moisturizer (Cetaphil, CeraVE, something unscented preferably with an SPF)

night: CeraVE hydrating facial wash or Cetaphil
stridex max strength exfoliating pads

simple, easy

>> No.9482142

don't exfoliate everyday

>> No.9482164

thanks for the suggestion. im going to try exactly that

>> No.9482278

does anyone have a good resource about AHA/BHAs? I'm using cetaphil gentle cleanser and also cetaphil moisturizer twice daily and retin A at night. I'm about 90-95% improved but I think i'd benefit quite a bit from a proper exfoliant. Much of the information I have come across regarding BHA/AHAs is from sellers rather than (somewhat) objective sources. thanks

>> No.9482284

my forehead is always fucking greasy and i get regular hot flushes

my blood pressure is normal and i'm not stressed, so doctors don't have any time for me

what do

>> No.9482303

info about what? i dont really care about studies, they are usually irrelevant to having clear skin because they focus on minor improvements and not remission. experience is the only real guide.

i use a murad BHA exfoliant, and ive been using salicylic acid for years and it works and should be able to be used in conjunction with retinoids, at least for me, it is less irritating than benzoyl peoxide

other people recommend paulas choice but i think they are just shills

>> No.9482304

use oil free moisturizer

>> No.9482326

oil reducing cleanser, oil reducing facial mask, oil removal wipes and maybe some product with alcohol to dry it

>> No.9482341

There's so much bullshit pseudoscience, mom science, bro science, new age hippie nonsense on the internet regarding skincare. Make sure you read sources based on legitimate scientific research. Not anecdotal home remedies from youtubers and mommy bloggers who don't have the slightest understand of physiology and chemistry.

And go to a dermatologist if you have acne. A good one.

>> No.9482935

Anyone have tips on fixing uneven skin tone & reducing pore size? My acne is gone but my skin looks like shit.

>> No.9483000

my skin is generally clear except a random cystic pimple i get like once a month

should i see a dermatologist?

>> No.9483040

99% of skin problems and acne are from hormonal imbalances, all you can do it wait is out and wash your face twice a day with cetaphil sensitive skin formula

>> No.9483042

Adult acne is usually permanent though

>> No.9483044

snail bee serum and vit c (c20)

you are very fucking welcom even. it changed my life

>> No.9483056
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This? And do you use one at night/one in the morning? Or do you just mix both?

>> No.9484089

im using izotek {roaccutane) for nearly a month, im getting big spots right now, how to make the redness go away?

>> No.9484293

I use a royal jelly face cream. It makes my skin feel nice and hydrated after applying and it keeps the spots away from my very acne prone skin.

>> No.9484490

Im on accutane, you just have to power through. But I did just read some on reddit that visine (eye drops) will temporaly take away the red

>> No.9484699

Eat right, drink plenty of water. Cleanse, Tone and moisturise. That's fucking it.

>> No.9484789

why? fucking retard it's fine to use BHA very night educate yourself fuckin loser

nice memes

paulas choice


>> No.9484830

If a spot seems more red and sensitive than normal, should I stick to duac or try tossing some rapid action cream on as well as the duac?

>> No.9484940

The right side of my face usually is quite fine, but I get small bumps on my left side. How come?

>> No.9484961

I have a tiny bit of acne; just a few small blemishes on my cheeks. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to take care of them? My skin is quite healthy otherwise.

>> No.9485317

>dietary issues
Diet has no effect on acne. Maybe if you're eating pizza and rubbing your face with its oils that'll contribute, but that has more to do with not using a cleanser than food.

Target went out of business here so I got 30% off CeraVe SPF 50 moisturizer and Cetaphil cleanser. Feels fucking good man, I grabbed the last two bottles.

>> No.9485494



paula's choice BHA lotion and alpha hydrox AHA souffle are the best products i've used so far.


a good AHA/BHA, a retinol like retin-a, tazorac. topical niacinamide. you have many options.

>> No.9485509

That doesn't work for people with bad skin...

>> No.9486256

i used aloe vera skin lotion and it made my face feel like it has a sunburn

>> No.9486265

Apparently dairy can cause acne?

>> No.9486273

a bath warm bath add 1 cup of acid cider vinegar bath for 10-15 minutes this will return your skin to its preferred slightly acidic state

>> No.9486608

What do you do about buttne?

>> No.9486694

Should I use CeraVe Foaming if I have normal skin more or less? (Maybe even slightly dry, but my pores are wide on my nose)

Or should I use the cream based one, or the cetaphil that everyone wanks over?

I feel like I'll just wash my face once a day, moisturize in the morning + afternoon, and exfoliate once or twice a week.

>> No.9486704

Google "oil cleansing method"

>> No.9486715

>snail bee serum

my nigga
this is the shit

>> No.9487605

What's the best facial wash that doesn't dry out my skin? And what brands are good in general?

>> No.9487661

Cetaphil. I also like La Roche-Posay products

>> No.9487693

>Diet has no effect on hormones
k dude

>> No.9488056

What do I do if normal BHA products (I use Stridex red, which is 2% Salicylic Acid) don't do anything for blackheads/SFs on my nose and cheeks?

>> No.9488101
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>> No.9488262

Do you guys always use sunscreen during the summer? I dont want people to notice Im wearing it daily, what kind do you recommend?

>> No.9488281
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Okay, so I'm looking to start clearing up my skin. I already have pretty normal skin, I just live in a dry area, and have a little oil on my nose. (My pores are a little large, so that's something that would be worth tackling) I don't struggle with acne really, so I think if I just start keeping my skin clean, the occasional acne I get will go away.

Do these seem like a good start? I don't wanna start exfoliating until I've found something comfortable in terms of cleansing and moisturizing. Also don't want the scent to be that strong, since I wear cologne.

>> No.9488328

I've been lurking around skincare threads for a while now and i'm about to make my first order. I'm buying:
- Stridex maximum pads
- Aztec facial clay
- CeraVe facial Moisturizer
- Cetaphil daily facial cleanser

the thing is that i also want to buy Paula's Choice 2% BHA but they won't ship to my country (third world ;_;) are there any good alternatives?

>> No.9488338

The main active ingredient in Stri-Dex Pads as well as PC 2% BHA is salicylic acid. You probably don't need both.

>> No.9488674

just go with CeraVe's moisturizer

>> No.9488946

Then use a sunscreen that doesn't turn your skin white
I nominate this for dumbest question of the day

>> No.9488988

you wont need the Paula's Choice BHA. If you want a spot treatment I really like Image Skin care's medicated Lotion. You can use it all over the face, or to spot treat. I just use it whenever I get a random blackhead.


It has 5% Benzoyl Peroxide and 2 or 3% Salicylic Acid.

>> No.9489007
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Would Cerave's AM moisturizer (With sunscreen) be good for the morning, and then using the stuff in the tub at night?

Just wondering if anybody's used it
I saw the AM stuff earlier, thought it might be nice since I really wasn't planning on diving deep into sunscreen

>> No.9489050
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That would totally work. Cetaphil has several good moisturizers as well.

