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/fa/ - Fashion

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9466642 No.9466642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys she's not responding now , this is my first match and I don't want to lose her.

>> No.9466646

>assimilated asians
>not wanting a WASP

you fucked up, revert back and go mfacore by saying you love jcrew and dayton boots

>> No.9466654

You forgot about the CDBs!!!

>> No.9466655
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>captcha: Middlesex Nanlls

>> No.9466657

>gross flat nosed southern Chinese girl
>having yellow fever

dumb cuck 14 yr old detected

>> No.9466660

It's probably because she knew you were a wannabe tryhard faggot

>> No.9466662

You forgot about the Raws!!!

>> No.9466663

she obviously dresses preppy and shit, and yet you talk about goth ninja shit that even people on /fa/ sounds dumb as fuck

you'll be a thirsty bitch if you send a second message, learn from your mistakes and move onto the next one

>> No.9466668
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>> No.9466675

>that grammar


>> No.9466677
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If she responds again, you're officially in the clear

>> No.9466682

In the clear from what

>> No.9466685
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that's pretty sweaty

>> No.9466693
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>> No.9466694


>> No.9466697

did she respond?

>> No.9466698


A potentially embarrassing moment

>> No.9466702

In the clear from her realizing you fetishize asian girls and getting the fuck out because holy shit dude, you sound creepy

>> No.9466705

this made my palms sweaty, like i'm actually embarrassed for OP omg

>> No.9466711

OP could be asian... still a fucking horrible mess.

>> No.9466716

This isn't close to a horrible mess jesus christ. If he has a little bit of charm and maybe a sense of humor he will be fine

>> No.9466725



Do you mean "wears"?

Was that intentional or did you just not know how to spell it?

What in Heaven's name mafe you think that responding with a meme was a good idea?

This entire conversation is a fucking mess tbh

>> No.9466732

Thats true, if you are my bad OP.
You already lost her unless some miracle takes place
Thanks for the laffs

>> No.9466749
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Unlike any of you faggots

>> No.9466755

too bad she lives out of state. if she wasn't i'd be banging her while wearing my geos

>> No.9466760
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Drake saves the day

>> No.9466764

God, you are shit at having conversations

>> No.9466766

yikkkz. Dude. its rough
there's spaghetti everywhere.

>> No.9466772

You're like a bad bot

>> No.9466776

holy shit this cant be real hahahahahaha

>> No.9466779

Agreed. I thought he had basic human social skills but apparently not. OP, realize this, you are boring the poor girl right now. Spice it up. Make it interesting. Be interesting. And for fuck's sake don't fuck this up

>> No.9466780


Drake's new album is expensive?

What is even happening in this convo, I don't even know.

The only thing that I'm certain of is that my mocking smile has become a look of pure dread and pity.

>> No.9466781

she sound good imo

its a mixtape not an album u outrageous spag monster. Sperghetti

>> No.9466782
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>> No.9466787

You texted her 4 times in a row, you blew it

>> No.9466789

she was being funny
cause he brought up shoes
and she was like that's expensive
then he brought up music
and she said that's expensive

She's basically saying lol why is this relevant

>> No.9466795


time to bug out OP

>> No.9466799

Not funny the OP in this convo comes off as a retard, but if that's the joke then well meme'd my friend

>> No.9466800
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Guys I'm not actually trying I'm joking around fuck
I think she got confused whatever she's gross even for an asian

>> No.9466806

You sound like the dude that loses in 2k and makes excuses

>> No.9466807

You guys obvi don't know how to use tinder

>> No.9466811

lmao and that's a bad thing?

>> No.9466815

>I'm too good for free pussy
Pls leave

>> No.9466819

This is making me realize I am boring too when talking to girls.
Any good tips?
>inb4 >>>/adv/

>> No.9466821

>being this thirsty

>> No.9466825

I am.
This dick is worth a lot.

At least thats what the surgeon that installed it told me.

