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/fa/ - Fashion

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9399086 No.9399086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your tinder experience, /fa/.
Was she mirin your Ricks?
Did you compliment her on her fit?
Were you able to meet her without being as autistic as the people from the /fa/ meet?

>> No.9399097

crine that bitch looks like a boy

>> No.9399103

w2c buzzcut gf

>> No.9399184

Tinder, apparently.

>> No.9399192

I found pei on tinder.
Pei didn't swipe right.

>> No.9399196
File: 240 KB, 651x663, feelsgood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm planning on making a serious tinder push this spring. Going to have my photography friend take pictures in my sickest fits with cool backgrounds. Hopefully I will be in full otter mode by that point... also in I'm blonde/blue and drive a vintage corvette. Add muh confidence and social skills, which are pretty non existent amongst my engineer kin. Fuck it's going to be a good year.

Wondering if putting a photo of me chilling outside shirtless [re: abs] for my 4th or 5th photo is guido status or if it will play well. Would never post any photos with mein auto.

>> No.9399204


>> No.9399214


talking about my entire post or just the abs? lol

>> No.9399216

Blonde hair is for women.

>> No.9399220
File: 146 KB, 400x538, god_damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's dirty blonde, gets v. blonde in the summer from exposure though.

>> No.9399224

women are "blonde" men are "blond"

>> No.9399248

>Going to have my photography friend take pictures in my sickest fits with cool backgrounds. Hopefully I will be in full otter mode by that point... also in I'm blonde/blue and drive a vintage corvette. Add muh confidence and social skills, which are pretty non existent amongst my engineer kin
and unless your abs are better than /fit/ guys, don't bother.

>> No.9399253


>> No.9399271

I've never met any /fa/ girls on Tinder.
Out of the 10 or so dates I've gone on from using the app, 7 were awful and 3 ended in sex.
No one has ever complimented my fits, but I did a get a lot of "you're beautiful" or "your gorgeous" and stuff like that.
I'm a pretty shy guy, but I figured out after a few of these to just talk and not let some sort of awkward silence enter into it.
A girl I met on Tinder is coming over to "watch netflix" tomorrow and then another is coming on Monday.
I love Tinder.

>> No.9399277


I've never heard that before in the US. Wiki supports your claims though.

>> No.9399279

Tbh all that matters is that you have good facial aesthetics and you are not fat. Everyone I know who are successful in Tinder have a great face. Also they all are great with females in real life. If you don't slay tons of pussy in your daily life don't expect to get anything from tinder except maybe hideous whales.

>> No.9399293


I'm rather successful in real life, but I'm not opposed to using technology to make things easier. Once I left Uni the amount of women I'm exposed to on a regular basis dropped. I do fine when I go out, but I don't really love drinking, so I only go out 1, maybe 2 times per 2 weeks. I've been gathering numbers but been too complacent to follow through. I need to become thirstier tbh.