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9461799 No.9461799 [Reply] [Original]

STHLM general

>> No.9463005 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9463021 [DELETED] 

h-h-hey girl...


>> No.9463050

got a bentonite clay/apple cider vinegar mask on. Way more intense than bentonite clay/water. The pulsating, pulling, tightening feel is awesome. I'll post before and after results in a week.

Is it ok to use it everyday for the first week? I'm applying it only to my forehead/nose area because those are problem areas for me.

>> No.9463361
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>tfw bought shitload of skincare products, like ~$120 worth
>use them every day
>see skin getting visibly clearer, more even etc.
>now the 1st thing i notice/judge about a person's physical appearance is their skin, especially if it's bad

i'm so glad i really invested into this shit tho
i used to always wear bb cream (lol) but now i dont rlly need it anymore

>> No.9463486

>Had terrible skin
>Like a full on fucking pizza face
>Decided enough is enough
>Go to doctors
>Gives me 2.5% benzoyl peroxide
>Works but face is bright red
>Can't leave the house for a week because skin is like a tomato
>Skin falling off everywhere
>Stop using it
>Back to pizza face
>Using all kinds of specialist 'natural ingredient' face washes my mom recommends
>Still pizza face but she insists they're working
>Decide to go back to BP
>10% Quinoderm 2x a day
>Start using regular Dove moisturizing soap bar
>Using a water based moisturizer
>No redness
>Clearest skin I've had in years
>Tfw Quinoderm is no longer in stock anywhere

Thanks based Quinoderm, I'm lucky I stockpiled and bought 20 packs of the stuff before it went bye byes.

>> No.9463510

Aveeno daily scrub, aveeno moisturiser. It's really good

>> No.9463518

What sort of products do you use?

>> No.9463527

My cheeks are perpetually red. What product do I buy to fix that?

>> No.9463533

Clay masks are seriously miraculous and if you haven't tried one yet you really need to.

>> No.9463540

what are some good products you can get at a local pharmacy?

to deal with acne, acne scars, general cleaning, sun protection

>> No.9463542

I have pimples, my skin is red and dry.
What do I do? At the moment all I'm using is some random moisturizer in the morning, and at night after my shower (because my skin gets extra dry by that)

>> No.9464126

what does STHLM mean? an abbreviation?

>> No.9464195

is the advice on this site trustworthy? or is it just a way for companies to shill their products?


>> No.9464207

TL;DR skincare advice

1. Wash face morning and nighttime, in between if oily
2. After washing your face always use moisturizer (preferably one that is not too thick)
3. Optional: Keep oil dabbers with you if your skin is prone to develop oily area(s) throughout the day
4. Use gentle exfoliator once a week, 2/week tops
5. Use clay mask once a week minimum, feel free to use it whenever you feel your face is too oily or on certain oily areas like the t-zone
6. Optional: use toner after washing face and before moisturizer
7. Change pillow cover often
8. Use a hydration mask twice a week if possible
9. Drink plenty water, sleep and dont eat shit
10. Dont forget to apply vaseline to lips before bed

>> No.9464212

Anyone have recommendations on how to get rid of pimple marks? Not scars, just the red dots that stay after the pimple is gone.

I used to have kind of bad skin and spent tons and tons of money on expensive skin care and most of it either didn't work or made it worse. Now I just wash my face with cold water in the morning and hot water in the shower at night and use Kiehl's Ultra Facial Moisturiser with SPF in the morning and a scrub once a week. Now I get like 1-3 pimples a month and my skin is ridiculously soft.

>> No.9464231

Wash area with a "stridex" pad. use a dab of Tea tree oil. Use the minimal amount of course. Repeat until gone.

>> No.9464233

Thanks! I'll try that.

>> No.9464253
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>tfw skin was getting better
>doing gomad now and it's fucked

>> No.9464272

whats the most basic 'starter kit' i could buy? as in, whats some good products that can start me off.

