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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 80 KB, 599x438, 0014-1257229566722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9400403 No.9400403 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/, can we have a "can I be a model thread?
like, post yourself, and we'll evaluate you

remember that /fa/ has thus far birthed one future vip male model
I bet a bunch of us could model maybe

>> No.9400427

For the hell of it I went to a local modeling agency a couple years ago

Apart from the bullshit flattery to get me to signup, they said I was alright and got me a few jobs, basically local advertising, commercials, etc.

It didn't pay well enough compared to normal jobs and was annoying getting to/preparing for shoots

>> No.9400456

I would but I'm too scared somebody I know will see it and tell everyone I'm a faggot who thinks he can model

>> No.9400491
File: 395 KB, 1088x1920, IMAG3503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local agency got ahold of me at work one day, invited me to an open call. Once there the interviewer decided that he liked my "presence" more and said that he wanted me there as an actor instead. They still listed me as a model but one of the casting agents told me that they never put me in for modeling locally because I'm only 5'11".

Should I try something bigger like Ford? Or should I just be satisfied where I am? My priority is travel, so modeling sounds like it would be a lot more appealing than acting in indie movies shot in the Midwest.

>> No.9400506

idk I walked into this "high end" thrift shop the other day that does some sort of yearly fashion show and they asked me to model for them. it made me feel pretty good but im not taking it seriously at all

>> No.9400529

I remember going to a photography studio to take a family photo because me and my sister were both moving out for school and my mum insisted.

After all that the photographer and my mum had a long talk after which kinda caught my curiosity so i asked her what they were chatting about and she told me the photographer insisted i try modeling, and that he knows a friend.

I dont know why i shrugged it off but looking back i fucking flopped

>> No.9400605

I wish I were male model material *sigh*. I have ambiguous race features and feel like my height might be a disqualification. A coworker of mine once joked that I walked like a model haha. whatever.

>> No.9400607

oh fuck yea

>> No.9400608

Post pic?

>> No.9400621
File: 41 KB, 960x639, 10172759_10203148153656498_1837608454570103080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive modeled a bit for local fashion boutiques

>> No.9400628
File: 46 KB, 640x427, 1911652_10202723004908045_372920681_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i forgot i have a website


also on www.threadhub.com in the male clothing section there are some photos of me

>> No.9400694

Ever given any bigger agencies a try? Wilhelmina or Ford might be able to do something for you provided you're tall.

>> No.9400817

>I forgot I have a website
Bullfucking shit you faggot
No one forgets they have a website

>> No.9400862
File: 264 KB, 1774x1774, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while ago, I was talking about my increasing interest in fashion and she asked me: "anon, why don't you start modelling since you love clothes so much" at that time I just took it as a compliment and never gave it a second thought. To this day, I think about it more often. I would have jumped right into it if my self esteem wasn't so low, and therefore I ask you /fa/
What are my options? What are my pros and cons of my face? Is there anything I can improve?

FYI: I'm 5"9 and 163 lbs

>> No.9400869
File: 254 KB, 1774x1774, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I meant 149 lbs and not 163
I'm European and I'm not used to the imperial system ;_;

>> No.9400873

5'9" is too short

>> No.9400877

do you mean 5.9 feet or 5'9 cause if 5'9 you got no chance in hell sorry bud

>> No.9400881


>> No.9400892


>because I'm only 5'11".

this crushes me

i'm never gonna make it

>> No.9400895


lol no

>> No.9400897

>tfw get called handsome frequently
>always gonna be 5'11

still, i'll take what i can get

>> No.9400904
File: 37 KB, 600x600, webcam-toy-photo61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can pull of androgyny pretty well, but here's a pic just showing facial structure.

>> No.9400932

ayyy lmao

>> No.9400940

5 feet and 9 inches?
ie 69 inches?
you're too short, sorry anon.

>> No.9400943

not with that jawline hon

>> No.9400952

You have some potential, maybe with longer hair

>> No.9400959
File: 53 KB, 800x600, glasses1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my hair normally

>> No.9400960

is this photo you are far more androgynous.
you just look like a feminine man.

>> No.9400962

you look gay af

>> No.9400968
File: 668 KB, 1440x2560, WorkUniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a full body pic.
in my work clothes but you get the idea.

>> No.9400969

Why do female models always have nasty feet?

They're literally disgusting.

>> No.9400971

You look like a fucking alien m8 and not a pretty one either

>> No.9400989

You can still be gorgeous under that height though, no worries. I'm only concerned because I have nothing going on in my life.

>> No.9400990


>> No.9401000


you should take your own life

>> No.9401004


your father must be so disappointed

>> No.9401041

because generally their feet are constantly being squeezed into shoes and shit that don't fit.
you're really attractive.

>> No.9401046
File: 1.31 MB, 1001x669, kleen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already know the ans is no
but my face is morphing into something else these days and idk why..how do i stop it ugh
on right

>> No.9401055

what are you trying to stop exactly? Your face is cute there
you're very pretty tbh, but you seem to have big boobs, so you probably couldn't do runway; unless you managed to cross-over like kate upton.
How tall are you?

