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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 144 KB, 1389x1732, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9434340 No.9434340[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does being skinny mean I can't be /fa/ or do I have to be /fit/

>> No.9434345


Depends if you want to be a top or a bottom.

>> No.9434359


>> No.9434371

Rly tho Pls answer. I don't think I can be fashionable because I'm too skinny ;-;

>> No.9434385
File: 50 KB, 502x337, they wouldnt give me diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u srs ?

skeleness is le meem here

>> No.9434408

I can be skinny and /fa/. That's great ;-;

>> No.9434436

Skinny is the way here.

>> No.9434670

are you fucking stupid? literally this entire board is populated by skeletons, you are literally pressured to be emaciated with us or you're told to leave. It's always funny because it's actually a lot harder to be /fa/ when you're /fit/, and that's like a running thing here. ";-;"sayin-ass fuccboi get that shit outta here

>> No.9434750
File: 53 KB, 500x668, 1406161480381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being hungry skele
>Clothes don't fit
>Look sickly
>Weak beta body will only attract heroin tier qts
>People subconciously refer to you as boy and young man

>Being /fit/
>Clothes are made to fit your frame
>You naturally stretch out shirts and tees
>The clothes fit is much better
>People subconsciously respect you due to broad shoulders and fitizen facial aesthetics
>Called sir and referred to as man by all, smaller men will take a submissive role
>Girls will subconsciously desire to be power fucked by your thrusting hips and quads

I was like you fuccbois, I lurked this board for a few years thinking I could buy my way into looking good with brands.

Then I started getting /fit/ and realized people look 100x better even in basic bitch clothing when you have a good body underneath.

>> No.9434769


Why is it that whenever /fit/ decides to post, whether it be in /lit/, /r9k/, /ck/, /tv/, /v/, /k/, /pol/, etc, etc it immediately lowers the quality of the entire board by at least 20%?

>inb4 skelly

>> No.9434795
File: 57 KB, 438x534, 1388492435098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'5" and 110lbs
I am the spooky skeleton

>> No.9434803


you're not skinny though, you're just small.

to be truly "skinny" you have to be at least 6'00", otherwise you just look like a child.

>> No.9434805
File: 1.17 MB, 320x288, 1422016067516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk m8 this board is populated by preteens tripping and chanting famfamfam.

>Saving up my pocket money to cop some CP's
>Am I effay yet
>Is xyz effay
>Better start a thread to ask
>R-rate my squad

At least /fit/ is funny and improving themselves.

>> No.9434813
File: 79 KB, 295x295, 1422406645510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this. I uploaded a feels picture, not this shit

I do look like a child
>Be 19
>Look 15
>Can still get girls

>> No.9434824
File: 60 KB, 759x541, right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9434841
File: 1.07 MB, 480x360, concealedcarry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I found some s-shitposting on 4-4chan

>> No.9434999

>that skirt

>> No.9435052

Yeah but you gotta be tall too.

>> No.9435250

>5'11" and 148 lbs.

Am I doing good /fa/?

>> No.9435257

other than killing myself or self-mutilation, would should I do if i'm 5'5 and skinny as fuck

>> No.9435291

women will rarely admit this but they are all secretly pedo

>> No.9435308
File: 394 KB, 800x1200, Saint-Laurent-Menswear-FW15-Paris-2802-1422216834-bigthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being skinny is great. People get legitimately angry when I tell them I've lost weight.

>> No.9435313

if your friends have dreams about you dying then you're finally skinny enough.

>> No.9435331
File: 7 KB, 130x179, 1365471721697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goal weight is 130-135.

>mfw I tell everyone outside /fa/ that it's 150 and they tell me that's too skinny

>> No.9435336


god SL is so bad. seriously comical. anti aesthetic kek

>> No.9435375

be careful please. I was that skinny like a year ago and also a trainwreck in every way possible. If you lose the weight too fast you'll literally feel like death at all times.

>> No.9435402

mfw i rolled trips in that thread

>> No.9435407
File: 82 KB, 870x1200, 1397215_10152854825738850_1906958213298504469_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you wear?

>> No.9435440


I've already established a good diet regimen. I've gone from 187-148 over the course of a year or so, so it hasn't been like lightning fast extreme weightloss or anything. I'm vegetarian most days of the week, and only fish and chicken when I do eat meat. But black coffee and other laxatives/diuretics with cigarettes to curb the appetite has been working so far.

