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/fa/ - Fashion

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9391897 No.9391897[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what games do you play /fa/?

>> No.9391904


Pick one, manchild.

>> No.9391910
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Fashion Souls

>> No.9391911
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League of Legends
Bronze 5
help me

>> No.9391917
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Mount and Blade: Warband

>> No.9391921
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the one and only

>> No.9391926
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>> No.9391928

last game i played was bioshock infinite

i am a casual now, sometimes i'll fuck with people on dota and play that wisp to teleport people into the enemy base and feed

play mtg in person though, going through a judge program so i can start dicking around at pptq's and get more free entry fees

>> No.9391929

GTA V single player

>> No.9391932
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>> No.9391945

omg that's really scary

>> No.9391948
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Elite Dangerous

>> No.9391959
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who here is hiding their powerlevel real hard?

nobody knows i play video games

>> No.9391967

Payday 2

Alpha as fug

>> No.9392233
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Only the edgiest

>> No.9392265

1.stop feeding
2.buy ward
3.get gud

>> No.9392273

>buy a gaming laptop
>realize all games suck now
damn what a waste of money

>> No.9392282

None, although sometimes when I'm depressed I play one of the few games I used to play when I was a kid. Nostalgia is a good antidepressant.

>> No.9392334
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that playtime is fucking weak bro

>> No.9392336

I dont hide my powerlevel, but i dont advertise it either. If it comes up in conversation i will talk about games just just like i would talk about movies or books or food.

>> No.9392341

Mah niggers. There's nothing more /fa/ than conquering Calradia with your Swadian bros.

>> No.9392345

Would highly reccomend gekokujo mod, the armour you can get for your character is most effay

>> No.9392349

1.2k hours on css, ~950 hours on csgo
only betting now, shits boring.
played a little euro truck simulator
can't get into it
tried payday, dumb af because cheats make it late
so tired of GTA
not autistic enough for LoL or Dota
probably go back to dicking around in Ableton when I'm done with my Six Sigma

>> No.9392351

This is how you should do it. If you try to hide it you will be all awkward about it when they eventually find out. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.9392354

I played NWN1 recently. The first Sands of Fate fanmodule is even /fa/ related. The clothier in the game has a mannequin where you can switch between all kinds of clothing variations for each part of your body. gloves, forearms, boots, cloak, etc. etc.

never have felt so geared for an adventure.

also, been playing Trine 1 and 2 on steam, some Dark Souls too.

>> No.9392357

I must admit I'm more of a multiplayer guy. 1500 hours, most of it in MP. Be it Native, cRPG or Mercenaries.

>> No.9392369

That's the most sensible way to do it. Just treat it like any other thing, because that's what it is. Actually going out of the way to hide your powerlevel is what makes it autistic. Who wants to be around somebody so insincere about what they like?

>> No.9392404

i want to get into mtg what should i do

>> No.9392406

Have lots of money.

>> No.9392408

>buying a gaming laptop
Unless it was Sager you goofed.

>> No.9392418

fallout 3

>> No.9392427

Which rank in cs go?

>> No.9392507

Killing Floor, Ayy Day 2, Risk of Rain, Binding of Isaac. Feeling a hinkling to pick Crono Trigger back up and finish it.

>> No.9392516

its not massively high spec and i didnt buy it for games as such, still i thought thered be a game or two i wanted to play

>> No.9392522

Currently MGE, because of derank from an internet outage. I play like 3 matches a week, usually as a CEVO sub. Stopped paying for ESEA in October.

>> No.9392532
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Nice fits bro.

>> No.9392582

Skyrim (I want to play again but I need to grab the saves from my old laptop)
Battleblock Theater

and a few indie games here and there from gamejolt

>> No.9392601

Sim City BuildIt on iPad
Diablo 3 RoS and skate 3 on my 360
Also WoW and bf3 as soon as I get my lost laptop back which could take years

>> No.9392602

who /PatricianFuccbois/ here

>> No.9392618

10 years of dota, yeah boy

>> No.9392635

wish i could still say world of warcraft but i quit a little while ago

>> No.9392637

>not being ilvl 658
>not being 7/7h 7/7n and 1/7m

>> No.9392647

I'd carry u if it wasn't for the division restriction for duos

>> No.9392653

ESO for now only. I love games but if I play more than two hours I feel I am wasting my life so I just stop playing. I never finish games nowadays.

