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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 116 KB, 534x810, the dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9501073 No.9501073 [Reply] [Original]

is this dress blue and black or white and gold and why?

>> No.9501117

It's blue, everyone who says otherwise is fucking blind.

>> No.9501137

>white and gold
am i missing something?

>> No.9501140

inb4 it's inside out.

>> No.9501147

is this some epic new meme?

>> No.9501163

Clearly there are two images running around. One white/gold and one blue/black stop this shit. Also keep your twitter shit out of the 4chinz

>> No.9501168
File: 375 KB, 400x214, 1TM1K8J.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares

>> No.9501173

This is going to be troll bait for years now isn't it? Oh god.

>> No.9501250

white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold & white & gold

>> No.9501364

Hold white silk up under dim fluorescent light and it's going to look blue. It's obviously white and gold with shit store lighting and bad phone camera.

>> No.9501372
File: 18 KB, 636x966, Here are the colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its puke gold and a light shade of gunmetal blue.

>> No.9501392

To me it looks blue and black, with the black having very slight gold tint to it

Can anybody explain why visually people see two different colors here

>> No.9501456

The lighting is all fucked up. It makes it look like a different color than it is.

>> No.9501469

Raf color changing clothes S/S15 confirmed

>> No.9501471

this shit it raging on social media. it's le new epic meme

>> No.9501474

Wait all I see is purple

>> No.9501478

m8s this is driving me crazy how can anyone see white?

>> No.9501488

This, it's actually blue and black

>> No.9501507
File: 298 KB, 1120x694, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9501514

I've got a shirt that has perfectly equal amount of blue in it that it does red, but it just looks red. Really tripped me out one time on acid.

>> No.9501521
File: 343 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-02-27-02-19-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wot r u doin buddy

>> No.9501528

>it's white and gold lol!!!

babby's first social media troll

>> No.9501531

it has to be a joke.i refuse to believe people actually think it's white and gold. this could quite possibly be the most elaborate troll of all time

>> No.9501545
File: 104 KB, 495x750, tumblr_nkcjuq8Tdr1tnacy1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I first received this picture I could swear it was obviously white & gold
I mean, it's so obvious it's white & gold, what's the fuzz all about?
Most of my friends see as white and gold, so did I, but it changed
Pic related, it's blue & black now

>> No.9501548

Because you saw through the illusion and see it for what it really s

>> No.9501549

it was never white and gold

>> No.9501553
File: 218 KB, 963x552, blue dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its blue

>> No.9501558

Am I getting rused?

>> No.9501560
File: 3.09 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guyou and I just saw the same picture with the same text on Facebook, is this a conspiracy?

>> No.9501572

Fuck I hate it when you faggots make forced memes, samefag is posting this in every board. Of course /b/ is eating it up.

>> No.9501582

Those who are still trapped in samsara see white and gold, clouded by their own self-centered ignorance and desire.

Those who have liberated themselves from craving pierce through the illusion of reality, and know the truth: that is is black and blue.

Pic related: Notice how Lord Vishnu ornaments his body with white and gold regalia, but his actual body, his essence is blue skin with black hair, the same colors as the dress.

>> No.9501583

nice pic

>> No.9501585
File: 216 KB, 1200x1350, krishna0-x-men-mahabharata-is-krishna-a-mutant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.9501588

Congratulations on your liberation brother.

>> No.9501609

I wish I had known this was le reddit maymay faggotry when my friend sent me this pic so that I could have just said "fuck off get a life"

>> No.9501622

I dont even see a dress

>> No.9501623

Y'all know what it is. Sorry for potato, it was the only link I could find.

>> No.9501648

liberation? liberation from what fuccboi? It just changed again, I am mad

>> No.9501652

damn. now I kind of wish I could make it change

>> No.9501657

it looks white and gold in the picture due to shit camera but it's really black and blue

>> No.9501665

this is like if palewave was considered black monochrome holy shit youre all colorblind autistic fucking retards

if anyone thinks there is any black on that dress youre fucking retarded and should give up fashion forever

>> No.9501679

can someone just post a link to that dress being sold online somewhere please for the love of god one of you autists has to know

>> No.9501682



>> No.9501685

it keeps changing for me all the time, I don't even have to stare it for a long time or tilt the screen or anything like that, I just take a glance at it and all of sudden PUFF it changes. Is this not normal?

>> No.9501698


>> No.9501708

Were memes ever not forced?

They seem forced as shit these days, or am I just getting old...

>> No.9501714

there are 2 pictures floating around the internet, one is blue & black, one is white & gold

>> No.9501719

its under a yellow light, color balance it and it will look blue black

>> No.9501735

so you see the one at the top as black and blue?

>> No.9501761

what the fuck, I swear it was white and gold a while ago now it is blue and black

>> No.9501769

Blue and black cause fashion

>> No.9501810

You guys are fucking retarded.

White/black gold/navy are complimentary color pairs. When you stare at the dress in one configuration long enough, the color receptors in your eyes become exhausted, and the negative is then seen with the opposite pair.

Stare at a red valentine's day heart for awhile and then look at a white wall and blink rapidly. You'll see a green heart flash in front of your eyes.

>> No.9501815

but they aren't seeing a white and gold dress when they stare at the fucking wall are they you cretin

>> No.9501816

It's red and purple, dipshit

>> No.9501819


So if you look near the top of the dress at the black/gold portion, the dress looks white and gold. If you look down at the black on the tablecloth at the bottom left for a few seconds and let your eyes drift back to the black and gold portion at the bottom you see the black and blue dress. It's quite an impressive optical illusion and I'm honestly debating on it's actual color. But it's only due to the lighting and how the photo was taken this occurs.

>> No.9501821
File: 55 KB, 940x406, 11020305_10204518468136039_294058203_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9501827

skub or anti-skub?

>> No.9501830

Still white & gold to me.

>> No.9501831

Alright someone needs to tell me what the fuck is going on with this picture?