>> No.9489111
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NCBI PubMed search:

Info doc from MakingCosmetics.com - bear in mind that these guys sell the actual pure substance:

"Implications for practice - There is no evidence to support the routine use of salicylic acid in preference to other topical therapies." - Evidence-based dermatology (3rd ed)

>> No.9489946

same for other acne

>> No.9490131

>diet has no effect on acne

>> No.9490661

I live in Australia, what moisturiser and facial wash should I be using that's available?

>> No.9491046

So I'm putting together a face care kit but don't know where to start

basically looking for
>general face cleaner
>spot treatment for pimples and blackheads
>something to remove acne scars
>sunblock that's completely unnoticeable

what products should I be looking at?

>> No.9491065

start with basics son

a good cleanser, moisturiser and sunscreen. everything else is background noise. tbh check out /r/skincareaddiction and /r/asianbeauty for god tier recommendations.

not everything from reddit is shit.

>> No.9491146

Hey guys, a lot of the suggested products here isn't readily available where I live (3rd world fag) and spending 20 dollars to fly over a 15 dollar product just seems like a real downer. I'm not even sure it would work well for my skin,

Anyways, can I just consult with a dermatologist instead? I'm just looking for basics to begin with so probably just cleanser/moisturizer/spf cream/exfoliate or pads or something.

I already go to one some hair issues...he can help right?

>> No.9491408

Do you guys know any treatments that get rid of those tiny red marks that appear on your face after you get a pimple? I still have those on my face after getting pimples constantly when I was a teenager.

>> No.9491415
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>tfw I cleanse my face twice a day
>looks way better than a few years back
>however, if I don't moisturize a lot, it gets itchy and breaks out a lot and I get pimples
>if I do moisturize a lot, my skin gets greasy as fuck

>> No.9491449

No soap and do not use traditional moisturizing products. There are some good ones but 90% is trash just to get money from you. Same goes for shit like "shampoo for dry hair", what it does is it makes the hair greasier which in turn makes your scalp produce less oils, making your hair even more dry resulting you to more desperately use the shampoo etc. They know and don't care because they don't want you to solve the issue, then they won't sell anymore. If you want to still use a store bought skincare (or shampoo or whatever) product, rule of thumb is to go for a brand that exists for a long time (talking thirty+ years preferably). That they maintained in the market for so long says something about the quality, and the regular buyers would not have taken it if they messed up the quality in the process so it's more reliable. Sad but most products in this branch simply make money by selling people an impulse buy product (that might smell good and feel soft - lots of people don't know enough about it to realize it's not actually doing what it's supposed to, anyway, or are too caught up in life to keep a close check on the effects it has).

Use oil to feed your skin, argan oil, almond oil are both quite good, experiment with what works best for you. There is no magic formula that is the holy grail for every single skin type out there. Even your regular olive oil can work quite well. Do not use aggressive cleansers, (regular, not that extremely mild stuff) soap is for cleaning your hands after you got shit on them and cleaning your armpits, not for the tender skin of your face at most ten hours after already having washed it. Just clean it with lukewarm water, minimize rubbing to not irritate the skin, use a washcloth rather than your hands. Use oil at night and in the mornings you can use a fatty cream with non-aggressive ingredients, it's very easy to make your own, but you probably will already be set by giving up the soap and using oil (occasionally).

>> No.9493032
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use a different moisturizer then you dumb slut

nice pasta, can you tl;dr that for me

>Anyways, can I just consult with a dermatologist instead?
of course you can, you dumbass
giving skincare advice is exactly what dermatologists do for a living

>> No.9493426

i just ate a chocolate bar /fa/ how fucked am i

>> No.9493463


ur done kid
literally fucked

>> No.9493495


>general face cleaner
as long as it's gentle, literally doesn't matter (i.e. u won't get something better if it's more expensive)
look up cerave or cetaphil cleansers
nature republic aloe vera gel
>spot treatment for pimples and blackheads
tea tree oil
>something to remove acne scars
paula's choice 8% aha gel
vitamin c serums
>sunblock that's completely unnoticeable
asian sunscreens are the shit
in asia everyone wears sunscreen so the sunscreen there is made for everyday use, and isn't greasy or noticeable like western 1s
biore watery aqua rich watery essence is a holy grail on many skincare blogs

>> No.9493498

man, remember like 3 weeks when ago when you
were nice but still stupid?

i miss that, now you're mean and stupid.

>> No.9493537


>> No.9493545

yeah, pretty much this. don't know why not user is so mad nowadays. used to try to be somewhat helpful sometimes.

>> No.9494271

2nd week of accutane. holy shit. hold me /fa/.

have to go through all this shit just to have clear skin, and im only gonna be a 5/10 goofy rat looking motherfucker at best once this is all over. if it even goes away. 10 years of fucking around with antibiotics and topicals for nothing.

at least i have a 5.9" dick.

>> No.9494329


just fyi it may make you depressed or rage. just do your best to know you're under the influence and try and defuse the situation and understand it's only temporary. I took it, I now never wash my skin or do anything except use lotion after a long shower. No acne. It's worth it.

>> No.9494425

I'm on my last month of accutane and holy shit does it make you soooo thirsty at night. I gotta drink 2 bottles of water at night just to go to sleep, it took a lot of the redness and acne away, unfortunately I have scarring which will be removed with a dermaroller

>> No.9494428

Opinions on showering at night vs morning??

Also how to get rid of bedhead and not feel so dirty in the morning

>> No.9494440


>> No.9495631


>> No.9495649
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You may enjoy /fa/, but I have to admit that reddit provides a much better source for all things factual. /r/ skincare addiction provides all the basic methods for skincare and recommended products. In a lot of ways much more helpful then even a dermatologist. So go check it out and end thread.

>> No.9495674


But we have sthlm

>> No.9495703
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>> No.9495748
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0 idea why I need sthlm

>pic related

>> No.9496375

What other products should I add into my routine?

I'm currently using a generic cleanser, stridex pads and cethapil moisturizer

Despite this i've got bad cystic acne on my neck

I'm also looking for a good acne body wash, my back and shoulders + chest are destroyed in spots

My diet is good, 4 or so liters of water a day + 3 cups of green tea, + no fast food whatsoever and I'm also on acne medication, I don't want to take accutane so i've got a lesser medicine

>> No.9496441

penis juice. preferably black penis juice

>> No.9496674

How do I get rid of post-acne blemishes?

Also how do I treat bacne? Mine has suddenly gone completely out of hand

>> No.9498794


>> No.9499168

I have the same problem with red spots (as in marks rather than pimples)

Interested to hear fa's answer.

>> No.9499176
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What do you recommend to put on the face?
I usually just use an anti ageing moisturiser and on the odd occasion a mud face mask but recently bought this and put it on after a shave and my face feels great.

>> No.9499177

i have a normal skin and this is my skincare routine at the moment:

- splash face with water
- put on basic daycreme

before going to bed:
- splash face with water
- sometimes cleanse with hydrating cleanser

what should i improve? is it good to use a daycreme everyday or should i replace it with a moisturizer?

>> No.9499185

Like scars?
Thats mostly suncreen so they dont get darker and giving time for them to fade.
Also vitamin C serums can help I hear but i havent tried them.

>> No.9499263


>> No.9500151

Wash your pillowcase more often

>> No.9500275

Don't use cleanser more than once a day. Even the gentle stuff like Cetaphil can be too drying.

Cleanse with raw honey instead. Wipe that shit on, leave it for 5 minutes, and rinse.

