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/fa/ - Fashion

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9483836 No.9483836 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ body language and mannerisms? What are some fashionable mannerisms or habits to pick up? I don't mean habits as in smoking cigs and/or drinking coffee but physical habits such as running your hands through your hair every few minutes or how you look at someone.

We have a lot of threads on clothes, hair, shoes ,etc., but being /fa/ is not excluded to how you look but also how you act.

>> No.9483844

The fact you're using a tumblr image and asking how to be cool on this Hell hole is very worrying.

>if you have to ask...

>> No.9483857

huge autism.

if you dont have this naturally you cant get it. trying to will just be even worse.

>> No.9483862

body language should come naturally. everything else is very iritating and seems off. it won't do you any good. rather work on getting real confidence, then your own characteristic bodylanguage will mirror that.

>> No.9483864

Good chest posture, stare at eyes, act confident and believe it.

>> No.9483867

This thread could reach autistic proportions.

Well, I try to smile, show my teeth more often since a lot of people don't really do much of that. I don't come off as creepy so I like to place my hand on their arms, hell even their legs when they're sitting down. I also like to bite my lip a lot, but just to pull out of the skin cos this weather sucks shit. Apparently that comes off as suggestive, but whatevs.

>> No.9483876

Always keep a good posture and be masculine in your ways, give of the impression that you're in charge even though you might not actually be, at the same time be relaxed, calm and caring so that people aren't afraid to approach you.
Self-confidence plays a big role, gestures should be done unconsciously.
I started noticing a big difference when I got a new job and started doing heavy labor work, you gain a certain mentality, you want to get shit done and you want to do it well, nothing half-arsed.

>> No.9484014

Hands in pockets?

>> No.9484069

No. That would be a sign of insecurity, not /fa/ at all.

>> No.9484074

Being /fa/ is 90% about how you act. To be /fa/ you must be truly confident and comfortable with yourself, your body language will reflect this. Look up "Domonant body language" for an idea.

>> No.9484080

Isn't having your hands in your pockets with your thumbs pointing out masculine body language though?

>> No.9484123

>I don't come off as creepy so I like to place my hand on their arms, hell even their legs when they're sitting down
>I don't come off as creepy


>> No.9484170

Watch anime, watch movies, read manga. I'm serious. These are created characters whose mannerisms are specifically created to enhance their appearance and persona. Even though it's cliche, imitation is the first form of learning. Once you've picked up a mannerism, it's your job to make it your own. Practice it until it feels and looks natural.

That doesn't mean your behaviour should be artificial either. but that we all have seen a character do something and realized it expressed an intent or feeling exactly how we'd like to do so. There's no harm in picking up these habits. But the moment you start creating a character to be, rather than accentuating your natural character, you need to check yourself.

tl;dr If you want to rub the back of your head when embarrassed, go for it. Just don't become an autistic bundle of mannerisms and acting.

>> No.9484309

fucking weeaboo

>> No.9484400
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>> No.9484408

consuming jap media =/= weeaboo

>> No.9484416

>Watch anime, watch movies, read manga.
ya no
i stopped watching cartoons and reading picture books when i was a kid

>> No.9484420

Standing with you back straight. Show some pride young man. Too many people are slumped over and it looks ridiculous.

>> No.9484426

OK. But you're forgetting a lot of these are made by men and women who spend all day paging through fashion magazines, old movies, and photographs for characteristics, clothing, and movements that fit their characters. Their entire job is literally to collect components of how people act, dress, and live. They then draw them, which allows for all of these components to be expressed a "pure" (as in unfettered by reality) form which is easily understood and translated.

You're just saying shit without thinking.

>> No.9484438
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>> No.9484449
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>jus be urself ;^)

don't listen to these faggots.
Their advice is shit and they are not effay what so ever

>> No.9484528

if you're idea of having /fa/ body language is imitating anime characters then you are truly a lost cause

>> No.9484549

Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not talking about copying some kawaii moe blob shit. I'm saying that there are plenty of anime and manga drawn by adults with a fantastic knowledge of anatomy and non verbal behavior. It's no different than copying a movie character or even your friend. You judge it by the same standard of fitting the situation and yourself. It's just another source of material. What kind of pleb are you that can differentiate that?

>> No.9484637

Crock of shit. People adapt mannerisms and behaviors from others throughout their lives and it's often recommended to do so actively.

>> No.9484734

>TFW picked up ninja hand signs as a mannerism

>> No.9484756

chill out dude. did you spit out the autism medication your mom gave you this morning? if you try learning mannerisms from cartoon characters then you're going to end up looking like a massive try hard faggot. looking confident can't be learned, but being confident can. you can't feign looking confident, you actually have to BE confident. it's not something you can just pick up by looking at a few picture books. you actually have to develop confidence as a character attribute, it's a process that takes a while. that's the only way.