I see blue and gold. Period. No changing colours. Is everyone retarded? I thought it was a troll until I checked facebook and plebs are saying its white or black or whateverthefuck.

I don't get it?

>> No.9501833

i can't take it anymore. It's all over my fucking twitter and facebook feed. My friends won't shut up about it.

Obviously it's blue and black.

>> No.9501834

this is all over /sci/ as well

>> No.9501839


>> No.9501843

this. I don't understand anything that's going on. It's just some random black and blue dress, not even remotely white

>> No.9501846

People post a white dress before hand, and then (atleast on faceboo) change it later to teh blue dress, and be like "oh it changed colors" its fucking dumber than being pro-skub

>> No.9501850

But for me there's no white or black

It's blue and fucking gold. No one seems to be saying that?

>> No.9501854

as i said over on /tg/ it depends on your view of skub the opposite view of skub will be the opposite view of the dress

>> No.9501855

White and some sort of brown/gold ambiguous color, but the lighting and poor choice of white balance in the camera makes the white look like light blue. Not sure where the black part comes from.

>> No.9501859

a few people are saying that, the top strip of black certainly has that to it and if you zoom in heavily it seems that way but trust that's just poor lighting. It's blue and black

>> No.9501862

How can poor lighting change a thing? I'll take my laptop around this whole house and it's still blue and gold? I don't understand how anyone could say white and gold or blue and black. Makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.9501863

oh my fucking god. i just saw it as gold and white and i look at it again and saw it as black and blue what the fuck is going on. it is an optical illusion?

>> No.9501866

you're lieing

>> No.9501868

Are you really this retarded or are you just pretending?

>> No.9501870
File: 31 KB, 600x744, B-0YWjmVEAELy9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I mean poor lighting in the photograph

pic related is the actual dress (source: the same site as the other pic originated from)

>> No.9501871

Nah you pro-skub bastards simply can't see for shit, your love of skub has literally blinded you

>> No.9501872

blue and gold
i've seen this in 3 different devices

>> No.9501874


>> No.9501875

That's all well and good, blue and black in that photo. But that doesn't explain people looking at the photo OP posted and saying it's not blue and gold?

>> No.9501877
File: 126 KB, 575x1024, B-0bg0qUEAEC2rE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in conclusion, people who see white are faggots with poor genes

>> No.9501878

liars and charlatans, and not convincing ones either

>> No.9501882

because people aren't idiots and can tell when something is manipulated by poor lighting

>> No.9501885

Underrated post

>> No.9501888


in conclusion, i'm a PhD in neuroscience and you're literally all retarded.

Some people see black and blue, some see white and gold. Did you guys know some people go around just seeing shades of grey???? Whoopy-fucking-doo

>> No.9501892


Me and my roommate saw it on facebook and thought it was some dumb bullshit since we both saw white and gold, then I saw it as black and blue and he didn't. I don't know what is happening but I want the ride to end.

>> No.9501894
File: 2.95 MB, 237x329, adam cokehead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, my brother asked me, all his faggot friends on Call of Duty are saying it's white and gold, looked it up, the whole Internet is freaking out about it. I instantly thought that some faggots on 4chins or Leddit were doing some ebin maymay and going to news articles about it and voting up gold and white. I still think this is the case, though I have yet to find the source.

>> No.9501895

tfw my girlfriend accidentally started this meme. the dress in blue and black btw.

>> No.9501898

Maybe if they answered "In this photo it is blue & gold but in reality it is blue & black" You wouldn't have people running around confused.

And how do you explain the people saying white & gold?

>> No.9501900
File: 204 KB, 300x400, 0,,5693171,00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which way is she spinning guys?

>> No.9501902

butthurt degenerate detected

>> No.9501903

I can look at the picture and see both possibilities without being mindfucked or whatever. lighting does a lot. ever tried focusing a camera on a darker or lighter area in the frame and watching it change, or looking at your eyes in different lightings? sone people swear their eyes change colors but eyes aren't fucking prisms lol. an object's surroundings and the color of the lighting matters a lot. as does the quality of the camera and its color range. any graphic designers here?

>> No.9501904


>> No.9501907

>"In this photo it is blue & gold but in reality it is blue & black" You wouldn't have people running around confused.
but there is no need to because you are the only one confused about that

>>And how do you explain the people saying white & gold?
I'm no scientist but pretty sure it works the same way as some people are colorblind. People are just seeing different colors.

if you want to go full fedora it is really all sorts of different colors given that humans can only see a limited amount. Birds can see ultra violet and shit

>> No.9501908

anti clockwise

>> No.9501911

counter clockwise

>> No.9501912

fucking 12 year olds

>> No.9501913


>> No.9501914


read something for once you fucking monkeys

>> No.9501915


>> No.9501917

shit is overexposed muh nikka

>> No.9501918

Fair enough, well all I know is. There are some pretty fuckin stupid people on my facebook and even they are saying they see blue and black perfectly. These are people that wouldn't take into account the lighting.

>> No.9501919

i mean clockwise

>> No.9501922

Screen tilted down, black and blue. screen tilted up, white and gold.

This is the answer.

>> No.9501923

If this were true, where is the white/gold one? Because I haven't seen it

>> No.9501928

>seeing gold and white means you dont see well in dim light

pffft, I have keratoconus and can't see for SHIT in dim light, it's all hazy. And I see it as blue and black. Probably because it IS blue and black and I have fell for the maymay of the year. Seriously, where the fuck is home base for the cretins spreading this shit? It's gotta be reddit.

>> No.9501930

My viewpoint is that nobody in their right mind would mix blue and gold

>> No.9501932

nice, got me to wait for the switch. Didn't realize it went on that long

>> No.9501933


>> No.9501937

I think it's to do with a combination of monitor colour/contrast and perhaps personal eyesight.
Here is the same image 3 times; Brighter+contrast, normal, Darker+contrast
The normal image looks white-gold to me personally, but with the different contrast and brightness I can sort of see how people could see it differently.