I doubt anyone will listen to me, but this shits gold.

>> No.9500281

do u have any homemade natural cures to cancer too

>> No.9500553

I've never thought about this, but could my migraine medicine cause breakouts/flare ups? Technically it's a blood pressure medicine but it can also be used for migraines. Acne doesn't run in my family and my skin is like 6/10 right now. Not terrible compared to severe acne but still pretty bad.

>> No.9500576

You'd would have to look into that specific drug you are being given - with migraines, they will throw every random thing under the sun at you to try taking - generally medications for seizures

Also, have you tried just taking acetaminophen? (Tylonel)

>> No.9500889
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Honey is simply not that good at cleaning things. How is a sugar-water mixture supposed to remove excess keratin, excess sebum, pathogenic bacteria, and various kinds of acnegenic makeup products? Are you hoping for the eventual wax remnants to deal with that?

I'll just quote something I wrote a while back re. the best cleansers:
>You should use a cleanser that is not soap, that is non-irritating and with a somewhat skin-neutral pH. Use a cleanser based on only synthetic detergents ("syndet"). Not all of these synthetic cleansers are good, but most of them are.

>Based on "Irritant effect of cleansers - Correlation between pH and irritant effect of cleansers marketed for dry skin" (Baranda, et al), and some other derma literature, I've found that some of the most non-drying, non-irritating and recommendable cleansers are:

>- Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Bar
>- Avene Cold Cream Emollient soap-free >cleansing bar
>- Dove: White Dove (bar), Dove Baby (bar), Dove Pink (bar), Dove Liquid Cleanser for Hands.

>The above works for all parts of the skin, way better than most other things you've put on your skin. CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser (for the face) as well as Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser are two great options.

>> No.9500900
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Also, people should use cleansers as often as they need to prevent acne (for example) - to the extent that the product is not drying and/or irritating their skin. People have very different desquamation levels, sebum levels, and overall hygiene needs. Few need to use cleansers more often than twice daily, though.

>> No.9500910

does anyone here use bentonite clay? Are there any advantages to using this is this just some pseudo science bullshit?

>> No.9500955

I have a combination skin that is literaaly the worst of all the possible combinations: it's greasy AND sensitive, and if I use a product to remove the excess of grease, then the skin beomes extra-dry and scaly

how fucked am I? ;_;

btw, this is my routine:
>wash face with warm water and soap
>dry face by patting gently with a towel
>apply a tiny amount of astringent toner
>apply a good moisturizer(I still have to find and buy a good one, any suggestion?)
I do this in the morning, in the afternoon if I have to go out and/or my face need a wash, and in the evening before I go to bed

>> No.9500968 [DELETED] 

It mostly works as an absorbent. It acts drying. It generally appears to be good at removing excess oil - to make your face less shiny. It's pretty much like kaolin clay. Kaolin is the preferred option when it comes to cosmetics.

"Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay" seems to work well, despite it's awful name. See reviews on Amazon.

>> No.9500974
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It mostly works as an absorbent. It acts drying. It generally appears to be good at removing excess oil - to make your face less shiny. It's pretty much like kaolin clay. Kaolin is the preferred option when it comes to cosmetics.

"Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay" seems to work well, despite it's awful name. See reviews on Amazon.

>> No.9500978

in addiction to this, once a week I do this other routine too, usually before going to bed:
>wash face with warm water and soap
>apply and rub scrub on moist face
>remove scrub with water
>dry face
>apply a purifying clay mask and leave it on for 15 minutes
>remove mask with cotton pads and water
>dry face
>apply rehydrating mask and leave it on for 15 minutes(I use one for sensitive skin that do wonders)
>remove mask with water
>dry face
>apply toner
>eventually apply moisturizer

>> No.9501056
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Does your skin sometimes look like this, or similar? Just wondering.

I would stop using ordinary soap on your face immediately if I were you, and use >>9500889

I think your first priority is to find a non-irritating and non-drying cleanser, as well as possibly not use it more than twice a day. The astringent toner could also be an issue. Astringents dry your skin. It's like their purpose in life, at least from a topical perspective. I wouldn't use water that's hotter than slightly above lukewarm, since warmer water (with detergents) is better at removing your sebum.

For moisturizer, I would recommend Cetaphil.

If your troubles persist, see a dermatogist for "combination skin".

>> No.9501101

>Does your skin sometimes look like this, or similar? Just wondering.
no, luckily my case isn't so extreme, I just get some dandruff-like flakes when my skin dries, the annoying thing is that my skin goes form very greasy and shiny directly to dry and flaky

>I would stop using ordinary soap on your face immediately if I were you, and use >>9500889
I used to use a good cleanser from garnier that did wonders, I'll give a try to cetaphil, too

>The astringent toner could also be an issue. Astringents dry your skin
yes, I know, but since I started to use a toner I'm having less problems with comedones and my pores seems to be clearer, so I'm looking for a good moisturizer to rebalance my skin... I'm already searching for a precise moisturizer from Hanorah(I don't know if it is known outside Italy) that should be the right one for my skin :)

>> No.9501103


You will definitely need this website if you have acne.
Find out what breaks you out by patch testing and you'll save shit load of money by avoiding those ingredients.

>> No.9501170
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Right. I think you should see a change if you just stop using regular soap on your face.

Maybe the product with the BS name can help you out? "Aztec Healing Clay". It seems to act both cleaning, as well as drying - especially when combined with vinegar. Using that + a moisturizer could possibly work for you.

But try some stuff out, and if it doesn't help you enough then go to a dermatologist.

>> No.9503154

clique self foaming acne cleanser and gel moisturiser, best thing for oily skin. its the only thing that keeps my face clean, and consistently controls break outs.

also, buy a clarisonic if you have the money and use it twice a week.

>> No.9503263

To those who have dry skin, what body wash/soap have you used that worked out well for you?

>> No.9503495

Opinions on Erno Laszlo's facial cleansing soaps?

>> No.9503537

read this

>> No.9503578

Tried the Dove and Cetaphil ones and didn't notice much improvement.

Anyone here try the St Ives moisturizing body wash and Eucerin bodywash?

>> No.9503589

do you moisturize? you have to moisturize. try washing less often as well.

>> No.9503595

moisturizing body wash can't get it done alone? you need to buy a separate moisturizing lotion?

>> No.9503632

get a chlorine filter for your shower

>> No.9503683
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Is pic related good for moisturizing your face or should I get a different one that is specifically used for the face?

>> No.9503738

yep. especially if you have dry skin.

>> No.9503756

that's primarily for the body. will prob make your face shiny. try the "lotion" instead.

>> No.9503757

Why do all you morons use soap, 5 minutes of googling should make it apparent to you that this is a mistake.

Anyway, I'd consider looking into a clay mask of some kind. Anthony Logistics do a good one, that's probably available where you live.

Moisturisers are ultimately a personal thing, best bet in my opinion would be to get a range of different types from a reputable brand. Try a sensitive and a normal one from a 'for men' brand, and a sensitive and normal unisex moisturiser. I personally like Nivea's stuff, it's the best for the price point in my opinion. I use the Men's sensitive rehydrating moisturiser.