>> No.9484776

chill out dude. did you spit out the autism medication your mom gave you this morning?

>> No.9484775

if you ARE actually confident, powerful mannerisms will come to you. the way the body moves is a reflection of the mind.

>> No.9484780

hey, you're on the wrong forum bro xD

i suggest you visit
/r9k/ /toy/ nd /hc/ where you can fit in with your own kind

>> No.9484794

The fact that this is even being discussed is not effay. If you honestly can not clue in to what socially acceptable and fashionable mannerisms are - that is a defining trait of autism.

If you have to ask - you don't have it.
Just give up.

>> No.9484815

it shows cockiness, pretty much anyone who does this is a douchebag as well as being an autist majority of the time

>> No.9484821


>> No.9484848

i don't think you understand what he's trying to say

the people who make some of these 'cartoons' have done extensive research in human interaction, body language etc. to fully portray a character, some of these books/animes aren't full blown babby shit for under 21 year old neckbeards and if you're attentive enough you can learn something from it

inb4 recommend me an anime/manga

>> No.9484859

>the people who make some of these 'cartoons' have done extensive research in human interaction, body language etc. to fully portray a character
[citation needed]

>> No.9484862
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Only because you haven't done your own research.

>> No.9484868

does it ever occur to you that there are literally dozens of other boards that have nothing to do with glorious nippon culture? I've literally never watched anime except from spirited away and I've never read a manga. Get the fuck back to /a/

>> No.9484870

Does it occur to you that this image board collective was once a single image board entirely devoted to anime and manga content diverted from Something Awful? The entire point is that even if you don't care for anime, this place is founded and run by weeaboo to the very core.

>> No.9484883

stop pretending you aren't the guy I was responding to. and stop bullshitting about how all of your cartoonists do "extensive research"

anime and manga are for manchildren. that's that. i've done extensive research in human interaction, body language, etc. and have determined that they're all manchildren living in their parents basements.

>> No.9485163

nice one m8

>> No.9485181


>> No.9485245

for formal pictures

>> No.9485266

i bet you r9k erryday

>> No.9485362

Not rushing. Stay calm and cool and if you're about to miss your bus but the next one come's in just 10 minutes - just fucking relax and don't try to make some run for it. Walk slowly, avoid running and stressing.
Personally I make a rule about never running anywhere.

Also don't use Facebook. If you absolutely must, keep it to an absolute minimal. Don't be active, don't keep a shitload of info there, don't upload picture and shit.

>> No.9485379

i agree with this. except maybe upload one profile picture that is not ironic/ making a face.

>> No.9485386

I agree

also dont forget to assymetrically swing your arms as you walk

and dont keep one hand in your pocket, it's either two hands in two different pockets or two hands out and swinging (assymetrically)

>> No.9485391


low self esteem loser detected

lifes 2 short 2 b anyone bt urself friend :`~)


>> No.9485406

just hate authority and the world, find like-minded people, and that's it

>> No.9485411

>Also don't use Facebook. If you absolutely must, keep it to an absolute minimal. Don't be active, don't keep a shitload of info there, don't upload picture and shit.

on point

>> No.9485418
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>Watch anime
this kills the thread

>> No.9485432

>running your hands through your hair every few minutes
So it can rapidly become greasy and disgusting af?

Are you retarded?

>> No.9485591

when i made the decision to stop looking like a fucking faggot all the time a couple years ago i sat in front of the mirror and worked on making my smile and other facial expressions less autistic looking, you could probably do something similar with your body language

>> No.9485595

greasy hair is fa

>> No.9485636


>> No.9485637

Fucking savage
Lmao eithered
Good one, lad you showed that scrub

>> No.9486023

smiling isn't /fa/

>> No.9486054

everyone saying that you can't pick up mannerisms is autistic. what is acting?

look at yourself in the mirror, be more conscious of what you're doing. get better posture, don't let your foot/leg shake when you sit, don't bite your nails, don't dart your eyes around

>> No.9486060

>I don't come off as creepy
>touching people


>> No.9486159
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>> No.9486174

Eye contact should be aggressive
Stoic and angry expression
Expression should be minimal
You don't fuss you keep still focus on nothing
Strong posture
Slight smug asshole smile is acceptable as default.

>> No.9486211

feast was adorable

>> No.9487891

Man, this is the stuff of autists and psychopaths.

>> No.9487913

so 4channers

>> No.9488019
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Dr Pavel, I'm /fa/

>> No.9488191

This entire thread made waiting for class 100 times better. Thanks you giant fucking autists.