This conclusion is false.
We know that rod cells are responsible for light/dark detection while cone cells are responsible for colour (red/green/blue wavelength) differentiation, and as you can see from my comparison image, White+gold is more apparent when brighter while blue+black is visible when darker.
Therefore, people who see blue+black are more likely to have LESS sensitive cones as they are unable to distinguish the ochre hues from the dark shade under low light conditions.

>> No.9501939
File: 229 KB, 566x426, dressB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White and Gold reporting in.

If you can't see White and Gold, look away from the dress for a while and then look at this picture I made.

A friend who is with me that sees black and blue can see white and gold when looking at this after not looking the dress picture for a while.

>> No.9501940
File: 1.59 MB, 1602x810, blueblackgoldwhite-comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, forgot image

>> No.9501942


>> No.9501943


No you fucking nigger but what I described is exactly what's happening

>> No.9501944

it's still blue and gold in every picture

>> No.9501945

>So when context varies, so will people’s visual perception. “Most people will see the blue on the white background as blue,” Conway says. “But on the black background some might see it as white.” He even speculated, perhaps jokingly, that the white-gold prejudice favors the idea of seeing the dress under strong daylight. “I bet night owls are more likely to see it as blue-black,” Conway says.


>> No.9501946

>this picture

im going to kill myself.

>> No.9501949
File: 108 KB, 224x268, whatbaby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend is looking at it on phone
>"I have no idea how anyone could see this as anything but white and gold"
>look at image
>it's very clearly periwinkle and puke colored

>> No.9501950

for some reason when i focus on the shadow i can make it turn whichever way at will

>> No.9501951

If you see white in that dress, your eyes just do not process color very well.

>> No.9501952

It's white and gold. How the fuck is anyone seeing blue and black? Am I fucking being trolled?

>> No.9501954

>tfw mom is not a night owl, works 9-5
>tfw mom sees it as black and blue

>> No.9501956
File: 183 KB, 1341x609, w&gb&b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel none of your little sample colors in the corners
are fucking white





>> No.9501958

>Therefore, people who see blue+black are more likely to have LESS sensitive cones as they are unable to distinguish the ochre hues from the dark shade under low light conditions.
Why are you saying those that see it as black and blue are the ones with the visual impairment, when the actual god damn amazon store page and a separate image of someone else wearing the dress are both black and blue? If anyone is impaired, it's those seeing gold and white.

>> No.9501970

It's white and gold. The white is slightly dim though, having a sort of blueish tint. But you can tell it's white.

>> No.9501972

>At least we can all agree on one thing: The people who see the dress as white are utterly, completely wrong.

Yep, if you see white and gold, you are fucking color blind. If you see BLUE and gold, you are not, but your contrast/brightness/saturation on your phone is way fucking off making that black look gold. If you see black and blue, you have not only normal eyes, but an actual good monitor/phone screen.

This is the only explanation.

>> No.9501975

>He saw blue in the highlights, telling him that the white he was seeing was blue, and the gold was black. And when Harris reversed the process, balancing to the darkest pixel in the image, the dress popped blue and black. “It became clear that the appropriate point in the image to balance from is the black point,” Harris says.

That is not white, you might have a color deficiency when seeing blue/green.

>> No.9501976
File: 96 KB, 484x508, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this faggots

>> No.9501979
File: 24 KB, 393x386, 1423804395606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw this dress is making me question the reality of my existence

>> No.9501981

>(and yes, it's blue)

Holy fuck, did I just see a news article link engaging in REVERSE clickbait?

>> No.9501984

That's fucking wrong. Look at the pixels in an image editor and you'll see the colors (by looking at the rgb contents) are puke gold and a bluish color. You're all fucking idiots, holy shit

>> No.9501987

You can still tell it is blue in the first picture if you don't have shit eyesight. This has got to be some huge joke

>> No.9501988
File: 79 KB, 857x933, caseclosed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TL;DR: The dress is blue and black but the light makes it look white and gold. basically, the people who see it blue and black see the dress without the lighting (at face value) and the people who see it white and gold see the whole picture, taking the lighting and aesthetic into account. it also has to do with the way the black shines.

after looking at it for a while, even if you see white and gold, if you imagine the gold part as a very pale, shiny black you will understand. I saw it as white and gold at first and i still do, but i understand how it is seen as blue and black.

>> No.9501989

fuck off with this shit, anon. it's white and gold

>> No.9501991

omfg how fucking retarded can u be to take a pic of ur computer screen instead of a screenshot ffs

>> No.9501992

Okay I can understand faggots saying the black portion might be gold but you are fucking color blind if you think the blue portion is white

>> No.9501994
File: 64 KB, 628x559, 628-dresspost4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say I see white+gold but I know the white has a blueish hue, I still think it is white because under low lighting (judging by the tone of the dress) whites can appear blueish.
It is not possible for the blue dress (pic related) to appear as white/de-saturated as that one in the original picture in ANY lighting conditions.
Same goes for the gold/black, if you select the colour on photoshop, it clearly has a brown/gold hue, I could make the same argument that if you do not see the gold then you can't distinguish colour very well.

>> No.9501995
File: 165 KB, 363x750, phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to see both:
1) Open image on your phone
2) tilt your phone so that the edge of the phone is facing your eyes (like pic related, but at an even more extreme angle, maybe)
3) to see black/blue: focus your eyes on one of the dark stripes (what people are seeing as yellow/black)
to see yellow/white: focus your eyes on one of the white stripes (what people are seeing as blue/white)
4: focus your eye on the stripe for a while. Once you've adjusted a bit, tilt the phone back gradually until you're looking at the phone normally. You'll notice the color change.

>> No.9501996

It's white and gold

Fucking with me

>> No.9502004


lel enjoy your shit genes m8
you prob bought clothes of the wrong color your entire life
that fit you thought was on point? think again

>> No.9502006

bro do you even know what camera overexposure is?

>> No.9502007
File: 202 KB, 1366x837, 5468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are fucking blind or just fucking with me, I honestly can't tell anymore

>> No.9502008

It's the opposite for me. The white part can understandably be seen as blue, but you need to stop with the fucking crystal meth if you're seeing the gold as anything but gold.