>> No.9401058


not gonna lie, you look fucking disgusting

>> No.9401060

thanks..but i feel like my face is strating to look very masculine..like my jaw/chin are starting to look bigger (perhaps cause i clench it too much)
im 5'4" so yeah def cant model
how can i make my face look more feminine? lip injectons? would losing weight bring out my bone structure? i feel like i look really "meh". i used to look a lot better

>> No.9401062

yeah i know..i was also drunk/crying before this pic was taken tho

>> No.9401065


doesn't matter, you were ugly af before that as well

>> No.9401071

i meannnnnnn
just going off that pic I guess you could get your chin rounded? like I said, I think you're really pretty there, and way more attractive than me though.
you could countour and highlight with makeup
you could make your lips look bigger (with makeup or injections or plumpers), but I've never seen lip injections that didn't look kind of weird tbh
your face doesn't look masculine to me, but maybe it's the photo?

i mean, idk, I'm mainly straight, so maybe I'm not the best authority on another girl's looks, but I feel like the anon saying youre ugly is just trolling hard...

>> No.9401073

why anyone would want to be a model is beyond me

shit pay, no job security, your fellow models are a really unintelligent bunch, most of your "job" consists of waiting around doing almost nothing

I don't even see the glamour in it, yeah maybe you get some pretty pictures taken of yourself, but when you're traveling for a shoot chances are you're spending your nights in a bunk room crammed in with a bunch other models. and other models, especially male ones, are nearly all plebs in real life. in real life they just wear basic normal clothing (for one thing that's all they can afford too), not the designer shit they wear on the catwalk

what drives people on /fa/ to want to be models? i dont know, maybe narcissism

>> No.9401077


You're brown, ugly, short, look greasy, and frankly you look like you smell. Sorry.

>> No.9401080

its actually a pretty cool job to do while youre in college, you get to travel and the money is decent, and most male models ive met were interested in fashion and dressed cool off the runway, except for this one guy who just didnt give a shit and wore ill fiting jeans and brown hoodies, but he was fun to be around so it was all k

>> No.9401082

different strokes for different folks anon
it's an interesting position, it can't/won't last forever, you get to travel and meet a wide variety of people and have a wealth of experiences you wouldn't have otherwise

>> No.9401084


>surrounded by attractive people 24/7
>little effort
>free time

>> No.9401088

well, those are granted only to the absolute uppercrust of models, thats not a for sure thing.

>> No.9401090
File: 27 KB, 362x434, e38d22f3a8f33e53c6a615d99fdf7f80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever tried proper crossdressing, rather than just androgyny? You have the perfect body, nose, lips and eyes for it. Chin and cheekbones pretty good too.

Captcha blew my fucking mind btw

>> No.9401092

thanks so much! i really appreaciate the advice
you're so kind. i hope you have a lovely day xo

>> No.9401095


You're making snap judgements about all models but you're calling them narcissists? sounds a bit obsessive of you m8

>> No.9401097


Fucking lol
Underrated post

>> No.9401098

lol, you're welcome!!
you too anon! don't be so hard on yourself, haha

>> No.9401102


just by having superior aesthetics and hanging out with aesthetic models all the time you're way above the average joe and are guaranteed to be a thousand times more popular

>> No.9401103

only a small minority really get that chance and it's a business trip anyways so it's not like you'll have much time to sightsee or enjoy yourself
>surrounded by attractive people 24/7
ok....if that's really something you care that much about
most people probaly couldn't name a single male model. not even the big ones are famous
models are the lowest on the totem pole in the fashion world because they're so disposable. make-up artists, hair stylists, photographers, seamstreses, are all higher up then models
>little effort
even if a lot of it is just standing around and waiting, it actually is a lot of effort and can be long hours having to put up with other peoples bullshit
>free time
how so? because you're not working? that's just called unemployment m8

/fa/ can be so delusional sometimes

>> No.9401105


it was such an obvious joke that no one else bothered to make it because it was so lame

>> No.9401106

You look great man, sorry about that agent but you're seriously gorgeous.

>> No.9401113


I think you look sexy. Sure, you aren't "perfect" (whatever that means), but that's okay. You look good enough to the point where any cosmetic surgery you get is only going to make you look worse, as it usually does for most people. Think of it this way; if you're trying to get into modelling, most models do look unique in some way. So don't fret about not being the modern ideal of flawless photoshopped beauty. Embrace your unique-ness rather than trying to hide it. Be confident and use it to your strength, eventually you might be thankful for it and even proud of it.

>> No.9401121

It's a shitty job for sure, but you really seem butthurt.

>> No.9401123

Would you please post a picture of your toes?

>> No.9401128


>only a small minority really get that chance and it's a business trip anyways so it's not like you'll have much time to sightsee or enjoy yourself

business trips are better than no trips at all, most people don't have jobs that allow them to travel, most people don't even travel at all in their whole lives

>ok....if that's really something you care that much about

hanging out with attractive people can increase your social value exponentially and make your life a lot easier

>most people probaly couldn't name a single male model. not even the big ones are famous

you're thinking superstar famous, n a smaller scale you'd be definitely at the top of many social circles in your community, which is a great platform for many great things

>even if a lot of it is just standing around and waiting, it actually is a lot of effort and can be long hours having to put up with other peoples bullshit

lol you have no idea what hard work is in the real world

>how so? because you're not working? that's just called unemployment m8

between shoots or whatever, you can learn lots of things in your free time

>/fa/ can be so delusional sometimes

if that's so you failed to show it here

>> No.9401129


I don't know what the fuck you whiteknight + femanon gain by not telling the truth.

Here is the objective truth.

You're not ugly, you're not very pretty. You're probably 5.5-6/10 on that particular picture WITH make-up. which probably makes you a 5.

And to answer your question. No you won't become a model of /fa/ standards. ever.

Maybe you can pay someone to take some shots of you, like the billion other self proclaimed models.

Remember again, you're not ugly.

>> No.9401132

if you have to ask then you cant. if you could then you'd know.