Make sure the water you wash your face with is tepid, not warm. If I use water that's too warm my face just goes ultra dry and I need to apply a huge amount of moisturiser to get it to normal.

>> No.9503760

>how to respond without reading the thread at all

>> No.9503768

butthurt detected

>> No.9503796

here's why:

>a clay mask of some kind.
already brought up.

>a range of different types from a reputable brand
already brought up.

>a 'for men' brand
for men/women stuff is unfounded.

>Make sure the water you wash your face with is tepid, not warm [et c]
already brought up

you're redundant, friend.

>> No.9503801

That's what I figured. Thanks, anon.

>> No.9503821

>very dark bags under my eyes that won't go away no matter what I do
>don't want to be heroin chic
why live?

>> No.9504123
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I'll repost something I wrote a while back:

There are two main kinds of dark circles under eyes ("periorbital"- around the eye):
- Those caused by highly visible superficial blood vessels
- Those caused by local excess skin melanin (hyperpigmentation)

Re. the first kind of dark circles around eyes: What you have under your eyes are red-blue blood vessels that for some reason has become more visible.

Sleep deprivation may increase the prominence of dark circles below the eyes, as the area becomes irritated. Puffy eyelids from lack of sleep can help darken the area below the eyelids. Sleep deprivation can lead to pallor (pale skin), which can highlight the unaffected blood vessels under the eyes.

Being underweight can make the blood vessels more visible, as the skin above it becomes thinner. Rubbing the eyes, or making the eye area irritated in general, can contribute to increased blood flow in the area.

tldr: sleep well. check for allergies. gain weight. do not irritate the area. use make-up. check for anemia. and if you're still bothered by it: see a doctor (dermatologist)
For hyperpigmentation, I wrote a response to a guy:
>What you have /are/ periorbital dark circles, but yours seems to be related to an excess of pigmentation in the area rather than overly visible blood vessels. What you seem to have is called "periorbital hyperpigmentation".
>Without intervention, the pigmentation often increases slowly over time. Treatment options include chemical dermabrasion, laser, filler injection. Sunscreen is good to prevent further pigmentation in the area.
>The quick beauty fix: BB cream with sunscreen.
>Actually fixing it: possibly by the use of chemical dermabrasion/chemical peeling. Ask your doctor/a dermatologist.
To see what you /may/ have, google "periorbital dark circles" as well as "periorbital hyperpigmentation". Hyperpigmentation is more common for people with darker skin.

Let me know if it helps!

>> No.9504160

whether or not the info you give is legit is a subject of debate
Seems a lot of it checks out

Tell me
What can be done about marionette lines
(that is NOT nasolabial folds (from corner of nose to corner of mouth) but from the corner of the mouth downwards)

>> No.9504450
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Well, I try to be factually correct.

There is not much you can do about marionette lines without consulting a dermatologist, but you have plenty of choices.

Treatment options include various slow topical chemicals (rather ineffective), mechanical and chemical dermabrasion (rather ineffective), cosmetic fillers (there are many different options here), as well as surgery (minor facelift). Laser resurfacing treatment should work, too.

Fillers seems to be one of the best options. An injection of one of the most popular fillers for marionette lines can cost about $300. Other options may be cheaper.

See a local dermatologist for consultation.

>> No.9504552

It does. And sugar. And wheat.

>> No.9504623


Wrong. My mom just a year ago had really bad marionette lines/age spots/crow's feet/wrinkles in general. I got her started on a regimen of using retin-a daily.

We also did several sessions of dermarolling + copper peptides. People always think she's 30 years younger than she actually is.

>> No.9504646

hey, I'm the anon of these posts:

do you think it would be a good idea to buy a clarisonic(+ the deep pores head)?

>> No.9504647
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Could you please be a bit more specific?

>> No.9504660

If you don't want marionette lines it's easy; don't smoke, don't chew food, don't talk, don't smile, sleep with a mouth guard in for consistent correct jaw posture

AKA all you can really do is delay the inevitable aside from expensive injections which is still delaying the inevitable

>> No.9506043


>> No.9507308

I went through accutane course
Now I have post-acne, looks like a fucking bruise in one place, and miliums. I want to get rid of those 2 problems. What do I do? SO far thinking about a chemical or ultrasound peeling, I want your opinion on these, especially ultrasound peeling, and any other suggestions


>> No.9507425

>I just get some dandruff-like flakes when my skin dries

Sounds like you might just be ashy

>> No.9507429


>> No.9507630

wtf is sthlm

>> No.9508461


>> No.9508473

>being this stupid

>> No.9508506

so her real age is 90?

>> No.9508531

As for your lips
I suggest using a sugar and olive oil scrub
Get sugar, like the amount you get in one of those little packages at restaurants, and mix in olive oil so it makes a grainy paste. If you want you can add honey in
Then just put some on your finger and rub against your lips
You'll want to do this 3 times in a week, then after that, do it once a week
If you keep it up, you'll never have to use lip balm again
After I started doing this, I got a lot of compliments on how good my lips looked

>> No.9508549

Moisturize immediately after every shower. Get out, dry off lightly, then moisturize. Do not leave the bathroom, do not put clothes on
The longer you take after the drier your skin will get. If you leave the bathroom where all the steam is being contained, you'll have the moisture sucked out of it before you can reach your bed room

>> No.9508554
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What body wash does /fa/ use
I've been using Kyoku(the scent depending on the season)
I really like the product. But the fucking bottle is so fucking bad, I can't use it anymore
I like that they have different scents for different seasons though. Anyone got any suggestions?

>> No.9508716

is it normal for the edges of your lips to be kinda fading in color?

>> No.9508730

>general face cleaner
>spot treatment for pimples and blackheads
stridex BHA wipes/PC BHA liquid
>something to remove acne scars
PC AHA 10%
>sunblock that's completely unnoticeable
elta md clear (contains niacinamide which is good for PIH)

>> No.9508735
File: 217 KB, 868x1036, fuk ju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently it seems I have super sensitive skin. To the point where if I don't moisturize just from the water in the shower I'll start getting oily because just the water has stripped my skin's oils. I can't use a normal cleanser, I can only use sensitive skin wipes, and if I use more than one per day I'll get oily.

I exfoliate once per week and apply a generous amount of honey as a masque. I've never really had/get acne, but if I pinch my nose I get like sebaceous fluid or some white stuff that comes out. I never wear makeup, only water, cleansing wipes, gel moisturizer.

Is this even normal?

>> No.9508738

there really is 0 research that diet has a link to acne, there's a debate that dairy has an effect but it like all cases of acne it depends on the individual

>> No.9508740

Could be foudyce(sp) spots

>> No.9508770

there's no spots just at the very left and right edges the color is more skinlike

>> No.9508949
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seriously for some people this is all you need, or just take from this what you can, I had horrible acne like 2 years ago now I barely struggle with it.
Also, popping pimples in the shower is probably the cleanest way to do it

>> No.9509056

>popping pimples in the shower is probably the cleanest way to do it

no :)
read here


>> No.9509329

Shameless self bump

>> No.9509359
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Any recs for a good exfoliate to use maybe a couple times a week? I don't really struggle with acne, so this is just to clean out and maybe shrink my pores a bit. (especially my nose)

I'm currently using cetaphil cleanser and facial lotion at night, and I use Cerave AM moisturizing SPF most mornings.