>> No.9464698

Skincare definitely deserves an infograph or two

>> No.9465160

copypasta, but relevant

this is how I got porcelain skin:

1. invest in a good, GENTLE cleanser. none of that st. ives aprishit or anything that makes your facial skin tight, dry, or tingly.

2. invest in a good moisturizer that doesn't clog your pores. I found out that I was allergic to fatty alcohols, which resulted in some breaking out.

3. removal of PIH scarring with AHAs, Vitamin C, and BHAs. These exfoliate your skin chemically, speed up skin cell renewal, and have long-term effects of maintaining collagen production (anti-aging effects). These are basically some of the only ingredients that have been validated via peer-reviewed studies

4. investing in a good sunscreen with high PPD (UVA protection) and high SPF

that's basically all you need, other than a healthy diet.

>> No.9465186

Stockholm is abbreviated as such, albeit that don't make sense.

>> No.9465187

should i get into skincare if i don't have any skin problems?

>> No.9465189

Even a clean bulk rekt my spotless (thru puberty & HS & varsity sports) skin. It's the massively increased calories mate. If you're drinking milk (GOMAD lel) you will fuck your shit even more b/c milk is like the only food item proven beyond a reasonable doubt to cause pizza face

>tfw looking at old photos with perfectly clear skin, fuck

>> No.9465226

No, stay away from chemical shit like cleansers. If water works for you, then great.

>> No.9465290

For the people who don't know the terms you're talking about. What would be the products you'd be using?

>> No.9465371

I would say it's trustworthy. All the products on there are internet approved for having the right pH and not having weird chemicals etc.

You can google reviews on makeup alley or something before you buy

>> No.9465378

1. cetaphil gentle skin cleanser
2. red box stridex or paula's choice 2% bha (alcohol free)
3. cerave/eucerin moisturizer/sunscreen

>> No.9465601
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what to do about this fah?

i wash my face everyday with water nothing more atm

>> No.9465606

think you're missing one step

>> No.9465669
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okay, gonna start putting more time into my skin.
tl;dr skin is average, need starter products

Basically, my skin is okay. It's just dry in parts and a little oily in the others. I wanna work on reducing my pore size and evening out my tone. I don't struggle with heavy acne, just the occasional spot. I don't wash my face at all, so I really don't know the process. Washing with hands or cloth, etc.

So basically from what I think I need are the following
-Cleanser (every time I wash my face
-toner (every couple days)
-Exfoliation (every couple days)
-Moisturizer (every time I wash)
-Sunscreen (for when I exfoliate)

So, could someone rec some entry level products to look into? Or perhaps just a basic skincare guide? I'm still a student so I ain't rolling in bank, but I don't really have any problems that would require 100s like others I think. I think all of the problems I have with acne would clear up just with a basic skincare routine, and don't need to go super specific.

>> No.9465684

any1 recommend a good vitamin c cream?
and other products, i just moisturize atm

>> No.9465886

It works now, but you'll be fucked when you run out. Better plan ahead.

>> No.9466034

Does anyone have any tips for getting a better shave without a shadow? I don't have a lot of facial hair, but I do have dark hair on my upper lip and I shave every 2 days (when I feel stubbly). Everywhere else on my face just has light stubble that's completely gone after I shave (No shadow). But every time I try to shave my upper lip I still have a faint shadow right after and even more noticeable a couple days after I shave. Also I cut the shit of my my upper lip a lot.

I use a DE razor with a fresh blade each time and Nivea shaving gel.

>> No.9466077
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Does this crap actually work?

>> No.9466331

What blade? Try sharper, and make more passes.

How i shave, even though I cut myself as well pretty often, but significantly less now that I'm gitting gud, is this

-one pass with the grain, have to make a couple passes underneath my chin
-on some parts of my face, I'll take a sideways pass
-against the grain on parts that need it (usually just my neck for me

For my lip hair, usually side ways is enough.

If you are cutting yourself with a safety razor, slow down and make sure you aren't using ANY pressure. you might think you aren't, but really think about it. REALLY evaluate if you are, because I thought I was but the more I've done it the more I realize I do that shit more than I should.