>> No.9401133


>your unique-ness

my fucking sides

she looks like an average mexican working in a taco shop

>> No.9401139

thanks so much, will definitely try..i appreacite the advice

i know i cant model
was just wondering what i could do to look more attractive


>> No.9401142

Excercise, eat healthy, take care of your skin. Everything else is basically genetics.

>> No.9401144
File: 285 KB, 2048x1152, nyc1o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 5'9 ):

>> No.9401148


you know the answer

>> No.9401151

learn to into reading comprehension m8

i was talking about /fa/'s obsession with wanting to be a model

>> No.9401152

Official autist thread

>> No.9401159

Are you a girl?
c-check em??

>> No.9401161

>business trips are better than no trips at all, most people don't have jobs that allow them to travel, most people don't even travel at all in their whole lives
get a good paying job where you can afford to travel. sadly modeling is not a good paying job
>hanging out with attractive people can increase your social value exponentially and make your life a lot easier
the real world isn't exactly like high school. a lot of other things matter a lot more
>you're thinking superstar famous, n a smaller scale you'd be definitely at the top of many social circles in your community, which is a great platform for many great things
and what community would that be? there's really only one "fashion community" and like i said models are the lowest on the totem pole. outside of that nobody will really care if you're a model, they'll probably just think your dumb as fuck like the stereotype suggests
>lol you have no idea what hard work is in the real world
i can assure you that i am much older than you are and have had plenty of different jobs in my life. i know a fair bit more about the "real world"
>between shoots or whatever, you can learn lots of things in your free time
or whatever? or whatever what? when you aren't doing shoots you aren't making money. sounds like you just want a part-time job
>if that's so you failed to show it here
just trying to dash your dreams kid

>> No.9401178

Why have you took a pic with someone uglier than yourself? Satisfaction?

>> No.9401181


not trying to be mean but whatever u are, u need to change

u will thank me in a couple of years

>> No.9401182

she;s one my best friends

>> No.9401184

Why didn't you blur her face out then? Because you wanted to get the satisfaction of people saying "You're better looking than her" etc.

>> No.9401188

you are good looking (similar features as o'pry) but too short

>> No.9401189

cause im lazy

>> No.9401192


>get a good paying job where you can afford to travel. sadly modeling is not a good paying job

when you balance the actual work you do and the benefits you can get, i think it "pays" well, obviously get another job if you have to

>the real world isn't exactly like high school. a lot of other things matter a lot more

so naive, the world is moved by status and connections, you have no idea of how easy life can get if you have these things

>and what community would that be?

whatever community you live in

>i can assure you that i am much older than you are and have had plenty of different jobs in my life. i know a fair bit more about the "real world"

and yet you think modelling is actually hard, kek

>or whatever? or whatever what? when you aren't doing shoots you aren't making money. sounds like you just want a part-time job

i was talking about the free hours models spend doing nothing, and sure, treat it like a part-time job until you don't have to

>just trying to dash your dreams kid

but modelling isn't my dream at all

>> No.9401193
File: 339 KB, 640x960, IMG_8221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2", 160lbs

Pretty weak hairline, super avg face


>> No.9401197

lazy and ugly.

Never a good combination.

>> No.9401199
File: 20 KB, 390x553, 7p4cv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9401200

I know that my face is workable, do I have the body to model?
lose weight?
I'm 6'1"; 35- 28- 36.....
pic at the link, since I don't want to have ti saved forever on 4chan.....

>> No.9401208 [DELETED] 
File: 969 KB, 803x851, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9401210

ur a big guy

>> No.9401213

this thread is a joke and everyone knows it right
if you could model you would know already
and if you cared, you should ask someone who has a valid opinion - like an agency

>> No.9401214


how's your first day?

>> No.9401216

.........thanks anon, much appreciated.

>> No.9401217

>when you balance the actual work you do and the benefits you can get, i think it "pays" well, obviously get another job if you have to
modelling doesn't pay well at all for men. the top male models make like 300k, and there's only like a dozen of those compared to the thousands and thousands who are lucky to bank 20k a year. you are totally clueless if you think modeling "pays well"
>so naive, the world is moved by status and connections, you have no idea of how easy life can get if you have these things
just because you're a model doesn't mean you're going to be rubbing shoulders with karl lagerfeld and he's going to offer you a job as a consultant with dior. no. the stereotype of male models as clueless idiots is there for a reason. you're not going to be hanging out with the rich and famous just because your a model. you really don't have any idea how the industry works. you'd get way more status and connections just by going to a good university
>whatever community you live in
and if you want any kind of cache as a model then you probably live in NYC. like i said there's only one community, and even in that nobody really cares that you're a model because models are a dime a dozen. there are plenty of clueless people in the fashion industry who call themselves "models." they're literally everywhere
>and yet you think modelling is actually hard, kek
not that it's necessarily hard work, it just seems incredibly boring and unfulfilling
>i was talking about the free hours models spend doing nothing, and sure, treat it like a part-time job until you don't have to
meh, free time is overrated. you obviously don't value it much either since you're sitting on 4chan right now debating me point by point. besides what exactly are you going to do in between shoots? bring a textbook and become an amateur physicist in your spare time? probably not
>but modelling isn't my dream at all
well that's good because you obviously have no clue what it's like

>> No.9401218


just so you get more exposure/reponses

>> No.9401220

this is what mental illness looks like

>> No.9401222

i didn't really want it in the thread though...........

>> No.9401224

lol. forever saved on warosu

>> No.9401226

then you must be pretty stupid if you linked it to the thread. probably in line with your apparent mental state.

