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/fa/ - Fashion

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9409815 No.9409815 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fat as fuck (6"0 and 150lbs), but I aspire to one day be able to wear stripes. Weight loss and thinspo general I guess.

>> No.9409818

You're not fat as fuck, get some perspective on life.

>> No.9409822

coming from somebody quite a lot smaller than you, you don't want to be as small as he is, shit isn't fun

and >>9409818 is right, that's barely fat even by skeleton standards

>> No.9409824

what the fuck i'm 6 ft and 165 and i still look thin as fuck

>> No.9409835

Idk man, my stomach comes out a little past my waist.

>> No.9409836

I'm a little over 6 feet and 140 pounds and desperately trying to gain weight... wanna switch?

>> No.9409837

If you're 6' tall and 150lbs, you're two BMI points from being anorexic you nut!

>> No.9409843

hush what do doctors know anyways

>> No.9409846

Two bmi points is quite a lot, just saying.

>> No.9409848

being a certain weight doesn't make you anorexic, anorexia is a fucking mental condition

it's underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese, that's all BMI concludes

>> No.9409854

15lbs less, and a dietitian would put you on a bulking diet.

>> No.9409867

Like i said, 15lbs is a lot to lose if you weight 155 at 6 feet.

>> No.9409910

Lol 6'2 180. Guess I should put on a sweatband and some leg warmers.

>> No.9409933

welp since one one is helping ill post my average diet
Bowl of steel cut oats and a cup of coffee
usually some sort of grilled chicken wrap and a small salad no dressing
I usually make some stir fired chicken and vegetables or some sort of chili consisting of ground turkey, black beans various vegetables and tomato

>> No.9410063
File: 153 KB, 1024x1269, 1422219960997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'10 & 134 lbs

>> No.9410309

ey i know that guy his name is tom bird

>> No.9410329

After reading this i double checked - I am 6' and 132lbs
and im not anorexic, far from it

>> No.9410347

>haven't weighed myself in years
>probably 110???

>> No.9410352

5"11 125 pounds. i cant gain weight to save my life

>> No.9410389

It' cuz your in poor shape bro, I'm the same way, but manlet version. 5'8 and 125

Planks and running SS without as much squatting, because I like skinny legs, will help

>> No.9410399

Im 6'0" and 200 pounds and can literally wear anything because I work out occasionally.

>> No.9410562

5'11 142lbs, sup

>> No.9410601

bmi of 22.2 isnt skinny

>> No.9410611

6' and barely over 130 what's wrong with us

>> No.9410640

i want to kill myself.

>> No.9410660

im trying to be reach an /fa/ body type. currently i am 6'3" 190lbs. how much lower should i go?

>> No.9410671
File: 31 KB, 675x900, db1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to be 6'3" 145lbs
>now 6'3" 180lbs
Fuck my life

>> No.9410773

5'11 and 122 lbs here
>tfw king of manlets

>> No.9410802

Those extra 35lbs would look nice if it wasnt all fat.

>> No.9410811

did you get fit? If not cutting to 165 would look fine

>> No.9410823

Lol I know.. I used to just not eat that much and I was staying around ~150 but then classes started getting harder so I was studying alot more (thus snacking) and when summer came around I was like holy shit what heppened.. Running 2 miles a day now though and doing a 500 caloric deficit.

>> No.9410825

Did you get /fit/?

>> No.9410826

>not being 5'11 112lbs

fucking fatties stay out

>> No.9411937

hm? i'm 6'1 and 130lbs and life is gr8. what u on about?

>> No.9411938

lads, if u wanna lose weight, start getting into clubbing. when ur out for 8 hours at a time, 3 days a week, with ur system filled with amphetamines, dancing away u start to lose soooo much weight. also all the appetite suppression that comes with it lasts for like at least a day or two after initially taking it

>> No.9411966

Don't squats amp your ass

>> No.9411972

6'1 110lbs here, I've decided I really need to gain weight.

>> No.9411993


>> No.9411999

6'0 130 lbs and i'm way too skinny

>> No.9412020

5"11 and 145.
Run fuckloads and don't eat much, but because I was a fat fuck as a kid I've got this loose layer of skin/a bit of padding on my belly which I hate.
fucking annoying because I have no fat anywhere else on my body

>> No.9412022

The fuck guys im 5'6 (3/4) and 142 and i look fine as hell

>> No.9412028

> literally a 60kg manlet
> looking fine as hell
You either look like a fat kid, gimli, or some #swole who's overcompensating

>> No.9412225

6'2 and 124lbs, still don't look like a skeleton because my stomach is coming out a little, what do?