Also, get a shaving soap not a gel. Works wonders bruh. I use proraso and feather blades, or astra if I'm feeling lazy.

>> No.9466338

So before going to bed do I wash my face to remove the moisturizer or just leave it?

>> No.9466378


serum, toner, moisturizer, spot treatment, a mask every now and then

>> No.9466393

Astra blades from Amazon. Because they come in a pack of 100 and last me forever.

Thanks! I'm going to look into a shaving soap.. but gel canister is so easy compared to using a soap.

>> No.9466700

what is the best skin whitening process?
creams? how do i get stuff that stops the production of melanin?

>> No.9467131


>> No.9467287

you have like fucking one pimple fam just use a fucking dab of tea tree oil you superficial piece of shit

>> No.9467486

Makeup remover is only necessary if you use makeup

Toner isn't really as important as moisturizer unless you have oily skin imo

What other step were you thinking of?

>> No.9468409

I went to a pharmacy today to get some skincare stuff.
Anyone have experience with these products? A cosmetologist recommended them for me.



and some Aco nourishing face cream (canola oil, vitamin E etc.)
I guess they are some alright basic stuff.

>milk is like the only food item proven beyond a reasonable doubt to cause pizza face
Oh shit is this true? I consume A LOT of milk even for a Finnish person.

>> No.9468428

Should I still use moisturizer if I have generally oily skin and have trouble with blackheads?

>> No.9468438 [DELETED] 


>> No.9468442

yea, works for my brother.

>> No.9468446

I don't like cleansing milk because it's incredibly hard to get off (I think it may not supposed to get off entirely so it can moisturise) and gives me breakouts.

>> No.9468449

Yes, oil is not the same as moisture. Just use one meant for oily skin, it should actually make your skin less oily.

>> No.9468460

Okay thanks, I had a feeling people that said not to moisturize oily skin were spouting some hardcore momscience shit.

>> No.9468482

>getting perscription adapalene

>> No.9468742

>be me
>Never had acne
>Tfw my clear dkin was because of diet
>you're the problem

>> No.9468747

who are you quoting

>> No.9468764
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Conclusion? You need to learn that (1) the etiology of acne is multi-factorial, and that (2) there's a special place in hell for those who generalize based on small samples.


>> No.9468768

>be me
>Had acne
>Tfw my bad skin wasn't because of diet
>you're the problem

>> No.9468817

Its pretty accurate, especially for americans, its their diet.. there's even a pdf thats been proven to cure acne just by advising to change your diet...

>> No.9468822


you're an idiot.

>> No.9468851


you're an idiot. some people go their entire lives having acne even when they take good care of their skin.

>be me
>have had acne for over a decade
>tried acne.org regimen, microdermabrasions, red + blue light therapy, retin-a, tazorac, finacea, duac, clindamycin, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, lactic acid, various peels, paula's choice BHA, 3 rounds of accutane
>still have acne

so fuck you and fuck everyone like you. go die in a fire.


finacea works wonders for redness. they prescribe it commonly for rosacea.


>purpose gentle wash
>alpha hydrox AHA 12%

not sure about a good sunscreen, everyone i've tried makes me break out. but i've heard good things about the neutrogena ultra sheer.


do not listen to this person. you never put an undiluted essential oil on your skin. ever.

exfoliation + time + finacea worked wonders for making my red marks go away within a month.

when you exfoliate you don't need to use anything other than a washcloth + gentle face wash. rub in gentle circular motions then rinse your face off.

most exfoliants are far too harsh for the skin. a lot of them use walnut shell particles which are far too abrasive. And the ones that use the tiny plastic microbeads are basically useless.


doesn't work for everyone, but good advice.