>> No.9502016

I adjusted white balance to the point where the dress appears mostly blue/black to me, but I still see little highlights in the circled area as gold.

>> No.9502019
File: 125 KB, 534x810, stillgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot my image.

>> No.9502020

White and gold master race confirmed for being able to see the bigger picture while blue and black plebs are focused on the small stuff.

>> No.9502021

dude that's like 98% black, including the circled bits

>> No.9502022

yes, but the image that was posted is too de-saturated and white for the white/blue parts to be as blue as the blue dress in that image I posted, no matter what camera you use you do not get this affect without the rest of the environment shades and colours becoming noticeably distorted.

>> No.9502023

Interesting thing I noticed: the only people I've talked to who think it's white rather than a blueish shade are the same friends who think my visibly green shirt is grey.

>> No.9502026

fuck off retard see >>9501914
if u see white and gold u have shit eyes and genes and should kill urself for being an inferior piece of shit thats dragging down humanity
fk off ur inferior
deal with it

>> No.9502027


lol the animefag is full of shit, stop believing him you blind faggot

>> No.9502031


im not actually thats literally the reason

>> No.9502033

Are we talking about the picture or the dress? The picture plainly and obviously depicts a pale blue (blueish white if you want to call it that, but it's a stretch) and gold. The dress itself could be anything and is totally irrelevant because pictures with shit lighting are not representative of reality.

>> No.9502037

I didn't fall for deleting System32
I didn't fall for penis inspection day
I didn't fall for the lifehack that makes mustard gas without you knowing

and i'm not falling for this shit.

It's white and gold, and people are just posting the same dress in a different color as "proof"

>> No.9502038

We're talking about the picture itself, there are people who see that picture and see white instead of blue.

>> No.9502039

>All these plebs who can't see both
How can you be /fa/ if you can't see both?

>> No.9502044
File: 164 KB, 398x307, 122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black and blue master race

>> No.9502047


you're color blind
you should see a doctor if you're able to :)

>> No.9502048

Why are you mocking Lia everywhere?

>> No.9502049


stop being so autistic, its not a magic trick or sorcery, its just an optical trick.

>> No.9502050

It's literally blue and has been confirmed as so

>> No.9502051

But that's literally incorrect. Like, you can open up the picture and look at the hex values and see that it's light blue and brownish-gold.
I mean if it were about real-life color at least there would be some leeway with how you interpret the lighting, but the color of the picture itself can be objectively determined.
This is stupid as hell.

>> No.9502052

The bitch used a bunch of filters obviously

>> No.9502053

Get your eyes, screen, or both fixed.

>> No.9502054


not only you're colorblind, you can't even read the whole thread
stupid blind nigger

>> No.9502055

It's more grey than black, if you're going by literal definitions here, but it's not gold, m8.

MAYBE a brown.

>> No.9502058

>But that's literally incorrect. Like, you can open up the picture and look at the hex values and see that it's light blue and brownish-gold.

I'm assuming it's some form of colorblindness that also affects women to a sizable degree and has gone relatively undocumented.

>> No.9502059

I've noticed that with my mother, actually. What she often sees as black I see as navy, and vice versa.

Fucking weird.

>> No.9502060

It's a brownish-gold. See >>9501372.

>> No.9502061

Reminder that if Hitler succeeded shit genes that give bad eyesight wouldn't be around and this retarded meme wouldn't exist, white and gold fags should just kill themselves.

>> No.9502062

This. Earlier today all I saw was white/gold, now it's blue/black. The Matrix is fucking slipping.

>> No.9502065

>see green as grey
That sounds like a serious colorblindness

>> No.9502069

I've had SIX friends post about this today, my sister (who never calls me about anything) texted me asking what color it was, and now its a trending article on fucking TV news sites like FOX and NBC

fuck this.

>> No.9502070

All of the people saying this are just realizing they were wrong. It didn't fucking change

>> No.9502076

Probably different light sensitives and an optic trick. Depending on the monitor I watch it on it either appears blue or white. I can also change it back and forth when tilting the screens.

>> No.9502080


When I look at the bottom 1/4th of the photo, it's blue and black

When I scroll up and look at the whole photo, it's white and gold

>> No.9502115
File: 158 KB, 534x283, eyedropperselect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used the eyedropper to select the gold portion. Noting where the color select lands is interesting.

>> No.9502129

Some can see it as faded gold/brown/black, like when harsh bleach detergent ruins blacks in the wash. That's right. Its the fucks that see white and gold that need a slap.

>> No.9502132

I'm sorry your eyes can't see gold properly and interpret it as black.

>> No.9502133

The worst part is that in a month or two ill have to pretend ive never heard of or seen this shit meme to my coworkers

>> No.9502137

I see the gold, but its obviously black with shitty lighting and fading.

>> No.9502138

Black and fucking blue

>> No.9502142
File: 6 KB, 400x400, 1299947893007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I don't even give a fuck that this is a meme, this is some shit

>> No.9502143

This is interesting. The blue on the dress is so saturated and dark to me I couldn't possibly comprehend how it could be white.

Brains can be some scary things.

>> No.9502148

I know that it's black and blue but I've been telling everyone it's white and gold. They get so upset.

>> No.9502154
File: 53 KB, 399x293, eyedropperselectmoreinfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More color data. Note that this color was picked from the left half of the top gold (and/or black) portion of the dress.

>> No.9502158

>no one mentions the background in the photos

>> No.9502159

This is why I never liked psychedelics.

>> No.9502163

I can't see it as anything other than blue and black. I don't see how the lightning matters at all. Apparently it may be an eye cone thing if you're seeing white/gold?

>> No.9502164
File: 13 KB, 203x307, grid-cell-13332-1424999863-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9502166

Whole new swaths of the English-speaking world are currently experiencing the terror of color blindness for the first time.

