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File: 228 KB, 328x433, mnbn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9488939 No.9488939 [Reply] [Original]

Should I continue saving for man bun, or will it look ridiculous because of receding hairline? I'm 24 years old.

inb4 death threats

>> No.9488944
File: 708 KB, 864x576, creatine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I used to have it

>> No.9488945
File: 268 KB, 1035x1380, rsadm407_darkstonewashindigo_berber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe mature hair line op
also this fag has a shit hairline but looks okay

>> No.9488976
File: 54 KB, 400x600, 400px-Viggo_Mortensen_Venice09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that looks okay. I'll probably save a couple more months then lose patience and just buzz it.

>> No.9488977

You look like a homeless magician.

Nothing against man-buns in general, but you've lost the luxury. They can't be pulled off if you're balding and it's that simple.

>> No.9489011

uh I have a similar hairline and i'm definitely not balding. just my mature hairline. and I do rock the bun and people like it a lot so i think you're fine

>> No.9489027

Looks sweet man. Go for it.

>> No.9489277

Your hairline isn't receding what are you on about. Looks good

>> No.9489549

Go fuck yourself, your hairline is great and that shit looks good. I wish I didn't have such a shit high hairline so I could actually get a decent cut for once.

>> No.9489593

It looks great dude, and it's not receding.
In fact, I personally like more "mature"
hairlines, it looks more masculine if that
makes any sense.

Hair looks great, that light brown is da bess.
Own it OP

>> No.9489634

Since we're on about mature hairlines versus receding hairlines, this is probably the thread to ask about what things may give away whether a hairline is one or the other.

I'm also wondering what types of stylings are more suited to matured hairlines, since I believe I'm getting one myself. My hair's in the process of getting long right now, but I'm unsure of it as is.

>> No.9490710

I'm just gonna go ahead and ask here:
Would it be too late to get a transplant by the time I'm 25 if my hairline starts receding while I'm 19? I'm not sure if I'm going bald or if it's just a "mature hairline", and this has been bothering me since last summer when I noticed how my friend's starting to look like fucking Vegeta.

>> No.9490716

Is your crown thinning as well? If not I wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.9490722

Fucking die scum. Manbuns are shit tier faglord look.

>> No.9490727

what motivates you

>> No.9490741

Boredom. Serioulsy though manbun is meme as fuck and you will look like a tryhard faggot if you grow one out.

>> No.9490746

what should i do with my hair as it gets longer then

>> No.9490751

Pretty much two options, either grow it way long or just keep it cut short. Even that weird bob thing some guys are doing at the moment looks shit. Not many people can pull of that look. I'd go with short though bro. By the looks of things you hair is good in the seond pic you posted, but that without the fade and a little longer as well, it would look good

>> No.9490767

I bet you're only saying this because you have one and want to be "unique".

>> No.9490786
File: 99 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 24-02-15 at 8.20 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9490792

i had one but had to cut it when i got a job
it was a sad time but i guess it grows back
im trying to get a pompadour now

>> No.9490797

the man bun is out its 2015 get on with new trends

>> No.9490824
File: 81 KB, 640x1136, 1417538936574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u a gril?? lol gril shoulders

>> No.9490898

I don't think this is receding hairline yet, looks pretty normal, and if it is then I had receding hairline when I was 10.

>> No.9491027

OP you're hardly receding, i'm 18 and got a hairline which is even a bit worse. Imo manbuns need a mature hairline to look good. Do it

>> No.9491053

Your hairline is fine you fucking dweeb. /fa/ has brainwashed you.

>> No.9491068
File: 220 KB, 328x433, 1424728880195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't believe them op, you have every right to be insecure. they probably just have worse hairlines than yours and are projecting to make themselves feel better

>> No.9491214

A hairtransplant is only worth it if you also take Fin

>> No.9491447

most men dont have hairlines that are perfectly horizontal

>> No.9491510


You're nowhere near buzz territory. That being said I wouldn't do anything to accentuate the hairline

>> No.9492558

what receding hairline
I wish I had yours

>> No.9492743

Yeah your hairline is great as some said, I'd love to have it like that

>> No.9493412

>Has shit hair

topkek mate

>> No.9493442

I thought receded hairline is part of the manbun look

>> No.9494533

At least im not memeing with my man bun faggot

>> No.9494542

you're not memeing? because every 14 year old has your shit, scraggly hair last time i checked. you're memeing them.

>> No.9494679

gud 1

>> No.9496014


Save for the manbun bc it's already starting to make me wet

>> No.9497207
File: 269 KB, 570x855, hairline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm also wondering what types of stylings are more suited to matured hairlines

David Beckham is your new best friend