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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 370 KB, 1298x2104, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9415726 No.9415726 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fa/

I'm having a bit of an issue. I have been lifting weights for about 1,5 years now to get that perfect mix between ottermode and slightly athletic body. I like the idea of a thin waist coupled with a little wider shoulders. Thing is now though, that my shoulders are ruining the fit of my newly bought Whyred coat, my suit and I realize that me getting bigger will render all of my slim-fitting, beautiful wardrobe useless.
I'm barely outta dyel but I feel that this will become a problem soon enough.

Any others who try to combine /fa/ and /fit/ and have a way to make it work? Please share your thoughts

>> No.9415730

you look fine, all you need is a paper bag :^)

>> No.9415740
File: 1.48 MB, 230x290, 1388527444844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect mix between ottermode and slightly athletic body

o i am laffin

>> No.9415743

didn't say I was there yet

>> No.9415765

OP i don't work out but i'm not sure there's gonna be a good way around this for you, especially not with your slim-fitting clothes.

sounds like you gotta make a call between getting bigger and keeping the clothes you have. which is more of a priority to you? i know this is /fa/ but clothes are clothes and if you enjoy working out, keep doing it, but maybe eat a bit less and keep yourself within the range you are? working out and exercise is good for you so don't stress yourself too hard. just depends where ur priorities lie and if you really wanna get bigger. if you gotta buy new clothes, maybe that's what you gotta do.

if you do get bigger though, then plan ahead - how much bigger do you wanna get? does this mean you need to be thinking ahead before you buy more expensive gear? if you're looking at growing still, think about clothes that fit in with that lifestyle. eg: buy cable-knit sweaters that have a big of room for you to fill into, depending on your shape those can look fine whether there's space in them or not. stuff like that.

>> No.9415901

i think you should maybe get a little bit bigger then get just a lot of muscle definition and focus on /fa/ not /fit/

also i like your eyebrows but you're going to have to groom them meticulously to avoid that caveman brow look, meaning maybe you should widen the middle gap ever so slightly

good luck

>> No.9415906

your face looks fucking retarded. Also dont go bigger, you will look like a retarded mix between dog and balloon animal.

>> No.9415911

Truly constructive, completely true.
I'm not really sure, I'm looking for the mix of masculine body and posture but a more interesting way of clothing

>> No.9415925
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I actually look retarded
I look more like this though

>> No.9415935

i wasn't trying to insult you with my caveman eyebrow comment

this pic and the pic in the op make you look really different tho
? lol

i'd say get a little bit bigger than what this pic is then stop putting on mass

>> No.9415942

Wear underwear

>> No.9415943

>between ottermode and athletic
such delusion, srs. you're not even ottermode eyet. to be honest you barely even look like you lift, looks like the average pleb body after a few weeks of morning pushups.

>> No.9416031

No I get that, it was a realisation I made myself lol

You make a good point though
Haven't you heard of breaking in jeans with a dick print
I never said i was done yet, just what I'm aiming for

>> No.9416074

tbh dude if the only reason you're lifting is to get bitches, you're probably already set with your body. /fa/ and /fit/ have this ridiculous delusion that looking really bulky is attractive, when most people (outside of the internet) prefer a body type more like yours. if you have even semi-visible abs, and are just slightly muscular, you're pretty much every white girls wet dream.

>> No.9416104


This is true. Girls at work think I'm too big. I only get sluts. Real women want a man that isn't too big; just fit.

>> No.9416142

You are completely right, which is why I'm not very interested in growing huge. The problem is just about proportions, so that you still can find a nice coat that doesn't fit too loosely on your waist because you have a too big shoulder-waist ratio.

>> No.9416145

How big is too big???

>> No.9416159

n-no homo

>> No.9416171
File: 161 KB, 444x571, Ragnar-Lothbrok-vikings-tv-series-34256563-444-571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trust me, you're far away from that problem bro. Coats are always going to drape so that's just how life is. The only issue will be shirts. Get them to fit your shoulders and get the sides taken in when it is really an issue. Looking at your build, I can guarantee you'll find some clothes off the rack that will still fit you.


This I find ideal but even some women think this is too big. This body is ideal for looking good in tailored clothing and looking good naked. But at the end of the day day, taste is subjective. Get as big as you want to get. Or don't. Up to you bro.

>> No.9416198
File: 228 KB, 496x363, 1423103427413[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nagged this from a /fit/ thread, this is what I think looks best when naked, etc. But in order to be able to sustain it under a longer period of time aswell as being able to use regular clothes without needing to exchange them all the time, a bit smaller is probably better

>> No.9416205

LMAO he looks like a male version of miss piggy

>> No.9416212
File: 35 KB, 467x720, worried_senior_businessman_with_hands_on_face_CB106259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u reached your goal body but since then you cant stop binging

>> No.9416214


Yep, I can agree with that. Girls will swoon for this build at the beach/park. And if not, they're secretly eyefucking them.