>> No.9509827

reminder to not use sunscreen with mexoryl because it'll make your face look shiny af

>> No.9509861

>suffering from terribly dry face and skin
>you can see powdery skin chalk on the wrinkle creases

jesus I don't know how I got it this bad. what products should you get to heal your skin?

>> No.9509876

you fucking moisturize your face

>> No.9509910

my skin has gotten worse in the past 2 weeks for seemingly no reason

im not doing anything differently that i can think of that would affect this

what could be going on?

>> No.9509915

Use Chanel

>> No.9509923

pretty much every product nowadays claims to "moisturize"

needed opinion from people who used stuff that works

>> No.9509924

Weather, spending more time indoors or outdoors. Your sheets or towel could be dirty. Your hormones could have something to do with it

You could be dehydrated and not know it, or be eating even slightly differently

>> No.9509929

use lotion or cream

what haven't you doing

>> No.9509932

most of the stuff in this thread isnt avaliable in the uk, is there any good products i can use to get rid of acne and scarring over here?

>> No.9509941

retin-a or differin from your dermatologist

>> No.9509943

probably weather hormones + hydration

>> No.9511141
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Hi. Hope you're still around.

By "post-acne", I'm assuming that you're referring to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH, dark spots), post-inflammatory erythema (PIE, red spots), and various forms of scars in the places where you had acne.

I would first of all advice you to use a sunscreen on your entire face in order to prevent UVA/UVB damage to these rather sensitive spots to diminish further deterioration.

Mild hyperpigmentation will generally fade with time. Depending on the extent and depth of it, you may want to treat it as well to get rid of it. I would just advise you to go with some standard OTC hydroquinone treatment. It bleaches your skin.

There are many other options to this, mainly different kinds of alpha/beta-hydroxy acids and topical retinoids. Deeper/more sever hyperpigmentation is treated with chemical peels as well as lasers.

Post-inflammatory erythema, as caused by acne, will generally clear (can take up to a year), but can be treated as well. Laser treatment is very effective for this. Some PIH treatments described above can be used for PIE (as well as scars).

Murad Post-Acne Spot Lightening Gel could be an OTC option for you.

I don't know that much about ultrasound peeling. It's generally a clinical procedure, though, so I think you should ask your dermatologist about that.

And re. the milium: it's pretty easy to get rid of them using minor surgical interventions (needle), and other ways of destroying them. And if you don't feel like doing it yourself (which you probably shouldn't do, anyway)...

Ask your dermatologist.


>> No.9511190

I guess that when you say "sensitive skin", you mean that it's sensitive in the sense that it's very prone to becoming very oily when being exposed to various kinds of cleansers?

Delicious copypasta:

>You should use a cleanser that is not soap, that is non-irritating and with a somewhat skin-neutral pH. Use a cleanser based on only synthetic detergents ("syndet"). Not all of these synthetic cleansers are good, but most of them are.

>Based on "Irritant effect of cleansers - Correlation between pH and irritant effect of cleansers marketed for dry skin" (Baranda, et al), and some other derma literature, I've found that some of the most non-drying, non-irritating and recommendable cleansers are:

>- Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Bar
>- Avene Cold Cream Emollient soap-free >cleansing bar
>- Dove: White Dove (bar), Dove Baby (bar), Dove Pink (bar), Dove Liquid Cleanser for Hands.

>The above works for all parts of the skin, way better than most other things you've put on your skin. CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser (for the face) as well as Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser are two great options.

If a good cleanser is too drying for you, then you could try diluting it as well as using it less often. Using colder water when you cleanse your face as well as when you shower could prevent you from removing as much of your skins oils.

The soft and white stuff that comes out of the openings in your skin when you pinch it is most likely sebaceous filaments - and not merely sebum. They're pretty much supposed to be there. They can be lightened using various AHA/BHA though, as well as ascorbic acid.

What kind of cleanser did you try, what kind of cleansing wipes are you using and what moisturizer do you use?

>> No.9511269


>> No.9512233

Fordyce spots

>> No.9512246
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Are bath scrubs good for you? I have a feeling they might dry out skin faster if you use them

>> No.9512819

Currently 18 and suffering from pretty bad acne, to the point where i'm constantly embarrassed by it. Have been taking lymecyline for about a month and a half and applying isotretinoin for about 2, with no signs of improvement for either.

I'm willing to do literally anything to make my acne calm down, and have already tried loads of bullshit remedies i.e apple cider vinegar, what are the proven best things you can do to get rid of acne?

>> No.9512839

Go to dermatologist
Get accutane scrip

>> No.9512854

Probably should have mentioned, from the UK so it isn't as easy as walking into the dermatologist and demanding accutane.

>> No.9512876


Well you said there's not much you can do about marionette lines without consulting a dermatologist which is wrong. As I said in my post there are tons of things you can do without the help of a dermatologist. You can't get retin-a without them of course, but beyond that they're just going to try and push a bunch of temporary fillers and expensive laser treatments on you in my experience over a decade of seeing dermatologists.


Her real age is 67.

>> No.9513453
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Right, well:

Slow topical chemicals, as in low-strength AHA/BHA treatments for example, are generally OTC. These are included in "not much you can do", since their effect is limited based on what I've found.

Mechanical and chemical dermabrasion, as a clinical treatment, has only been found to have limited effect. As you said, you can't get Retin-A and similar things without asking your derm, and that's what I meant by that.

Marionette lines are generally caused by both general loosening of the skin, as well as depletion of certain adipose tissues in the face (the "depressor anguli oris" muscle plays a role in creating the facial expression).That's why topical treatment will only take care of less severe kinds of these perioral wrinkles, with greater degree of efficacy on those who are not primarily caused by a lack of underlying adipose tissue. I assume that's why it worked for your mother.

The only things that seems to cause a real difference, when the cause is partially the adipose tissue, are fillers as well as surgery. Any and all treatments are still "temporary", in the sense you mentioned.

>> No.9513497
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Acne, as well as many other skin-related diseases, can cause significant lifestyle consequences for patient. This can include self-confidence issues, social withdrawal, and depression.

If your acne is severe enough for you to be socially inhibited by it and suffering psychologically from it, then you should see a dermatologist - a doctor who is specialized in skin/hair/nails and related diseases.

Bear in mind that if you let your disease progress, then it /could/ cause a great deal scarring and disfigurement. Your doctor will take previous treatments into consideration when deciding upon if to give you Accutane or not. It is likely that you will try other things before that, considering its side-effects.

I hope it turns out alright <3

>> No.9513523

How long does it take to PIH to disappear? I've been using the shit my derm gave me, which is adapalene and doxycycline hyclate, and it seems to have greatly reduced the number of current lesions and reduced the formation of new ones. I've been on the treatment ~2 months.

>> No.9513585

tfw you will never marry Taylor :((

>> No.9513833

does anyone in this thread know if getting a skin chemical peel is a good idea? im black and have some dark spots, i just want an even skin tone.

>> No.9514349

How to get rid of bacne?

>> No.9514458

I ordered some adapalene and azelaic acid. Are these products safe to use at the same time?

>> No.9514654

Currently using stridex red box to exfoliate but it makes my skin red. What gentler alternatives are there?

