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/fa/ - Fashion

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9498990 No.9498990 [Reply] [Original]

A little DIY project with my Nike Blazers
Here's the after
What do you all think?

>> No.9498994
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aaaaaand before

>> No.9498996



>> No.9498999

Looking really good actually. What kind of maneuvre did you do?

>> No.9499001

Looks cool. Might look kind of crappy once the paint starts peeling and cracking though.

>> No.9499002


>> No.9499012

Yeah thats the downside, It's frickin Wall paint but it works so far

>> No.9499023

did you bleach them first?

>> No.9499029

I tried that first but it didn't work, I accidentally painted one layer of like greenish white but again now with white

>> No.9499066

How do they feel, OP? I always wondered if painted shoes were 10 times stiffer than regular shoes

>> No.9499082

Well they don't turn into a plastic cone with a sole but if it's stiff somewhere I guess it cracks instead, it's okay

>> No.9499092
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The cracks don't really show from a distance anyways

>> No.9499096


>> No.9499106

m8, if i were to paint them for a perfect result, i wouldn't have used fucking wall paint

>> No.9499130


would have been better off bleaching them and then dyeing it white

>> No.9499133

Then why do you think the shit job you've done deserves its own thread?

>> No.9499144

Bleaching suede doesn't really give good results at all.

>> No.9499150

It's a DIY thread you silly cunt. Obviously he just started the thread with his own DIY
Are you well? Are you OK?

>> No.9499153

it's for FUN, ever heard of that?

>> No.9499193

It's fun for you to post your retarded shit on the internet?

>> No.9499241
File: 40 KB, 309x323, Homer 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the result you achieved was any good at all

>> No.9499252

i dont know you tell me mr troll

>> No.9499266

lmao wtf

>> No.9499272

now I remember why I left this place a long time ago

>> No.9499291

I'm not OP just pointing it out, it damages the leather and even if you bleach the hell out of it, you will end up with tan color at best.

>> No.9499295

>"yo, you seen that niggas shoes? poor ass nigga painted em white"

>> No.9499304

Trolls may laugh at you but the real joke is the people who payed $300 for the Converse x Maison Martin Margiela's which is pretty much exactly what you did for free.

>> No.9499316
File: 1.46 MB, 1840x3264, IMAG0393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys seem awfully Intent on detailing this thread for no reason at all. Ripped these jeans last night. Pretty satisfied with the outcome

>> No.9499319

I had those in mind actually, and lets be honest, they do look better than before even with the cracks and shit

>> No.9499326

you better get ready to not get close to anyone

>> No.9499327

What's the black underneath?

>> No.9499335

The rips look too artificial, feels a bit off
What did you use to rip ?

>> No.9499345

ffs just use fiebings leather dye....

>> No.9499351

Material I sewed underneath so there wasnt any unneeded skin showing. I don't know if you've ever seen a fat girl wearing slashed jeans but the thought of seeing that skin poking out of the slashes that are higher than the knee is fucking repulsive

>> No.9499352


>> No.9499363

i've seen it but come on, you don't look fat really

>> No.9499372

i guess you mean i'm from finland bot no, swede

>> No.9499401

>wall paint

I don't know what to say.
is this the first time you've attempted to paint anything ever?

did you not think about going with a leather or acrylic dye?

If I saw somebody walking around wearing those, I'm going to notice they're painted, poorly, right off the bat. if you can pull off some weird niche DIY artist look, but if you wear normal clothes with those you're going to be some weird kid who put primer on his shoes.

shit you can scratch that right off I bet. it didn't even adhere, you should have at least put some lacquer in there.

>> No.9499419

please don't think i was serious, understand that i had those shoes and i didnt use them so i just took some paint we had and gave it a layer, i knew the result would be like it did but i didn't care, i'd rather just buy som new shoes than dye or w/e, they were a bit messed up from skating in them anyways, atleast the left shoe

>> No.9499430

Alright looking

Fucking horrible. Did you really use wall paint on a material that is designed to flex and bend as you use it? Nigga thats retarded.

>> No.9499437

Omg I feel so bad for you

>> No.9499439

i kneeeew it was going to crack you fuckface, i didn't bother buying some dye or shit in my town which doesnt have any of that

>> No.9499441

You sound mad as fuck. If you knew it would crack, why even do it? You dont even see the nike logo when its white on white, just buy some cheap sneakers on zalando or some cheap place that looks the same instead of ruining your actual nikes retard

>> No.9499442

Those Chinese kids in factories do a much better job sorry this looks way too fake

>> No.9499443

This is the funniest picture I've seen on /fa/

>> No.9499450

Agree with >>9499442

Take a dull rock and slash it around a bit more, use some sandpaper to distress it maybe?

>> No.9499458

they were pretty much trash anyways, no where near new condition or anything, and i did not like the color, the ones in the second pic isnt even the ones i painted, yes i have 2 dont ask

>> No.9499464


wait weren't u black

>> No.9499465

looks like you just used too sharp shit to shred them. I'd go over the edges with sandpaper if you want a more authentic look.

>> No.9499471


>Fucking horrible. Did you really use wall paint on a material that is designed to flex and bend as you use it? Nigga thats retarded.

say that to mr margielas face

>> No.9499475

>mr margielas
literally who

>> No.9499478


no one knows who

>> No.9499485

you could've saved that by spraying black paint first then coat it with the white one so when it starts cracking it gives those effect more likely inspired by the cracked textured shirt from Balenciaga which I assume you dont know.

how sad.