>> No.9401227

? idu

>> No.9401229

haha. this keeps getting better and better.

>> No.9401230
File: 668 KB, 2195x2196, IMG_20141129_134911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 6’1’’ and pretty skinny. Do I have potential?

>> No.9401231

retarded angle btw

>> No.9401235

not with that mole on your face

>> No.9401239
File: 42 KB, 480x720, 10349003_569040626535266_8526809613054838350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9401240

what the fuck am i looking at?

>> No.9401248

yes, don't listen to short fat retards

loose the mustache and cut your hair, then you've got a shot

>> No.9401254

try it (I hate your haircut though)

>> No.9401268


>modelling doesn't pay well at all for men.........

i wasn't talking about money, i said get another job if you must

>just because you're a model doesn't mean you're going to be rubbing shoulders with karl lagerfeld....

i know! lol that would be silly huh, you're thinking of this on a "macro" scale, i have no interest in becoming an international supermodel, i'd just use it as a tool to get at the top of some "trees" and then move up from there to other places

honestly i don't really get the point of this discussion, you asked what the appeal of modelling was and i listed all the benefits which can be enjoyed even if it's just in a small city in some country in the middle of nowhere, it's just a different kind of scale, i'm not interested in pursuing modelling nor becoming an international superstar

>meh, free time is overrated.

speak for yourself, you could just easily get your ipad out and start learning another language, read a novel, write a book, write music, etc. etc., and i'm just doing this while i chew my dinner, it literally takes me like a minute to answer which is like 0.0001% of my time

>well that's good because you obviously have no clue what it's like

i work in fashion to some extent, i have a pretty good idea and have seen the things i talk you about happening, and that's enough for me

aight, this is pretty pointless so i'll leave it here

>> No.9401274
File: 363 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6ft and 68 kilograms, don't expect much but oh well

>> No.9401275

hahahaha no

>> No.9401277

And my phone flipped it, grand

>> No.9401285

well you obviously don't know anything about angles, so no

>> No.9401290



>> No.9401291

take FRONTAL picture
not from below, as it augments you with a double-chin

>> No.9401302

not bad imo

>> No.9401309
File: 203 KB, 400x225, my-eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9401315
File: 852 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9401321

I give up on trying to post shit on my phone

>> No.9401342

not exactly model tier

>> No.9401354

nothing special about you, you are above average but not model worthy

>> No.9401358
File: 2.21 MB, 4160x2340, 20141214_232520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9401360

maybe comercial modelling, too short for runway

>> No.9401407

fancy a cheeky nandos?

>> No.9401415
File: 1.13 MB, 3111x2074, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im the one wearing the camera, really the one recent photo i have of me, if i get a better photo ill post that xx

>> No.9401436

james franco eyes
no modelling potential sorry about it

>> No.9401458

I get that alot about the james franco eyes, lol

>> No.9401480

You look like Jerome Jarre.

>> No.9401508
File: 44 KB, 347x420, ss+(2015-02-01+at+07.38.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drugs were had

>> No.9401516

na sorry dude ur mexican

>> No.9401538

you look like a girl that looks like a boy

>> No.9401546

>drugs were had

wow ur so cool

>> No.9401565
File: 368 KB, 1226x1998, IMAG0760_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up so dont be too harsh please

>> No.9401570

no, completely average face.

>> No.9401574

nice neckbeard

>> No.9401580
File: 1.04 MB, 2448x2957, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sucking my cheeks

pls r8

>> No.9401609

Hahahah, no way man. You're never going to model.

>> No.9401618

Hahahaha, You have the fucking longest face. With that hair, it makes you look a palmtree

>> No.9401620

Elliot's twin brother

>> No.9401625
File: 1.50 MB, 990x507, meanimated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I make it?

>> No.9401629

Knoch pls

>> No.9401656
File: 129 KB, 960x917, Me_still_from_filming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have closer up shots. Also, I know the jacket is a shit fit.

>> No.9401694

I was gonna dismiss based on your face, but actually looking closer, it's just your haircut that sucks

>> No.9401697

post your face you dingus

>> No.9401703 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, just wanted to let everybody know im still alive out on contract in seoul. on mobile and late at night w castings tomorrow so gotta go to bed but promise to do another thread soon

>> No.9401707

hitler pls

>> No.9401710
File: 192 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to trip m

>> No.9401713
File: 3.45 MB, 5312x2988, watashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say I fixed my skin (which I've been trying to do since I was god damn 11, fucking genes)

>> No.9401721




>> No.9401730
File: 444 KB, 485x491, let's try this shit again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking hell, let's just try this one.

6'0 and hungry skellington

>> No.9401732
File: 74 KB, 336x354, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9401733

Hey there so why Seoul when PFW is still going on?

>> No.9401734

lol no

you're just a skeleton with no definition like

>> No.9401739
File: 181 KB, 463x452, My_Face_in_room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fantastic photo I'm afraid

>> No.9401744

*but with no definition unlike

>> No.9401749
File: 199 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted to do pfw but still working out agency stuff with ford ny and everything with international bookings is a bit weird right now having just got out of my old ny contract (so all the ny/Paris/euro casting directors I met back in NY don't know I'm w ford ny yet)

>> No.9401757

but am signing in Milan v soon - probably going there for 2-3 mo once i graduate hs

>> No.9401770

So, I know you're not a talent scout or anything but I'm sure you've interacted with your agency mates and others at castings - you should go through the thread and offer your opinion.