>> No.9416233

its like i want to fuck everything up so i can do it all over again. i am defined by the struggle. tho the guilt i feel after binging is disproportionate with the negative impact that it actually has.

im rly fucked up i definitely have an eating disorder.

>> No.9416248

holy shit dude, that fucking sucks
As you've realised it now, have you considered bringing it up with a shrink of some sort? Just to talk about it you know

I fear that I'll reach my goal but either do what you're doing or I'll just keep going even though I don't want to, just to be able to keep progressing.

The V shape looks rather weird under cool clothes though, they are designed for skinny bodies

>> No.9416277
File: 117 KB, 480x640, WP_20141108_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not really how they could really help me. i have an obsessive mind that isn't able to let things go, it's just who i am. food and my body image is basically my obsession right now and i'm constantly in a cycle of binge eating/low calorie diet, but i don't wanna get any bigger or leaner but still the obsession lingers..i'm stuck in limbo, basically if youre obsessed with something even the first place you'll never be satisfied, you'll never be free of it.

'Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly'

i guess i need a new hobby that doesn't revolve around selfish vanity

>> No.9416282

better be pepsi max in the background

>> No.9416286

Honestly, I'm in the exact same situation too. I'm at my current goal body but I manage to mess it up by binge eating shit food and then almost eating nothing. The regret kills me after but I still manage to keep doing it.

>> No.9416298

yeah i feel that regret too, but thats the problem, we're placing an irrational level of importance on something that is trivial, basically we're completely insane. if you didn't feel any regret then you probably wouldn't binge, as i have noticed binging in myself to be self-harming/punishment for the fact that i feel fat and regretful in the first place. so it's a viscous cycle.

>> No.9416304

Workouts for the V?

>> No.9416310

How about you dwell even deeper into something else that is sorta narcissistic and puts you above everyone else, like reading stuff to educate yourself?

The reason why I mentioned the shrink is because generally they are able to identify the cause of the obsession (which almost always seems to be insecurity, sorta given), which you can then work with/around to be able to achieve peace of mind and all that.

I'm completely with you in the sense of doing stuff for my own, vain good. Everything constructive I do in terms of educating myself, I do to be able to improve myself to be better, which in essence is eternal ego masturbation

Everything working your lats in combination with some shoulder work, lat pulldowns, pullups in combo with overhead press

>> No.9416314

If you quit now, you not gonna get skinny, you're gonna just sag and be bloated for life.
good luck op
i'd rather stay a 100lbs skeletor faggot.

>> No.9416316

i do read a bit and i hate myself for how little i read, but im too caught up in my own wacko thoughts to really concentrate on books that well.

>> No.9416331


Bro u got good fits, a nice face/body. Stop beating ur self up my man. U got a lot going for ur self, be proud about it.

>> No.9416341

that's not really how it works, if you just force the body into a catabolic state it will eat its own muscle in order to function, so you'll drop the weight regardless

same shit here, there's just so many other instantly stimulating activities to do at home and I easily get distracted when I read. I'm taking a philosophy course on uni now though, I'm forced to read so I'm content with that

But really, as >>9416331 says, you shouldn't beat yourself up. You have gone into a bad habit that probably stems from some insecurity about finally being finished, perhaps if you give yourself some new long term project you can relax with the eating and all?

>> No.9416346

Hopefully when Uni starts it'll sort me out. Good luck.
Anything you'd recommend reading? I've been meaning to get into reading but I just lack focus really.

>> No.9416354
File: 57 KB, 355x424, so-i-became-feel_o_307028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im fairly content, but what is life without feels???

>> No.9416360

holy shit, if I looked like the type of guy who is educated enough to recommend anything to anyone I apologize for misleading you

I read Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms and felt like hot shit, apart from that I haven't done any "real" reading. I might be able to get back to you after completing my philosophy class, but right now I'm in the exact same position as yourself

>> No.9416363
File: 514 KB, 1536x1948, yee boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate me effay

>> No.9416372

I look p much like you right now, I think this is pretty much optimal for wearing cool clothes (not the dressy type of stuff) after cutting down a tiny bit on the fat

>> No.9416381

R u drunk bro :///
Like that reggae song that isn't bob market but I'm p sure it fuckin is goes
"Don't worry"
"Be happy"
I was lookin in the mirror today... Found stretch marks, was so upset.. But I can't help it so I don't worry and b happy we all got our flaws mane it's 4.40 am n I can't sleep bro.
Stay chill chime man

>> No.9416382
File: 1.31 MB, 1055x1622, 2015-01-24 19.44.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just dress like my personality. I like classic country and first wave emo. I work out and am a very confident and masculine guy yet love clothes and art and emotions. Essentially dress masculine but not like a brodude and you're good. Take style advice from chris hemsworth and ryan gosling.

Obviously you won't fit in skinny fit clothes anymore. Luckily I'm tall so it doesn't really throw off my proportions. These are actually 513 slim straights. I can't fit into 511s anymore.