>> No.9466833

End your conversations on a peak. Make her remember the good experiences you had instead of you falling flat and boring her and her remembering that. Works better talking in real life than texting but still a good tip

>> No.9466837

You'd be thirsty if you went after everything. Picking a girl and chatting her up is not being thirsty

>> No.9466843

my shots just off today man idk whats up

>> No.9466846

Holy fucking shit OP, reading these texts make me visibly cringe. Makes me think about middle school all over again. Fuck I was and still am such a faggot.

>> No.9466849

how to use tinder:
1. get a picture with an animal, preferably a dog or unusual cute animal
2. get a picture on a motorcycle or car or with a guitar
3. get a picture having a good time with friends
4. Say yes to every single woman profile in your area
5. start a convo with all the interesting women, even if it's just for the practice
6. ???
7. PROFIT!!!

>> No.9466850

Not many guys know this, which is why they spill their spaghetti like the OP, but you never want to have convos with women over text. That's for women to do with other women, you know like talk gossip and shit like that. As a man when you text her all you got to do is state your business and end the convo there leaving her wanting more.

>> No.9466852

Sounds good.
I had already realized shorter conversations are better, for when you are still knowing her.

>> No.9466856

flirting with every girl is sporting and gentlemanly, if done right
keeping a dead conversation alive is being thirsty

>> No.9466858

Will take into account, sounds like my main problem.

>> No.9466862

what do you normally do

>> No.9466871

of course, it's different if you don't actually know the girl in person and she wants to get to know you.

I've never flirted with strangers over the internet, except a qt from australia, but she was more like a penpal, if anything.

we would spend hours talking on skype
it just came natural to me, i didn't even try

>> No.9466886

Fucking lmao.verbal laughter and articulate tears.10/10

>> No.9466897

Yo ask her if she wants a tribute

>> No.9466919

Depends on the girl.
Ususally when I dont really care too much about her or just want to keep the contact, I keep the chats short, ask how she doing then tell her what I want or something that happened or I did that might interest her and close with a "talk to you later/other day".
Thats how I go with ugly girls/girls I want as friends. This ends up normally with me not texting again for a good while to the point where the girl actualy texts me first.

When it comes to girls I am interested in its more spaghetti dropening. I start about the same but then try to keep the convo for too long, to the point I can feel the boredoom of the girl flowing trough the phone. Unless the girl is interested in me too, she wont text me back.

I talk with whatever I can to keep the conv. its kind of pathetic now that I think about it.

I dont ususally flirt with internet strangers, but the couple times I did, actually worked out. Or so I believe.
Of course those women could have been desperate to get any dick they could, so I am not taking those conversations into account.

>> No.9466924
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>> No.9466934

say you're a couple and they can have sex with you and your Rick Owens

>> No.9466935


do this

>> No.9466936

>rejected by a jungle monkey


>> No.9466937

>talking for more than a year
wtf. is this normal for tinder?

>> No.9466938
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>> No.9466940

What's with all the faggots thinking this is sperg? It's blatantly obvious OP is fucking around. If you can't tell that then maybe you're sperg.

>> No.9466942

I once conversed briefly with an /fa/ boy on tinder and i unmatched him as soon as he non-facetiously told me he would wear "rick jawnz and raf adidas" on our first date.

here's some advice, gentlemen: don't make your labelwhoring obvious. it's not sexy. It might be fun to have an intelligent conversation about the influences of rick owens, but its tiresome to hear some adolescent waxing lyrical about his sikk copz

Also: don't quote memes. That is all.

>> No.9466943

Just say you have a 10 inch dick

See what happens

>> No.9466944

kek. she shows interest after you say 1200 for a pair of boots. money hungry slut. no thanks

>> No.9466947


>> No.9466949

>ugh idk
>my crew
>are you south chinese

christ deliver me from this fuckery

>> No.9466950

>don't quote memes

>> No.9466955

"I know, i was talking about meeting up somewhere as friends or are you not allowed to have friends? If you don't want to meet that's cool, kind makes me feel like i've wasted a year talking with you for nothing. I guess i'll just keep on dunking"

>> No.9466957

>wearing Rick jeans
>Saying 'jawnz'
>Saying 'Raf Adidas'
Lucky you got out in time m8

>> No.9466964

ah, this thread reminds me of my /b/ days

anyone know if they still do this type of shit over there?