>> No.9401771

Oh well I hope that gets worked out

I am getting a lot of attention from people but not scouting, a woman who worked for Elle said she wanted me to try but when I asked for contacts she just said to send pictures to agencies

NYFW is in 10 days like I am freaking out :-/

>> No.9401772

also seoul and Asia generally can be pretty good money💰💰- couple models I know here have hit ~25-30k for 2-3 months off mostly commercial / sportswear stuff.

>> No.9401777

you're not getting into fashion week if ur not even with an agency you retard.

>> No.9401780

Paris is way cooler though B)

>> No.9401784

ugh I've got castings / jobs starting at 11 tomorrow though :( and am on my phone. if it's still alive tomorrow after work, I'll read through and reply. Maybe will make another thread later this week - think it might be too soon? Did my last update probably a month ago, don't wanna constantly shit post for people not interested.

>> No.9401786
File: 34 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20141110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1 160lbs

>> No.9401792 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 768x1024, francisco-ford-768x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embarrassing. why do you people post this shit, its not even looking into the camera its some retarded facial expression.

Pic related is an actual male model, you stupid piece of fuck.

>> No.9401794

That's fair. And make a thread sometime soon when you've got you're travel situation figured out, I'd like to hear about what you're expecting in Seoul.

>> No.9401806


>> No.9401811

shave that fucking goatee you have growing there

shit is gross

>> No.9401817

yeah, that's what I hear. Very excited to try out that market at some point. Hear it's very competitive though

>> No.9401818
File: 425 KB, 1088x1920, IMAG3140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate it, I guess I'm just looking for the motivation to actually attempt it. I just don't know how to approach it, I live in a city but a relatively small one, and there are no big agencies, so it seems like online application is my only option - I feel like most of those are sorted automatically, and applicants that say 5'11" are probably sorted to the bottom.

>> No.9401839

actually 1. That is not true Eckhaus Latta used three of my friends last season and they are not in an agency and 2. You totally are assuming you know what I am talking about and with that statement of yours I highly doubt you can

>> No.9401866

tfw u have all the right measurements but your face isnt quality

>> No.9401883

surgery m8

>> No.9401884

wow, high school? how old are you? when did you start exactly?

>> No.9401889

dont want 2 be fake though
its ok

>> No.9401891

doctor who core

>> No.9401893

> dont want 2 be fake though

EVERYONE is fake
you know who is not fake? ugly people, losers, junkies, losers, ugly people, stupid people, you

>> No.9401898

at least im not fake i guess

>> No.9401901
File: 3.39 MB, 1728x3072, WP_20141203_20_25_46_Pro20141203202631[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6"1.5 60kg

>> No.9401909

your nose is SHIT
good face and everything, but that nose looks like someone slapped SHIT across an otherwise fine dish

>> No.9401911

grow your hair man, mid-long length would be best. also, you're too short to model. Sucks. I'm 5'9 as well. You are attractive though.

>> No.9401913


>> No.9401915

if you had shoulder length hair that was wavy, you would look glorious. Because you have very short hair, you just look a bit awkward.

>> No.9401920

something about u is off putting
but in an interesting model kind of way
you know

>> No.9401929

stop plucking your eyebrows so thin.
grow your hair longer and man bun that shit
don't listen to these guys, you are pretty attractive. definitely not ugly.

>> No.9401951

hahaha ill take that

>> No.9401952

you're not suitable for modeling. too "big" and normal looking.

>> No.9401958

grow your hair, but definitely man! you have a lot of potential.
attractive, if you are 6'1+, then go for it.

>> No.9402086
File: 365 KB, 960x1280, IMG_0296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'd like to think it's also cause of the lighting/environment/state i was in...ppl obv look 10x more attractive in a selfie cause they have control over angle/facial expression etc. --> bias
[still not saying i could model, but 1/2 these ppl would look complete diff with a non-selfie]

>> No.9402167

Modeling is generally done in environments where lighting and facial expression are completely in control, and usually angle too.

>> No.9402178

it's in the photog's contro, not the model's
you can't be like "WAIT HOLDUP HOLD THE CAMERA LIKE THIS..no, no this is my good side!!!"
the photographer takes the pic and you cant like come up to him after every shot and tell him how to take the pic or w/e
you either look good from most angles or you dont model

>> No.9402181

I can tell what arm you use to masturbate

>> No.9402193


wife of ISIS/10

>> No.9402201



w2c that pron ur watching ;^^)))

I think you're cute and I would hit on you in the club and you would like that B), but I don't know what type of modelling you would be casted for.

pls b in amsterdam

>> No.9402205

No, but you can generally tell when someone has features that are up to par, even from a flattering angle. The photog's job is to make everything look good - that includes finding expressions and angles that make the model look good. Most models have specific expressions that they themselves practice and use for most shoots (it's encouraged, if not required by most agencies) and that's why many models look so similar in most of their print work.

Modeling is an industry that is based on making the extreme amount of preparation and setup look casual and as if they didn't try too hard.

>> No.9402206

haha thnx
probably the "before" pic in a korean plastic surgery ad

and it was some kind of ratchet hip hop video
(no flex zone or type of way i think?)

ur saying i look arab? or paki or what

>> No.9402221

Ayyy you still lurk! I remember telling you that you could definitely model back on your first post!

Good on you and GL with FW

>> No.9402223


idk im not an expert in shitskins. fasho can't model tho, that i do know.

>> No.9402225

>tfw no ironic hiphop gf

>> No.9402242
File: 282 KB, 1280x860, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ian is like 5'6 and he models, Luka is short too

>> No.9402265

That's not industry modeling though, not really the same thing being discussed.