>> No.9416387

You dress and look like a faggot

>> No.9416388
File: 589 KB, 953x990, 2015-01-19 21.24.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14%bf now

>> No.9416391

Uggo detected ;^)

>> No.9416397

Yeah the post directly above which is awks because he described himself as masculine and confident yet stands like he's handled several erect cocks in the past hour alone

>> No.9416403

Everything is wrong on that picture.

>> No.9416404

I'm not afraid of people thinking I might be gay. It's 2015. I have a better girlfriend than you ever will. She's beautiful and as germanic as I am. She taught me to trust, love, and be kind again. I hope you have what I have someday. But you never will with that poisonous personality. Grow up.

>> No.9416407


>> No.9416422

How eloquently stated. The way you articulately stated what I was doing wrong really showed me.

>> No.9416423


like fashion, taste and overall personality is measured on your girlfriends beauty.

>Grow up

>> No.9416427

Here's the problem: your first post just oozed unnecessary self esteem for no real good reason was very masturbatory despite a weak fit and frankly not that attractive of a guy. You think that people wont rip on you?

Here we go: That face.
>muh deep in thought look
Dumb nerdy looking glasses make you look autistic, receeding hairline, jaw barely showing

Your posture: contrived, insecure, the fact you probably asked someone to take that picture of you whilst you struck the dumbest pose possible

Your outfit >>>/mfa/, shirt looks stupid unbuttoned your jeans don't fit that well, shoes make me sick and the colours don't work at all

>inb4 you took the time to write this out

Shit came easily to me you're a huge fucking target



lmao you're a balding blonde dude
have you ever trained anything but your chest?

ok I'm done now

>> No.9416441

I don't know. I just work out what isn't sore. If I am too sore I go shoot hoops or dance. My maxes were 2 plate squat, 3 plate dl, 95lbs db bench and 65lbs db ohp last I actually checked. I try to do more reps rather than max nowadays. If I squat it's usually 185lbs for 5+ reps until I can't do 2 reps. If I deadlift it's usually 275 for the same. I bench 85s for 8-15 reps until I can't do 6 reps. I'm p.sure most of /fit/ estats an extra plate on most of their lifts.

>> No.9416447

dude, just... why

OP specifically asked for advice on combining /fit/ and /fa/, he just said he dressed according to his personality, which I have a hard time disagreeing with as I don't know him

>> No.9416452

>The V shape looks rather weird under cool clothes though, they are designed for skinny bodies
wtf are you talking about

>> No.9416456

>'Worship your body and beauty and sexual allure and you will always feel ugly'
Maybe if you have mental problems.

>> No.9416464

OHP, weighted pull ups, rows

>> No.9416467

Haha, did you not read what she did for me? I was fucked up. I shut down emotionally and hated everyone. My iq is 121, I'm no genius but I'm smarter than most people so I found it hard to connect with them. It was easy to blame the world for how lonesome I was. My dad moved away when I was a kid and I didn't have many friends or social opportunities growing up. I had acne in high school. I wanted to be better than others so I didn't have to blame myself. When I met someone I would just judge them based on all the ways I was better than them. Now I just try to see the best in everyone and recognize that plenty of people are way better than me at something and that they're human beings too. She went through more than me yet stayed positive and that's why she inspires me. Her beauty is just the cherry on the sundae.

>> No.9416468


captcha fucked up my post, but here's everything I wanted to say >>9416427

The colors are truly a no go. Jeans look like crap, no body should wear light colored jeans, and your cardigan makes it pop out even more.
That stance. Don't even get me started on that one. It says everything about your personality.
Every man who actually poses in front of a camera should be burned to death. Being vain as a man is okay, but there's a line even gay men should not cross.
The shoes are terrible. I see dudes with no sense of clothing wearing better looking ones.

>> No.9416473


He never measured his personality based on his girlfriend, you ignorant cuck. You lot questioned his sexuality and he mentioned he has a girlfriend and ISN'T AFRAID OF PEOPLE THINKING HE MIGHT BE GAY. Who cares how he poses for a picture? It's not like he walks around like that all the time. How fucking hard is it to read context you shitwits?
You do need to grow up. Twisting his words around to make him look like a person he's not is classic 4chan. He's got some aspects of his life figured out, and I can appreciate that. Stop being a twat.

>> No.9416476

>Anything you'd recommend reading? I've been meaning to get into reading but I just lack focus really.
Read philosophy
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Stranger, Notes from Underground and Nausea are easy and good places to start

>> No.9416477

>bragging about iq
>making 4chan your personal blog

seriously fuck off

>> No.9416478
File: 168 KB, 1016x970, 1423117009109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother.

>> No.9416480

Well it's time for him to figure out how to fucking stand for a picture, right.

>> No.9416486
File: 258 KB, 1200x1550, img_9717708[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related just wouldn't be the same with a v taper and broad shoulders, you feel me?
insecurity, everyone worshipping body, beauty and sexual allure is insecure

>> No.9416487

youre quite fat imo but at least you probs dont have body dysmorphia

>> No.9416488
File: 5 KB, 251x219, psst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, is there actually any advice in this thread for staying /fa/ while also being /fit/

>> No.9416490

No, it's not. Because it doesn't matter. He came to this thread asking questions, none of them being "HOW SHOULD I STAND TO LOOK MORE EDGY FOR MY WAYWT THREADS"

>> No.9416491

The truth is I really think that this guy actually says this seriously.