>> No.9468894
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That feeling is due to the acetic acid within the apple cider vinegar acting as an astringent (the area is actually constricting somewhat). I wouldn't recommend using a clay/ACV mask daily, since it could then act a bit too drying, exfoliating, and irritating. It doesn't have to be the case, though - because inconsistencies in clay formulation, acetic acid concentration, natural sebum levels, other cleansers. If you feel like going ahead, then do report back on what happened.

That's great. Redness and flaking during BP treatment is usually worst in the beginning. Glad this works out for you. If you're unable to get Quinoderm in the future, then I don't think that it'll be a problem since there are plenty of BP-based products to choose between. I don't know how much their special ingredient affects your skin, though.

It's hard to pinpoint what the cause of the redness is. It could be a sign of skin irritation. Do you generally have dry/sensitive skin? I would stop using any possibly drying or irritating substances, and instead focus on cleansers and moisturizers that are non-drying and non-irritating. If I would be having the problem you were having, I would also look up if the redness could be caused by rosacea. Redness in the face area is generally one of its first symptoms.

I would recommend that you use a non-drying and non-irritating moisturizer (preferably water-based - CeraVe and Cetaphil makes good ones) as well as a gentle cleanser. The pimples can probably be combated by using salicylic acid stuff like Stri-Dex Pads (sans alcohol) or Paula's Choice BHA exfoliant. Beware of dryness issues. Don't try benzoyl peroxide since you already have dryness and redness issues. "Oil cleansing method" could also be used as a mild removal of excess skin and some removal of clogged pilosebaceous ducts. I would look up "seborrheic dermatitis" if I were you, just to be on the safe side.

Just some tripfag shitposter.

>> No.9468999
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The advice is generally scientific and trustworthy. They have a financial interest in the site, though. The related subreddit is generally good, but not great. A bit too much groupthink imo, even though they are scientific in general.

>1. Wash face morning and nighttime, in between if oily
You may not need to to this. It primarily depends on how sensitive your skin is, and how prone you are to acne and oily skin (and, of course, how dirty you are).

Even though the term is very popular, "postinflammatory hyperpigmentation" (related to skin melanin) is not the case here. A redness, rather than a darkening of the skin, indicates erythema - "postinflammatory erythema". PIE a relatively new term in the dermatological community. PIE will generally fade over time, but may persist.

If I recall correctly, I think there is a risk of making the postinflammatory changes worse if too much inflammation is created by the various treatment options (such as microdermabrasion). This is at least the case for postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. The option for severe PIE cases is laser treatment, by a dermatologist.

The first thing to try, though, is generally various retinoids and/or hydroquinone. See a dermatologist for this. I would, in the meantime, protect the skin from further damage by (1) going easy on irritants, (2) using a good sunblock to protect the skin from UV* damage, and (3) cover the area up with makeup.

>3. removal of PIH scarring with AHAs, Vitamin C, and BHAs.
Don't mess around with PIH or PIE on your own. See a dermatologist instead. There is a real risk that you will worsen your condition (see what I wrote above).

For problem-free skin: A mild cleanser as needed (not even daily, if you don't need it), and a moisturizing sunblock in the morning that covers for both UVA and UVB - preferably a zinc-based one. This will protect your skin from "photoaging".

>> No.9469149

Anyone got any ideas on how to deal with pimples along my arms?

>> No.9469444

Is there something I'm missing from my routine? I don't have any acne, and my skin looks pretty clear but still feels oily and I have SFs on my nose.

>Neutrogena All-In-One Cleanser (I've been using this for years. Foaming cleaners break me out)
>CeraVe moisturizer
>BHA 2% - Stridex Pads red box

>> No.9469461

What do you use to wash your body? Do you use your hands or a loofah/cloth?

>> No.9469570

I want to soften my feet, I have rough patches of skin and I hate the lack of feeling I have in them

How can I do this? I have access to epsom salts

>> No.9469575

Keratosis Polaris

>> No.9470031

You mean the soles? Get a pumice stone (or a pedicure).

>> No.9470046

Do anti-wrinkle creams actually do anything special or is it all marketing?

>> No.9470093

is a bha used in place of topicals like benzoyl peroxide or with them?