>> No.9435487

>black coffee
yeah, this is how you start to feel like shit. daily cardio (at least an hour, ideally two) and stay above 1700 and below 2000 calories a day. you won't get skinny-fat and you'll still be thin

>> No.9435524

I'm 5'6 140 or so.
Girls and kids think I'm in high school.
It's not so bad.

>> No.9435540


Being /fa/ doesn't equal looking good tho, don't forget that.

>> No.9435543

only if you're tall. if not then you can pass for "cute" i guess...

>> No.9435548

not skinny just tiny
still p fat
do u weigh 90< lbs? ur not skinny at 5'5
p fat even if ur like 6'0 (6'3 we good)
5'6 140 is really not that skinny (add 6 inches to your height and ur still not skinny)

>> No.9435552

dude skinny is the only way

>> No.9435555

>tfw when my fat 5'9 friend always makes fun of me for being skinny

should i even let the words of an insecure manlet bother me?

>> No.9435556

5'7" 115lbs here.
Eating is hard. And I like being skinny even though it's clearly not healthy, so oh well.

>> No.9435557

>5'11 130lbs
>not skinny
don't be retarded

>> No.9435559


hi, skinny =/= emaciated

also it depends on your body shape and proportions. someone who is 6'0 and 140lbs can look very different compared to someone else with the same stats

>> No.9435565
File: 244 KB, 853x1280, 1419911013358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9435570

18.1 bmi lol try 15.6
just means ur proportions are bad

>> No.9435582
File: 80 KB, 630x422, 1418537973851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9435589


Jeez, I don't know if I can do 112 lbs anon... I might died. :'(

>> No.9435597

15.6 bmi is no longer /fa/, it's gross

>> No.9435752
File: 160 KB, 771x1152, P1130040h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'3" 149lbs

>> No.9435763

What is the GOAT bmi for a /fa/ guy?

im 22.5, I thought that was fine but now im not sure it is.

>> No.9435820

im at 19 n i dont think i look skinny at all

>> No.9435835


>> No.9435882

not hideous but weak jawline
no routine/diet, cycle most places & my gut is p good to me. dont feel the need to eat much tbh, get by most days w a bowl of cereal and dinner

>> No.9435887

you should get a pull up bar.

literally just do some pull ups and you will have goat /fa/ aesthetics if you keep up what you're doing.

>> No.9435891

mirin the collarbone, unless you're pulling your neck in

>> No.9435961

damn dude. Why your shoulder so low. You looked fucked man, bad posture?

Skinny or not, a person should do some cardio or pilates or yoga or some exercise.

Looking like you do nothing but drink beer and forget meals isnt /fa/.

Also, they are looking for models with a broad chest and a tiny waist. Not rectangle man.

>> No.9435983

holy shit dude
did someone burn your house down or something? talk about malicious

>> No.9436114
File: 462 KB, 1024x650, Serina-‘72-by-John-Kacere-1972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9436122

look out Ned, it's coming right for us!

>> No.9436152

> round shoulders
> hungry skelleton

am i master race?

>> No.9436169


>those pummelled asses from years of being twanks

>> No.9436228

probably around 9-13

>> No.9436231
File: 35 KB, 535x577, 1410490011504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'1 154lbs skinnyfat

>> No.9436233

this is the singlehanded most alpha badass gif/webm in the history of the internets

>> No.9436355

>tfw 7'' 187lbs
>decide to lose weight
>go for a nice 22 bmi
>Reach it but decide to keep on going
>tfw 136 now and still not stopping

Fuck idk how I'm going to stop, I'm completely adjusted to my 1200 cal diet, whenever I eat significantly more than that I feel like absolute hell and end up purging. You've ruined me /fa/

>> No.9436383

damn dude, post a pic

>> No.9436422
File: 12 KB, 284x296, yo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work out 4-5 times a week, eat pretty well many fruits and drink like 3 L of water a day. I am geting there but it wont make me any taller (1.69m).
Still goodlooking tho.....

>> No.9436426
File: 110 KB, 633x706, 1397314015139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 112lbs 5'10
>tfw today's my birthday

Starting GOMAD tomorrow anyway wish me luck.

>> No.9436428

You gotta work out anyway just for your health man. Being healthy is /fa/. And if it isn't then fuck being fa, be healthy. A little fat is good for you. By that I mean you don't need your sixpack showing like super much, but if you have a little manboob you are probs too fat.

