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/fa/ - Fashion

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9442413 No.9442413 [Reply] [Original]

hiya /fa/
I know the belt with belt rule, just can't tell if this is overkill.
also maybe a general advice thread ?

>> No.9442414

my grandma used to have a mirror like that one, pretty nice mirror. It was a good mirror and very old

>> No.9442418

There's a fuccboi general for this kind of thing you know?

But belt looks fine, breaks up the dark colors, shoes look a little off in this fit though. But no one's gonna spit at you when you walk past so it's fine I guess.

>> No.9442423

I hate fat bitches

>> No.9442425

Are you trying to look like a golfer?

>> No.9442426


yess. it is lovely. :3


no? do you mean /adv/? I dunno if I trust their judgement..
any suggestions for shoes?

>> No.9442431

belt on belt is more for formalwear, there are no hard rules in fashion
but damn i really don't like those shoes, they remind me of hoes with no taste on tumblr

>> No.9442433


that's not funny. I was hospitalized for anorexia in my teens and am still struggling to stay healthy.

no? I am going on holiday though and was planning on wearing it near the beach..

>> No.9442435

whoops, not belt on belt, belt and shoe*

>> No.9442439


yeah I hated the style of shoe for ages but they really grew on me. dunno why, maybe over exposure.

>> No.9442444

No, there's a thread on /fa/ called fuccboi general. This isn't your home board is it?

Well what other shoes do you have? The white looks fine but the style just feels weird.

>> No.9442446

change for a black belt

>> No.9442452

you sound like you post on tumblr

this website isnt for you fuck off nerd

you dont speak like us, and you are ugly and fat


>> No.9442454

It'd be good for a beach trip imo
But for golfing or tennis its literally the ideal fit

>> No.9442455

do you mean maching belt with shoes? does that even apply to women?
I think it looks distasteful in this situation.
great shoes. get a light brown belt or some shit.

disclaimer: colors are my weakest when it comes to fashion

>> No.9442457

god why she's fat
you sound so dumb fuckheads

>> No.9442462

do u feel like more of a man for trying to bully over 4chan?

>> No.9442467
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haha, yeah.. I don't come here often. sorry. I didn't know. uhm. too many.. maybe one of these? yes they are cheap :( sucks2bpoor

>> No.9442470



You anons truly live up to your names.

"Whiteknighting cucks"

>> No.9442480

Cop some raf simons and rick owens
Lurk more

>> No.9442483


>> No.9442484


>That's not funny ));

Being a fatass is not an excuse on "struggling to be healthy"
Because if that were the case, you'd still be skinny.

>> No.9442489

pls be in london

>> No.9442490

Actually your other shoes do look fine after taking a second look, I guess maybe it's camera quality which doesn't make them look as nice. If you're wearing it on a beach trip you'll def look better than most other people there so don't worry about it. A big thing about looking good is confidence and being happy with the way you look, and seeing as you suffered from Anorexia you may lack this. That's what you need to work on, not your clothing or body weight (which is fine btw, you're on 4chan so you gotta expect the edgy folks to pop up).

>> No.9442505
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it looks good but now I do feel compelled to change the shoes..
it's not as beachy which is what I was going for. just strolling around the beach, no actual sand contact or whatever.
so much conflicting info ;-; it's good though. Nice to see what everyones taste is like..

>> No.9442508


aus :(

>> No.9442509

Why not just go with bare feet then? No one wears shoes at the beach. Don't you wanna feel the sand between your toes?

>> No.9442534


definitely. It's not that I am particularly affected by what they have to say about my body type, what annoys me is that they think they're superior or cool just because they have the ability to troll. any moron can do it. It's just standard /b/ mentality and only noob losers tend to do it. It's just unnecessary spam imo. appreciate your input though. :) so I guess the general consensus is to keep it?

>> No.9442540


>no actual sand contact or whatever

yes'm. I will be doing that but the place is pretty much surrounded by beach and the hotel is nearby so I was planning on changing after swimming ^^

>> No.9442550

Why not just go naked at this point?

>> No.9442554

Then just get some cheap jandals. I think it's the chunkiness of the sole that give them a weird vibe, especially for the beach. Maybe get some white ones, because I like that theme with your outfit but then again white jandals are kinda meh, so look for some brown faux leather ones.

>> No.9442558


lolle. my conscience would be very disappointed in me.

>> No.9442559
File: 472 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_l4jqqgVgtE1qc9oyeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white belt

>> No.9442578


why would you wear corporate clothes with sandals?

>> No.9442580
File: 580 KB, 750x1125, tumblr_nfrn0k8FGm1qkegsbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikr? doesn't matter.. still qtpi

>> No.9442583

I just don't think these shoes go with anything you are wearing. Your outfit is pretty basic and the shoes are a little less ordinary. I think wearing high-waisted pants with this would make it 10x better.

>> No.9442591
File: 141 KB, 642x962, 14402544023_1b08d48e7b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just don't think these shoes go with anything you are wearing.


>wearing high-waisted pants with this would make it 10x better.


shorts are fine, shoes are shite. have anything dark brown? similar to >>9442467 but those are shite too.. but post pic wearing the white ones on the left..

>> No.9442622


go with the white belt for the reason that you are mostly wearing dark clothes which arent beachy and the white brightens the outfit more. The contrast is good

oh, and you have nice legs

>> No.9442638
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>> No.9442644


whoops. sorry, didn't mean for that to be sideways!