>tfw jelly when my friends all play Destiny together
>tfw if I buy a PS4 I know I won't use it so I'll just waste the money

>> No.9392656

Play TW2. Most /fa/ game as of recent

>> No.9392676

If you treat games as a job or competition of course they're going to suck.

Just pick up a random game and go at it, if you don't like it just drop it and try again with another.
On a side note, I just finished DR3. Replaying the the earlier ones now

>> No.9392684

Youre going to hate the first one

>> No.9392695
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I have a PS4 yet I still only play THUG and PES 6

Pic related, THUG

>> No.9392705

Eh, I played the first one three years after DR2 and enjoyed it a lot more. It's stricter and more. focused, and I think that makes it a more interesting experience.

>> No.9392711

dota 2
battlefield 4
beatmania iidx

used to play mtg but got a 50 year ban

>> No.9392713


>> No.9392743
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I am supremely casual but I played through the Witcher 2 again recently and really enjoyed it.

>tfw sticking with less powerful armor because it looks better
>tfw immediately getting Geralt a haircut

>> No.9392752
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cmon buddy

and steam stopped counting most of my hours back in 2013 cause i pretty much stopped playing anything m&b related but crpg

btw who /crpg/ here lets get a bannerstack goin

>> No.9392784

Dota 2

And I have an Nes, Snes, N64, and gamecube in the living room that I break out when I have friends over. Play some castlevania 4 or super mario world or ninja gaiden or fzero

Naruto clash of ninja 2 was me and my room mates thing for a while lol

>> No.9392834
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>no paradox international ITT
>no grand strategy
casual scum

where my autists at????

>> No.9392837
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Most effay game reporting in

>> No.9392843


mostly just Super Smash Bros

>> No.9392846

fuck paradox

>> No.9392860

2007 runescape

>> No.9392862

wow i thought i was talking with grown ups, turns out this is manchild central. i am OUTRAGED

only acceptable games are classics like SNES or tetris, shit even ps1 is good... not fucking WoW

>> No.9392863
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i was better @ the game than u when i quit 2 months ago
step up ur game m8

>> No.9392867

u wot m8 ur a cheeky cunt u are

>> No.9392880

mained mage since tbc and quit 2 months ago as well

This is the only expansion I have found them boring, having their entire kit revolve around a fucking crystal is awful, idk how they are now.

>> No.9392884

ya they were trash when i quit
fire was fun in mop but they killed it
wod is just boring as a whole imo

>> No.9392888
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i went back to WoW like a month ago. didnt play beyond the free 10 days.

its a childrens game really i guess. like all the dialogue is so cringeworthy and the characters are so paper thin.
dont get me started on pandas.

guess it didnt help that i left at the end of Wrath. it was sad coming back to a world i didnt recognise rather than all those places i used to play in as a kid ;_;

>> No.9392900

how r u better than me? did u get further than 1/7m ????
i've pugged the whole game cuz guilds h8 me but i finally found one thats gonna rape BRF on tuesday
>playing wow for anything but big numbers and progression
who tf cares about the lore when u top healing/dps charts and get sik loot
gotta dem ilvls

>> No.9392905

i play priest so im better than u

>> No.9392909

ye got 3/6m in like 2weeks m8 new tier is joke city & boring
>farm babby

>> No.9392946
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I recently started playing GW2

>> No.9392959
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i enjoy playing unpolished trash european action rpgs and im the only person on the west coast excited for this piece of shit

>> No.9392964

I don't play any games
>I don't play video games either

>> No.9392984

Last year was a lot of m&b but then my laptop died
I've been inching along in the witcher 2. Never played it before.
I have a lot of fun playing as ufc online.

>> No.9392991

3/6? it goes up to 7 m8...
r u tryin 2 ruse me

>> No.9393065

Why not just sink years into PoE?

>> No.9393072
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Conquering Calradia with your Sarranide bros

>> No.9393115

which one?

>> No.9393124

Fashion Souls 2 obviously