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File: 160 KB, 736x859, gray-striped-dress-shirt-gray-tie-gray-pants-black-belt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9400540 No.9400540 [Reply] [Original]

Would people think I'm a pretentious faggot if I wore a dress shirt and tie to college?

>> No.9400546

Basic peasants will

>> No.9400554

no people will just think you're old and have a job that makes you do it. That or there's a career fair on campus

>> No.9400556

They'll assume you have an interview that day or an internship

>> No.9400557

Wearing a tie with a button up and no jacket is for children (literally)

>> No.9400564

no everyone would want to suck your dick. including teachers and men and animals.

>> No.9400589

This. Also, make sure you've got a decent watch and not a G-Shock or some shit. Good shoes too.

>> No.9400615

I think that it will be way too overdressed for college. Just go for more casual clothes

>> No.9400634

People will think you're a pretentious faggot if you are kek

>> No.9400643


>> No.9400678


IME there are three things that will prevent you pulling this off:

1. You won't have a dress shirt that fits properly. It will either be too puffy in the torso, too billowy in the arms, some combination, or the shoulders won't fit correct.
2. You won't iron that shit. You'll just assume that wearing it makes you better than everyone else, whereas everyone else is going to think you slept in your shirt. If it gets wrinkled throughout the day thats fine, but showing up to your morning lecture in wrinkle city will make you look like a child playing dress up.
3. You won't invest time into learning how to tie a proper knot. Instead you'll tie it differently each day. Some days you'll nail it, but most the knot will be too large, the length will touch your penis or belly button, or it will just look messing.

If you're willing to spend the time to shop for a couple shirts that fit properly, spend the time ironing for 5 min each morning and learn how to tie a knot properly on the go in a single attempt, then you may succeed. Anything else, you're going to come off as a child. Always wear a belt. I would say the same about a tie clip, but this photo looks weird with it without a suit jacket. I wear one in place of a pocket square because it's a functional accessory. Don't wear denim either. Not even $200 raws. Maybe a pair of black if they're slim but skinny. I think watches are try hard autism and I would avoid it. Or cop an Apple Watch in April, again it's actually functional.

If you take this advice you could be known as the sharp dressing man on campus. If you ignore my main points, you'll be the wrinkly ass try hard cosplayer.

>> No.9400680
File: 980 KB, 1400x2090, 1414278593012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i ask why?

like why do you want to dress like that outside of formal and semi-formal events?

also if you really want to, you just need to inject some casualness into your outfit to make it work

>> No.9400686


*slim but not skinny. also fuck proofreading :)

>> No.9400689

I always do. But I wear a sweater over it because I'm going to class, not an interview.

>> No.9400692

thanks mfa

>> No.9400695

yeah, dont wear it. esp since most kids dgaf what they wear

>> No.9400701


Not mfa at all, I just know what looks good and I've had to wear a suit on a handful of occasions. This is what I see young men like myself fuck up the most.

>> No.9400708

this doesn't look good

>> No.9400711

The kids who wear pajamas and shit to class are much worse than OP though.

>> No.9400714

why not?

fit is good, pants are cropped nicely, the blue color pallet is working, what's so bad?

>> No.9400716

>watches are autism
>buy apple watch

>> No.9400723

They're both wearing inappropriate clothing for the situation.

>> No.9400724

he looks like a diabetic elf.

>> No.9400727


>implying you won't be wearing one everyday within the next 5 years

>> No.9400779
File: 103 KB, 875x656, OmegaSpeedAngWeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A useless piece of metal that keeps a useless strip of fabric in place is more functional than a mechanical device that tells you what time it is.
>Buying a watch that dies if you forget to plug it in overnight and is yet another piece of unnecessary consumer electronic trash that goes obsolete and has to be replaced every year.
Holy shit, get a load of this pleb.

Being way overdressed for what you're doing is not the same thing as being well dressed. If you're just trying to look good then wear outfits that are respectable and well put together but in line with what is expected for the social situation that you're in. Or wear a shirt and tie every day if that's what you actually enjoy doing, it's perfectly fine in that case. But don't do it when it isn't called for just because you want to impress people, because that is the definition of being a pretentious faggot.

>> No.9400780


>autism intensifies

>> No.9400789

I just bought that exact same watch today... she's a beauty

>> No.9400836

not the guy youre arguing with but, arguably thats the models fault, not the fits.

I'd wear that if I walked the streets of london or new york.

>> No.9400841

prepare for a lot of
>anon are you going to a job interview?

source: personal experience

people will still think you're cool if you make it look presentable while simultaneously giving just the right amount of shit.

>> No.9400844

the shoes look like diabetic shoes.
the hat pulled up like that looks like a conical elf hat.

the model isn't helping any but the fit is retarded.