>> No.9514727

has anti wrinkle creams been discussed on /fa/ much? currently using RoC deep wrinkle night cream and it does a good job after extended use, but there has to be something better out there

>> No.9514759
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i sweat/hot flush a lot which seems to be causing a lot of oil buildup.

cleansers and acne treatments don't work, in fact every time i put any type of moisturiser or sunscreen (even non-oily), i immediately grease up anyway

i don't want to be shilled products by shitty doctors anymore :(

>> No.9515919

>Patients should be warned that the pigmentation may be slow to resolve, even with treatment. Epidermal pigmentation may persist for 6-12 months.[13] Dermal pigmentation may persist for years.[3]

>Most acne sufferers are relieved to learn that post inflammatory hyperpigmentation is not scarring. PIH will fade away over time, even without treatment. It can take three to 24 months for PIH to fully fade, although in some cases it may take longer. The length of time it takes for PIH to fade depends on how dark the PIH macule is compared to your skin tone. The bigger the contrast between the macule and your natural skin tone, the longer it will take to fade.

>The treatment of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) tends to be a difficult and prolonged process that often takes 6-12 months to achieve the desired results of depigmentation. Each of these treatment options potentially improves epidermal hypermelanosis, but none is proven effective for dermal hypermelanosis. Daily use of a broad-spectrum sunscreen (sun protection factor [SPF] 15 or greater) is an essential part of any therapeutic regimen.

spoonfeeding the baby
learn to google. first hits for postinflammatory hyperpigmentation

>> No.9516663

Thank you man, it's not to the level where I'm afraid to go out but it's just more of a constant "how shit is my skin looking today?". Genetic lottery I guess, upside is the oily af skin has left most of my family looking pretty young.

>> No.9517209

I got a real red and splotchy nose, think it's probably my seborrhea or someting, possibly along my perioral dermatitis.

Got those big "blackheads that aren't really blackheads" too, anyone got advice?

>> No.9517214 [DELETED] 
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Dark rings under eyes, what do?

>> No.9517367

BHA cream, min 1% max 2%.
If it gets too dry wait 30 min and apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer

>> No.9517404

I think I got generally bad skin all over. It's kinda dry, with red pimples here and there, and just kinda rough-looking. Anyone know what it could be - anything specific or just shit genes? Too much showering?

>tfw dry elbows and keratosis pilaris

>> No.9517430
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Ah right. That's the upside to it. It's better if that moisturized skin can be acquired without having to deal with acne, though. The majority of all teens experience acne, and that's primarily due to "androgens" during that period. Hope it improves.

If you both have seborrhea, as well as perioral dermatitis - then I would advise you to ask your doctor about what to do with your somewhat complex skin.

But if you're referring to "blackheads that aren't really blackheads", then you're most likely talking about sebaceous filaments. Most people suck at differentiating between them, though.

"Oil cleansing method" appears to work to extract them, even though you actually don't need to do that.

Also, pretty much >>9517367, for salicylic acid at 2%. Ascorbic acid can lighten them iirc

>> No.9517437


Aight, I'll work on it. I'm eating tetralysal for the P.D, but it doesn't last long, probably gonna have to go on accutane or some shit soon.

>> No.9517913


well yeah definitely you can never stop using the topicals. the needling and copper peptides made the biggest difference, which of course she'll have to keep doing that forever as well.

i am amazed though what dermarolling did for my facial scars. wish i knew about it before i wasted so much on fraxel :<

>> No.9518101
File: 120 KB, 500x500, Fitness+cold+-+Benefits+of+Cold+Showers+-+A+shower+gel+for+your+health[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your take on cold showers /fa/? Broscience or good for you?

My hair feel better when I do it at least.

>> No.9518179

I always wash my hair in cold water now, and sometimes my face. But otherwise I honestly don't think its worth it to "increase the circulation" by shivering for a minute, that's a very temporary benefit as far as I know that will go away pretty quick. But I'm also not a doctor and legally I'm retarded and blind so idk if you should value anything I say

>> No.9518719

Only masochists take cold showers

>> No.9518965

So I've been using that skin obsession glycolic acid peel for 3 weeks now, 30% concentration, 10 minutes each time...

When is it gonna start peeling?

>> No.9519011

I love ice cold showers in the morning... There's no better feeling tbh

>> No.9519027

cold... meh I just do lukewarm showers

>> No.9519046
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when is my pocketderm prescription going to start working

>> No.9519105
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Just tried this and it was neat


i just wanted to satisfaction of peeling off a mask after re-watching american psycho, but it made my face super friggin smooth

and its cool cause it all comes off in one peice and its jet black so I got to play out my dream of being Yawn for like a half hour

>> No.9519118

>Polyvinyl Alcohol

Shit's hella irritating
and 34 bucks for shitty black pvc


>> No.9519123

>it could be a dietary issue
i am this fucking close to ordering a month's supply of a meal replacement shake

i'm fucking done with worrying about dairy and high gi foods and sensitivities and allergies

i've read a few anecdotes about kids whose acne disappeared after doing soylent

>> No.9519137

damn lol

>> No.9519197


maybe for you, my skin doesnt really ever react to anything, and now im smooth af

but yea it was hella expensive, but im a small pleasures kinda guy and this shit is hella satisfying to peel off

>> No.9519227

>really ever react to anything

It doesn't need to for there to be damage underneath.

>Below the surface, irritating ingredients can cause collagen to breakdown, get in the way of skin's ability to fight environmental damage, and hamper skin's ability to heal.

>All of this can be taking place in the lower layers of skin without any obvious signs on the surface!

>>>The irritant reaction you don't see or feel is nonetheless hurting your skin's ability to reduce wrinkles, firm skin, or look younger!


>> No.9519265


im not even gonna argue, dont really use skin products at all, but ill give this a read over thanks

>> No.9519728
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most of those claims appear to be completely unfounded.

colder water will remove less oil from your skin (and scalp/hair), though.

>> No.9519740

>black mask


>> No.9520393

So my jew nose has giant pores. How to fix?

Also how to get soft skin? What lotions?

What to use to expholiate?

>> No.9520944

>So my jew nose has giant pores. How to fix?

>Also how to get soft skin? What lotions?

>What to use to expholiate?
a gun

>> No.9521027

Is a skin care routine necessary if my skin is clear, other than the occasional pimple?

>> No.9521089

not really, but it'll help your skin in the long run as skin ages fast.

>> No.9521220

this is hormonal. keep your hands clean and don't touch your face.

>> No.9521237

All those oil reducing products make strip his essential oils and cause his skin to produce more

>> No.9522956

i stopped getting most of my acne when i stopped consuming dairy

>> No.9522987

My scalp itches like mad when ever I go out during summer from sweat.

How do I cure it?

>> No.9523003

almost 1 month of accutane. still have a shit ton of acne everywhere, keeps getting worse. hopefully they will bump up my next dose to 40 mg. gonna stop using topicals and just see what the accutane does, just an AHA / BHA face wash. all the acne that was really deep in the skin and wouldnt go away from antibiotics is starting to create these huge bumps (kind of looks like a rash you get from ant bites). had about 15 painful huge cysts pop up under my jaw overnight last week and they suddenly disappeared a few days without leaving any redness. this shit is my last hope, it better work or im gonna an hero. havent been outside of my house in 2 weeks.

you can try a retinoid for anti-aging. i had an ex with the clearest, wrinkle free skin ever that was in her 30s. her secret (maybe her genes) i think was her diet, no meat, no dairy, just fish and veggies.