>> No.9402300

im questioning my sexuality

>> No.9402311

have you ever seen him on a runway?
he is hired by small brands trying to establish themselves for his influence

>> No.9402322

I think he is too.

>> No.9402353
File: 60 KB, 600x600, 1422784182573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9402492
File: 999 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20150106_174147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told I look like Brad Pitt. Please tell me what you think guys. :)

>> No.9402502

Eh, maybe if you got rid of the cheek fat and those sideburns. Also, your hair looks like it hasn’t been washed for weeks, man

>> No.9402507

It's no poo, my friend.

>> No.9402514

can't argue with trips bro

>> No.9402517

you're pretty. Start working out. Are you indian?

>> No.9402521

those sideburns bro

>> No.9402522

fuck off hitler

>> No.9402537


>> No.9402558

you dont look like youre in high school at all

>> No.9402855

aw thanks!

yeah i got kinda fat T___T


>> No.9402898

I have seen drag queens with less makeup.

>> No.9402913



>> No.9402940

def attractive on this one, nice glasses too. But stop plucking eyebrows. Would cuddle with/10 no homo

>> No.9402951

Nigga, I've been doing nopoo for months as well and don't look homeless. You must be doing something wrong.

>> No.9403038

is there any reason for the 6ft industry standard?

tradition/legacy? better body proportions? etc?

>> No.9403053

That was your cue to tell me your ethnicity.

>> No.9403058

I think cause when you walk on set to model clothes, they want the model to fit the clothes not the clothes to fit the model.

>> No.9403066 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 449x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10, 20. I think I still have an ich or 2 to grow.

>> No.9403073
File: 93 KB, 640x640, 10914325_392503000912331_1424759940_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious

>> No.9403080



>> No.9403083


Based on your facial proportions I say could get a test at least. Rest depends on your build.

P.S. I'm not sure hair pulled back is the best choice for you.

>> No.9403095

clarify it more, designers are tasked to have a sample size that all sizes will be graded off
say it's medium
the proportions are for someone of a certain height certain chest certain weight etc
runway clothes are usually samples

>> No.9403096


Bi curious?
Pls respond

Grill here btw

>> No.9403103
File: 32 KB, 540x922, received_10152702036582621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an extremely telling shot but..

>> No.9403107

Do you have a face?

>> No.9403119


>> No.9403160

now this is an incredibly shitty picture
we can't even come up with insults based on this
you occupy like 10% of the image

>> No.9403169

bump, opinions pls considering it

>> No.9403191
File: 31 KB, 717x684, dgfdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pic
Your bleached hair, b/w photos, etc take away from what YOUr actual features are and they're not that unique
Kempt, debatable though, give it a shot
Your just a typical small town faggot, not saying that in a bad way, just nothing out of the ordinary to say, wow look at that!
You're neither attractive nor effay, please stop posting
You look like a dude I hooked up with in Algiers
A lot of potential
Undecided, perhaps
Not unique, pretty average
Not model-tier but way better looking than the average guy
Yes Knoch you're beautiful this is common knowledge already
Get tretinoin, but no you're not unique
>I've been told I look like Brad Pitt
Pls go
Nothing stands out about you, no
Can't really see anything but doesn't look very promising

>> No.9403239


That's hyp3d from Hearthstone?

>> No.9403302

>i scout on the internet

>> No.9403330


then why post?

>> No.9403338
File: 3.14 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_4084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh fine,. im likely not good looking enough i just have thin skin

>> No.9403349

adidas tiro 13, greatest bottoms in existence

>> No.9403364

not too bad man, could definitely pull off a effay look

>> No.9403381

such cute modesty! and cute everything else

>> No.9403395

Theyre damn versatile too! I love em theyre starting to fall apart though
Thanksss i dress pretty plain and modest! You mean for photos?

>> No.9403397

well you arent hideous, but you arent fit to be a model, even if you lose some weight ysour facial features are really gentle, the only thing that is striking about your face are the eyes, so by everymans standards you are pretty but you certainly couldnt do runway

>> No.9403404

cant tell head shape from this angle, if you have a streamline body, it wouldnt hurt to send some pics

>> No.9403406

in my experience every sample piece for menswear is M/48 for tops/outerwear and 32-31 eu for bottoms, shoes are anywhere from 43 to 45 normally

>> No.9403408
File: 51 KB, 720x1080, received_10152967307936460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got scouted by a photographer and took an interview with an agency but they haven't responded to anything yet

pic related i took it with the photographer that scouted me

>> No.9403412

you're skinny fat and have bad skin complexion
don't expect to hear anything back

>> No.9403413

Dont quit youre day job. Youre not ugly...just noy model material

>> No.9403430
File: 45 KB, 960x640, 10419485_714373545286648_2222119821572913614_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not what my skin looks like, it's just the only pic from the front. It's possibly the worst pic skin-wise, I was tired af and my skin was irritated that whole day

>> No.9403434

come to think of it there are no pics that show what my skin is actually like

>> No.9403849
File: 179 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am middle man what up

>> No.9403865
File: 31 KB, 375x500, halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wide hips unfortunately, I had signed with a local agency with several international girls but maintaining the weight while being a full time student was too hard. (Pic is body now) I was just curious about what /fa/ thought of my face.

>> No.9403868 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 249x255, 1416845637504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No Chance...that's what you’ve got
Up against a machine too strong
Pretty politicians buying souls from us are PUPPETS
Who'll find their place in line

But tie a string around your finger now boy
'cause it's, it's just a matter of time
‘cause you've got...

No chance...

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell!