>> No.9436521

>5,11 king of manlets tier
>125 lbs
Good bones and calcium

>> No.9437324
File: 3 KB, 194x247, 1406244584914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'1 male, roughly 130lb
Were all going to make it

>> No.9437338
File: 9 KB, 210x240, char_88350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

193cm half black male here

wide shoulders

am i fucked

>> No.9437347

Pls convert

>> No.9437365

134 lbs
6.3 ft

>> No.9437375

Welcome to the tall and skinny masterrace

>> No.9437399

Being effay isn't about that. Not that I'm trying to become effay.

>> No.9437403
File: 647 KB, 2368x2079, IMG_20150210_220212~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

190cm 60kg/6'3" 133lbs here.

>> No.9437425

it doesn't sound great if you're not lifting
don't do gomad
no way
please cut weight

>> No.9437432

>don't do gomad

What do you recommend instead. At 112 lbs being this skinny do you really think I can eat my calories?

>> No.9437515

I'm 5'6" 100lbs get on my level.
Skeletal Manlet master race.

>> No.9437581

is this your first time on /fa/

>> No.9437749

>you will never be this manly.

>> No.9437761
File: 117 KB, 480x640, WP_20141108_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

athletic mode master race (5' 11'' 165lbs), recently i've gained loads of mysterious weight tho without getting any fatter, i was 150lbs not so long ago, and whilst i do work-out i havnt been eating all that much so i dun get it. id like to be <160

>> No.9437782

>i've gained loads of mysterious weight tho without getting any fatter
what kind of food did you eat?

>> No.9437829

I recommend downloading an app like fatsecret or myfitnesspal or whatever it's called, finding out how many calories you need for maintenance and then eating a bit above that while recording how many calories you're eating and tracking body progress. Weight means very little in my opinion and once you're slowly gaining you'll get a better feel for how you should be eating. also lift while doing this.

milk being part of your diet is fine just gomad is fucking stupid and /fit/ is full of morons and trolls

>> No.9437832

>tfw 6'1 and I was just over 130 pounds a few months back

Didn't look that skinny though, for some reason.

>> No.9437839

do you have to take a 15 lb shit

>> No.9437840

dunno, all sorts. my eating patterns are weird, i tend to binge for a few days non-stop (5000 calories a day) then only eat ~1500 calories for a week or two after that. repeat.i think its actually a good way of staying lean.

>> No.9437849

i suspect its probably the efffect of going on low calorie diet for a while and then relaxing it a bit afterwards, not really sure. when i was 150lbs i was probs heavily glycogen depleted and dehydrated.

>> No.9437855

Why would you drink 3L water a day?

>> No.9437856

actually being skinny is better than being /fit/ because you can work more with drapes and sillhouetes, if you´´re bulked up or as i like to call it, gym fat then the best look you can get is homolumberjack which isnt really as effay as skinny gothninja, but being /fa/ isnt fashionable either

get yourself a style and work it out yourself

>> No.9437862

Wow, what an asshole.

>> No.9437978
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 0012-1277014064719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He did everything he possibly could to dissuade the moose from attacking.

You don't fuck around with wild animals m8, that's why you carry a gun in the wilderness.

>> No.9438030

If pic related is a /fit/ guy. then fucking god, I'm an alpha male.

Seriously guy in the picture is normally categorized as a fucking dyel in /fit/..

>> No.9438040

w2c thong

>> No.9438042

>moose attacks him
>he tries to scare it off non-violently
>it runs off, then turns back at him to charge

Yeah, you're right what an asshole.

>inb4 muh life is sacred

>> No.9438064
File: 2.51 MB, 380x272, dean-what-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here. You guys want to get thinner? I don't get it. Culture me.

>> No.9438067

im 138 at 6'2, haven't measured height correctly though and people say im taller
how can this happen when i eat so much

>> No.9438068


none of your clothes fit properly and your thighs rub together if you actually do leg day. fashionable clothing fits otter mode dudes at most. you are reduced to wearing sweats and joggers if you are truly fit.

>> No.9438069

Clothes look and fit better being skinny.

>> No.9438078

Can I see some examples?

>> No.9438229

/fit/ is a meme, /skinny/ has always been, and will always be, the best.

