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/fa/ - Fashion

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9382778 No.9382778 [Reply] [Original]

I left /fa/ about 3 or 4 years ago, and this is what was happening:

>Denim Dan was a meme
>Casemods finally disappeared
>"dadcore" had just become a term after some /mu/ or /sp/ guy spammed it all summer
>rick owens/yohji yamamoto and dropcrotch had replaced selvege, 1000 miles, and fitted button ups
>sieg heil was still here (and it appears he still is)
>everyone in WAYWT threads always insulted, almost no compliments or constructive criticism ever
>"what cigarettes do you smoke?"
>/fa/ was better than /r/mfa
>snapbacks and geobaskets

What's the same? What's changed?

>> No.9382805

seems pretty much the same except the first two, and /pol/ invaded

>> No.9382830

replace goof with normcore/paleshit and its basically the same

oh and pigfuck

>> No.9383017

Less memes, more trips, and shittier tastes.

>> No.9383026

Casemods left 3 or 4 years ago? Holy shit i've been here a while

>> No.9383039

Case mods was chased off not even two years ago

>> No.9383083
File: 529 KB, 1076x1308, 1421807338055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothings the same, everythings changed. Which is why I barely browse /fa/ anymore

>> No.9383266

he's left a few times most recently being around 2 years ago

>> No.9383663

>Case mods was chased off
How could /fa/ simply chase off the best shitposter in the history of this board? I miss the guy. He brought an air of levity to a place that frequently became too smug for its own good.

>> No.9383734

casemods disappeared in the summer of 2013

>> No.9383769

I just popped back in today for the first time in a while. Poet's last thread was the last thing I remember - that was about a year or two ago yeah?

>> No.9383912
File: 21 KB, 542x602, feel_fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Denim Dan was a meme
Denim Dan is over now.
>Casemods finally disappeared
Knochensack and Poet left something like 2 years ago. There are plenty of new trips (q_ko, huck, pigfuck, etc)
>"dadcore" had just become a term after some /mu/ or /sp/ guy spammed it all summer
"Dadcore" is still used.
>rick owens/yohji yamamoto and dropcrotch had replaced selvege, 1000 miles, and fitted button ups
Gothninja and avant-garde stuff is slowly turning to a meme that no one wears anymore but everyone still refers to. "Palewave" and japanese comfycore/streetwear is getting bigger and bigger.
The new /fa/ uniform is basically white sneakers, black skinnies, white/grey/black tee shirt, sweatshirt or sweater and a bomber jacket.
>sieg heil was still here (and it appears he still is)
>everyone in WAYWT threads always insulted, almost no compliments or constructive criticism ever
People still shit on everyone else in WAYWT threads, but i'd say there's some more real cirticism.
>"what cigarettes do you smoke?"
Hungry skeletons surviving via black coffee and cigarettes are less numerous (or at least less visible).
>/fa/ was better than /r/mfa
/fa/ is just slighlty better, but everyone keeps shitting on mfa.
>snapbacks and geobaskets
Snapbacks are over.
Geobaskets are almost over and have tunred to a meme.

>> No.9383957

I started posting here 2 years ago. I remember it being full of hungry skeletons and fat hatred, posts about < 1000 calorie diets etc. Where did they all go? They just seemed to disappear overnight.

>> No.9384135

They starved to death.

>> No.9384153

It was longer than that, and he was right on every fucking point.

>> No.9384156

>The new /fa/ uniform is basically white sneakers, black skinnies, white/grey/black tee shirt, sweatshirt or sweater and a bomber jacket.
that has been the uniform for like 2 years now

>> No.9385116


/fa/ is degenerating into suit threads, peacoats, and general menswear shit

also everyone pinrolls regardless of their fit and the waywts are at an all time low

we need strawtengu

>> No.9385124

denim fucking dan

i wonder what that guy is up to now

>> No.9385129

Probably looking good

>> No.9385143

most likely because he left this shit hole

god speed, denimdan

>> No.9385151

Not really. No one wears that anymore but euro. Most posters are wearing stonewashed jeans with a 90s sweater or jacket and nbs now.