>> No.9416493

stop posting this same damn pic over and over again

you /fit/fags are so god damn insecure

>> No.9416494

not really, it derailed awhile ago

this dude>>9416382 kinda tried but look at how that worked out

>> No.9416498

How depressing it must be to be that ignorant. Stay in school, kids.

>> No.9416508

It's not even close to that contrived. My room mate also posts here and we snap pics right outside our apartment all the time with my phone camera. It's not like I'm Theo. These glasses were the only ones warby parker had that fit my gigantic head. Notice how the arm barely goes far enough back to my ear.

It's my style and I don't conform to the edgelord style pushed so much here. You all dress like lost souls because you probably are.

As for balding, it's a 50-50 shot. My dad has the same hairline as me and is 54. My mother's side started balding in their mid 30s. Either way I'll roll with it. There's more to life than hair.

>> No.9416509

No I don't feel you, I don't agree.
>insecurity, everyone worshipping body, beauty and sexual allure is insecure
wanting a great body, achieving it and being happy about it and wanting to progress it more are good things and they make me feel good.
... all the advice that can be given has been given. Want to be lazy about it? Be otter mode, be low body fat with a decent amount of muscle and you'll look great in most clothes. Want to get big, get your shit tailored. It's as simple as that, if you have a good body you can wear whatever you want.
this is a bad fit, do people compliment you on your clothes irl?

>> No.9416510

look >>9416422

now stop sucking his dick

>> No.9416515

All I tried to do was give advise. But you're all too busted to see that.

>> No.9416517
File: 97 KB, 640x640, 1421749462649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's my style and I don't conform to the edgelord style pushed so much here. You all dress like lost souls because you probably are.

>> No.9416518

I'm cutting atm, I've lost 7lbs in the last two months.

>> No.9416521

and yet you still follow this thread

>> No.9416522

Sorry for going in on you but you were bragging a bit too much

>> No.9416525

yh its good up to a certain point, but you should try not to obsess over it too much, otherwise i fail to see how you will ever be satisfied. if you don't ever wanna be satisfied, that's fine, but i do i think.

>> No.9416537

>if you don't ever wanna be satisfied
I mean that's on you man. For me, satisfied is just if I like what I see in the mirror and I like how I perform in the gym. I don't "obsess" over it but yah, my body, my face, my hair, my clothes are all important to me. I like to look good. But I don't have some scale or "perfect" look in my mind.

>> No.9416543

This is all the same person, right?

>> No.9416549

I know, I'm still kind of messed up. But I will tell you that being an arrogant piece of shit gets you girls lol.

>> No.9416551
File: 266 KB, 1280x1024, picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this /fa/

>> No.9416555

I've lost 4 pounds in the last week and a half. Is that a good thing? I'm cutting too.

>> No.9416556

why do you /fit/fags always take pictures to show other dudes with your pants sagging and your pubic hair popping out? do you realize how literally gay this looks?

>> No.9416559

>different opinion from you means I'm on his dick

have fun being a lonely edgelord that only finds solace in conforming to the norm of eccentric autists on 4chan

>> No.9416563

not him but either to show adonis belt or because we're just chilling at home in our pajama pants and no shirt and they just kind of sag like that.

>> No.9416568


this is why I'm going full otter mode and not putting on too much bulk. i don't want my patrik ervell jacket to stop fitting lol.

>> No.9416572
File: 540 KB, 861x913, 2014-09-18 14.33.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck if I know, every time I've gotten down to 14% I start drinking too much again and put on weight back up to 17%bf. Ask Zach. This was as lean as I got last year then I turned 21 and my gf left me.

>> No.9416575

you think it's just because the opinion is different lol sad

>> No.9416577

do you like what u see baby ;3

>> No.9416595

why do you care what other dudes on a chinese cartoon forum care? trying to impress? looking for a hook up?

>> No.9416615

mate you're on /fa/ right now. you get that? I post body pics on /fit/ and waywt pics on /fa/ because I like to get opinions from people. people tell me I look like shit, ok, I ask what I can improve. People tell me I look good, ok cool. simple as

>> No.9416622

It would be so much better if you were just thinner... Your body type does not seem to have taken the lifting very well... you simply look... weird.

>> No.9416755

I don't agree. The twiggish look of a skinny lanklet isn't very masculine

>> No.9416760

he looks fine

>> No.9416764

it doesnt look like you've lifted even for a day. what are your stats?

>> No.9416790

I was a true skeleton before. Only decent lift is DL, 150kg/330lbs. Haven't been benching due to shit with shoulder, squat is weak due to bad form.

