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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 86 KB, 768x1024, 1423363530700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9430132 No.9430132 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ instagrams?

Post your own if they're actually effay and not shitty or social
and /fa/ people you follow

i'll follow you guys back.


>> No.9430155
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>> No.9430166
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>> No.9430174


>> No.9430184


>> No.9430217
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>> No.9430249


>> No.9430287
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>> No.9430303
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>> No.9430352


>> No.9430589
File: 1.24 MB, 2560x1440, Abstract_3D_And_CG_never_knows_best_smoke_129568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9430601


not really super effay just skating and selfies and songs I've written but I'll follow back

>> No.9430911
File: 238 KB, 640x360, 2014_01_theadore-twonbly (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9430935
File: 260 KB, 612x612, Screen Shot 2015-02-09 at 12.32.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't post too much
follow me if you want

>> No.9430962

is it normal to make an instagram just to show off /fa/ pics? people always tell me to make one. I dont want to do it for the social aspect, but rather just as a way to post pictures ive taken. Am I better off just using something like flickr?

>> No.9430985

nope, you can post all the pics you want on instagram not for the social aspect and still get followers.
Similarly, I have a social instagram and an "/fa/" instagram.
And Flickr's dead.

>> No.9430997

Okkie, how the hell are you supposed to get noticed though with a /fa/ instagram? Isn't it all just followers/followed based.

>> No.9431021

Your recent posts are really nice.

Did you do those yourself?

>> No.9431042

it takes time, especially when you first start out.
if you follow people with a similar feed as yours, they'll most likely follow back.
So right now have a consistent, high quality feed base and follow a lot of accounts that are similar to your feed and followers will come.

>> No.9431058
File: 26 KB, 299x299, 49366280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty shit

>> No.9431106


>> No.9431109

I took the photos and edited them
and thanks man
i try

>> No.9431120

didnt know other koreans go on 4chan

>> No.9431123

w2c qtpie azn gf

>> No.9431281


>> No.9431311

Death is a manlet TOPKEK

>> No.9432381


>> No.9432388


>> No.9432399

can ya guys please use hashtags more? sometimes i just wanna go on insta, type in #palewave or something and look at some chill photos but there is never anything new there.


>> No.9432414
File: 774 KB, 1022x608, Screen shot 2015-02-09 at 12.31.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post your own if they're actually effay

too bad your own insta isn't effay at all. stop trying to whore out your lame pics

>> No.9432421

>that feel when no qt3.14 korean gymnast gf

>> No.9432422

so, follow for follow?

>> No.9432439

no. you had someone take a picture of you in a fucking "illuminous" parking lot surrounded by a sheraton and marriott

>> No.9432443
File: 126 KB, 720x1147, IMG_20150209_192859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll follow back lads
havwn't been posting much lately though

>> No.9432453

@poilna (−_−;)

>> No.9432489

absolutely not /fa/,mostly just pictures of me.
pls no h8
very nice

>> No.9432495
File: 960 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20140628_012801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll follow you if you follow me

>> No.9433622

okay, so fuck off then? why take the time to even comment useless shit.

>> No.9433639


>> No.9433745


>> No.9433753


I'm actively trying to make it better

>> No.9434292


>> No.9434304

will follow back

>> No.9434730


>> No.9434740


>> No.9434759


>> No.9434822


>> No.9434823
File: 155 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll follow back if i like what i see

>> No.9434868

so when someone's opinion doesn't agree with what you think it's useless shit? how about you stop shitting up instagram. did you really post a picture and think "great everyone will love this walk sign with graffiti on it!"

>> No.9434871


prolly like 1% /fa/, the rest is my lame social life and lame face. i was just in hong kong tho, check that out

>> No.9434876

He's a pretty effay guy I follow

>> No.9434921


>> No.9435234

you think my opinion of a "good picture" is shit so you talk shit on my picture. Then you criticize me for regarding someone's comment as "useless shit" because it goes against my opinion when you did the exact same shit in the first place.

fuck off already, jesus christ. You're not even contributing to this thread.

>> No.9435239

do you have this thread bookmarked that way you can keep returning to it, so you can reply to this useless argument? lol

>> No.9435703

This girl is cute as fuck.

