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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 54 KB, 650x488, 23542543543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9414379 No.9414379 [Reply] [Original]


Can finally wear a white tee again

>> No.9414384

Does it come in black?

>> No.9414386


>> No.9414387

>be a sloppy fuck

>white tshirts arent the fallback for messy foods


>> No.9414389
File: 79 KB, 222x250, pushermang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice marketing, except you could always wear a fucking white t shirt as long as you're not a slob that ravages through quarter-pounders like a fucking godless animal.

>> No.9414397

m8, have you ever gone out to a bar/club with a white tee? Even during the day for a few drinks

>> No.9414404
File: 94 KB, 617x627, fucked me up like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9414411

Okay, so you haven't

>> No.9414439
File: 61 KB, 212x218, george.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pits constantly sweat

>> No.9414446

white shirts?

wtf u think this is? mfa?

gtfo dad

>> No.9414457

yes actually

>> No.9414546

This is retarded. $55 for a fucking white t-shirt? You can buy 10 shirts for that much and just not be a slob.

If you wash this one time it's not going to repel stains anymore.

There's no way this thing is waterproof AND breathable too. It's either one or the other, which means there's only a certain mm of water per square inch that it can resist, meaning it WILL get stained.

>> No.9414573

I used to be involved in this project.

The guy who really runs Threadsmiths ran a fraudulent business that collapsed. He fled to the States to escape the legal inquests and put up a "frontman" to market it.
The "frontman" is an ex-intern who was called back a month after another intern left. They have been trying to sell the product for months now despite really bad quality of materials, and a awful pricepoint.


>> No.9414576
File: 25 KB, 435x402, aaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats horrible, go to a doctor

>> No.9414577

How much water do you drink a day?

>> No.9414585


1-2 bottles

>> No.9414802

This sentence needs to be on my gravestone.

>> No.9414804

Who is "the guy" who runs that company? Were you one of his employees? Would you be wiling to testify against him in court?

>> No.9414817


Guy was called Daniel Leong
Not going to answer that.
Why is that relevant?

>> No.9414828


>> No.9414833
File: 104 KB, 499x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was his previous fradulent business called?

>> No.9414842

Keat Enterprises.
Google it. News reports errywhere in July.

>> No.9414848

how much money did he make off it?

>> No.9414858

Now the stains are going to roll off my shirt onto my Ferragamos.

no thanks.

>> No.9414859


Idk the finances of the company. I just know that he was luring students in and giving them bogus accounting certifications for a few thousand. Seriously just google it and there will be info there.

Are you a journo, lawyer, or the guy viraling this product lol?

>> No.9414926

none of the above

otherwise I would Google it instead of asking obvious questions lol

cheers anon