>> No.9416834

you shouldn't be afraid of gaining weight. when your in between fitting your old clothes and gaining muscles you wont achieve much. start eating more and lift heavy ass weight. if your clothes doesn't fit you anymore, thats good. means you've made some gains. i can promise you that you will fit clothes much better if you pack on some weight. i look fuckin sexy in a shirt now for instance.

>> No.9416844

also its not about combing fit and fa. when your fit you become fa in everything decent looking

>> No.9416846

I believe you. I'm just conflicted as in which kind of aesthetic I like when it comes to clothes - as you say, dressed&tailored clothing look amazing when you're /fit/, but streetwear stuff can get a kinda iffy fit. If you go for regular/loose fit jeans with hoodies n stuff it can still look good but so far I've been more into the skinny jeans type of fit

>> No.9416855

for me atleast, the conflict is whether or not i want to increase my squat or fit into regular jeans. im leaning towards the jeans part as it is hell finding jeans that fit when you squat a lot

>> No.9416867

Streetwear is weak as fuck. Don't buy into it because you will look as retarded and immature as that 33 year old manlet in hba when you graduate college. Then you'll have a bunch of unwearable clothes and be out a bunch of cash. Streetwear is the most foolish style to buy into and time goes by much faster than you think. When you're 24 do you really want to still wear what kids in high school think is cool?

>> No.9416874

How long did it take you from skelly to this? You look good.

>> No.9416913

Yeah, true. As I like the silhouette of skinny jeans I need to be a little wary of how the jeans fit.
To be honest I'm not really about streetwear as in HBA, Rick Geos and Supreme, more like toned down, all black-and-grey Raf. But I see your point.
It took longer than I'm proud to admit, but I had a couple of setbacks with getting ill and losing weight. I started out in sep 2013, op pic is from november 2014 or something

>> No.9416914
File: 80 KB, 735x714, 1420632674347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that women who say they dont like muscle are just experiencing sour grape syndrome

Exibhit A

>> No.9416916

>been lifting weights for about 1,5 years now to get that perfect mix between ottermode and slightly athletic body



>> No.9416917
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Exhibit B

>> No.9416921
File: 1.12 MB, 813x575, 1422671797276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exhibit C

>> No.9416924

Skinnyfat with girly legs

>> No.9416925
File: 127 KB, 412x691, 1418159556620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exhibit D

>> No.9416926

How is this even difficult unless you're absolutely huge?

Wear pants that fit well. Match color with your shirt. Match your belt with your shoes. Wear cool shoes. If you're not confident in doing anything crazy keep it basic. That's the beauty of being decently fit, you can wear really basic clothes and people still think you're fashionable AS LONG AS THEY FIT

I'm ottermode, I wear "streetwear" and tailored interchangeably, whatever I'm feeling. Cold out street? Tight black v-neck, fitted hoodie or loose sweatshirt over that. Black fitted pants. Black shoes.

Coming from work? White undershirt, fitted buttondown, take off tie, any kind of jeans or black slacks. Dress shoes. Maybe a coat.

How can you be so dense?

>> No.9416934
File: 159 KB, 640x630, L73ORKr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exhibit E

>> No.9416935

Said here >>9416031 and here >>9415743 that I'm not done yet, just what I'm aiming for. Worded poorly in op

>> No.9416940
File: 80 KB, 688x1434, 1412620246381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9416934Exhibit F

>> No.9416949

Bro, roid big is legitimately nasty. Girls are easy enough to get without running tren and eating clen anyway. All you have to do is talk to them and be confident while taking care of yourself so you aren't gross.

>> No.9416953

>black and white


>> No.9416960

post a fit then
I'm just giving you the basics if you want something more interesting I'd need to see something you feel like is a good idea to wear.

>> No.9416966

I'm already good bro, I'm just sick of people wearing no colors here because they can't coordinate properly.

>> No.9416967

Oh and that's because black and white look good on everyone if you want to get into colors you need to wear things that match hair/skin tone/eyes shit like that. You sound like you have no idea in the world what you're doing at all because looking good in clothes when you're thin and fit is the easiest thing in the world.

>> No.9416971

I know that already. I can wear sweat pants and a ratty band tee and look better than most posters in the waywt.

>> No.9416972

If this
isn't you, then why bother responding at all?

>> No.9416984

Because black and white is so played out that I don't even wear my black pants or white button ups anymore. They're boring and don't express any personality.

>> No.9417000

yah but he's not you, he said he has no idea how to dress. it's a good place to start.

>> No.9417008
File: 1.46 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks into my cut

how am i looking fa?

>> No.9417010

whats the black doin in the pic?

>> No.9417015

Looking good lil nigga

>> No.9417024

This thread got me motivated to start lifting again. But then I remembered how I can barely eat 2k cals a day with my fucked up metabolism and how I barely made any gains after about 2 months of training last time. I have an emotional crisis now.

>> No.9417032

ur a big guy

>> No.9417035

Smoke weed and binge eat to stretch out your stomach, drink a bunch of carbonated drinks while you do to stretch it out more. Eat as fast as you can.