>> No.9385182

this place has always been a joke amongst sufu and even rmfa. the cookie cutter edgy clothes of DD, tricky dick, raf semens and muh minimualizm and memeochrome. its just embarassing.

this place reeks of insecurity and its toxic. not to mention all the kids here who try to "be into fashion" to get laid

and then you have autists obsessed with chasing off decent tripfags. so this place remains a joke

>> No.9385186

That was last year.
See >>9385151

>> No.9385325
File: 280 KB, 424x471, amphibian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though OP doesn't seem to have made a thread to complain about the state of /fa/, this is usually what these kinds of threads tend to end up like. I'd say that complaining about shitposting, without providing constructive advice, is shitposting.

If you don't like it here, then I think you have three decent options:
- Try to change the place for the better
- Try to enjoy the board, without shitting on it by complaining
- Leave

Are you seeing shitty fits in WAYWT? Provide them with honest and well-informed criticism and help the new posters improve. If you're feeling ambitious, then make an infograph about the most pressing concerns. Remember that a shitty fit is not the same thing as “not your style”. If the WAYWT threads are still not to your liking, then don't browse them.

Are there too many memes? Post other quality content, or just click “hide thread”. If you're the serious type and not that into memes, then 4chan may the wrong place for you to hang out. Just saying.

Too many tripfags? Help them post more quality content, or filter them. If that's too hard for you, then leave. One alternative is to ask the mods to remove tripcodes from the board, but that seems very unlikely. “drop trip” doesn't seem to work, btw.

Are the browsers too uninformed in general? Make infograph threads. Write long comments. Spread your wisdom in any way you can. Ask for stuff to be added to the sticky. Fuck, ask the sticky to be completely rewritten.

Has the old trips left, and has the board changed from what you were used to? Well, that's too fucking bad. People change, and this board will continuously change and evolve – just like fashion. If you don't like it here anymore, then you should try to change it to whatever you believe to be “the better”, or leave – just like the old trips. There are plenty of other fashion forums you can grace with your presence.

Apply yourselves.

>> No.9385826

>this place has always been a joke amongst sufu and even rmfa

Which is interesting, seeing as /fa/ made it a habit of posting thread after thread mocking them a few years ago.

>> No.9385896

>What's changed?
We have a new mod/janitor that likes deleting everything

>> No.9386053

Underrated post

>> No.9386099

people are more susceptible to actually dressing like the rest of the Internet, instead of setting trends

>> No.9386193

>yfw poet now posts 10 times a day on reddit because it's the only place he can get the unconditional positive regard he so craves

>> No.9386539

I think that's kind of misrepresenting him. He was a pretty chill voice who probably did better than about 90 percent of the "lunarcore" fags who were posting at the time.

>> No.9386556

/fa/ has gone to shit

it's being invaded by redditors. wayyy too many new trips shitting up the board

>> No.9387526

lol. the people here have obv given up. they prefer to complain... this board will remain shit.

>> No.9387549

agree with your whole post until 'strawtengu'
one of the worst posters /fa/ has ever had

>> No.9387575

Very nice, although you'll probably get a one word anwser for this well thought out passage. Like another anon said here there's no notable effort to change and given the nature of the hobby people are naturally so into themselves they write off real advice as shitposting and respond with a less thought out response. Its almost as if /b/ has found fashion here because there's no actual discussion without it devolving into pointless and baseless insulting. Try asking for WAYWT and you'll get a "it's shit" cheeky comment like the poster is a fucking 10 year old saying "I know you are but what am i" and its annoying.

>> No.9387577

Advice in a WAYWT*

>> No.9387582

You are delusional if you think /fa/ was better then. No one ever actually talked about fashion, it was just one endless tripfag circlejerk.

>> No.9387601

I still fap to Slater everyday.

>> No.9387612

those threads get deleted by mods. .i once made one and it lasted about 5 seconds

>> No.9387645

what is 4chan

>> No.9387652


there were people here that asked about zara, uniqlo or h&M coats anywhere from $150-450 and dumped fit room pics

however upon getting real advice from people who went the zara route and informed him it was a bad decision, and how quality, fitment and construction were all things where zara suffered. had people posing links from revolve and blackbirdballard sale pieces being the same price.

but all that effort, all that time was wasted.
people will buy what they want.

on waywt threads people aren't looking for advice on how to improve

they just want a pat on the back from the internet for wearing a meme brand or following an internet trend

waywt threads are basically just social media hangouts

not really worth helping anyone on /fa/

i like to put them in their place when some kid acts pious about ACNE being teh bezt brand and harassing a kid who's new to /fa/

but other than that i don't care about what is in any of your closets.

matt helders was probably the only one mature enough at a young age to take constructive criticism and apply it.

when he left /fa/ he was pretty damn jacked and well dressed.