>> No.9438451

Fit is an insecure closet homo circlejerk filled with fingerpointing, validation seeking, beyond pathetic acting, protein powder buying loosers like you.

>> No.9438457

>every runway show that has notable designers

>> No.9438487

>degenerate monkey post nsfw gif because he can't go two seconds without having to see pornography

What a sad life you have

>> No.9438525
File: 116 KB, 500x748, tumblr_ms3nmw3uHf1rvhwhbo2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9438551

>buy my way into looking good with brands
obviously you didn't lurk well at all

>> No.9438571
File: 74 KB, 500x750, 1419851861035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Common Projects aren't a brand
>Rick goof shit isn't a brand
>hurr he must mean gucci and LV
>Low test betas


>> No.9439063
File: 1.18 MB, 368x538, dreamers_gm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my inspo
5'11.5 130lbs skinnyfat here
need to workout

>> No.9440132

tfw 6'2",5
197 pounds

>tfw will never be skellington

>> No.9440186

tfw 5'6" and 121 lbs

>> No.9440190
File: 215 KB, 689x799, 1999-mr-olympia-187_20090921_1436519253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>under 250lbs
pick none

>> No.9440223

5'7" 99lbs
I think l should eat a little

>> No.9440228

>only attract heroin their qts
good, thats all I want

>> No.9440235


>> No.9440255

>Implying he manages more than two pull ups at once.

>> No.9440447

Thanks for making me feel fat on 79kg and 191 cm :(

>> No.9440528

I'm 5'11 162 lbs

Can I pull it off?

>> No.9440806

/fa/ cant admit it

but looking good with no clothes at all witll always be fashionable as fuck. Lift.

>> No.9440893

Go bulimic until you reach you're desired weight. Drink water. There you go

>> No.9440998
File: 185 KB, 284x379, tmp_bod-1993908025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

175 lb
I think I'm pretty good. Ppl compliment me on my clothes on a pretty regular basis and girls compliment my body when I'm naked. Not fit by /fit/ standards but i think I'm ok between skelly and otter

>> No.9441111

Fuck, how have I not seen this picture before? This is legit badass.

>> No.9441127

fighting animal with guns

>> No.9441976

Poor kid has such a babyface / not even in the good way

>> No.9441979

Am I the only girl who finds this disgusting

>> No.9441986

You seem to have a really, really weird body or is that jus the picture? Wouldn't do in any case

>> No.9442057

probably never had a guy with a body in your life.

>> No.9442074

broad shoulders are always a plus.

>> No.9442089

if you could just get a bit of chest
then if you were super confident, you would just be a beautiful, tall and skinny guy.
you can do it, buddy

>> No.9442225
File: 294 KB, 2048x1365, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is me, skinny and pale, what do

>> No.9442237

you would be perfect with a yummy V taper or slightly bigger arms. as it is, your arms seem disproportionate to the rest of your body.

either way, hair-ringed nipples weird me out a little if the rest of your chest hair isn't connected to it.

>> No.9442242


>> No.9442368



>> No.9442377

im 6ft1

about 9 stone

>> No.9442388

pls leave and return when you are ready to join the civilised world of the metric system

>> No.9442412
File: 2.23 MB, 1069x2150, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my hungry skeletons at
6'1 ~135lb

>> No.9442416
File: 146 KB, 600x600, lydia - m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my elbow's arthritic, friend, so you're probably right

>> No.9442421

As a rule of thumb, if your body looks like you wanted it to look how it does, it's /fa/, otherwise, it's not. If you're asking this, it probably means you didn't want it to look skinny, so it's probably ugly and not /fa/, and neither are your insecurities.

>> No.9442427

Join a gym, start lifting, dont stop till you look like something Michelangelo carved out of stone

>> No.9442448

yes because you're a fucking idiot for truly caring about what others think


don't let /fa/ fool you, the avg. height of males in the US(i'm assuming you're from there) is 5'9.