>> No.9436134

W2c coat

>> No.9436155
File: 35 KB, 960x720, 10965163_1513494382208719_743762300_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


90% of the stuff i post is fashion related

>> No.9436166
File: 679 KB, 1021x613, fellpork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek fellpork
bro u're 17-18
go to 2 tafe to 2 do computer shit lol
n got a smug look bro
smh man
btw was that fit of u wearin vans n a hawaiian shirt a legit fit lol.

>> No.9436174

its slp and its my friends shirt heh
yes im 18 :)

>> No.9436182


bruh bruh vans are dead bruh
i mean if u wearin em to skate that all gravy baby
but they hella weak bruh bruh
u know better bruh

>> No.9436186

yeh i don't really like them as i feel juvenile when wearing them, but that pic was taken in a skatepark so i guess u can do the math

>> No.9436188


thats what my 1 million dollar uni fee taught me lol.
but yea if u str8 skatin it all good, why i said it bruv.
i aint hating tho, u looking good. have a good one brother.

>> No.9436190

>hella bruh bruh
just stop already

>> No.9436196

I wish I could filter you.

>> No.9436205


lmfao bruh bruh u wish u could do shit i've been /fa/ since 2012 and i aint gonna stop posting

ban me mods

>> No.9436230

please start posting in every single thread so i have a legitimate reason to stop following /fa/ for a while

>> No.9436234

I thrifted it and took it to a tailor, they don't sell it anymore

>> No.9436239

Neither were you when you posted your shitty underage instagram( different guy btw)

>> No.9436399

what shoes are that? w2c?

>> No.9436433

They're from a cheapo brand called Your Turn. Please buy Stan Smiths instead, those in the pic are pretty terrible quality.

>> No.9436444



>> No.9437018


>> No.9437150

her legs are black and shes white

>> No.9437216
File: 646 KB, 612x612, Screen Shot 2015-02-10 at 1.58.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@fauxhawklad here again
thanks for the follows, i appreciate it (pic is mine)

Here are some instas I've followed for a while that I think are cool.
Not all of these are 100% fashion all the time, not all are male, and not all may be your style, but I think they're all worth checking out.
Let me know if you guys think some are cool/not cool:

> @rafalzajdel
- minimal photography
- varies from mundane stuff to fashion to design

> @champagnechachi
- this is Toro y Moi (musical artist)
- his pics are actually unexpectedly really cool
- often finds interesting shots in the mundane

> @cubatornado
- snarky model/artist from LA
- most of posts are not OC but throwback photos
- she's friends with Pharrell

> @llunch
- super minimal portraits
- consistent style she sticks to

> @futuradosmil
- cool graphic stuff
- pop culture based
- can get repetitive but worth checking out to get a feel for his aesthetic

> @illstudio
- pretty cool design studio
- dont know much info on them but their posts are really interesting and often humorous

> @jjjjound
- you guys may have already heard of him, blog from montreal
- often humorous
- not all OC, just cool stuff
- he's also connected to Kanye somehow

> @newteam
- photographer(s?) from Miami
- typically landscape stuff (ocean, sunsets, trees, streets)
- generally cooler than a typical insta like this

> @sefquemado
- she has a super clear consistency through all posts (white and minimal)
- mostly fashion based stuff

>> No.9438535


>> No.9438929


hey im nice I will most likely follow back. would like feedback on my pics (theyre shitty but I wanna improve)

>> No.9438939

i see the theme you're going for in your feed and for the most part it is consistent. But you should really edit your pics with some filter (that remains consistent in your feed). Try VSCO from the app store, and choose a filter that fits.

>> No.9439190


>> No.9439195


he ain't korean lmao

>> No.9439202


>> No.9439209

so nice, you actually made me want to start my own instagram but afraid pleb friends will judge

>> No.9439216

who gives a shit about judgmental plebs. make one and dont give a shit!

>> No.9439242


>> No.9439259

if you are teardrop i just followed, my idol

>> No.9439273
File: 74 KB, 750x500, 1376777510492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly uploading photography from the last 2 years

I will follow back :^)

>> No.9439278

oh shit

>> No.9439297

Not him but I keep open every thread that I post in to respond to comments. I thought this was how most people browsed 4chan.