>> No.9400853

I wear a full suit on fridays when im in school. Basic-fags/poor-fags get jealous and sometimes even agressive. Chicks digg it. It turns heads everywhere i go.
So i say; get a jacket as well, then go for it. And if you cant tie your own tie, you dont deserve to wear one either. I would recommend the half-windsor knot, its clean and simple. You could try a trinity knot if you want to leap out.

>> No.9400857


Ties suck.

>> No.9400864

You suck.

>> No.9400870

9/11 comeback, would use myself.

>> No.9400872

>you just need to inject some casualness into your outfit to make it work

What the point? It's the stupidest thing, and pic. is stupid.

>> No.9400876
File: 188 KB, 640x800, TheGiftOfFlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so sad and mfa that it completely negates the (few) valid points contained within

To answer your question OP, some people may think you're a pretentious faggot but not all. Many will think you're autistic. Others will think you're a loser. Some will, of course, think you look good but a lot of them will be other dudes who dress like this. Avoid it at all costs man, it's college. Dress appropriate to your surroundings, not just to what looks "best". 90% of people at uni who dress like this look stupid as hell. The fact that you're asking whether you should do it also shows that your motivation for it is all wrong, so yeah all in all fuck no don't wear business clothes to college

>> No.9400884

I wear a suit (or shirt+tie in summer) every day when I'm working because I sell the shit and your outlook is completely wrong please change

>> No.9400888

At least the pajama folk are comfy while being inappropriately dressed. Business clothes people look like dorks too but are also far less comfortable.

>> No.9400890

You must be shitting me
I feel like you might be relatively new here. <8 months for sure

>> No.9400891

>I was too poor to live in the dorms 50ft from the campus

why go to college?

>> No.9401108

Graduate and business students dress professionally all the time.

>> No.9401870

>half windsor when the Four in Hand exists

>> No.9401876

>I think watches are try hard autism
nigga what

>> No.9401905

you made me remember yesterday

>last semester, economics course
>some visibly fresh out of the high-school teen with silly gelled hair and those big-tongue nigger/spic/poor people sneakers
>general wimp high school attitude
>this semester, yesterday
>go into toilet
>this guy comes out
>full suit
>TOP lmao

why do the econ/finance/business undergrad autists wear this shit to college? do they think it will boost their image or what? fucking

>> No.9401970

I see this shit sometimes in the B School. There's this one guy, who is very good looking, who wears these atrocious outfits every day. They usually follow this pattern:
>bootcut jeans
>black dress shoes, not wingtips
>ill fitting dress shirt by Champs
>3 button suit jacket, buttoned up usually
>a cheap tie (w/ an inoffensive pattern, fortunately)
>Burberry watch

And to top things off, he carries this gaudy monogrammed Louis Vuitton bag. He probably thinks he looks professional or something.

He's not gay or autistic or something. He just has zero clue. I want to help him out actually.

>> No.9401993

>1. You won't
>2. You won't
>3. You won't

Projecting much?

You don't even know the guy.

>> No.9402021


theres always one person like this at every college/uni

in mine it was some guy who always wore a horribly clashing vest and tie underneath of some pastel colored dress shirt, a massive belt, straight leg jeans blue jeans, and dress shoes that looked both oversized and completely out of place in his already horrible outfit

that and he spiked his medium length hair completely upwards all over, sides and back included

it was the most peculiar thing because he walked around with a ton of confidence and was generally really sociable with everyone. he was either so absolutely clueless and no one has ever had the confidence to tell him he looks like shit, or he's doing it on purpose

>> No.9402036


>he's doing it on purpose

master IRL troll. Dress like shit so everyone underestimates your true power level, and when you go out at the weekend dressed fully /fa/ no-one recognises you and you can get away with shit and then disappear back into the night. What if that guy is like the Clark Kent of /fa/

>> No.9402044

I really like this for some reason. Saved.

>> No.9402057

Lose the tie. Keep it rolled up or loosely folded somewhere.

>> No.9402061

I remember when I was 11

>> No.9402062

Can you wear a dress shirt, tie and chinos with a casual jacket like denim, wax canvas or leather jacket.

>> No.9402075

When I do, I pair it with a nice cashmere V neck to look a little less formal.

>> No.9402079


looks bomb as fuck its just not stealth mall ninja which believe it or not, is a minute section of fashion 90% of the population doesnt understand

>> No.9402091

elfmode fucker get out

>> No.9402094

are you fucking retarded? i think it is you that need to reevaluate your standards and not the person you tried to provide advice for. Your opinion simply does not matter to anyone if you think an apple watch is acceptale but a normal watch is not.