>> No.9412293



>> No.9412357

I'm 5'10" and 190 lbs.So no,youre not fat.Stop whining

>> No.9412409

6'5" 165lbs skinnyfat lanklet checking in

>> No.9412495

eat healthy

>> No.9412499

6' 160 skeletorg here

>> No.9412560

Why the fuck would you want to wear stripes? Please stOP

>> No.9412714

i'm also 6"0, but ~140-146 pounds depending on the time of day. My stomach looks okay most of the time but my thighs and ass look like they belong to someone 3 inches taller than me. They don't look fat, just disproportional. Any tips? I've been eating under 1,000 calories for about 3 weeks now.

>> No.9412823

hmm maybe cut as much salt as you can? Stick to tea for lunch or a granola bar or something, to hold you over into dinner. Then drink a lot of water in the PM to flush out sodium before you go to bed. Maybe pick up a smoking habit to curve hunger cravings. Ten-fifteen pounds lost in a month or two would be easy peasy this way

>> No.9412837

what does overcompensating mean exactly?
would it not be overcompensating if he were taller?

like overcompensating for what? his height?

>> No.9412838

wtf? I'm 6"1 160 and i get shit non stop for being a twig. how tf are you fat?

>> No.9412843

6'2 155 master race

i could model if my face wasnt so ugly

>> No.9412870

Im 210 and 5'11. You're not fat. Im fat. But I'm loosing weight so suck it fatties.

>> No.9413253

>pick up a smoking habit
Fuck you

>> No.9414306

Since when is 6' 150lbs fat?
I'm 5'8" 145 and I wouldn't even call myself fat
I'm fairly athletic tho
>inb4 manlet

>> No.9414314

6' 2'' 140
Feels good.

>> No.9414316

what is the /fa/ diet? I'm in the same boat as OP, except I weigh a smidge less.

>> No.9414341

191 cm/73 kg (6'3/160 for americunts)
I'm probably fat as fuck by your unrealistic standarts but I'm an actual fucking twig. My legs are almost painful to look at. You sure as hell don't want to go lower than that.

>> No.9414343

5'11.5 132 but with womanly wide hips

>> No.9415321

>5'3, 115 lbs
>bmi 20.5

>> No.9415875

get shredded bro

>> No.9415880

you cant be a twig at those measurements
I'm 6'4 and 75 kg
so you're either muscular or skinnyfat
judging by your post it's the latter

>> No.9415916


>> No.9415940

wow real fat OP
>6' 2"
>225ish lbs

>> No.9415954


i'm prescribed adderall, destroys my appetite while making drinking a ton of water enjoyable.

>> No.9415972

it's kind of funny - we're all about in the bottom 1% of weight in the world given the information I found.

>a new study indicates that delusional kids on 4chan trying to look cool overcame the obesity epidemic

we made it /fa/

>> No.9415974

How do you drop fat when you're skinnyfat?
I'm normally skinny and all but i've noticed im getting a little stomach fat over the past month. Is it diet? Exercise?

>> No.9415978

Cut out fast food if you eat that, drink lots of water too.
You can do a cardio program like couch to 5k and start somewhere near the middle if you feel like the beginning is too easy.

Checking out the /fit/ sticky wouldn't hurt.

>> No.9415984

5'7 170 lbs, nice

>> No.9415997

grill though

>> No.9416004

Both. If you're overeating some, reel it back in. If you like to snack, then don't snack on junk food. There's nothing but benefits if you start eating healthier, too.

Do some kind of cardio. It doesn't have to be a grueling activity or some kind of cheesy program either (There are great ones out there don't get me wrong). Find something that you find enjoyable and make it part of your life.

A good, easy start would be drinking plenty of water and lowering your sodium intake. You'll be looking better in no time.

>> No.9416023

same here. i have no idea how to get rid of it.

>> No.9416032

Thanks guys. On water though, how much should I be drinking? Weird question I know, just want an idea of what's appropriate.

>> No.9416039

4 liters

>> No.9416105

The more the better. Get at least 2 liters a day, though. I drink a gallon a day, but I am pretty active.

Carrying around some kind of cool water bottle and filling it up as you run out helps.