>> No.9502168


anybody definitely see white and gold the first time, but now since it's been ~2 hours since I first saw it it looks blue and brownish?

>> No.9502169
File: 18 KB, 309x463, grid-cell-25148-1425000934-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9502177

Don't be scared of having a good brain

>> No.9502179

Same. I actually get the black/gold thing; I see it as black but the lighting is tricky.

But everything about the blue area, the dynamics of the colour, the way that the shadows are cast on it - all blue. Reasonably deep blue as well. Wat the shit?

>> No.9502181 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 1366x768, dress-color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, post the color combination closest to what you see in two solids. I want to see what colors you're seeing.

This is what I see there.

>> No.9502183
File: 305 KB, 315x479, both.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9502184
File: 199 KB, 1075x660, compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard for me to justify to myself how the shirt on the left is white and the dress on the right is blue when, according to photoshop, they're practically the same "color".

So I can sympathize with the "white" people.

>> No.9502185

nah, fuck the cone/rod theory thing, I used to see white gold but now I also see blue black.
All it takes is a paradigm shift.

>> No.9502186

This is the genius behind the meme

>> No.9502188

the shirt is white but it looks bluish because of the shadow

>> No.9502190
File: 12 KB, 648x247, screenshot-www.buzzfeed.com 2015-02-26 23-10-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the actual dress being blue, an overwhelming majority see white and gold.

>> No.9502193

After looking at the black/white dress in the background and comparing the shades of black, I stopped seeing white and gold.

It's weird cause I still remember how the white and gold looked though ??

>> No.9502195

It must be getting dark out where you are. Your eyes are adjusting to the dark, but you're losing some ability to see proper colors in exchange due to bad eyes. Now you see it as blue and black.

>> No.9502197
File: 339 KB, 680x680, ME ANGRY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9502199

>anybody definitely see white and gold the first time

speak for yourself stevie wonder

>> No.9502204

obviously people are more use to conditions like in this case >>9502184

>> No.9502205
File: 21 KB, 1366x768, dress-color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys, post the color combination closest to what you see. I want to see what colors you're seeing. Don't use eyedropper.

These are the two colors I see.

>> No.9502207
File: 27 KB, 536x476, 110285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw part of superior 27% of humanity

>> No.9502212

Is it possible that us blue/black people's brains just automatically took that background information in? Because I never looked at any of that and I saw it right immediately.

>> No.9502213
File: 17 KB, 584x400, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9502214
File: 165 KB, 557x294, eyedropperselectblue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about midways through with the saturation, but quite clearly light blue.

>> No.9502216

this is exactly what i see

>> No.9502220
File: 46 KB, 416x400, oh-no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this be a new way to tell who's outgoing and who's introverted?

>you see blue and black? lol anon you're no fun!

>> No.9502222

me too, it hasn't changed at all

>> No.9502228

Then why are the majority of people on 4chan seeing white and gold too?

>> No.9502232

Normie invasion.

>> No.9502233

because the majority of people in general are.

>> No.9502239

well, in >>9501914 it says "nightowls" are more likely to see blue/black

I personally think it's because some people are more used to seeing things as they are in a photo and some as they are in real life

I personally can see both, but the blue/black dress would never look like that in real life (only in photos) whereas the white-gold dress could look like that with dim lighting.

>> No.9502240
File: 150 KB, 802x1024, barack-obama-toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A toast to being genetically superior.

>> No.9502241
File: 531 B, 171x157, dacolors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to choose one color to represent the different materials due to highlights and shadows, but I tried.

>> No.9502244

yes it is you retarded fuck
first of all, the model picture put on websites is almost never the exact same shade as the dress irl, especially if its a cheapo ugly dress like that. so its probable that the blue is less vibrant irl, and once you pair it up with horrible phone quality camera + flourescent lightbulb lighting it turns out to be the op pic

kill yourself

>> No.9502249
File: 20 KB, 95x178, 2412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.9502251

Also if you're a man and your ring finger is longer than your middle finger then you are a homosexual.

>> No.9502254

Except the dress actually is black and blue. She obviously used some filter in addition to the shitty camera

>> No.9502256

Post your eye color, race, and the colors you see.

Brown eyes, white race, and colors seen are very light blue and puke-gold

>> No.9502261


>> No.9502262

Blue eyes, white, blue and black

>> No.9502263


this is actually it

if you have blue eyes you can see the true colors
I see light blue puke gold too with brown eyes

I know it's black and blue but the colors I see are light blue and puke gold

>> No.9502265

dark brown, asian, blue and black

>> No.9502266
File: 159 KB, 1087x844, Grey_square_optical_illusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9502268

dark brown eyes, white, blue and black

i hate all of you

>> No.9502269

But no? People are guessing the colors they think it is in real life as if they were going to help their friend accessorize. That's the entire purpose of taking the picture.

>> No.9502271

Green, mixed (white and black), and blue and black.

>> No.9502275

I know, I can see that. I was just saying that some people base their perspective on immediate judgement on what is apparent to them and to some it is realistic lighting conditions while others can immediately pick up on the photographically filtered lighting.

>> No.9502277

Brown, white, light blue and brownish gold.
I guess brown eyes really do have the best eyesight.

>> No.9502278

Brown, mexican, I've seen both but currently black and blue

>> No.9502280

Brown, black, saw white and gold at first, then light blue and gold, now it's unmistakably blue and a faded black.

>> No.9502281

You're seeing the right colors. When you open up an image editing program and isolate the colors it's very clear the trim is gold, not black.

>> No.9502282
File: 297 KB, 1366x667, screenshot-www.romanoriginals.co.uk 2015-02-26 23-22-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want this dress, get it before it sells out.

>> No.9502285
File: 77 KB, 640x853, 1410295501002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown, taco, black and blue obviously.

>> No.9502286

Brown eyes, white, black and blue

But I'm pretty sure your irises have little to do with your actual vision. The color is just pigmentation.


>> No.9502288

There are less people with down syndrome in the population than people without it.