>> No.9387684

Honestly WAYWTs are usually one of two things.
1. A bunch of tripfags/namefags trying to ether each other and derailing the whole thread. More than likely no new pictures are posted from either trips to settle anything just old pictures to say "embarrassing" that derails the entire thread into oblivion. Most likely involving Birthday, Trunks, Resu, and the newest CoolCoolWater. Oh yeah and that worthless kid who talks about SLP all the time.
2. A bunch of newer posters, some asking for help (Not all get it, usually gets a boring ass "Lurk more" response or nothing but insults) some not. While somebody makes another thread somewhere complaining that the state of /fa/ is bad because the WAYWT is bad. When in reality that's not quite the case.

>> No.9387694

>Most likely involving Birthday, Trunks, Resu, and the newest CoolCoolWater.
You forgot oioi m8.
And he's probably the worst.

>> No.9387700


The irony is that if someone is actually wearing Rick or CCP or whatever, they get ignored.

>> No.9387704

Place is worse than ever, mostly clueless newposters hopping on microtrends invented on this board with really nothing behind them to make them actual styles, the overall trend seems to be looking like a basic as fuck, basically everyone looks like any average faggot walking down the street except everyone here thinks highly as fuck about their average ass fits. There are few exceptions but unfortunately they are very few.
Ton of clueless as fuck newtrips who spout shit in ever possible thread without knowing really anything. We have legitimate threads about buying fake products of chinese sweatshops.
This place is still better than r/mfa but that really isn't saying much.
I really only come here to check out inspothreads for new shit and just to see different styles and ideas every now and then that I see on streets and to help out people on fuccboi threads. Basically I gave up on trying to 'change' this place to better or providing stuff or trying to learn anything from here because majority of the posters are so clueless.

>> No.9387708

how are you still alive

>> No.9387722

I agree, I don't get what offends me more. This or when people who wear designer items and the fit is trash and they get super butthurt when they get criticism to the point where they lash out at everyone. Like that guy who talked down to everyone concerning his collection of Rick marshmellow runners, KVA Icarus, and Ann D boots. Which are all nice (I don't like the original Rick Runners cause they look weird in whatever kind of fit you try to pull them off in) but he thought he was some kind of fashion god. Posting his pic with the IPad, got ripped a new asshole and destroyed the rest of the thread.
People for some reason take him seriously. The only reason OiOi bothers me is because he doesn't even apply himself in his rusing shenanigans. He never changes his boots. Never changes his stance. Never changes his pants. And never changes his overall straps either.
Most of this is correct. The problem with the basic nature of the fits is because people tend to rip on others because they have a different style, or way of putting together clothes rather than bomber/parka, jumper, Stans/CPs. Its the reason why everyone seems to completely hate Huckleberry. Which if he could afford to buy better quality clothing, would have pretty good potential because he's arguably the most original active user that posts in WAYWTs.

>> No.9387726
File: 54 KB, 424x550, 1397034045396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The userbase has pretty much given up on the community then? I can see how that keeps people from contributing with quality content. Makes me wonder if it's worth the effort of trying, really.

I can picture users coming here as fashion newbies, and then educate themselves on all this - and then realize that this board is shit and a waste of their time - and move on to better forums.

>> No.9387757


That's just fucking pleb shit though. How many people on here actually walk into showrooms or buy high fashion pieces retail? And not just shit they think is popular on here like geobaskets or whatever the fuck.

>> No.9387794

>it was just one endless tripfag circlejerk.
that's what it still is

at least back then being a trip MEANT SOMETHING
now it's just new reddit transplant comes over picks up a trip and starts attention whoring

>> No.9387802

or they stay and shitpost like me

>> No.9387804

>The userbase has pretty much given up on the community then? I can see how that keeps people from contributing with quality content. Makes me wonder if it's worth the effort of trying, really.
you talk like this place is reddit

there's no "community" here. no "quality content"

it's a place to come and laugh at best, that's why i come here

>> No.9387838

There actually are high fashion consumers here, they're just somewhat rare. dada and Trunks along with Mamma own high fashion pieces and frequently post in WAYWTs. Others either don't post in WAYWTs, or have migrated to other fashion forums say Stylezeiteist or Sufu. If you want real discussion on "high fashion" it'd be worth it to check those forums as they can give you real definitive advice and discussion as the average poster in other fashion forums has actual designer pieces. /fa/ and MFA have userbases that have generally aren't able to afford designer.