>> No.9417076

You're huge my nigga, keep collecting them DRKSHDW tags

>> No.9417084

lol actually more mainline than drkshdw tbh

i have like 3 drkshdw pieces



>> No.9417107

okay, hey

I'm not trying to disprove anyone, it's just that the skinny aesthetic in combination with skinny fitting clothes is a thing for me. For example, I think this dude>>9416486 would look shit in this kind of outfit if he was ripped. He would look like a total douche and there's no way he'd pull it off. However, as he is a skinny fuck with a narrow frame, he can pull off cocky combinations with a thin silhouette and I really think that works.

What you're talking about is an entirely different thing, which in essence is the other option that I might be striving for. The masculine, athletic looking, well-dressed guy who can wear almost anything and still look great.

These two types are different things and I wasn't trying to disprove you or even argue with you when you stated your argument. I'm not dense, you are angry

>> No.9417113

OP, your goal should be to become as fit as possible, and update your wardrobe accordingly.

Nothing looks better than a ripped dude in a good-fitting pair of jeans and a V-neck

>> No.9417116

Collect more tags anyway

>> No.9417120

I'm not angry I just think you're stupid.
Post your body and post a fit.

>> No.9417121

lol I never said that, fuck you :DDD

I eat "unhealthy" stuff. I have like 1,2k kcals to down tonight before I go to bed so I bought 150g of Lindt chocolate and I'mma down it with whole milk. Also, whole milk is a great way to get a lot of calories in you without actually eating any food. Just drink a large cup or two to every meal and suddently you're up 1,5k to what you usually eat

>> No.9417125

I'm OP, who's dense now

>> No.9417134

>still doesn't post a fit
>doesn't know how to dress that body

>> No.9417145
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Only thing I had on phone

>> No.9417151

>6'5 215
>want to get athletic but gains are nightmares at this height
>arms too skinny
>want abs before summer
>have to bulk now

I fucking hate bulking I feel so fat

>> No.9417158

don't worry though, girls digs tall guys. You don't even have to be very thick, as long as you have wide shoulders and limbs that aren't thread thin

>> No.9417178

jacket's too boring the pants are too short and too tight on the thighs. Shirt collar isn't doing you any favors.

>> No.9417195


raw me

>> No.9417198

Looking good >>9417178 is just hating

>> No.9417246

but he's right about everything you silly sausage
don't cry because he's wearing a cookie cutter "/fa/" fit that you probs wear when you're going out to chirpse some fat cunts

>> No.9417260
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it sounds like you'll need new clothes,at the least some new basics anyway
but ITS CRITICAL that you get them tailored more to be fitted at the waist so it doesnt look like youre drowing in your shirt and shows off them gainz
you should REALLY invest in a used sewing machine

>pic related, something like this

>> No.9417268

this fit is absolute shit

all of it is wrong, but what really bugs me about it is how the guys jeans are too big and they bulge out in the front. i always hate that on guys

>> No.9417269

I'm not hating, I already said the guy has a good body. That fit isn't anything I'd call tragic but my points are valid and easy to improve. Jacket is my opinion I guess.

>> No.9417279
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>how gay it LOOKS
>bitch this is /fit/

>> No.9417298
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im not talking about the outfit,
im talking about how the shirt itself is fitted,
take generic basic black,grey,white tees and give them a nice fit, great for basics
>jelly of his bulge brah? ;)

>> No.9417348

I like the jacket, the pants are tight on the thighs because I like the skinny fit and this is how they look with a lil bigger thighs and they were rolled up because I was wearing sneakers without socks

>inb4 damage control
I like the look. The only thing I didn't understand was the critique to the collar

>> No.9417351

holy shit you have a very similar body to me, just bigger. This is almost like a goal body for me. Routine?

>> No.9417386


Honestly if you stick to any program that is balanced upper body/lower body for half a year/year you'd get to this, I have been progressing poorly because I've been using a pretty shitty routine for the most part

Started SL 5x5 now to increase my lifts, they are all pretty shitty except for a decent 150kg/330lb DL

>> No.9417391

how can you be so gay?

>> No.9417402

>I like the skinny fit and this is how they look with a lil bigger thighs
I like the skinny look too but I think there are better pants for that. I have huge thighs as well and still wear skinny and straight leg but my legs don't look like that unless I'm wearing pants that are too tight. The shirt critique is because you have a good chest and shoulder blades so I think you could do them more justice with a scoop neck or v-neck.

>> No.9417417

Handsome. And actually better than most stuff in WAYWTs.

>> No.9417428

I hear you. My problem is with the ankles, if I wear a straight fit I feel like the pant's leg is flaring out too much, getting too wide. The shirt is actually a thight merino wool sweater, but I can see your point

thanks breh

>> No.9417870

Work on traps and your babyface. Wear nice clothes like suits. Yes, they hide your gains, but then come casual Friday when you wear that tight shirt, or some compression shit, you'll blow everyone away every week with the sudden "change" in your shape.