>> No.9402097

>implying it doesn't look better
bet you never wear a collar pin, m8

>> No.9402101

There was a kid at George Mason University before I transferred out that:

1) wore a three piece victorian style suit (where do you get that even?)
2) wore a cravat, not a tie, a fucking cravat
3) fake gold pocketwatch, two of them.
4) grew massive late 19th century English statesman sideburns
5) spoke in a fake, upper crust BRITISH ACCENT
6) carried a fake leather portfolio and refused to use a laptop, and wrote with a fountain pen on all occasions

What a FUCKING DOUCHE I wanted to scream in his face any time I saw him.

>> No.9402134

lmao i'm geeking out i think i know who you're talking about. did he also have a cane? there are multiple people like that there though

>> No.9402137

I don't remember if he had a cane or not but I'm sure he carried one around.

He's an Econ major from what I remember. This was about a year ago.

>> No.9402140

>speaking in fake brit accent
these people should be castrated and have their tongues cut off too tbh

>> No.9402158


Trinity knot if you have no self respect, get the fuck out of here. Are you 12? Do you think people will think you're cool and stylish because you spent 10 minutes tying an ugly knot?

Stop with this shit. Stop it.

>> No.9402196

>half windsor
muh nigga!

>four in a hand
it's horrible :/

>> No.9402214

>it's horrible

>> No.9402220

four in hand is actually quite in fashion right now

knot also depends on what you're wearing, I wear a tie every day and if I'm wearing a cardigan/sweater over my shirt it's always a four in hand. If I'm wearing a full suit for a more formal occasion I'll go for a pratt knot (basically a reverse half windsor that emphasizes the dimple in the tie) or a half windsor. For really formal events I'll go for a more bold knot with a full windsor.

Also, the material of the tie plays a role. Wool ties work best with four in hands and silk with windsors imo

>> No.9402400

yep. everyone takes the mick out of the fags who wear blazers to my classes and sit in the front rows and loudly discuss the hardest questions on the problem sheets.

only dress like that id that's what you always dress like. but people <25 can't really pull it off imo unless they're extremely handsome of course.

>> No.9402700

It wont take 10 minutes if you practice, just like everything in life. And if you make it tight enough, you wont even notice its a trinity until you get up close.

>> No.9402709

Because its ugly and too simple. Its ok if you are in a hurry and dont got the hang of doing a proper knot yet.

>> No.9402765

>four in hand is actually quite in fashion right now
Now, as in a year ago? Eat an ass, know-nothing.

>> No.9402770

Dress pants with a shirt and tie is the wedding uniform of a child.
Don't use a tie unless your jacket is in the room. Never use a tie clip.

>> No.9403457

>>ill fitting dress shirt by Champs
It kills me every time. It's all my boss wears and it drives my autism.

>> No.9404901

because it's too small and asymmetrical, at least for my taste :/
I prefer the half windsor because it is more symmetrical and bigger than the four in a hand but still not "huge" like the full windsor
I think the half windsor is a very balanced and versatile knot

>> No.9404928

>people that don't wear collar pins
Four In Hand is the dopest

>> No.9404969

lmao... you're just too socially inept to realize how everyone around you is cringing.... a common trait of teenagers wearing suits.

Now please go back to whatever autism-forum you came from and never come here again.

>> No.9405179

Unless you're a tiny guy or you're wearing just the jacket, four in hand always takes a back seat to the windsor and half windsor.

>> No.9405185

I can't agree with this.
Don't like the full windsor. Prefer Four In Hand. Half Windsor is alright.

>> No.9405189

You might prefer it, but the four in hand is a more casual knot.

>> No.9405195

Depends entirely on what you're wearing. Would you call a black suit/black tie/white shirt + four in hand casual?

>> No.9405201

No, it's a very dressed up outfit with a casual knot. It's not shit, a more intricate knot just looks better to me, and it fits the cutaway collar a lot better,

>> No.9405209

Good thing I'm not dictated by the opinion of other people then.
>tfw can actually think for myself

>> No.9405210

Is this that fucker that walks around banging that cane everywhere?

He clearly doesn't need a cane, yet he traipses about with it everywhere as if he were a pimp in the 19th century.

>> No.9405212

nice, I experience the exact same thing as u, I wear a suit to my TAFE classes 3 days a week, I always get comments asking why I'm so dressed up and why I'm wearing a suit when it's this hot haha (I do get quite sweaty I must admit),Well obvs because it looks good, Kay? anyway post a fit man, I wanna see how you Rock it

>> No.9405243

Yes you are, you're on /fa/ as much as I am.

>> No.9405278

>everything that isn't sneakers looks like elf shoes to me
>everything that isn't a five panel or a snapback looks like elf hats and fedoras to me

>> No.9405309

If I was influenced by the views of /fa/ then I wouldn't be wearing bespoke suits, m8.

>> No.9405319

But if people find out that you're dressing that way by choice, they may think you're weird. Most university/college students dress like utter shit.

If you want o dress that way, go ahead. It's well within social norms.

