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/fa/ - Fashion

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9397106 No.9397106 [Reply] [Original]

don't really know if title is the right way to word it but basically what's the best looking way to stand / walk? you know like hand in pockets or folded arms, foot position all that jazz.

apologies if this is worded really badly

>> No.9397133

I usually walk with hands in pockets, and i when i stand I stand straight with arms folded
>mfw i am not /fa/
>mfw no face

>> No.9397234

is this bad?

>> No.9397239

Don't let other people's opinions change u, that's not effay

>> No.9397241

tall, natural and relaxed

>> No.9397244

yes, hands in your pockets is a sign of insecurity. Stand with your legs wide, feet pointing straight. Hands dangling freely at your sides. Pull your shoulders BACK, not UP. Relaxed.

Imagine there is a string going through your body and out the top of your head, you're a marionette. Now lift your head and the rest of your body to mimic the string being pulled up. And maybe hold your head back so your ears are between your shoulders (not too far forward, not too far back).

>> No.9397247

hands out of pockets
chest out
you're a ba

>> No.9397369

fuck off pua fags

>> No.9397375

just stand straight, don't slouch, keep your back straight

i also like to just ever so slightly keep my chin raised up

>> No.9397503

Puff chest out, arms raised high and spread wide
This asserts dominance.

>> No.9397512

I do this stupid thing where I stand with one foot flat on the ground as one foot with my heel lifted up and toes touching the ground, with my leg slightly rotated away from my body.

Whenever I catch myself doing it I get mad at myself and wish I could stop.

Other than that I stand/walk kinda faggy/swaggy. It creates a false sense of confidence.

All in all don't do this >>9397244

>> No.9397562

chin up, shoulders back, lips together, teeth together, tongue on the roof of your mouth,

didnt you go to finishing school?

>> No.9397564

this is all great advice but what do with my hands/arms?

>> No.9397599
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As long as your not swinging them wildly when you walk you dont have to "do" anything.

>> No.9397607

>really badly

>> No.9397613
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>> No.9397618

My arms are long as fuck, and I'm kind of a skinny bitch, so I used to never know what to do with them.
Fixed now, kind of.

I wear a backpack everywhere, which is handy anyway if I decide I need to buy groceries or some shit, and it means I don't have to have a clunky phone or wallet bulging in my pants. If I'm lost, I'll just kinda hold onto the straps in a way that feels comfortable.

If you wear bulkier jackets, you can usually get away with putting your hands in those pockets.

And if neither of those works, it helps to just always have something in your hand. Phone, iPod, cup of coffee, water bottle, umbrella, etc. Then just let the other arm hang down straight.

Just don't put your hands in your pants pockets. Especially not while you're walking.

>> No.9397651
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hands in pockets

>> No.9397652
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>mfw I've received countless compliments on my posture seated and standing

feels good man

>> No.9397661

This is probably one of the most autistic threads I've read on 4chan. Do you guys seriously worry about this?

>> No.9397663

In all my years of living, I've never learned what to do with my hands. Occasionally I would get really autistic and watch other people's hands, but then I notice that they have no idea what to do with them

Also, is it weird that I usually scratch my cheek or put my hands over my face and rub them down when I can't think of anything to do?

>> No.9397725

Straight back, chest forward, strong strut if you are a man. And move your arms side to side a little while walking, loose but controlled. Basically walk with swagger.

If you are a woman swing those hips so I can mire dat delicious booty (unless you are related to me or my future daughter).

>> No.9397748


>> No.9398897

I do this
no big deal
other than that, I walk with good posture, hands never in pockets unless it's cold as hell, always looking straight ahead, never at the ground

>> No.9398902

touching your face isn't good for your skin. keep em in your pockets or start carrying around a sketchbook. as someone who compulsively takes things apart w my hands or bites them, it's helped with making me look like a normal-ish, not insane person a ton

>> No.9398906

Yo I do that way to much... I'll either fix my hair or scratch an imaginary itch on my face or head

>> No.9398909
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>tfw /forwardhead/

Kill me.

>> No.9398920

My friends say I walk like I'm going to murder someone. I walk with upright posture very quickly and powerfully. But I'm somewhat of a big guy 4u.

>> No.9398925

Also I tend to dance slightly to the songs stuck in my head in conversation circles.

>> No.9398944

carrying a sketchbook is a good idea in general, actually.
1. you can draw anywhere
2. don't have to make eye contact while drawing
3. people will chalk up your freaky behavior to you being a quirky artist
4. drawing from life is indispensable to improvement
5. no more infected scratches and bites on your arms and hands if you keep yourself occupied
6. draw a sad picture instead of crying or vomiting in public

>> No.9398949

Stop saying "all that jazz"

>> No.9398962
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I can't figure out if my head is more foward or not. How can i go about correcting it?

>> No.9398968

yours looks better than mine, I know that much
you can do chin retractions (youtube it), and some wall exercises where you straighten yourself out

go to a flat wall
put your heels to the back of it (legs shoulder width apart), make your shoulder blades touch it too, make your butt touch the wall as well
then just lengthen your neck and hold it for a minute or two

>> No.9398982

>can I see your drawings anon?