Come on, come on, come and get it! (Come on)

Come on, come on, come and get it! (Come on)

Come on, come on, come and get it! (Come on)

Come on, come on, come and get it! (Come on)

No chance…(yeah)

No chance…

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell, (you’ve got)

No chance…

No chance in hell! Yeah!

>> No.9403895

fake ass

>> No.9403898

topkek I know this kid

>> No.9403903

What do you mean?

>> No.9403911 [DELETED] 

how many sexual partners have you had and what was the race of each?

>> No.9403929 [DELETED] 


>> No.9403934 [DELETED] 

waiting for my answer slut
cum pig
have you fucked a shitskin?
a nigger?
how many dicks inside?

>> No.9403938

What's the point of trolling if you're not even subtle about it?

>> No.9403953 [DELETED] 

i am not trolling, i am genuinely curious

fucking idiot

>> No.9403961

Oh I see, in that case:

13 Blood Elfs
3 Trolls
5 Draenei
2 Undead

>> No.9403970


>wants to know about face
>covers face with phone

>> No.9403972 [DELETED] 

you're a virgin?
wanna save the white race together?

>> No.9403974

The other pic had my face & this was the only body pic I could find

>> No.9403976

Nice :) add me on WoW
u got team speak or Skype?
ignore this guy btw he's kinda the board troll lol

>> No.9403984 [DELETED] 

haha quit it my man cmon dude lay off the memes

>> No.9403990

'I'm not like other girls! I can wear a barbie shirt but still reference video games! I'm super quirky but still hot and nerdy xd'

>> No.9403993

It's a halloween costume & I don't actually play >>9403976
sorry man

>> No.9403995 [DELETED] 

hello is jennifer here

>> No.9404013


Didn't realize that was you. I like your face. You have nice eyes.

>> No.9404086

what are your measurements anon?

>> No.9404097
File: 40 KB, 720x720, me 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have already modeled but only in a small firm

>> No.9404101

Nice, what was it like hiding zoolander in your apartment?

>> No.9404102

Fuck, I haven't seen you in a year

>> No.9404126


>> No.9404146
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x1832, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this picture again

i sent some photos but nobody responded ):

6'2 140 lbs

>> No.9404147


Damn Thor, I've missed you.


Fix your hair and skin first

>> No.9404150

acne is worse than normal there, it's usually better

any suggestions for hair? It's been a while since I've had a buzzcut but I feel like I'd look bad with it.

>> No.9404155
File: 143 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2 130lbs 21 talking to a few scouts rn but I'm already in school with a career.

>> No.9404170


No buzz. Hate to say for you to be a generic fuccboi and get a hitler youth esque cut, but I think it would be an improvement from the 90s school shooter thing you have going on right now.

Someone more creative could probably think of a better idea for it, especially since it's still long and there's a lot to work with.

>> No.9404173
File: 50 KB, 661x960, 10952718_925622157482115_2056491944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'6" 140 lbs
>inb4 massive lips

>> No.9404175

you look depressing

>> No.9404178

Go to open calls in person

>> No.9404180

you might be able to do some nude modelling but otherwise its not looking good for you.

I can put you in contact with some agents across the US if you post some more daring pics

>> No.9404181
File: 195 KB, 501x750, DSC_0189 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got scouted last year and did a shoot, this is one of the pictures. They didn't accept because they said my bone structure wasn't mature yet. Was 19 when it was taken.

>> No.9404182

id let you suck my dick

>> No.9404187

Seems weird for them to ask you to do a shoot without signing you, did you pay the agency?

>> No.9404192

no i didnt pay, it was like a test shoot. The guy who scouted me brought me to an agency and they wanted to see how i "shoot" so the guy took a couple pictures and ended up sending them to me after.

>> No.9404206

not whiteknighting I just like brown girls, 10/10 would wife, but you're no model.

>> No.9404261

who is this nigga

>> No.9404578


>> No.9404599
File: 105 KB, 1000x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dream is to be a model for rick owens but i doubt i could ever do runway since im not 6'

i get told that i have a really sexy androgynous look

>> No.9404600

yeah you have the right figure and such
your hips are a little wide, but you could probably get away with it?

did you actually do any work?

>> No.9404601

are you male or female?
it's hard to tell in that photo

>> No.9404604

female lol

>> No.9404605

timber is so gross looking
stop posting her even as a joke

>> No.9404609

well..........you're androgynous enough.....how tall are you?
5'10, 5'11 you can probably squeak by, since you are female, so you could be like reverse andreja pejic maybe.

actually iirc there WAS a female model who was androgynous and did alot of male shoots a few years back, but i can't recall her name.

>> No.9404630

not ugly,but not model tier

>> No.9404633

You look good,you just have to find someone what will accept your size

>> No.9404636

you look nothing like brad pitt

>> No.9404641

im 5'6

i was thinking that i could do solo shots or something so my height wouldnt be discernable

>> No.9404643

topkek I am this kid

>> No.9404644
File: 450 KB, 2592x1728, Image00015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can take reasonable photos but I wouldn't be able to model.

I don't live in a very /fa/ country. What's the best way to try and find work like this? Not looking for full time but would like to try it out.

>> No.9404648

usually the minimum for fashion models is 5'8"
you could be an actress, and then cross into modeling
but getting modeling gigs in the fashion world will be pretty tough probably, but I'm also not an expert.
take basic shots
submit to agency
see if they respond

>> No.9404652
File: 60 KB, 500x748, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a another pic with better lighting and no makeup

>> No.9404662

>take basic shots
Does it matter what I take photos of?
Is there a 'best' thing to take photos of?
I can't really go around asking people to take their photo because I dont have a hugely popular facebook page.