>> No.9442593
File: 144 KB, 704x960, 40404040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn brother
looks so sweet when a black man is tall and skinny

me: 185 cm - 76kg/167lbs

>> No.9442614
File: 37 KB, 226x241, 1417588879767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go bulimic
>defining bulimia as a decision

>> No.9442618

what the fuck is going on in this picture
why is your body glowing red
why are you legs so skinny
why is your chest so big
why does it like your torso rotated 30 degrees while your lower half remained in place
why are you flashing us your armpit

>> No.9442621


for real though everyone should work out it makes life pretty dope

>> No.9442666
File: 1000 KB, 500x259, sadface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, genetics man
dunno what the fuck I tried, some /fit/ bullshit, hahahaha

my shoulder are super broad, and legs fucking tiny
what. fucking. do. i climbed a lot in high school, so proportions just got fucking in uni when i quit. idkidk

>> No.9442681


>> No.9442684

is it not? sure, there are people that have actual mental illnesses that cause them to be bulimic but is bulimia not just the means to an end?

>> No.9442851
File: 48 KB, 720x960, 10952080_921843164526681_1138097373_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'6" / 198cm
140 lbs / 63kg

>> No.9442887

I don't think you're very healthy anon

>> No.9442904

>January 2014
>6' pushing 140
>January 2015
>6' struggling to stay above 130
I have good jeans so I look closer to ottermode than embarrassingly skinny, but I think I'm legally underweight. My fam is worried about my stomach problems and I even had an endoscopy done, but is think fa just made me anorexic, what do I do?
PS my face looks much better now that I'm this skinny

>> No.9442922

Anything tips for a guy who wants to lose weight fast and doesn't really care about health? I was skinny when in cross country in high school, now I'm too overweight. I just want to look like a heroin addict, pls.

>> No.9442927

yeah it is a means to the end if you don't mind feeling light headed and sick all the time unable to enjoy food walking around with chipmunk cheeks

>> No.9442962

>tfw 5'10", 105 lbs
get on my level fatties

>> No.9442975

Become a heroin addict then. You just said you don't care about health

>> No.9442980

I don't know where to buy heroin though.

>> No.9442981

take laxatives as much as possible
it will feel something like having the worst flu of your entire life but you can lose 10-20 lbs in a two week span
a friend of mine did it back when she had a really bad eating disorder

>> No.9442986

what city do you live in?

>> No.9442992

Columbus, OH

>> No.9444506

Yah my arms are lagging thanks for the opinion
Lmao thanks for the input

>> No.9444541

no, but i don't care how it looks, being lean feels great. there's something so surplus and unnecessary about bodyfat, like how much is too much? where do you draw the line? well very little(ie. no visible fat) feels like the righteous ideal to me. anything more is surely too much because nobody else seems to know how much is too much. i feel pure and strong in body and mind.

>> No.9444661

6'5 150lbs here. PretTy hard to find anything in a long enough sleeve that still fits my body well.
Pants work out because a lot of the stuff I buy comes with a 36 inch inseam anyways.

>> No.9444675

5'11 , 130lbs musterdrace reporting in

>> No.9444680

do you think that's skinny or what
chances are you're skinnyfat, aka disgusting

>> No.9444683

chances are he's 5'9" 140 lbs

>> No.9444853

newfagging, sorry rephrase that?

>> No.9445266

6'5 160 here

>> No.9445270


>> No.9445283

holy shit i wish my ribcage was small enough for that

lucky fucks with your twink frames

>> No.9445284

6'3 236lb
; __ ;
can't into /fa/ cause fat

>> No.9445293

eh I'm 5'8 and 125ish and I'm still fat

body comp has more to do with it honestly.

>> No.9445296

I'm 6'4", 140lbs. Let's trade.

>> No.9445541
File: 546 KB, 1080x1920, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis me, excuse slight fisheye on shit phone

>> No.9445561

jesus christ lay off the estrogen supplements

and eat a little more

>> No.9445567

metabolism too high, and anxiety causes me to lose alot of weight

>> No.9445572

holy hands

>> No.9445584

damn, that must suck, i feel for you. hope things turn around for you man.

>> No.9445597

shit makes me weak brah

>> No.9445873

6' 1", just hit 149 pounds (w/o water weight), down from 220 last year.
A ketogenic diet (high fat, moderate protein, low carb) protects from muscle wasting, so no skelly.

>> No.9445927

hes literally on a snowmobile.
>did everything he could

>> No.9446074
File: 6 KB, 225x225, jay dee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-am i masterrace or just a freak
>foot size 12

>> No.9446091

Skeleton mode.
As in, that's seriously not good for you - regardless of what anorexia fetishists on /fa/ says about it.

