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/fa/ - Fashion

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9451344 No.9451344 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck these were posted in another thread

Where do I get htem, I can't find anything on Viberg's site

How much do they cost? Do they ship to europe?

Holy fuck I'm shaking these looks amazing PLEASE RESPONSE

>> No.9451348

Don't exaggerate they're like a 6 out of 10.

>> No.9451368

>Holy fuck an image was posted in another thread

you have to call/email viberg for some of their items.

that's a service boot.


style might be subjective, but high quality handmade goods have more value than what edgy internet teenagers think based on a photoshoot.

>> No.9451371

I know that. I love handmade shoes. But these just seem pretty standard boots which you can find now and then in the thrift shop.

>> No.9451376

personally i just can't get behind such a low-profile toebox on a boot. at least they aren't rw irs

>> No.9451379
File: 12 KB, 403x403, 1423857424391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you link me to boots that are similar? If the OP ones are handmade they are probably very expensive so more affordable options would be appreciated but only if they look similar

Do you know of any anon???


I will do that htank you anon!

>> No.9451498

this particular make up will never, ever be made again

no more harness leather left
last of it was used to make this custom pair

also, there are stirrings and rumors that viberg will cease to make unstructured toes
further compounding the difficulties for anyone wanting something remotely similar to this build, providing a replacement leather is found

too bad
so sad

>> No.9451503

look like gosling elf-core shit to me mate
id rather me a pair of TNs aye

>> No.9451512
File: 43 KB, 640x480, vibergs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do plebs think the slimmer=the better?

Vibergs look feminine as fuck.

>> No.9451546

You can probably expect to pay ~£500-600 for those boots in the OP

>> No.9451632

>wanting bulbous as fuck worker boots
plebs dont' think slimmer = better
plebs can't afford slim boots in the first place

they have to accept bulky as fuck red wings, timbs and other economy walmart options
then they get jealous and angry and make posts like yours on chinese cartoon boards on the net

sad state of affairs

>> No.9451641

>plebs can't afford slim boots in the first place
every $90 mall boot i've seen in the past 6 months has had a slim tapered toebox and a low profile. red wings are at least $400.

i don't give a shit though, all my boots are made-to-order.

>> No.9451657

>all my boots are made-to-order
What boots do you MTO?

>> No.9451802
File: 20 KB, 169x185, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9451877
File: 44 KB, 640x640, 1415570899507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9451891

Lol. Mall tier cheap ass boots are almost always slim as fuck, like H-by Hudsons and similar. Plebs are also very attracted to them.

>> No.9451910

slimmer isn't always better
even a toebox shape like timberlands are good if you work them into your outfit properly.

matching toebox to outfit is quintessential. I mean it's fucking top of the world important to know how to match your shoe silhouette to your pants and then everything else should come together.

you probably wear slim as fuck waxed pants with elf shoes? that's cool, whatever. but that won't work in a tech outfit, or a relaxed/athletic clothes.

>> No.9451918

Please take that Americana shit back to

>> No.9451963

can these edgy little turds fuck off already?

I wish /fa/ was like a big cafeteria, and threads were tables, that way we could discern just how washed up the style of some of these posters is.

hey, post some shoes you think look nice. just let me see, I promise I won't make fun of you.

>> No.9451992

so subtle samefag
the viberg maymay is over
you fuccbois can drop it already or move to leddit

>> No.9452013

>my argument is idiotic
>lets call people samefag

I could list off your shitty posts and say 'samefag' too.

and maymay? Samefag, and Maymay?

you are one dippy cunt, get off the internet for a few days.

vibergs some quality shit, you wouldn't know because you order your clothes online and have no need for a boot that might last a few decades longer than your fucking tearapart Italian made geo's, CP's, yohjis, and guidi's

let me guess, you're too poor to afford any of those and your points on stand against cool internet images you save to your computer.

>> No.9452051

No one fucking cares about quality when your fugly shoes look like Gramps died in them on D-Day.

>> No.9452190

Here is the guys review. He had them custom made before Viberg shit down the mto now you have to get a group mto if you want these.

>> No.9452201

Also, the guy is/was some type of owner of 3sixteen I think so he probably has some pull with Viberg since they stick their boots.

>> No.9452648

>vibergs some quality shit, you wouldn't know because you order your clothes online and have no need for a boot that might last a few decades longer than your fucking tearapart Italian made geo's, CP's, yohjis, and guidi's

fucking lol

there's an entire subreddit for cocksuckers like you
i suggest you go there

>> No.9452661


These boots suck. The perforations ruin the look.

>> No.9452716

>buying this hard into viberg hype