>> No.9523020

btw only side effect so far seems to be dried up boogers in my nose and diarrhea... 30 mg is a joke fuck my conservative doctor i might get a new one if she doesnt up my dose

>> No.9523052

Is Old Spice body wash okay?

>> No.9523091

30 mg is a pretty good starting dose imo. are you having a meal with at least a few grams of fat in it as you take your pill? only way to fully absorb it all, otherwise take it with peanut butter or something.

>> No.9523575

cold shower double my oil production so i stay away from them for now.

>> No.9524959

Converting doesn't change how you look. I don't convert to islam and imeadiatly geow a beard

>> No.9525055


you need a bigger bait

>> No.9525067

sure is /cakeboy/ in here. embarassing.

>> No.9525080

if you want to find a better board for your sexuality, then I guess you can go to >>>/lgbt/

>> No.9526315
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If you shop for skincare product online consider Japanese or Korean sellers. They give you tons of freebies and qt handwritten messages.

This is what came in the mail today.

>> No.9526572
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What's a good shower wash cloth for someone who has sensitive dry skin to have?

I'm thinking about getting pic related because bloggers are raving over it but it looks harsh and synthetic

>> No.9526590
File: 402 KB, 664x644, Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 10.08.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I fucked up some weeks ago and popped a zit and it's been on my face for such a long time now. I think there's blood trapped under my skin because gently poked at it and some came out. Any ideas how I can fix this? I just put a hot rag on that side of my face so it looks redder than usual and made the rest of my acne more apparent than it usually is. :(

>> No.9527363

They collect dead skin and bacteria within weeks of use. Do not even put near your face. Hell, don't even put a clean one near your face. Shit looks like it would inflame.

>> No.9528441
File: 92 KB, 556x798, 11051381_827338290648281_1042261641_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping self, here's a pic from this morning without it looking as red

>> No.9528532

nigga do you even wash your face/moisturize

>> No.9528556


take accutane

>> No.9528600

Ya of course; I wash my face twice a day w/ St Ives oatmeal wash, change my pillow case daily, use a honey mask a few times a week, exercise 5-6x a week, and eat very well. The only dairy in my diet is a Greek yogurt. I have lots of tea throughout the day too, so I think I'm doing everything I can lifestyle-wise :\

hell nah, my skin isn't bad enough to take risks with that lmao

>> No.9528607

>my skin isn't bad enough
my skin was better then yours and i still used. now its flawless

>> No.9528644

I know it works but I've heard too many bad things about the side effects

>> No.9528646
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wouldnt know. but then again im not a weak faggot.
i used 4 pills a day for 9 months

>> No.9528672

Hey fa so welcome to my personal blog
so my skin has started to look pretty fucking good

up until now I just used a cleanser and 5%bp cream and while I wasn't entirely covered in pimples my skin wasn't good looking, very bumpy and pimple here and there

now I switched to a light cleanser, 10%bp cream and moisturizer

it seems that my old cleanser was too harsh for daily use and the moisturizer is actually making my skin look good instead of just maintaining it at ok level. I was afraid of using it because I thought I had a greasy skin but it seems that these are two unrelated parameters.

So thanks guys, also just one quick question: I put a bit of moisturizer around my eyes and it sorta burns, is this bad?, am I not supposed to moisturize my eye area?

>> No.9528735

It's more likely that it was the BP that was too harsh for you, rather than your cleanser. BP often creates general irritation: drying, flushing, burning, flaking.

Your irritation /should/ get worse, since you doubled the concentration. Increasing the concentration of the BP is actually not that effective, it generally only creates more irritation.

A comparison between 2.5% and 10% BP found that they have: "Equivalent efficacy but 10% more burning, erythema and peeling [for the 10%]. Inflammatory lesions: 45% vs 47% reduction." This is, of course, also true for 5%.

Mills OH Jr, Kligman AM, Pochi P, et al. Comparing 2.5%, 5%, and 10% benzoyl
peroxide on inflammatory acne vulgaris. Int J Dermatol 1986;25:664–7.


But maybe you just tolerate BP really well and had a really shitty cleanser before? The added moisturizer could be a factor here.

>> No.9528815

It seems like the moisturizer is really keeping my skin from becoming irritated by the BP, my skin isn't red and doesn't feel irritated or too tight/too oily - basically it feels like I'm on the right path to good skin - except for aforementioned burning sensation in the eye area skin, but I don't apply BP there so I think it's almost certain that it's the moisturizer that's burning.

I've read that bp% thing before, possibly by you or maybe on /fit/ or something - honestly I only got it because they didn't have lower %'s , I'll test lower bp% when I get it and see if there's any difference.

As far as the cleanser goes I think my old one was harsher because it foamed a lot harder and it left my skin very tight while this one seems to have a lighter tightening effect and it also says it's for daily usage while my older one doesn't.

Anyway, again it seems like the moisturizer is really the thing I've been missing up until now, my skin actually seems to gradually get better instead of just maintaining at a "sort of ok" level.

>> No.9528822


>my skin isn't bad enough

my fucking ass it is, do you think accutane is only for moon crater cases of acne ? stupid fuck

educate yourself

besides there's no risks if you have a good dermatologist which makes you do blood tests every month or so, none, zero

>> No.9529196

Just finished my first month of Accutane, mid 2nd-3rd week my entire face got really dry but now it just stopped. Is this supposed to happen?

>> No.9529199



Also it's my third year under Accutane. Feel free to ask.

>> No.9529209

didn't they ban accutane?

>> No.9529238
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>my skin actually seems to gradually get better instead of just maintaining at a "sort of ok" level.


>> No.9529418
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what's better between a moisturizing cream and a BB cream?
I know that a BB cream shouldn't only moisturize, but even protect form the sun and other things, but it just seems too "miraculous" :/

>> No.9529758

When does the ride end

>> No.9529761


>> No.9529800

ur so lost lol

>> No.9529810

thank you for your helpful words :)

>> No.9530078

I've got hyperallergic skin (leading to something like eczema). I'm allergic to scents or something as well, washing powder residue on clothes can give me rashes.
I used Simple's moisturizing facial wash and moisturizer and my skin is now dry, scaly and, sore.
Anyone here dealt with a similar skin affliction?

>> No.9530197
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Hm. I've previously looked through a study where they tested how irritating various cleansers was. Copypasta:

>You should use a cleanser that is not soap, that is non-irritating and with a somewhat skin-neutral pH. Use a cleanser based on only synthetic detergents ("syndet"). Not all of these synthetic cleansers are good, but most of them are.

>Based on "Irritant effect of cleansers - Correlation between pH and irritant effect of cleansers marketed for dry skin" (Baranda, et al), and some other derma literature, I've found that some of the most non-drying, non-irritating and recommendable cleansers are:

>- Cetaphil Gentle Cleansing Bar
>- Avene Cold Cream Emollient soap-free >cleansing bar
>- Dove: White Dove (bar), Dove Baby (bar), Dove Pink (bar), Dove Liquid Cleanser for Hands.