>> No.9417905


You going to post that photo of Jeff grinding on the fat girl?

>> No.9417914

How do I achieve this?

>> No.9418056

That shirt is 2 sizes too small.

>> No.9418147


Is this good? I think it's average. I've got 148 and my brother 163.

>> No.9418275

Hey. I'm a collegiate swimmer. It kind of depends on what you define as "fit." Do a lot of reps and all that and you'll get toned, not necessarily "bigger," but you'll be able to maintain your clothes. I have built shoulders/back, decently sized thighs but clothes fit me just fine, I'm slender enough to make whatever work while still being physically attractive.

>> No.9418306


>thinking iq is a legit method of measuring intelligence

retard confirmed

>> No.9418339
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>> No.9418410

Everyone knows iq is a rough number, what are you going on about?

>> No.9418441

no, you're retarded
IQ tests are deliberately calibrated every 10 years or so to place 100 as the average IQ
if you're not full of shit, which i doubt because you're too fucking stupid to learn about the system you are claiming measures you as intelligent, then your IQ measures you as a genius, where less than one in 200 people sit

>> No.9418463

Why wouldn't I be intelligent?
Iq tests don't measure everything bro. There's a lot of psychology surrounding intelligence testing that hasn't been fully explored. Iq is rough and shouldn't used as a whole measure of intelligence. I speak from experience interning with a child learning specialist.

>> No.9418484

if you knew anything about IQ, then you would not have asked whether 121 was average, because IQ is a benchmark one uses in any field involving education and analysis. this comes from my experience going through multiple educational diagnostics, getting diagnosed with ADHD and subsequently being barred from an IEP as a result of my IQ.
furthermore, it seems to me that if one found conventional benchmarks of skill unsatisfying and excessively that one would consequently take time to learn, especially about a score that would seem to offer substantial insight into ones seperation from the capabilities of others
but, that's just me

>> No.9418499

are you the low iq guy from a while back?

>> No.9418505

no, i'm not
i don't post my IQ cause i don't think it's of huge significance

>> No.9418506

Bro, I have a 148 iq, I have add, 2x on all my tests and I feel slow. I'm just trying to figure out why someone would feel a 121 iq made them feel smart. I was hoping to hear him elaborate. I don't know why you've got your panties in a bunch.

>> No.9418519
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you and I both

>> No.9418521

Your legs don't look too big so this shouldn't be too much of a problem, but I accidentally got my legs too big without buying a new wardrobe recently. Had to throw out all my good jeans as the thighs were losing their flexibility and they clung far too tightly to my calves. Sucks shit big time. What I'm tryna say is, if you can figure out roughly where you'll be progress wise in 2-3 months then try to buy stuff which partially fits now but will fit even more in the future. I left it far too late and had to buy 4 new pairs of jeans in one go which raped my wallet something tragic.

>> No.9418532

Also, iq tests don't account for anxiety, the tester or enviromental facts very well during testing. They can be very innacurate. I took a profile test twice in 6 months. One test diagnosed me with severe anxiety and the other with major ADD and a perception for riddlin. If the tests were that accurate the results wouldn't have varied. And do a quick internet search, iq varies test by test. It's not a perfect indicator. No one should define themselves by their iq. It's not a real number in a lot of ways.

>> No.9418546

okay, my bad then
i get pretty pissy when people with high or pretending to have high IQs do that, because i think it can end up making other people with a lower IQ feel self conscious/stupid, which makes me really mad
to answer ur question, he would think it made him smart, because it's someone else telling you you're smart.
like, idk, i've generally found that i can pick a lot of concepts up, really really fast, and that generally shit that lies in the realm of concept, or memorisation i find pretty easy.
but, IQ isn't really a be-all-end-all intelligence measurement, it's a measurement of some simple factors, that are pretty apparent from the actual test paper (ex speed of short term recollection, long term recollection, pattern detection) and actually some stuff that has a bit to do with life experience rather than what we call "intelligence"
also, you can be great at one part of the IQ package, and atrocius at another, and end up feeling fucking slow in testing scenarios because that's just not something you excell in
long story short, IQ is a short ass number that makes the stupid feel stupider, the kinda smart people feel like fucking genii/geniuses, and most people don't and shouldn't really care

>> No.9418570

Yeah, don't bother with that number. I was homeschooled for a while, so I never had experience with bubble sheets or standardized testing. I learned math differently and my general education was very much untraditional. My experience didn't aline with the test and parts of my profile came back abysmal. My point is, the iq test is testing the traditional student with the average experience and emotional maturity. It's the end all be all. It's a guess at best. In the end, you're only as smart as you want to be. Work as hard as you wand and you can get anywhere. True, some people have it marginally better, but if you're constantly comparing yourself, you'll keep yourself down. I don't think about my testing. I never even read it tbh. It was just so I could get extra time in math class. Beyond that, once I learned to do math faster, my testing means nothing.

>> No.9418674

r..routine ?