>> No.9502289

People with darker irises have better light absorbtion, apparently. Statistically, people with brown eyes have the best vision.

>> No.9502292
File: 81 KB, 720x1280, 1425015015515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROOF of how lighting can make dark fabric look brighter for u idiots

>> No.9502296
File: 38 KB, 370x148, COLOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but the mind is still only telling them what color they are seeing

it's like when you ask someone to say a word and its colored blue but it says orange

some people will say blue because thats what they are seeing instead of doing what you were told to do

>> No.9502298

Does this mean I'm a minority now? Do I get oppression points?

Check your white and gold privilege, shitlords.

>> No.9502313

white & gold with bad lighting that makes the white look blue and gold look like puke

I have no idea how anyone can be seeing black out of that though
how low are your brightness settings?

>> No.9502315
File: 49 KB, 500x661, 1425014676575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9502316

Blue eyes
black and blue dress

>> No.9502321
File: 66 KB, 606x344, the-new-hotcakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, it's already selling out.

>> No.9502325

Wait a sec, this was white and gold for a while but it's now black and blue

The troll is too real

>> No.9502326
File: 38 KB, 444x260, weekend war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over guys, lets all go home

>> No.9502327

The lighting is from the front of the dress. not above it.

>> No.9502329

Girls confirmed for not knowing what shitty lighting is.

God help us if they figure out what gamma is.

>> No.9502332

This, women are inferior to men and should shut the fuck up.

>> No.9502335

grill here, I can't see white and gold and all of you fucking suck. die

>> No.9502338
File: 100 KB, 495x750, white-gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clearly white and gold.

>> No.9502339

Shut up bitch, there's a reason why there's a patriarchy, you're only as good as the slit between your legs.

>> No.9502344

It's a GIF of two resses of the same style in different colourways and people are too fucking stupid to realise that the original image is a GIF.

>> No.9502346

>he doesnt love his mother

into the trash

>> No.9502348

Wait why

it isn't even a nice dress

>> No.9502349

>yfw women see more colors than men, proven evolutionary fact

>> No.9502352

how bout u show that slit a good time ;)

>> No.9502355

I don't understand how 3/4 of people are saying that its White and Gold. Fucking #WhiteandGold was trending on twitter right under #TheDress

Goddamn, social media was hijacked by funky lighting on a goddamn dress.

>> No.9502357

Where is it then?

>> No.9502358

I am looking at a jpg of it with my girlfriend and she honestly thinks it is gold and whatever. People do not understand that lighting makes things look differently, and I am rapidly losing hope in humanity.

>> No.9502360

ma nigga

>> No.9502366
File: 18 KB, 480x480, IMG_86050762020771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jet fuel cant melt gold and white dress

>> No.9502374

Open the original image in a photo editor and invert the colors. Then it's gold and white. I won't do it here or you won't believe me.
How can gold turn white when inverted?
How can white turn gold when inverted?
It must be blue and black, as those are the opposite colors.
Try it for yourself and let this discussion die.

>> No.9502379
File: 1.36 MB, 400x300, 1422117308537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9502381

I'm just confused as to how a majority, and a large one at that, are seeing it as white/gold.

>> No.9502388

i did that and it's still blue and gold/brown, except in another place

>> No.9502389

Half colorblind, half trolling

>> No.9502392
File: 26 KB, 600x566, Ios1eOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this is an illusion similar to the checker shadow illusion. Some people are seeing it as a white and gold dress in a bluish shadow, others are seeing it as a black and blue dress in a yellowish light as seen here.

>> No.9502393
File: 12 KB, 87x184, 23234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cause its not true black

>> No.9502397

Brown eyed white guy here. It's black and blue.

>> No.9502401




>> No.9502403

black and yellow black and yellow

lmao remember that song?

>> No.9502405
File: 162 KB, 175x175, A V E Y Y.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is so fucking funny omg

>> No.9502409

I can only see it in blue and black and I want to see it in white and gold. :(

>> No.9502422
File: 315 KB, 550x413, dress 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another blue/blackfag here, this is the closest I've gotten

>> No.9502423


>> No.9502424
File: 207 KB, 534x810, the dress inverted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, the gold portion turns light blue and the white portion was already off-white with a blueish hue.

>> No.9502427

White with shadows that makes it a little grey/light blueish and sand/gold

>> No.9502433

wow, that worked for me

>> No.9502436

All I see is nothing cause I'm blind.

>> No.9502438
File: 223 KB, 800x800, freeformdress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9502443


so its still black

>> No.9502447
File: 223 KB, 689x566, 2144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9502450

>an overwhelming majority see white and gold.





>> No.9502451

at this point im just going to wait until the today show tracks down the original photographer and has her settle it on tv

>> No.9502454

i forced my eyes to see black/blue without success

>> No.9502459

Some shitty store that women who dress like shit frequent

>> No.9502460

it is blue and black, for real.

>> No.9502461

I can only see dark blue and pure black. I'm sitting here and I'm really worried if there is something wrong with me.

>> No.9502463

She already did on her fucking tumblr, it's been posted in the thread

>> No.9502466

I meant the GIF silly

>> No.9502468

I'm #teamblueblack but im fucking tired of these scum goldwhites trying to shove their horrible eyesight down my throat

>> No.9502472

is this palewave or lunarcore?

>> No.9502473

>For Weichel, there's no question about what color the dress is.

>"Black and blue of course!" she said.

Gold and white fags (how the fuck is that 75% of you faggots?) are literally color blind.

>> No.9502474

My friend told me he sees PURE white (as in zero color) and light gold. HOW.

>> No.9502476

Same with me. Just have to accept that we are superior at this point.

>> No.9502478


The gold and white fags are the ones with eye issues.

>> No.9502480

yeah, but this pic in the op isn't

>> No.9502491


>> No.9502495

He's either fucking with you or he's legit colourblind.

Or the placebo effect is way more powerful than I thought.