>The above works for all parts of the skin, way better than most other things you've put on your skin. CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser (for the face) as well as Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser are two great options.

As for moisturizers, here's two I can recommend:



I hope this information can be useful to you.

>> No.9530743

Struggled with acne for the longest of times. I'm 24 and it is only just starting to really clear up thanks to diligent work from my grill.
Cleanse, scrub and moisturise errday, and if you're a sweater like me wash again before you go to sleep, and try not to leave it too late in the mornings. Also, keep your hair off your face if it is long. It sucks having to take so much care just to have normal skin, but such is life.

>> No.9530749

Additionally, for immediate treatment, I find gels of low adapalene to be effective. Gets rid of smaller spots overnight, makes larger ones soften quicker.

>> No.9531168

MILD (sometimes moderate on bad days) and oily skin what the fuck can I do.

>> No.9531191

you always have great gifs

i love that one

>> No.9531196

this is one of the best threads ever scroll up you retard

>> No.9531265

I did and there wasn't that much in the way of dealing with oily skin.

>> No.9531268

i think that gif is making me high

>> No.9531441

Does anyone know how to get rid of keratosis pilaris on the back of my arms? Any help is appreciated

>> No.9532115

terrible fucking advice

>> No.9532213

If I take a shower in the morning and at night could it be drying my face up?

>> No.9532219


>> No.9532230


Depends. My face got free of zits in about a year or so. Keep in mind free of zits ≠ clean face. Still have to deal with red marks and whatnot.

But even now, if i stop taking Accutane for a month i get a breakout... under my hair. On my scalp. Yup. The ride ends when it want to ends. Which is never.

>> No.9532234
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hey, thanks. I appreciate it. would very much like to see more images being posted on this "imageboard".

we clearly need to hook you up with some serious chems, res.

>> No.9532331

Either Neutrogena Extra Gentle Cleanser or Cetaphil's gentle cleanser. Moisturise with cetaphil.

>> No.9532535


I've got one, there the best thing i've used for cleaning the body. I Wouldn't use it on your face though.

>> No.9532572


>> No.9533442

>first time using exfoliating scrub wash
>the one with the scratchy beads
>face feels smoother but visually looks worse

am I doing this right?

>> No.9533491
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Let me guess: It's red in some way? Red spots and/or stripes? As well as a bit sensitive/painful?

>> No.9533497

it doesn't feel irritated acne looks more noticeable along with blemishes, pores, etc.

>> No.9534405
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>that pic

>> No.9534411

well yeah, that's expected

give it a few minutes

>> No.9534535

a bb cream has a tint to it so it will provide coverage. it's basically just a tinted moisturiser. you can find moisturisers like that with out the tint

>> No.9534546
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>> No.9535339
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Is there any way to pluck/wax facial hair without getting red bumps/etc?

I'm almost suspecting that the absence of hair in the follicle allows sebaceous fluid to inflame or infect it or something, causing the redness?

>> No.9535345

Water, Simple Skincare sensitive skin wipes, Simple Skincare gel based moisturizer

>> No.9535424

Anyone here deal with rosacea? My cheeks are very red most of the time. I use an anti-redness make up but it doesn't cover it all that well. What can I do?

>> No.9536734


>> No.9536758


>tfw nose bridge rosacea


>> No.9536776

use anti redness cream? something with anti irritants maybe

>> No.9536877

anyone here with keyloids? what is the most effective way to at the very least, flatten them? ive only been able to prevent them from coming up if I notice them, but what about pre-existing ones?

chest and back shoulder area, thank god its not on my fucking face or i would an hero

>> No.9536904
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is eos a good lip care product or is it to "white girl" esque

>> No.9537187

Most lip balms have petrol components which dry your lips out, so literally there's no benefit from them

Go with someone natural

>> No.9537202

Shameless self bump

>> No.9537397

Is this like the "shaving your beard grows it back thicker" thing? Or is this bollocks?

>> No.9537509

>have random imdb lurk sessions
>look at woody harrelson's trivia section
>talks about how he had bad acne and this girl on the bus said he should quit dairy, because he might be lactose intolerant
>have mild acne, but never been able to completely get rid of it by products
>decide to give woody's method a try
>quit drinking milk every morning, quit eating cheese on my sandwhich
>instant result after a week
>clear skin and everything
on days where i drink a lot of water my skin looks great

>> No.9537943

Spectro Jel if you live in Canada.

Get the purple one, the non fragrance. It literally is the best cleanser on the market.

But I know nobody will ever listen to this post so lel.

>> No.9538683

thinking about putting together a facial care kit so far I'm set on

>facial cleanser
>acne spot treatment gel

what good products do these things?

>> No.9539630

how to fix strawberry nose ?

>> No.9539653

almost seems like an elaborate troll

>> No.9539663

add an exfoliator in there

>> No.9540562

bump for recommendations

>> No.9540669

After seeing this thread, I invested a few quid into
>Cetaphil facewash
>Simple Hydrating Light Moisturiser (on sale at superdrug)
>Jojoba Oil (add 2-4 drops to moisturiser in hand)
>Stridex Red Acne Pads

Its been 3 days and almost all my spots and a lot of redness has cleared up too. My skin is dry-normal regularly but now its perfect!

>> No.9540869
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How do I get rid of these?

>> No.9540886

You don't. They're effay

>> No.9540901

Yeah but I hate having them

>> No.9540923

Then kill yourself

>> No.9540928

Well if it's as easy as that then I guess I have no choice

>> No.9541251
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please see


>> No.9541257
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also, OTC hydroquinone spot treatment is an option.

>> No.9541297

what cleanser, bp and moisturizer do you use?

>> No.9541303

Thanks, man. I just sort of skimmed through the thread, probably should have checked. I know I have Periorbital dark circles, so I'll avoid rubbing them (now that I think about it, I do that a lot) and sleep more. One question, I recently lost a fair amount of weight but I barely ate when I was losing weight (my diet is fine now), but I'm not underweight. Could that still cause the dark circles? Because I know I haven't always had them and have only noticed them after I lost the weight.

>> No.9541304
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How do I get rid of this scar?

>> No.9541323

actually worked for me too.
I still get some every now and then but never those swollen ones evermore

>> No.9541367

Should I go with Shea butter or coconut oil or both?
Pls respond: Also if you wear coconut/shea butter do you still need to apply sunscreen for casual settings in the summer? I don't want no wrinkels n shit. Got enough already

>> No.9541373

Mustard gas

>> No.9541429

both mixed so you'll get a nice texture, since shea is way to hard alone. Also go for the unrefined one.

Don't apply this moisturizer before sunscreen though. You won't get adequate protection because it will dilute it.

>> No.9541481

Need some advice please.

>> No.9541557
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Speaking from everyday experience here. Every night make sure your face is washed with a small amount of organic soap. Apply coconut oil to your face before sleeping, massage it in all over, every part of your face. If you drink enough water each day and have an even complexion, your face will glow when you wake. Make sure your oil is organic and sanitary. I.e. dont dip your dirty ass fingers in the jar every time.

As for sunscreen, coconut oil does not have sufficient spf to support you during the day. Always apply moisturizer before and let it completely absorb before applying the sunscreen. The point of sun protection is to let it absorb into your skin. And ALWAYS wash it off with soap when you're done.