>> No.9470133

I ended up just soaking in hot water + epsom salt bath for like 30 mins then rubbing with pumice and rinsing with water
my feet look only slightly better but they feel alot softer

>> No.9470136


>>still have acne

i-i'm sorry

>> No.9470514
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About a week or two ago I started using charcoal soap.

Works pretty well and doesn't cause burning or redness when I apply benzoyl peroxide or adapalene like my previous cleanser.

>> No.9470734

Does E45 cream give you black heads when used on the face? I use salicylic acid every day and exfoliate and use a clay mask once a week yet no results with blackheads

>> No.9471637

what products to use to get lighter, less tanned skin?

>> No.9472265

'altacleanse blackhead cream' actually gets rid of blackheads!

first thing ive ever found that works

>> No.9472270

Those creams don't soak in deep enough to actually affect the production of collagen, which is what most brands advertise. The best and only effective way to prevent/minimize wrinkles is keeping your skin moisturized and living healthily (not smoking or drinking).

>> No.9472273

Exfoliate regularly, use moisturiser with SPF, don't tan. Don't bleach your skin, that's so bad for it.

>> No.9472499
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Pic related works well for me. Make sure to use a lotion for your feet.

>> No.9472917

Nah you're just pissed as fuck because you know its true and you're being indenial

>> No.9472936
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I'm a guy and I've been using a medicated "dual action moisturizer" like the one pictured. I would really like to switch to a non-medicated, light moisturizer for daily use that doesn't have sunscreen in it.

What would /fa/ recommend?

>> No.9472939

coffee ground scrub (not decaf, you need the caffeine) followed by benzoyl and sunscreen+moisturizer neutrogena combo shit works wonders for me.

>> No.9474251

>The relationship between diet and acne is unclear as there is no high-quality evidence. However, a high glycemic load diet is associated with worsening acne. There is weak evidence of a positive association between the consumption of milk and a greater rate and severity of acne.



>> No.9474274

dairy is fine, im talking about your overall diet, im just pointing out some flaws that cold be the culprit

>> No.9474282

>dairy is fine
nope. that's actually one of the few things were a positive correlation has been found multiple times. that, and high-GI stuff

>> No.9474283
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>tfw I took a month of Tetracycline and my pimples are pretty much 99% gone

Now all that's left to deal with are blackheads

>> No.9474290

but thanks for pointing it out though. seriously

>> No.9474346

Okay I'm completely clueless on skin care outside soaping my face now and then.

What would a starter kit have and what products should I get? I'm mostly dealing with acne, pimple scars and dry skin

>> No.9474355

yeah it produces pus and stuff and bacteria and cow milk isn't very compatible for consumption for humans but it isn't as bad as the other things you're eating, like for example... if you're eating healthy and organic then dairy shouldn't be a problem in ur diet

>> No.9474369

link studies, uggo

>> No.9474411

this is really gross but sometimes I use my old razor for the soles of my feet. Is that OK?

>> No.9475772

I am considering buying it even though I'm disgusted

>> No.9475863
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Hey guys, so I tried to find cetaphil as it seems highly recommended here but couldn't find any so I browsed the huge neutrogena section

It's ridiculous how many products they have and they all sound like they're supposed to do the same fucking thing.

Anyway, I got this daily wash - the one on the left - and it's been working great.
My skin stopped getting oily and the few pimples I had seem to be clearing up with no new ones appearing - feels good man, this comes in huge contrast to my experience with the "deep clean" one that seemed to dry my skin too much which made it oily.

Q: should I moisturize if my skin has a tendency to get oily?

Q2: what the fuck is the difference between scrub, wash, cleanser, etc?

>> No.9475870

>Q: should I moisturize if my skin has a tendency to get oily?
see >>9468449

>Q2: what the fuck is the difference between scrub, wash, cleanser, etc?
Wash and cleanser are the same thing. Scrubs have little beads/grains/other stuff in them that exfoliate your skin if your rub it in.