>> No.9502496
File: 42 KB, 621x546, ITS BLACK AND BLUE YOU CUNTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



black and blue

>> No.9502499

8.8 correct
blue black maser race

>> No.9502503

At first I saw it white and gold but then it changed. My family didn't know about this, my brother said it's black and blue and my father said it's white and gold. I thought it was a trollmeme but FUCK!

>> No.9502505

You Successfully Identified
Shapes that are typically
hidden to Protan, Deutan, and
Tritan color deficiencies.

blue black

>> No.9502507
File: 46 KB, 524x521, 11175121700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White and gold.

>> No.9502511
File: 123 KB, 711x731, 23424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in the picture its blue and pukish brown

in real life its black and blue

>> No.9502512

Blue/black fags like to say they're superior out of some bizarre need to feel like they are superior, and will misinterpret anything they can to support it. Seeing people saying that seeing blue/black is superior causes other anons to to deny their own eyes out of a desperate need to be special. They tell themselves they see black and blue, and eventually they believe it and actually see it that way. It's sad, but this is the fate of all plebians.

>> No.9502515
File: 32 KB, 578x153, 32524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and like i said before




>> No.9502518

It's okay to be jealous of we blue/black's, anon. After all, we are gods amongst you mere mortals.

>> No.9502519

But even in the picture it's clearly blue and black. At worst blue and brown. It's not white and gold ever.

>> No.9502521
File: 462 KB, 1014x1073, 1425011486353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miley Cyrus sees black and blue

Do you still feel superior? We all know the dress is black and blue. But what colors are you REALLY seeing?

this isnt black and blue

>> No.9502522

So clearly the hierarchy is like this, from best to worst

See Blue/Black; Say White/Gold
See Blue/Black; Say Blue/Black
See White/Gold; Say White/Gold
See White/Gold; Say Blue/Black

>> No.9502523
File: 32 KB, 521x502, pokit_3416a75f4cea9109507cacd8e2f2aefc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blueish off-white and gold.

>> No.9502524
File: 59 KB, 550x391, Dress master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry more

>> No.9502526


not the DARK blue that people act like they are seeing I mean

>> No.9502527

>Miley Cyrus sees black and blue
>Do you still feel superior?

So does Taylor Swift, so, yeah.

>> No.9502530

If you see white and gold you are a disgusting untermensch with shit genetics and should remove yourself from the genepool.

>> No.9502531

the irony is that he himself is white and gold

>> No.9502533

Think what you want, but white and gold dress would be more fashionable.

>> No.9502537
File: 34 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.476095037_oc7f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is clearly "What color is this dress"
NOT "What color does this picture show"

Fuck off with your subhuman vision, I bet you dress like this and call it monochrome

>> No.9502539

i've made this test before and passed
still sees white and gold

>> No.9502542


and like I said before >>9502296

but the mind is still only telling them what color they are seeing

it's like when you ask someone to say a word and its colored blue but it says orange

some people will say blue because thats what they are seeing instead of doing what you were told to do

>> No.9502543

>not dressing like that
He who dares wins, anon

>> No.9502545

Only one fucking person says it's dark blue, develop some reading comprehension

>> No.9502546
File: 138 KB, 1233x716, this is literally what gold and white fags see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9502550

is this THE biggest meme ever? I have never seen a picture get this big THIS fucking fast.

>> No.9502551

I KNOW that the dress in REAL LIFE is black and blue
BUT in this fucking pic it's white and gold holy shit

>> No.9502552

See what I mean? They try so desperately to feel superior, and lash out when called on it. "Master race", they say. "Superior genetics", they say. But that is all they can do. Simply say things like this and tell themselves it is the truth. They are not enlightened. They cannot see the true colors beneath the liar's hues. Truly, I pity them.

>> No.9502557

guys seriously calm down

it changes due to how sensitive your eyes are to different lighting. the dress is actually black and blue (confirmed) but some people see it as white due to the poor exposure and lighting in the image

>> No.9502560

Almost nobody will remember it in a week

Absolutely nobody will remember it in a month

>> No.9502561

If we practiced eugenics you wouldn't have this problem.

>> No.9502562

No really, as a supporter of eugenics I advise you to kill yourself, fuck off with this meme shit I'm being absolutely serious right now.

>> No.9502565

blue/black white/gold people

Do you need sunglasses when you are facing the sun. I mean like can you make anything out if it's right in your face without them?

>> No.9502566

But which is better?

>> No.9502567

anon have you ever heard of exaggeration for humour

because I assume that's what you're doing right now

>> No.9502571


>> No.9502576

xkcd just weighed in. We can all go home now. It's over. The meme has officially been played out.

>> No.9502592

blue/black here
I am very light sensitive, fluorescent lights fucking kill me so the sun is very bad

>> No.9502596
File: 29 KB, 521x258, master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9502604

it's a meme now :^)

>> No.9502613

>Taylor Swift
I spewed so much my head exploded because it was overloaded with the amount of puke coming up, but it didn't stop there, the puke kept coming out of my neck, then my upper body exploded, the puke kept coming, out of my lower half, which exploded too, then it was my two legs, just standing there, puke all over the walls, then the legs exploded too, finally the walls floor ceiling stained with puke.

>> No.9502618
File: 22 KB, 504x185, the agree on one thing finally, she got to finish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9502635

Kanye said it's Blue/Black

>> No.9502648
File: 53 KB, 400x285, what does this say.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9502649

Another question. Am I a mutant if I can see both?

>> No.9502653

Sorry, I don't read arabic.

>> No.9502660

Can no one read it?

>> No.9502662


>> No.9502667


And what does the dress look like to you?

>> No.9502672


>> No.9502676

It took some scrutinizing, but it indeed says "NO", albiet I assume it's reversed where the "NO" is easier to see WITH colorblindness.

>> No.9502677

I guess it has nothing to do with being color blind, then. Because I see it as black and blue but can't see shit in that image.

Sorry, bro, but if you were able to read that, you are color blind.

>> No.9502688
File: 78 KB, 960x927, i dont see what the big deal is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le may may

>> No.9502699

Everyone needs to shut up and compromise. Let's not be racosts: lets throw out the white/black dichotomy and just say the dress is blue and gold.