>> No.9442648
File: 279 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these shoes aren't really very flattering. I have tiny feet so I look a little asymmetrical..

>> No.9442655



so as >>9442591 suggested, I should try dark brown shoes? Or tan like the picture?

>> No.9442656

You are rather new, eh newfag.
PROTIP /adv/ sucks.
And you hsould have lurked more BEFOR MAKING A THREAD.

>> No.9442658


Jesus idk why it keeps turning sideways. Sorry guys.

>> No.9442663

you're fucking stupid if not trolling

>> No.9442674


what do you mean? I must be really stupid or blind because I couldn't find am active general advice thread.. a few years back /fa/ had at least two or three OPs on the first or second page asking for advice.. so I guess they have consolidated them into one?

>> No.9442696

The Advice general also kown as the "Stupid Qustions that dont desserve a thread" is now called Fuccboi General.
I personaly dislike the name, because neofaggets dont get its the advice thread.

>> No.9442720
File: 175 KB, 540x813, tumblr_luarbkeC9j1qhdy8yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, you don't.. this is probs best fit.. go with this.. p sexy

>> No.9442723

no, you don't**, meaning, you don't look unsymmetrical.. also,

>> No.9442741


okidoki. thanks for everyones input. really really appreciate it. am happy to receive more tips if anyone has any also. otherwise I will probably go with that then :3

>> No.9442756

Burn that shirt

>> No.9442764

but if you had anorexia and you're still struggling, why are you fat? that doesn't make sense. or did you completely swap from under eating to over eating? that's unfortunate. anorexia is one of the more glamorous diseases if you do it correctly.

also have you ever played golf?

>> No.9442773

You're super cute.

>> No.9442776
File: 66 KB, 600x600, tumblr_ldcjffBR7o1qcsx43o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have any tan/brown shoes?

>> No.9442777

>notuser is the greatest troll of all time

>> No.9442788


I'm lucid enough to know I'm not fat. "If done correctly". if you actually mean that, you are retarded and have some kind of saviour complex.

>> No.9442795
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yess just very plain ones.

>> No.9442798
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and these
I am really sorry for the sideways photos, I am using the ipad and they look normal on my end ><

>> No.9442826
File: 337 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nhenppTs8N1qkegsbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok yah, no, go with the small white ones..

buy cuter brown shoes. they're p versatile

btw... L O N D O N?

>> No.9442850


Okay :) thanks. I have loads of brown shoes, just didn't really want to wear heels. no, aus.. is the London thing a new meme? Have been out of the loop for ages.

>> No.9442853

tbh those shorts are very unflattering, they look like mom pants. The high-waisted pants you wore for one of the pics look much nicer and properly show your silhouette. The way your current shorts sit on your waist combined with the way your top falls because of how it's tucked in make you look super pudgy when that's definitely not thae case.

>> No.9442884


Yeah I was too lazy to tuck it In properly..
>.< I do agree.

>> No.9442886


go with your original pic. You have good taste, and I think the colors work really well. The shoes are definitely cool.

honestly /fa/ is better used for inspo than advice.

lighting and angle make it hard to see what you do.(proportions and colors)

>> No.9442899


I dunno why but I just have this assumption that fashion is a lot less subjective than other aesthetic things. I guess that's definitely not the case, this thread has been pretty conflicting. Still constructive though. Thank you.

>> No.9442939
File: 128 KB, 800x1043, cat2BeFunky_VintageColors_1.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honestly /fa/ is better used for inspo than advice.

haha so true

>> No.9443232

if you had "done it correctly" you wouldn't have fat thighs and a poor sense of fashion.

>> No.9443251
File: 226 KB, 922x1280, tumblr_lxt9a3S9Do1qmbq9uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i take it you arent hiTest alpha

>> No.9443262

Pls be mine

>> No.9443263

Fucking tits pls

>> No.9443266

You're on the wrong board.

>> No.9443267

Those shoes are fucking awful
The belt looks out of place because the white is too garish in this fit.

>> No.9443270

lol r u mickey mouse with those shorts?

>when u gunne let me squeek them cheeks

>> No.9443272

Op please post face so I can make sure officially making you my waifu isn't a bad idea

>> No.9443274
File: 160 KB, 500x414, tumblr_l4zkroDnIW1qzh3nto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ n /fa/ bb

>> No.9443277

>Open up /fa/
>See this thread
>Look through all the responses

When did /fa/ turn into /soc/?

>> No.9443447

of course i'm not. i'm a grill.

>> No.9443495

>but if you had anorexia and you're still struggling, why are you fat? that doesn't make sense. or did you completely swap from under eating to over eating? that's unfortunate. anorexia is one of the more glamorous diseases if you do it correctly.
i can only imagine the skinny-fat, pimply-faced, teenaged dweeb behind this post who somehow gets off on calling regular weight women fat over the internet.

>> No.9443515

if she were in any other "rate my x" thread she would be called fat. just because she quickly came up with a sob story doesn't mean shit. anyone this desperate for attention (as to post a terrible outfit that anyone that spends more than ten minutes on here or any other fashion based forum would know was shit and useless) deserves to be called out. shit body, shit fit.

>> No.9443530

you really think the white patent leather open toed shoes with a huge buckle look okay? what are you doing here go to r/femalefashionadvice you'd fit in.