>> No.9418682

Haha, I'm the guy you're trying to mock and I am friends with an actual genius and his IQ is 136. He is a physics/philosophy major and was the state drumline champion in high school. He is going to work for raytheon when he graduates next year. If you were smarter you would have actually done some research before estating so ludicrously.

>> No.9418686

Dude mind sharing some fit pics? :)
Im interested to see your collection.

>> No.9418687

not the dude you're having this hilarious discussion with but lmao raytheon

>> No.9418691

llol wat

>> No.9418694

Yeah, I'm sure you're doing better. I'm not sure you realize that drumming is actually the hardest instrument as well. You are too stupid to even lie about being smart properly.

>> No.9418703

lmao I interned at boeing my gf works for lockheed and i have friends at raytheon. and drumming lmao

>> No.9418708

Then you must live near me. Where is drumming though?

>> No.9418718

>Where is drumming though?
don't understand you

>> No.9418724

Then please use proper english next time. It isn't as though it is any slower to type than what the people here do.

>> No.9418747
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>Then please use proper english next time. It isn't as though it is any slower to type than what the people here do.

>> No.9418751

You're autistic. Straight up.

>> No.9418766
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Yeah, ive posted in the last 3 waywts

Been gettin SLEPT on ;(


>> No.9418773
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>> No.9418784
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Tbh i need to improve a lot more. My style consists of just basic rick stuff

>> No.9418834

hey man you look really good and your body looks really good. What's your height? I wish my friends looked like you so I could be in an aesthetics crew :^(

>> No.9418842


>> No.9418853

wow dope fit surprised that I missed this one

>> No.9418854
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How do I lose weight? I'm currently 190 and 6 feet trying to cut to 150 or 160. Will lifting do the trick? Does it burn a lot of calories? I'm really contemplating just going on a water fast at this point.

>> No.9418865

ya you got it going on not rly sure why you're posting here tbh

>> No.9418868

how many calories do you eat in a day you fucking moron

>> No.9418869

Drink a bottle of water right when you wake up
Have some coffee on the way to work/school
Have a salad (with chicken) for lunch with some water
Snack on some crackers to last until later
Have grilled chicken for dinner with brown rice
Run 2-3 miles afterwards and go to bed without eating anything after said run

>> No.9418919


>> No.9419000

1500-1700 a day ever since I started counting

>> No.9419013
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Why don't you just burn more calories bro? I've eaten a jalapeño wetzel dog, a turkey pot pie, chicken veggie soup, and chicken nuggets today and I'm losing weight. I was 195 at the start of december and I weigh 185lbs today.

>> No.9419023

What do you do? I've been thinking about picking up lifting, and doing some cardio, but weight loss is mostly about diet so I've been trying to get my shit straight.

>> No.9419030

Well I lift when I'm not sore but I was sore today I I shot hoops and worked on my crossover and footwork and dribbled back and forth. Then I danced in the dance room to electrohouse for a while. Then I went to work where I walk around a clothing store and try to get people to apply for credit cards and buy at least two things for 5 hours. So that was the 20,000 extra steps. Tomorrow I'm going to go hike a mountain and run as fast as I can back down then go to work again.

>> No.9419050

it's not. don't lie to yourself. you will always be inferior to men with actual muscles and strength, aka actual men.

>> No.9419051

that sounds like the most empty boring life I've ever read in my life.

>> No.9419083

But dancing and basketball are super fun. So is trail running. You get a combination of runners high and focus from trying to not fall off the ledge and dodging obstacles. So is convincing people to buy stuff. If it makes you feel better I also sang and played guitar before work.

>> No.9419158

>t.full time internet forum shitposter

>> No.9419190

looking good, work some more on traps and abs, and a bit more on pecs

>> No.9419408


gain lord ed-u confirmed for best trip

>> No.9419595

That's sad to hear bro, I've been seeing a shrink the last 8 months because I was bingeing and purging everyday.

Purging makes you look good in clothes, but ruins your teeth and innards.

/fa/ problems.

>> No.9420185

bieber pls go>>9417145

>> No.9420531


>> No.9421418

no amount of lifting will ever fix that ugly mug of yours, faggot

>> No.9421496

>I have been lifting weights for about 1,5 years now

You look like me after a month of lifting. LMAO

>I'm barely outta dyel but I feel that this will become a problem soon enough.

It will, and you can't do anything about it. You can still be aesthetic and fit though, like David Ghandy (only if you're tall).

Buy new clothes, thats all you can do. Or better, wait until you have your perfect body type and then buy only clothes that fit you perfectly. That's what I did. Good luck though.

>> No.9421534

for /fa you need low body fat. I have since know this left going to gym and just go swimming and bars and body weight toning exercose . sometimes yoga. don't touch any erights . also you have 11-13 body fat which is not /fa. from here you can either keep cutting or keep bulking.

>> No.9421542

does anyone have resources that teach how to get slim body for fashion material and not bulking?

>> No.9421554

why is ur face fluffy. do u eat Indian curry full of sodium? also u dnt drink water. this is making u look like retard