Then they get to see your child like scribbles

>> No.9398991

what do you draw while you're still mastering figure drawing? patterns?

>> No.9399021

unfortunately, some people will try to approach you if they see you drawing. just show them one page in your sketchbook that you're proud of, or say "sorry, i'm kind of particular about showing people my stuff, etc"
more figures, obviously! drawing people from life is super important, just make sure not to stare at them too intensely. or just practice what you've learned. otherwise, just draw what makes you happy, whether it be patterns, dragons, plants, etc.

>> No.9399064

also, draw with pen or anything you can't erase. if you screw up, just start again. it builds discipline, makes you pay more attention to what you're doing, and makes your lines more confident.

>> No.9399341

Feet 3-4 feet apart to allow air flow in the crotch area and maximize pheromone dispersion.

Elbows at shoulder level or above, pits exposed. Raises test levels, shows dominance and authority.

Frown and push your lower jaw forward. Don't blink.

>> No.9399353

chin up is bad, makes it look like you've no jaw. bring your forehead forward and down slightly, it helps to define you jaw in normal lighting

>> No.9399659

>be a dipshit who can't decide how to stand/walk
>go to 4chinz so faggots can tell me how to
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? You're so autistic that you're asking people how to do things that mankind has been doing since the dawn of its existence.

>> No.9399745

faces, simple shapes, sketch fruit, dicks, etc
or pratice shading with simple shapes, then do it over and over again with a different shading strategy each time for shits to see which works best where

>> No.9399765

also a good idea, but prelare for a really smudgy sketchbook if u wanna shade w pencil

>> No.9399768

Forget standing, what about sitting?

Me? I just spread my legs

>> No.9399772
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I once went to a small party with a friend who was a theatre student. at the end of the night, on the drive back, he commended me on my overall posture and method of carrying myself, and told me that I was exercising the Alexander technique very well, although I had not heard of it. it was one of the nicest compliments I have ever received.


>> No.9399850

Fashion is literally how you carry yourself..

Remember: It's not about the clothing you wear, it's about how you wear it.

>> No.9399857

>Dominant, comfortable, and ultimately /fa/ body language

try again cuck.

>> No.9399903


Holy shit you motherfuckers are so autistic.

>> No.9399936

i'm actually schizospectrum, but nice try?

>> No.9400005

What is autism not rad enough for you?

>> No.9400030

>hands in pockets
>either look down at shoes or up at sky
>no eye contact under any circumstance
This is how you be /fa/

>> No.9400040

I'm autistic from the vaccines

>> No.9400054
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i do this, except I blink.

>> No.9400056



>> No.9400100

You niggers don't have phones preloaded with Candy Crush to keep your hands occupied?


>> No.9400159
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it totally depends on the situation, i think the main thing to focus on is keeping your core muscles tight and your shoulders back though.

if you're standing talking to someone, what your hands are doing will often rely on how close you are emotionally with that person or how engaged you are. there is no one size fits all option.

what I would like to know is what is the most attractive way to interact with qtpa2t's who are just passing by? i stock shelves part time, girls walk past all the time while doing their shopping and i find myself inadvertently scowling at them

>> No.9400193

A chiropractor. As pseudoscience as they are, they do help with posture.

You look like you have a similar problem to me; your hips are too far forward (kind of like the sway back) and so your head sticks further forward to counteract.

>> No.9400409

fuck i do that too. less now that i try to practice standing flat.

>> No.9400614



>> No.9401282
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>> No.9401292

fucking retards stfu
all u need to do is stretch the muscles that pull ur head towards and strenghten the ones that pull ur neck back
exrx.net is ur friend

>> No.9401298

its actually really ez, but takes effort to follow with the treatment plan. What I'm telling you is actually what you pay sport med docs to teach you, and the results depends on YOU. After decades of shit posture, You need to do this constantly.

The goal of this is to "reset" your posture and strengthen the muscles that you unconsciously use.

1) Practice standing up on one foot for 60 seconds. After you get use to that, try it with add arms crossed, then add eyes closed. Do this for each leg.

2) Practice walking with one foot in front of the other, then add arms crossed, then eyes closed.

Sounds easy as fuck, but actually pretty hard. If you want results, again stick with it.

>> No.9401479

I used to be really fat so now that I'm just sort of skinny fat my nipples look like they melted down my chest a few inches so I'm afraid to stand up really straight because people might notice my weird displaced nipples through my shirt is i stick my chest out too far :((
and I have gyno in my left tit :((((((

>> No.9401482

this is the only good answer in this whole thread

big guys 4 lyfe

>> No.9401517
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Print this and carry it OP.

>> No.9402009

Finally. Yes, you should walk like this. Notice how far apart his legs are spread and the positioning of his hands. His back isn't rigidly straight but he isn't slouching either.

>> No.9402154
File: 58 KB, 500x333, runway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]