>> No.9446167

it's not on purpose
what can i do to gain weigh? i eat till i feel full,eating past my limit is really hard,like almost imposible

>> No.9446274

y'all nigs ain't gonna be able to take a shit normally if you keep abusing lax, jsyk

>> No.9446289

damn, you must so scary looking, bro. hopefully you
don't wear clothing that's too form fitting.

>> No.9446304

Unless you have some kind of actual illness, it's practically impossible for you to not gain weight if you consume more calories than you use in your day to day life. Calculate your Recommended Daily Intake in calories, and see how much food (energy) you need. Then eat more than that. If you need assistance, then Google as well as actual doctors and dietitians can help. If you want muscles as well as fat, then you need to exercise in some way.

>> No.9446378
File: 292 KB, 381x586, 123847294745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'4", 165 lbs.

1.93 m, 75 kg.

>> No.9446418
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/fa/ or not /fa/

You're a fucking mark. Even for asking.

>> No.9446422
File: 1.65 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-02-12-21-52-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's where being 6'6. 150lbs gets you

>> No.9446448

stop posting this gay shit

>> No.9446528

Too fuckin tall to be wearing those tight ass skinny's. Go with Slim's

>> No.9446645

I agree, I generally don't wear skinny jeans. just put them on to show my legs when taking the photo

>> No.9446662

sicc gyno

>> No.9446675
File: 1.19 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to get rid of baby fat over stomach?

>> No.9446682

step one: eat clean on a calorie deficit
step two: there is no step two. keep doing step one

>> No.9446685


>> No.9446727

holy fucking sheat eat something
the fuck wrong w/ you

>> No.9446728

diet is all there is you can do, no exercise will save you from the fat

>> No.9447596

just stop eating solid foods. Go all juices, smoothies, and water.

>> No.9447598

>hedi core

>> No.9447632

>3L of water a day

Enjoy your sodium deficiency

>> No.9447643

6.1 Feet
155 lbs

Am I too fat?

>> No.9447794
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Moose was blocking the path, not like he could just reverse and hope the killer moose would chill out and not attack him whilst he turns around.

PETA please leave.

>> No.9447797

Lean meats and fibrous green vegetables.

Cut out sugar and bread.

But you don't have the discipline to eat clean so why bother asking.

>> No.9447842
File: 39 KB, 363x550, TheBearJew2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gain some muscles faggot.

>> No.9447856

You do know abusing laxatives is a good way to get bowel disease. I guess stoma's are /fa/ now.

>> No.9447862

you dont actually, youve convinced yourself you do because you could never get it.

>> No.9447871

go to /fit/. read the sticky.
metabolism doesnt have as much to do with it as you think it does, just eat more. your stomach will stretch and it will get easier and easier.
zyzz was 135lb 6'0" when he started

>> No.9448054

you have no sex appeal naked
there is a way to have sex appeal whilst being skinny, but you don't have it

>> No.9448087

woah getting too tall there man

>> No.9448261

Yeah ok

>but you don't have the discipline to eat clean so why bother asking
Oh right I forgot you knew me and my eating habits

>using faggot as an insult
How's middle school treating you? That guy doesn't even look good lol I'm not built but I'm clearly toned. Spread your negativity elsewhere baby dick

>> No.9448290


yeah but he took 'roids till his heart sploded

>> No.9448308

How to get better posture?

>> No.9448905

are you stupid?
For Sodium deficiency you would need to drink at least 5L a day.

>> No.9449144

yes he has it.

>> No.9449200

thank you hungry slenderman

>> No.9449216

do you model?

>> No.9449218



>> No.9449222


sorry for your ab genetics

>> No.9449224

you look like a Beksiński painting in a good way

>> No.9449243
File: 65 KB, 944x1216, tumblr_nedy3yFdr71tqssslo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more accurate Egon Schiele, I think

>> No.9449407

what's with all the fitzens on /fa/
you do realize you have a flawed sense of beauty right, at least on /fa/g's mindset

>> No.9450028

Clean eating is a fucking myth, you fucking moron.

>> No.9450047

Marfan syndrome?

>> No.9451962

It is /fa/, but to be truly /fa/ as a male, you need to be slightly muscular. These skinny fags are just basic bitches. All the top male models have some muscle. It's just some.

>> No.9451986

Work on that chest and those bony ass shoulders, seriously wtf. But once your shoulders and chest are good, you'd look good.