>> No.9467017

I once went on a date with a guy who was wearing a supreme jacket. He made sure to mention to me that it was SUPREME when he took it off for dinner.

dear god guys don't make a point of mentioning what brands u r wearing on our first date
shit is embarassing

>> No.9467060

a YEAR???? The fuck? On Tinder?? I don't even keep in touch with girls I try to put it in 6 months ago, is this shit normal

>> No.9467079

op you are not /fa/ no matter how you dress

>> No.9467080

you two were made for each other you whiny homos

>> No.9467094


>> No.9467095


>not mentioning the brands you are wearing when you meet in person

"hello my name is anon, dick owens raf semens is what I'm dressed in"

>> No.9467104


>> No.9467116

lol yea

>> No.9467133

>i was only pretending to be retarded xD

>> No.9467159

>an intelligent conversation about the influences of rick owens

I just unmatched you for saying this non-facetiously.

>> No.9467242

Bro-bro... i know it's hard, but you gotta have a thick skin if you're gonna play the online dating game.
Rule #1 is, don't get hung up on any one girl. Not until you've at least met face-to-face.
Sometimes a girl seems perfect, but it just doesn't happen and you have to bottle up that rising desperation and move to the next one.

>> No.9467267

he was probably kidding and you're pretentious as fuck if u want to have deep conversations about rick owens on tinder u cuck

>> No.9467288

the fuck kinda name is Domina?

>> No.9468026


>> No.9468111

why the fuck did you ask if she was south chinese
you're white as fuck
she's on tinder
that means she wants to suck your dick with her southeast asian mongoloid mouth

>> No.9468115

so you're one of the creepy guys that makes women afraid of using sites like this. nice job. your msgs are cringe

>> No.9468117

>1. get a picture with an animal, preferably a dog or unusual cute animal
>2. get a picture on a motorcycle or car or with a guitar

That's what below average/ugly guys do.

>> No.9468126

Not just, if you're hot it just makes you look better

>> No.9468138

>namedropping memedesigners on your tinder profile
>quoting that fuccboi line in one of your first messages
>asking your tinder match if it's okay to spend 1k on boots just to let your tinder match know that you spent 1k on boots (or more accurately: fancy it)

Fucking autistic teenagers.

>> No.9468259
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dw we all gonna make it

>> No.9468262

she thinks your gay, m8

>> No.9468270

It's a man, baby

>> No.9468275

well then you're good 2 go.

>> No.9468283
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>so that's why I hustle
>Are you south chinese

>> No.9468393
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Here goes nothing!

>> No.9468774
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>jungle monkey
I literally had to go take a shit because I was scared of shitting my pants from laughing so hard at this I don't know why

>> No.9468779

my palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy

>> No.9468784

>super meme colors, I wear that

>> No.9468785

Jesus, you fat fucks from America are fucking heretics. True christians are either orthodox or catholics.

>> No.9468788

why are american girls such degenerates

>> No.9468790


nice rules did you make them yourself? you might be autistic

>> No.9468796


a volatile combination of insecurity and basic bitchness

>> No.9468797
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did you read that on your le pick up artiste blog

>> No.9468801
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>> No.9468802

For over a year ?
I get anxious if they don't want to meet me after 7 days on OKC.
Fuck dude.

>> No.9468806

>thinks im a boy

i dont think most women want to have 'deep conversations about rick owens' but if you're on this board i don't see why you'd be surprised by my interest in talking about rick owens

>> No.9468807

>I once conversed with a boy on tinder

>> No.9468815

>I can't have a conversation without referencing a meme.

>> No.9468833

How big is Tinder in Europe ?