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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-12-03-19-52-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9481381 No.9481381 [Reply] [Original]

African-American here. It's kinda hard having a cool hairstyle because of the coarseness of my hair.

Any ideas on what to do with my hair?

On the right is my current hairstyle. Flat top cut got lame.

>> No.9481417
File: 73 KB, 500x559, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a flattop but i kinda want to cut it since everyone has one now lmao any suggestions?

>> No.9481624
File: 135 KB, 590x885, taxpaying_citizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9481630


Damn. That's pretty sick

>> No.9481754


is this hair + sharp clothes + maybe shave the sides/undercut to clean it up a bit /fa/?

>> No.9481853


>> No.9482893

If I was black I would boxfade and rock a coogi with a gold casio 24/7

>> No.9482899

if you were black you'd look like shit

>> No.9482941

I-is this the new Black Hair General?

>> No.9482948

I have a high top fade.
Get a high top fade.

>> No.9482951

go with flattop

shave the mustache

>> No.9482978 [DELETED] 

try a noose you damn dirty ape

>> No.9483169


God I wish I could meet you in real life and beat the living shit out of you. You are the worst fucking trip on this board. Not even edgy, just annoying.

>> No.9483172 [DELETED] 

post your pic so i can laugh. ive trained with ASIO.

>> No.9483173

fuck off back to /pol/ you fat inbred cosplaying faggot

>> No.9483175 [DELETED] 

post your pic so i can laugh. ive trained with cia.

ungrateful ape

>> No.9483178 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 500x399, 1422160610816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ape thread? ape thread.

>> No.9483180

I'm not black you fucking faggot

when you grow up you'll realize how much of an autistic fuck you were back in middle school

>> No.9483181 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 683x743, 1422135682303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yall niggers postin in a coon thread

>> No.9483192 [DELETED] 
File: 704 KB, 900x692, 1423494814099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your pic so i can laugh at you reddit nigger lover

pic related
the average nigger lover

>> No.9483196 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 800x600, 1423876630824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger lover thread

>> No.9483197 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 1262x950, 1423220768276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger lover thread

>> No.9483225

Fuck off.

>> No.9483236

I I like it the way it is. It does bother me that a lot of other black cut all their shit off. I understand that it's their hair and they can do whatever the fuck they want to do with it, but we have such good hair I just feel that it;s just a waste. I grew my hair out in an afro. It's cut now. I miss it.

>> No.9483241

Fuck off edgy faggots. Go to /b/ or /pol/ or something.

>> No.9483246

did this thread just get raided or something

>> No.9483248
File: 154 KB, 683x1024, dudefromgag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg this fucking pol nerd still posts on this board.

Honestly man you only get one go at life and you should seriously consider what you're doing with yours.

lol the period joke got me

are you serious dude? It's not hard man. You have so many options. Can you grow it like pic rel or joey bada$$. Looks good.

>> No.9483249

>not ignoring /pol/

damn effay you stupid

>> No.9483250 [DELETED] 

ungrateful ape

>> No.9483257

ok honestly just off yourself. nobody will care. just go off to /pol/ and stop shitposting.

>> No.9483258 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 319x331, 1419262386384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ungrateful monkey

>> No.9483262 [DELETED] 

> Blacks: 12.6% of the US population
> Whites: 72.4%
> Hispanic/Latino: 16.4%

> Blacks: 52.5% of homicide from 1980 to 2008
> Whites: 45.3%
> US Justice Department

> Blacks: 35% of gang members
> Hispanic/Latino: 46% of gang members
> Whites: 11.5% of gang members
> National Youth Gang Survey Analysis (2011)

> In 2000…
> Largest US Ancestry Groups
> #1. German: 15.2%
> #2. Irish: 10.8%
> #3. African American: 8.8%

> In 2011…
> Blacks: 49.7% of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter
>> Under 18: 54%
> Whites: 48%
>> Under 18: 45.1%

> Blacks: 32.9% of forcible rape
> Whites: 65%

> Blacks: 55.6% of robbery
>> Under 18: 68.5%
> Whites: 43%
>> Under 18: 30.4%

> Blacks: 33.6% of aggravated assault
> Blacks: 31.7% of burglary
> Blacks: 38.3% of violent criminal arson
>> Under 18: 51.4%
> Blacks: 31.9% of 'Other assaults'
> Blacks: 40.3% of carrying/possession of illegal weapons
> Blacks: 43.6% of prostitution and commercialized vice
>> Under 18: 63.6%
> Blacks: 24.9% of sex offenses (except forcible rape/prostitution)
> Blacks: 31.7% of drug abuse violations
> Blacks: 66.9% of illegal gambling
>> Under 18: 86.7%
> Blacks: 32.2% of offenses against the family and children
> Blacks: 39.3% of vagrancy charges
> Blacks: 41.6% of Under 18, Stolen property charges

> FBI (http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-43))

>> No.9483263 [DELETED] 

>Crime is genetic; American Blacks are 50x more likely to have violent genes with MAO-A gene:





Considering the fact that a white country like Moldova (whose GDP per Capita qualifies it for 3rd world status) still doesn't have as much crime as other comparable black countries, we can assume that the MAO-A gene also has a lot to do with it.


Culture, like any complex behavior, is an emergent property of biology, with which it forms a feedback loop.

This isn't a philosophical discussion that you can argue the other side for, either; it is a science addressed by theoretical ecology and genomics.

Behaviors are investigated in model animals, and the genes that cause them are identified. Analogues are searched for in humans, then experiments are conducted to verify their expression and effects.

The only thing that will change the nature of the Negro is 700+ years of eugenics, with extensive modern biotech intervention to make the process possible within that time frame.

>> No.9483283

Really enjoying this thread, carry on lad

>> No.9483302
File: 7 KB, 307x362, 1386675162206.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes goyim niggers are scary yes yes be afraid

>> No.9483742

Refs of the jacket?

>> No.9484551

Get the 7-kill streak

>> No.9484576

undercut is always /fa/. Even though I'm white as milk, you should join the undercut/fade brotherhood lmao

>> No.9484672

Which conveniently still looks better than you