>> No.9452014

i'm 6 ft 4 and wear skinnies a lot because i'm skinny lmao

>> No.9452185

>pale Af

Feels good

>> No.9452340

>mfw everyone thinks this is good
Im litteraly 10x better. Im more skinny, have better chest, better defined abs because low bodyfat, and even more defined v lines.
Im not /fit/ at all but look much better than straight up skinny

>> No.9452374
File: 74 KB, 386x845, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masterrace reporting in

>> No.9452408



>> No.9452413

put some effort into your body twink
looks like shit,

>> No.9452425



>> No.9452428

dont care without pics

>> No.9452434


Nope your just skinny as fuck thats all.

>> No.9452445

For all you people who are above 6 foot and under 150 pounds, what size shirt do you wear? I find that the only ones that fit me in the body are small but they are too short.

>> No.9452450

112lbs 5'10
tongue punch my fartbox

>> No.9452452

Im 6'2 and 152lbs so i'm not even that skinny. Also I have more chest definition but the lighting is weird

Is it really that hard to control yourself with food intake?

>> No.9452548

Thank you hungry skelly

>> No.9452568

Being /fit/ is gross imo, be skinny

>> No.9452573
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>Im 6'2 and 152lbs so i'm not even that skinny.
>not even that skinny

>> No.9452590

:) thanks anon

>> No.9452617

That's a 19.5 BMI. That's not even underweight.

>> No.9453004

Yeah, I think so too. Working on it since a week or so.

>> No.9453023

Pushups, pullups and crunces/generic ab/oblique excercise and eat a bit more, literally all you need to be /fa/. And I squat 3 times a week

>> No.9453056

Don't squat; makes skinny pants fit shitty

>> No.9453200
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>Clean eating is a fucking myth, you fucking moron.
>He says as he stuffs his face full of funyuns.

>> No.9453873

this so much.

>> No.9453933

>Approaching a wild animal knowing that it isn't some docile hometrained pet.
>Moose gets murdered for just mooseing around.
The guy approached the moose first.

>> No.9453935


>> No.9453986

5'9, 122lbs (55kg)

>> No.9454006
File: 104 KB, 1302x865, Grace_Hartzel_Saint_laurent_Paris_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bothering to try hating Saint Laurent

>> No.9454128

dont get your second chin in a twist mate chill out

>> No.9454182

what would be skinny for someone whos 5'4

>> No.9454202

>5 button suit
that's some next-level shit.

>> No.9454252

I think i'm in skelly mode
I haven't gotten my period in 3months but my bmi reads healthy and pregnancy test was neg

am i malnourished or something

>> No.9454253

i'm over a foot shorter than you and you're only 15 pounds heavier than me

>> No.9454255


lol do you really have to ask that? [that answer is yes]

>> No.9454279

but my bmi is 20
isn't that healthy

>> No.9454297

>bmi of 20

>> No.9454299


>> No.9454301

r u just trying to brag

>> No.9454311

no i'm not trying to brag
i'm just scared and have no one to talk to about this
what if i'm infertile

>> No.9454313


bmi is a horrible way to judge your body. obviously you aren't getting enough nutrients if your body stops your menstrual cycle, especially if you have enough body fat. you probably have iron and/or amino acids deficiency. you really need to stop eating empty carbs and eat some fish or lean beef and some vegetables. I'm seriously concerned you understand so little about nutrition and health.

>> No.9454349

but I had blood work done recently and the doctor told me my blood was perfect

if I have enough body fat and my blood work is perfect then why did my period stop

my anxiety keeps me up all night wondering

>> No.9454372


anxiety alone can stop your period. with thing's that cause anxiety you either need to take proactive measures to stop what is causing it, aka action to resolve it, or understand that you have no control over it and it is irrational to worry about since you have no recourse.

you have no control over this except trying to stop worrying about it. it's irrational to worry about being sterile.

>stop worrying

>> No.9454405 [DELETED] 


>> No.9454419 [DELETED] 


>> No.9455109

Your blood can be fine but you can still be malnourished in certain substances

>> No.9455158

93-99 lbs

>> No.9455251
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I was thinking same thing

>> No.9456153


>> No.9456208


OP you should start liftan, eat at maintenance and watch as you get juicy, wish I had started out in skeleton mode rather than whale mode.

>> No.9456696

start lifting mate and eat more. you look sickly.

disregard twinks on this board and aquire ottermode

>> No.9456725