>> No.9439337

i'm not, :]

>> No.9439341

that seems rather pointless, unless you were having a meaningful, intellectual conversation with someone.

>> No.9439343


feeling sad & need more attention waaah

>> No.9439350

i just mark it on the thread watcher and come back to it later on after i browse more threads and boards

>> No.9439367

not a chance thats you

>> No.9439382

.....why not
seems liek a p normal acct

>> No.9439389

well i guess im a lot uglier in real life...
or ive just aged a lot i dunnnooo
getting botox fri tho im excited

>> No.9439391

ig: pen.elop.e

>> No.9439394


Don't get botox fool, ur way too young for that shit lol
P nice tits u have there btw

>> No.9439397

nah u qt

just surprised u can be female, attractive, n still depraved enough in some walk of life to use 4chan :^)

>> No.9439401

why are you guys so excited that there is a girl posting?

>> No.9439403

You dress like shit

>> No.9439408

you and your feed are beautiful.

>> No.9439410

lol thanks...i think :p
but no im actually a huge awkward shy loser irl trust me..and not nearly that pretty

lmao thanks
im not tho..its for my eyelids/marionnete lines
ive aged ALOT in the past 6 mths
either from drinking, adderall, smoking..or all 3
i used to be a 7-8/10 and now im like a 5-6
my body seems to be OK but my face looks terrible cause of my skin i think
i was gonna get fillers but theyre like min 500$
botox is cheap in comparison- wanted like what kylie jenner did w/ her eyes..u can do that with botox brow lift

>> No.9439413

Shitskin bitch

>> No.9439417
File: 221 KB, 432x282, pisteando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


girl you getting more retarded by the minute

>> No.9439427


i hate myself lol

>> No.9439431
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1280, DSC04315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i followed some of you guys but i dont really like postin my IG name on here, follow back if you want

starts with b

>> No.9439432
File: 56 KB, 500x334, thirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trolled... or trolling? either way, v pathetic

>> No.9439437

i'm not very social so i'm just taking photos of buidings

>> No.9439695
File: 29 KB, 745x743, 1422979697799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>63 posts
>85 following

>needs MORE attention....
most guys dont have even have close to those stats and you dont see them attention whoring and bitching, you should be more fucking grateful.

>> No.9439707

not that u care but im going through a rough time rn
dgaf other ppl dont have my problems
besides attention doesnt seem to be making me any happier anyway
All that attention doesn't mean shit if it's not from who you want
whatever im over it

>> No.9439745
File: 112 KB, 612x612, qweqsda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What /fa/ related brands/designers do you guys follow?

I'm currently following

>> No.9439765

slipped up. I cant believe people r thirsty enough for this basic af instagram anyway.

really shows the calibre of the people on here

>> No.9439768

are u 16 year old tumblr bitch?
why dont u go on a whore spree?

>> No.9439769

lol so jealous

>> No.9439773

why the fuck do u care asshole
if u care so much read the other thread

but u dont and ur just a hater/bully
so fuck off

>> No.9439971


will follow back

>> No.9440103

only just started today
no idea which direction i want to take but w/e

>> No.9440374

i like you.

>> No.9440462
File: 148 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine. 18 year old student from Germany who likes preppy outfits.

>> No.9440468

Victor.jpg is pretty cool

>> No.9440484

Here is the link http://instagram.com/daniel_walcher

>> No.9440570


new, but i will follow back

>> No.9440652
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1386700524827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triangles as As

>> No.9440662

Let my Cameron goooooo

>> No.9440670


>> No.9440676


She's a famous rhythmic gymnast in korea. I'm friends with her :^) can provide necessary proof

>> No.9440684

Do it.

>> No.9440685

provide that fuckin' proof my man!

>> No.9440703
File: 444 KB, 1027x609, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have delivered..

>> No.9440709

Are you Korean? Do you know her personally?

>> No.9440717

yes and yes. this is her personal fb account for friends and family. she has another fan page account with like countless fans

>> No.9440720

Did you fug

>> No.9440728
File: 418 KB, 400x594, drizzy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no she spends most of the year in russia training so don't see her very often

>> No.9440731

Ayyyy lmao

>> No.9440745

i guess not everyone lies on the internet.
congrats on you

>> No.9441325

if this isnt sarcasm, thanks