>> No.9488348

why are you being so emotional bro?

>> No.9488781

I do this all the time and I'm insecure depressed introvert.

>> No.9488782

oh god i hope this is a joke

>> No.9488798

You do know people pay money to go to classes which discuss this sort of stuff and that 60-90 percent of communication is non-verbal, right?

>> No.9488817
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>> No.9488839

>Does it occur to you that this image board collective was once a single image board entirely devoted to anime and manga content diverted from Something Awful?
yes but it's not anymore

>> No.9488880

This isn't bad advice. Seeing such small things greatly exaggerated can help you pick out looks good and looks bad. Obviously you would have to practice this, because taking the mannerisms and using them in real life would require a lot of deflation from the original motions. But yeah, if you need ideas, watch anime.

>> No.9488886

It just makes you look less like an insecure depressed introvert. Keep doing that.

>> No.9489499

>not anymore
How's your first day champ?

>> No.9489502

>anime and manga are for manchildren. that's that. i've done extensive research in human interaction, body language, etc. and have determined that they're all manchildren living in their parents basements.
[citation needed]

>> No.9490939

Autism no jutsu

>> No.9491404

smoke cigs and drink coffee
no sugar or you'll get fat and you can't wear slp

>> No.9491427

be flexible, everything else is over thinking autismal thought process

>> No.9491441

^this is me but i actually don't know how to respond to this, this is just such an incredibly strange, abnormal thought to have. "fashionable mannerisms" is very weirdly put/weirdly attributed. don't think so much and seek therapy.

>> No.9491489

This is some sad shit. Good posture, don't tense up if you can avoid it and look people in the eyes a normal amount, that's about it. It's very well possible that there are cool little habits or gestures but guess what, the people who use those do so because it's within their comfort zone, their natural tendencies and oftentimes because it aligns with their personality. People are not showcase models, no one is genuinely cool based on some nice clothes and a stance, it's about whether you -are- something that's cool, have an impressive talent or personality (trait) or presence. The little habits that drive home how awesome they are to people are valued so much because when you see them you immediately see them as small symbolism of who they actually are when it comes down to it. If you take everything away and leave the form it's just hollow tryhard shit. The value is not in what it is exactly that they do, and chances are there are plenty of things already in your comfort zone or within your natural inclinations that would be perceived as cool in combination with you being someone.

And shit like >>9485362
Of course, no one looks their best when impulse running, but does anyone really think the people that are seen as legitimately cool individuals would be too engaged in appearing cool to live their life and get the fuck on that bus if they want to?

Invest less in impressing people at surface level and more in actually being someone impressive.
All this is also disregarding just how easy it is to do all these mannerisms/body language things slightly cramped or otherwise unnatural which immediately makes it terrible.

>> No.9491579

Apparently I strike people as stylish and sophisticated

I have never thought about trying to make people think such things, it has simply happened.

Focus on yourself OP, improve things about yourself, for your own sake and and enjoyment.

You might find that these things come as a side effect.

>> No.9493183


>> No.9494670

Should I bite the bullet and just get Facebook?

I'm trying to be more outgoing/social as my current friends are boring as fuck and I don't wanna be perceived as a weirdo autist or get left out of planning by not having one.

I haven't used any social media shit since Myspace waaay back and even then I barely used that. What's the basic shit you should/shouldn't do on Facebook? How many pictures should I upload so I don't look like a total fucking loser?

>> No.9494680

Why would you want to swing your arms asymmetrically? That would make you look like an autismo who can't even manage basic motor control. Natural arm swinging is pretty much when one arm is in front the other is in back. Nearly perfect symmetry.

>> No.9494681

Facebook is no longer cool or /fa/. Just get a instagram/snapchat/twitter

>> No.9494684

There's a difference between not caring and not trying. Being late and hurrying to avoid it is less tryhard than lying down and accepting being late while pretending it's no big deal.

>> No.9494753

Pfft. Get a load of this hot head

>> No.9494761
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I have crazy eyes

>> No.9494774
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I'm too carefree, and relaxed, too lazy to act manly and all that shit, I act pretty clumsy and childish. Obviously I have to put up the act when doing serious stuff but the rest of the time I'm like that and I act kind of femenine from time to time too and make cute faces and shit what's worse is that it's natural and I can't help it, having a boyish face helps I guess.

>> No.9494780

are you me?

>> No.9494787


never talk to anybody




only works if ur cute

>> No.9494793
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Do you watch chinese cartoons? That's where I got the habit of doing faces.

>> No.9494802

No i dont

>> No.9494808
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Lol fag

>> No.9495205

Why can't a brother have the feels