>> No.9405325

A windsor knot is literally a cheap imitation of a four-in-hand tied with a quality tie. It's not more formal. A formal tie is a bow tie.

>> No.9405328

>I think watches are thyroid autism
>Apple Watch
This was the only shitty advice this person gave.

>> No.9405334

Its the quintessential autism qiosk cellphone salesman knot and you should stop doing it.

>> No.9405338

This is fucking god mode.
Somehow the white socks don't look like shit.

>> No.9405341

>I think watches are try hard autism and I would avoid it. Or cop an Apple Watch in April, again it's actually functional.


>> No.9405366

Tie knots should correlate with spread of the collar. Smaller spread smaller knot. People who has little knots and wide spread collars or vice versa look autistic. Think past the symmetry of your tie and for your whole outfit.

>> No.9405433

and as we all know
widespread collar = maximum shig

>> No.9405456

Yes, I left a year ago for JMU but I'm sure he's adopted a fucking cane now.

>> No.9405603

Maybe its just me but I think that ties always look ridiculous unless you at least wear a blazer over your shirt. A tie is formal, while simply wearing a shirt is casual. It just doesnt go very well with one another.

>> No.9405729

You just dont have enough information to make a correct analysis my situation.

>> No.9405738

And even if your analysis would be correct, i still wouldnt give a shit if some would cringe, since it delivers pussy.

>> No.9405769

If you try to dress better for the sole purpose of getting pussy you should an hero

>> No.9405771

>every curryshit indian ever

>> No.9406240

Not quite, the windsor knot was invented to emulate the autistically wide knots of George V of England, who had his ties made extra thick.

>> No.9406243

That, or a bank teller. Don't wear a tie without a jacket champ.

>> No.9406290

shit man u sound like a cool popper

i sometimes wear my three-piece to a tafe multimedia course im doing (i wanna be a mangaka) and i can tell a lot of my peers really envy my sense of style. i try to offer them fashion advice, take them under my wing you know? but they just ignore it. im pretty sure the teacher is into me tho haha

>> No.9406312

At my uni there was this kid who would wear a fedora some days with cargo pants or whatever, basic autismcore shit. But one day he comes in wearing a full suit, quite well fitted, but on this pale, skinny guy he looked like a mortician. Or at least he would have if he wasn't wearing his trademark fedora, with the brim now absolutely filled with feathers. You know how you see hats with a single, colorful feather tucked in it? Well this guy had like 8-10 filthy fucking feathers that he obviously just found on the ground, picked up and stuck into his hat. Shit was unreal. I wish I got a photo

>> No.9406377

There was I used to see around at my university (in England) who dressed like that, except he always smoked a pipe and had a moustache that he curled up on the sides. He looked round my student house with his friends (who looked normal to be honest) to see if they wanted to rent it.

>> No.9406410
File: 145 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ndrj1gwwq71qb6rk6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, if you're going to wear a tie, wear some sort of layer over it, be it a sweater, light jacket or blazer.

Otherwise, the tie will draw way too much attention for an accessory.

>> No.9406549
File: 1.66 MB, 2000x3552, WP_20150121_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear shit like this to class every day because I have to wear it for work and I'm overdressed compared to 99% of other students.

People may not directly say or ask anything, but they're probably thinking it. I had a freshman in my spanish class ask me if I was a businessman or something because I always dress nice, kek.

You should listen to the people saying not to wear a tie.

>> No.9406559

Why if you can go in pajamas?

>> No.9406580

Getting pussy is what life is all about. Would be counter productive to do an hero.
And yes, i'll admit; if it wasnt for the posay i'd wear nothing but a morning robe.

>> No.9407777

>I do get quite sweaty I must admit
Try linnen, it's lighter and way better for hot weather

>> No.9407982


Check out these niggas, probably only had one tie in their life.

You use different knots depending on the tie. Depending on the thickness/type/material of the tie, I'll roll with a four in hand, half-windsor or a prince albert. If you have a silk knitted tie, you want to use a four in hand or else you'll have a massive tie. If you have an unlined tie, you'd probably would go for a half-winsor or prince albert depending on how the knot would end up looking.

>> No.9407990

>wants to look rich
>still goes to college

>> No.9408183

Go to the Fedora Lounge if you want to do this kind of shit

>> No.9409000

The realization is setting in.

>> No.9409006

I know this is a troll post. And its a pretty decent one. Leave it here or youll fuck it up

>> No.9409011

Getting pussy will never get you anywhere in life. If youre not making money youre wasting time.

>> No.9409013

>I think watches are try hard autism and I would avoid it. Or cop an Apple Watch in April

I can't believe I just read this on /fa/. Smart watches are autism manifested into a device. What the fuck are you on.

Also, for the people who think this dope gave good advice

>iron your shirt
>learn how to tie a tie

no shit?