>> No.9499490


>> No.9499495

it's a dark green atleast so it's fine

according to you it wont be fine, is my guess

>> No.9499500
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>> No.9499507

lol i cant belive you took time for that

>> No.9499517
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yes we do
there's multiple pictures of him

>> No.9499526

They look better with the swoosh.

>> No.9499545


are these margielas?

honestly they look pretyt cool, but it would be better if the sole wasnt painted

>> No.9499547
File: 1.69 MB, 3069x2044, DSC_0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucked, OP. Never paint on suede shoes.
These are mine. About a year of wear now.

>> No.9499575

in a year i will have proper white shoes so don't worry

>> No.9499578

>painting shoes in literal paint
>even the laces
Why would you even. Do you lack any practical sense?

>> No.9499582

tbh it looks pretty sick

>> No.9499586

and by sick i mean disgusting.

>> No.9499587

Your point? I'm not sacrificing any practicallity by doing that. You're blabbering gibberish.

>> No.9499589

If you actually even used your head you'd know paint isnt flexible and would crack after a couple days of use so it'd look like shit

>> No.9499595

... that's the reason why I painted it in the first place? I painted it so I can create a personal shoe that will create cracks when I use it.
Am I talking to a wall?

>> No.9499602

Alright bro rofl, congratulations your shoes look like shit.

>> No.9499604

Taste is subjective, wall.

>> No.9499612
File: 173 KB, 1280x617, tumblr_nhvp64xHGW1tahhymo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you this person?
I thought these were Margielas, wasn't aware you DIY'd them.

What's the original shoe and paint you used?

>> No.9499613

i think so too

>> No.9499615

I like them a lot OP, I can tell you were going for the Margiela vibe, gonna look good with green peeking out from under the cracks. Good way to bring some life back into some beaters

/fa/ is a [shit] hivemind of manlets for the most part, props to you breaking out of the mold

>> No.9499620

Yeah that's me. uhm I used a new pair of derbys that I got from a random shoe store and painted them. I used the gesso paint you can buy from an art store

>> No.9499629

Looks very nice, fit and shoes, ty Anon. :)

>> No.9499710

thanks mate, i was actually going for the MMM look, otherwise i would have gotten more flexible paint obviously

>> No.9499722

Lmao okay, everyone's gonna think you stepped into some paint tho

>> No.9499727

I'm completely okay with that. If you care about what people think of you too much, I'm so sad for you

>> No.9499732

How did you paint them?
Did you dip them in paint? What method.

>> No.9500193

These look awesome, dude.

>> No.9500528

w2c pants and tee in picture?

>> No.9500676


what are you doing, are you trying to troll???

>> No.9500751

T by AWang & acne

>> No.9500752

these look good?

>> No.9500886

acne trousers or jeans? cant tell from pic

>> No.9500919

what is wrong with this guy?

>> No.9501365
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oh that looks cool, I wonder how you bleached them so well...
>it's paint

>> No.9501414


>> No.9501441
File: 57 KB, 483x380, surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>altering suede anything
>using wall paint ON SUEDE

>> No.9501446

You ruined a perfectly good pair of blazers
with fucking wall paint

there's nothing DIY about this, you just put FUCKING WALL PRIMER on a pair of shoes

>> No.9501454


>> No.9501455

>that skin poking out of the slashes that are higher than the knee is fucking repulsive
for me its fucking hot

i thought u were a black guy anyway

>> No.9501599

Is this really what 4chan is now? Seriously? Fuck you, nigger.

>> No.9501615

That literally must have took 20 seconds.

>> No.9501701
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>> No.9501727

thanks man

>> No.9501729


Sauce pleas!
New fetish found :)))

>> No.9501739
File: 311 KB, 1180x665, IMG_20150226_140308589_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some converse i painted with acrylic paint. first did 2 layers of red paint. then 1 layer of white. then wore them for a year. then cleaned them and painted them with 1 layer of white again. and ive worn them since then so they've gotten dirty and worn

>> No.9501751
File: 628 KB, 245x200, tumblr_inline_nk4wrhmt551shyx5u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally gasped seeing this and i had to connect to my neigbor's wifi jus to post cause i cant post on 4chan with ny internet

I am... disgusted

>> No.9502789

bumping this

>> No.9502982
File: 188 KB, 740x520, 1385524954583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good if you were goin for the MMM look which i guess you were
but if it was me id have just used some white plastidip and sprayed or dipped them white so theyd bend, actually trying to do that with some converse

>> No.9503003
File: 44 KB, 634x390, article-0-1BC7F68E000005DC-15_634x390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look like dirty hobo shoes, like legit i think i just caught hep-a, shoulda used plastidip so they could bend and not look like you can catch something just looking at them..

>> No.9503007
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>> No.9503014
File: 32 KB, 900x506, CONVERSE-X-MAISON-MARTIN-MARGIELA-1-e1378401328522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9503250

thanks. i was actually going for a hobo/heroin-chic aesthetic when i was making them and knowing how they would wear.

>> No.9503255


Such skilled artisan work. So worth the extra £100.

>> No.9503498

They look nothing like the MMM x Converse. I own a pair and they dont have massive disgusting cracks all over them they chip and wear down. Those just look like shit.

Congratulations on destroying a perfectly good pair of blazers.