>> No.9502700

>Anyway, this test is not to be considered by itself sufficient to determinate defective color vision.
I have passed every single colorblindness test given with perfect scores. If you can't see NO you need to get your eyes checked.

>> No.9502704

>not being a Stevie Wonder truther

He's not blind

>> No.9502774

Ops pic was white and gold. I saw this video in a new tab. It turned blue and black. Came back to op, and it was blue and black. This guys a fucking magician

>> No.9502793
File: 488 KB, 632x960, PicsArt_1425020348377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9502795
File: 124 KB, 500x314, PicsArt_1425020933534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9502803




>> No.9502909

no its blue and black. colour pixel analysis proves it.

>> No.9503197

It's definitely blue and black and i could tell that at first sight. Is this some kind of troll? There is no way it looks white and gold. And this proves it http://www.amazon.co.uk/Roman-Womens-Detail-Bodycon-Dress/dp/B00SJEUCWU?tag=jusjar05-20

>> No.9503206
File: 252 KB, 495x750, tumblr_nkeng29h6G1qagplio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9503218
File: 61 KB, 522x537, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White and gold with a blue tint.

>> No.9503251
File: 377 KB, 640x480, 1383685519207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first saw this dress, it was dark blue and black. Hours later I saw it again and it was white and gold. I saved the image and checked it gours later and it's definitely dark blue and black again.

>> No.9503291
File: 399 KB, 826x1169, Investigation of this stupid dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9503301

Last night I James Burgered your sister?

Do you mean James Bulgered my sister?

>> No.9503414

>Amazon never labels things wrong

>> No.9503477

I can make her switch if i focus.

>> No.9503482

I-it's beautiful..

>> No.9503486

Black and blue, possibly brownish dark gold and blue.

>> No.9503489

what's the origin of the picture????

>> No.9503522
File: 113 KB, 933x610, circles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9503527
File: 32 KB, 480x454, cd795b9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-guy, I see blueish and a dark brownish color.

>> No.9503541



>> No.9503593
File: 7 KB, 211x246, 1363098915912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at dress earlier
>"it's clearly white and gold how can anyone see differently"
>look now
>clearly black and blue


>> No.9503620
File: 42 KB, 472x392, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are now aware that people will be referencing this on TV in order to seem hip and cool for a week

>> No.9503640
File: 1020 KB, 1078x563, dresspost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9503643
File: 852 KB, 1856x639, OpticalIllusionDressScaleFix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9503648
File: 1 KB, 145x78, 9VWYggm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fuckin stupid. You have two camps. One is black/blue. Other is white/yellow.

Except both camps are the exact same kind of people - people with impaired color sense. Because as any image software will tell you - that's not the colors of the dress, atleast not in the photo. There's no black; there's no white, it's just your eyes being mildly color impaired.

This is like deaf people arguing over the loudness of a gun, ignoring the non-deaf people

>> No.9503779


Monkey detected

>> No.9503786

Those colors look nothing like the dress to me, both way lighter.

>> No.9503800

Uh oh, it's something stupid that everyone's talking about that I don't understand (i.e. GamerGate). Time to leave the internet again.

>> No.9503942


>> No.9503965

This is the shit I see

>> No.9503973

Photoshop master here, I can confirm that its blue and gold.

>> No.9503979

Jesus fucking christ why are there 9 threads on the catalog about this. For the dumb fucking idiots seeing this as a gold dress, learn how a high amount of light can make certain materials look. Not all materials stay consistent when exposed to various intensities/types of lighting. (especially thin materials light easily pass through, ie the black sheer type shit you idiots are seeing as gold). It's a blue and black fucking dress. Unless you're colorblind or have a vision condition you have no excuse for being a fucking mongoloid and saying this is a gold dress. The shade at the top of the dress where the most light is SLIGHTLY looks to be a shade of gold. That doesn't mean it's fucking gold. If your brain actually functions on a level that isn't below average your mind will tell you the dress is black, because it is. Also, to anyone saying the blue is white, a response isn't even warranted for how fucking stupid you are. 90% of you are probably trolling and it worked on me. Whatever.

>> No.9503982

This shirt is blue and black. Anyone who says otherwise is just pretending because they want to be 'unique' and 'special.'


>> No.9504217

White green puke black and dark blue

>> No.9504475

White - Brown Eyes - Blue and Black

>> No.9504537

Aryan master race here. I used to see black and blue, but now I only see it as white and gold

>> No.9504676


Yes, somebody who understands

>> No.9504691

Blue eyes, white, and I see gray/taupe.

>> No.9504692
File: 116 KB, 720x810, whatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's white and gold. I don't fucking get it.

>> No.9504713

>Says it's white and gold
>Picture clearly shows blue and gold/brown

>> No.9504720

Blueish white and gold, yes. Obviously not black and dark blue though.

>> No.9504739

White and gold, 8/8

>> No.9504743

Other way around idiot

>> No.9504752

You're right, in this picture you're supposed to see white and gold, but if you till your screen to the side you can see it's black and blue. The dress is really black and blue but because of the contrast you see white and gold.
This is the absolute truth, nobody can defy.

>> No.9504763

its an illusion

>> No.9504771

It's not the lighting of your device youfucking retard it's the lighting IN the photo when it was taken

>> No.9504775

Bullshit. First time I saw this pic (yesterday), it looked white and gold. I quickly moved on to another thread - didn't stare at it at all. I saw it again thirty or so minutes later and thought it was a different pic, because lo and behold, it was now black and blue. It really does come down to how your brain decides to perceive it.

>> No.9504851

You can still tell it's white in the last picture, kill yourseld

>> No.9504865

I think its some faggot troll started by a group of faggots.

its fucking light blue/gold anyone saying otherwise is doing so to be a special little snowflake and claiming to see something different then the rest follow suit

>> No.9504880

This is typical blue and black inferior intelligence.

>> No.9504885

This is photoshopped btw