>> No.9387862

not OP, but I hadn't been here in 18 months or more
the biggest thing I remember is black coffee+smoking, why did people stop?

>tfw you love smoking but you quit
i hate that feel.

>> No.9387875

shaddup poet.

>> No.9387906

The souls of vapid fashion whores will sustain my wretched, rotting corpse for a millennium.

>> No.9388058

Denim Dan. Got a lifetime of hard-earned folk wisdom.
Denim Dan round the campfire a few nights ago.
Says he ain't never trusted no man without a little dirt under his fingernails.
Says "Never slap a hooker when she's chewin' tobacco."
Works hard and drinks hard.
Reveals how he was born in the back seat of a greyhound bus.
Knows when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.
once shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
Don't own nothing but the clothes on his back, one pair of blue jeans and this here guitar.
Denim Dan.
All-American Hero

>> No.9388686

>Hungry skeletons surviving via black coffee and cigarettes are less numerous (or at least less visible).
They have achieved absolute urban stealth fam

>> No.9388726

People are dressing like niggers and we have daily sneaker threads

>> No.9388790

>All-American Hero
Isn't he Canadian?

>> No.9389702

2d mode?

>> No.9389720

everyone gave into the power of mcdonalds donut burgers

>> No.9390075


gas the kikes. Race war now.

>> No.9390144
File: 29 KB, 500x373, lt-dan-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lieutenant dan!! :D

>> No.9390750

You're a person

>> No.9390774

You're not acknowledging that in places such as a fashion board on a Hungarian sex toy website, that stating the problem and being aware of it is always the first step. It serves a purpose.

>> No.9392247

Don't you fucking ruin it


>> No.9392251

you were before my time i was always sad that I never had a chance to overtly hit on you with your beautiful moustache

>> No.9392330

thanks dan

>> No.9392440

Casemods was still around like a year and a half ago, just sparsely.

Cigarette threads are a lot less common, that's nice.

Constructive criticism has gone up, so that's also kinda neat.

Way more fucking hair threads now.

Missing a lot of the cool trips that did well-informed garment or designer generals. Sometimes the designer ones are attempted, but they're usually shit shows.

There's a lot of really worthless newtrips right now.

Geos aren't going anywhere, but they have gone into a bit of a remission.

Dadcore doesn't get thrown around so much.

Overall, /fa/ is still a shit show.

>> No.9392477
File: 487 KB, 245x400, tumblr_m4azrlSX1f1qa2j0ao1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knoch still posts

smoking is healthfagged

memechrome is the new boring standard, threads have been reduced to the same generals every 3 days

being a random namefag guarantees atleast 2 replies for being a namefag meanwhile if you're still posting on anon your opinion is voided

DEGENERACY IS NOT /FA/ is the most forced meme this board has ever seen even though it's basically one guy posting a close up of a SL models face that is probably still better looking then the creator at any angle it's hilarious actually

infact saint laurent hate is the reason I still lurk just because it's so damn entertaining to see so many poorfags find purpose in their shitty dull lives by attempting to derail any thread with the slightest mention of Hedi

this is still my favorite gif I've found here and it is literally never posted ever, the model even moved on from his agency and started walking for SL since

>> No.9394060

knoch doesn't post anymore since after christmas last year

>> No.9394511


When did you leave KC /int/ lad?

Recognise that image m8.

>> No.9394627

knoch's comeback didn't even last a week,
and that was over a month ago.

>> No.9394644

well the people on 4chan expect you to act as a stylist/consultant/shopping assistant/concierge and price guarantee service for free

there is no benefit in helping curlgurl find a dress for a dinner party

there is no benefit in legit checking some fillipino streetwear fan's 5th hand nylon DRKSHDW diffusion line bomber from 2008.

sure you guys complain about it

but if we did help you would complain about something else.