>> No.9404664

you look like a tree stump

>> No.9404670

how do you have enough strength to hold up the phone wtf

>> No.9404671

a 6"2' tree stump topkek buddy

>> No.9404676

Simple but honest polaroids would be sufficient, like a mugshot from different angles. Wouldn't dress them up with dramatic lightning, pondering expressions and quirky ensembles. They are not looking for the prettiest girl/boy on instagram.

>> No.9404679

well im vegen so thats why im not fat if thats what you mean. i can guarantee you that im in better shape and healthier physically and mentally than every non vegan out there.

>> No.9404683



>not fat
bitch you are a skeleton

>> No.9404687

its teen vogue, but it gets the point across
teach me how to be vegan anon, haha
but anyway, I mean, if you really want to make a stab at modeling, just submit your photos to a few agencies and see what response you get back.

>> No.9404688

hey man, chill out man.

>> No.9404689

That's advice i can give to anyone who is interested. It's not expected that you shit out a book by handing an entry level canon to your most bokeh of vignette friends.

I've seen some applicants at my GF's mother agency. Most of it is sepia toned 600x600 straight into the bin work. Too much make-up yadayada. I've seen some of her and her friends, and those weren't especially flattering. Not at all really. But that's windowdressing aka time wasting.

Just those poloraids, your measurements age and length and you're set. Or not. That kinda depends.

>> No.9404697

I think you probably look too normal to make it

>> No.9404699
File: 144 KB, 800x766, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

curious too

>> No.9404706
File: 82 KB, 661x960, 1422855946011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude the top half of your face is like an 8 and the bottom half is like a 2 that sucks

I rarely say this but consider surgery. You could be very attractive. Also fix that acne.

Straight up look at the difference, consider this shit

>> No.9404708

The person you're replying to is not the person in those pics, newfriend

>> No.9404712

do you know to what extent deviation from the "standard" measurements is allowed? because I'd like to model....but I'm a transwoman, so my chest and hips are within standard "range", but my waist is rather broad like 29"
I'm 6'2" though.

>> No.9404737

good effort

>> No.9404739

I wouldn't be able to tell you that. I don't think the norm applies in your scenario, might 'swell just take a punt and find out.

There are some things to take heed of. Such as are you going to apply as a female or as a transgender? Are you on hormones? If yes, how is that going to affect you in the coming years. Anyway, there are some uncertain aspect, call it risk if you may. Might not be everyone's cup of tea. Let alone if they are interested in a trans person at al. Don't think you can find much info about that on the web unless it some kind of cabinet of oddities agency. I wouldn't bother with those. Perhaps you're best of just sending out a bunch and see what sticks. Best of luck.

>> No.9404743

i think you replied to the wrong post though


>> No.9404746

hmm, yeah, I've been wanting to just try it out and see, but I'd like to have some success, so I wasn't sure if I should wait until my body looks better or what.

I'm on hormones, and have been for almost a year, but I think my body will continue to change for at least another year if not more.

I'd PREFER to apply as female, because I don't want to be the "transgender model" I just want to be a model, and I don't want people to know I'm trans (and my body is the only/main 'tell' really.)
Do you know what agencies might be most open? I really only have the submission page/form for a few agencies, but I do live near Los Angeles, so thats convenient I guess.

>> No.9404777

Hey where's an agency in bris bane

>> No.9404783

Is this Photoshop? You are an alien...

>> No.9404786 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-02-2015 at 10.07 pm #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 ft 140 pound

dont judge hiar got no fkn idea what im doing with it :(

>> No.9404794


>> No.9404852

That i cannot say, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

>> No.9405227

Yeah I have considered it a lot, but I would never be able to like explain the people I know why I got surgery. Still thinking about it tho

>> No.9405330

Yeah but the last job I had was in December. I'm thinking it may be easier to slim down when I'm no longer in school, and if I move to Toronto I could apply with Elite.

>> No.9405333

Would cuddle with 10/10 but I don't think you go for grills.

>> No.9405360

Are you sniggle?

>> No.9405715

maybe? I think it's easier to control weight if you count calories, the tediousness of it all makes you more conscious.
do you know how much weight you actually want to loose?
i mean, as it stands, it's not as if you're THAT off base, you know what I mean?

>> No.9405833
File: 601 KB, 1364x2128, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, here I am fuckos

>> No.9405839

I need to lose 10lbs to cut an inch off my hips, which sounds like it's not a lot but it really gives me a lot of brain fog, and I spend all day thinking of food which is terrible for my productivity. Counting calories is easy, sticking to a limit isn't.

>> No.9405902

oh yeah, see, what I do is drink ALOT of water, constantly, and it makes it much easier to not eat, but it also makes me have to pee alot.
thinking about food is the hard thing, but idk, after a few days it gets easier for me.
is your current weight your ''natural" weight?

>> No.9405954

It used to be, but now it's getting a challenge to maintain. Unfortunately water doesn't help brain fog...

>> No.9406020

hmmmmm, idk anon!
lifestyle change maybe? idk

>> No.9406314

Are you inbred?
That looks like it would hurt your breathing.

>> No.9406459

Do some research man, find out how much it would cost at various places you could go. It's always good to be informed

>> No.9407218
File: 114 KB, 1280x1024, Picture0040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150 lbs

>> No.9407320
File: 133 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 1-12-15 at 7.31 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it would be fun to do product/merch modeling, but that's about it

any documentary on runway makes it look REALLY not enjoyable as a profession

>> No.9407433

Supreme Gentleman

>> No.9407453

If I saw you walking the streets at night I would kill you.