its something that only makes sense when you find the style you like, get into a routine where you can realistically afford the designer clothes discussed here

where you can have fun with it by calling people idiots/clueless and fuck with the userbase in general

so the answer is why don't you act like online shopping constants and assistants is...those are actul jobs and is not fun

if you want that help and need that help

go pay a professional for those services

you cheap shit

>> No.9394741

>This or when people who wear designer items and the fit is trash and they get super butthurt when they get criticism to the point where they lash out at everyone.
I think it's hilarious that everything you try to bring some holier than thou statement up you just end up describing yourself. Why are you typing out all this shit like you are on some higher plan of thought. You are the same trash you are constantly putting down. When you posted that ridiculous fit with the bless shirt you got shit on to the ends of the earth. What did you do? You defended yourself with none other than the classic argument of
>b-but it's designer
When you posted your sick bottom of the clearance bin 4th hand Rick shorts cop, what did you do when people shit on them? Play it off as they were cheap. If you want to be this pseudo-intellectual persona on this board or even attempt to make yourself sound anything other than a whining bitch you are going to have to try much harder than you are now.
>would have pretty good potential because he's arguably the most original active user that posts in WAYWTs.
I don't know why I just typed that paragraph this statement is in and of itself all I needed.

>> No.9394777

I can't quite decide if this is an incredibly well thought out mets troll or just an incredibly delusional SLP degenerate trying to post things that are objectively wrong.

Also that gif is easily the most embarrassing shut I've seen on this board ever.

>> No.9395311


>> No.9396177

how the fuck did sieg post the best thing i have ever seen on /fa/

>> No.9396204

sieg you cant legit check shit, a few days ago you called someones rick leather fake becouse it had the new tag, /fa/scist then confirmed it for being legit. flaunting outdated info isnt /fa/, i know you know a lot of stuff about many things but you cant seem to be able to admid that you make mistakes sometimes

>> No.9396218
File: 9 KB, 240x310, 060924034728_u2rl6eq1oj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


which can be condensed to: lurk more

/fa/ etiquette has diminished, especially because of the growing population.

This place used to have way more informed posters, and loud mouth newcomers were properly roasted.

It's proper etiquette for any online forum/imageboard. How are you just going to jump in and shitfling your hot opinions when you dont even know the taste and vibe of everyone whos going to read what you post?

it's arrogant and clueless to start a new thread with a mundane question or topic which has been resolved countless times on this board

put it this way: that rexy/resu trip was annoying as fuck, and for every trip like that there is an influx of like 200 anons with equally shit opinions

>> No.9396284

you spent 5 posts trying to convince people it was real

admitted you bought it off of ioffer for $50 shipped and that it was most likely a fake due to poor construction and cut

then in the same thread claimed it was legit to cover your tracks

you know its fake as fuck

you also claimed that the zipper had brand markings when it was clearly visible in the full size image with being a blank back

/fa/scist is a poser the dude doesn't know anything

also his trip is more public than mine 90% of /fa/scist's posts aren't marcus

you're transparent as fuck dude

>> No.9396315
File: 2.21 MB, 4160x3120, 20150127_031545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send this to rick owens customer service and see what they tell you ;)

>> No.9396323
File: 2.17 MB, 4160x3120, 20150127_031604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the back of the tag

>> No.9396327

let me know if you need any more closeups or timstaped pics, maybe you can "legit check" some of my BBS pieces next

>> No.9396411

"Lurk more" is extremely important, tho I think the state of the sticky has something to do with how shitty this board sometimes is.

Many probably tried to read the sticky but they straight up couldn't, or found some outdated shit that even they, newfags, knew doesn't apply today.

As someone already said, rewriting the sticky is a p good idea to make this a better place.

>> No.9396522

That's from Schneider SS11 video is on utube

>> No.9396530

Or 08 , the one when it's filmed like they're having a school picture taken

>> No.9396812

Fucking on point

>> No.9398144
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>> No.9398192

>made in moldova
might have well been made in bangladesh

>> No.9398196

literally reddit: the post

>> No.9399017

>please post quality content

>> No.9399104

Seriously, who has the authority to edit that shit?

>> No.9399106

nah. More like add.

>> No.9401030

not janitors. only mods can do that. how to get in touch with them? no idea. how to suggest rule changes? no idea. it's a part of those great administration-community relations that 4chan is known for.

>> No.9401054

>not getting that that's the point

>> No.9401061
File: 53 KB, 668x937, 1422732355809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw banned for a year for impersonating cooltop

>> No.9401074

Apart from casemods just about nothing has changed

>> No.9401078

that's a bannable offense?

fucking mods protecting tripfags

>> No.9401100


it was at the time, this was like 4 years ago, probably more

every time he posted he would be immediately banned, the word "cooltop" wasn't allowed in the posts, there was even a huge sticky telling people to report him if the saw him, and i thought it'd be funny to have a go but then it wasn't so much

>> No.9401125

>tfw when jackal left.