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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 794 KB, 1920x1080, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9383894 No.9383894 [Reply] [Original]

What's /fa/'s edc?

>> No.9386466


>> No.9386471

>that cig box
aussie spotted

>> No.9386477

I think he might be Canadian actually

>> No.9386483


>> No.9386485

Why do you guys smoke when you can see the obvious health risks

its also really expensive (here it is anyway) and smells awful

>> No.9386497
File: 350 KB, 532x650, 1393030745037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up fag
its cool~

>> No.9386510

oh. i thought they only made cig boxes like that in 'straya

>> No.9386624

Zoom closer, it says Health Canada

>> No.9386634

>wanting to live to 50
hahaha faggot

>> No.9386642
File: 562 KB, 1245x1920, nixshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you in canada and not wearing a parka with pockets full of transfer tickets, 3 lighters that aren't yours and loose change?

>> No.9386644

what with it being 3/4 anti smoking ads, its like it in can 2

>> No.9386647

Those glasses are virgin tier, get something respectable, smh

>> No.9387301
File: 658 KB, 1200x748, EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9387436

Sunglasses won't make your boy-clit bigger, anon.

>> No.9387606

>3 lighterrs that aren't yhours
woow howd you get ahold of my jacket?

>> No.9387609

man, you need to wrap your earphones in another way. You're basically ruining them.

>> No.9387614

why do you care about what other totally anonimous people do or their health? I smoke too and never uderstood this.

>> No.9387620

not the guy youre sresponding to but i can think of a few reasons
a) he is genuinely curious why you smoke
b) some nonsmokers feel it is their duty to tell you not to smoke
c) trying to shitpost

>> No.9387643

a) because its enjoyable
b) not your buisiness
c) gtfo

>> No.9387649
File: 99 KB, 960x540, RobReiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9387698

how do you misspell anonymous when it's plastered all over this website.

>> No.9387826

to bait people like you...

nah, phone and corrector set up on other language.

>> No.9387914
File: 3.88 MB, 2982x1678, tmp_5064-IMG_20150110_1659441449745648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the league of oioi

>> No.9387989
File: 490 KB, 1463x901, erryday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old pic but close enough

>> No.9387992

where's your hand sanitizer?

>> No.9387997

do we really need to have these threads all the god damn time? it's always the same fuckin pictures

/fa/ is starting to get more and more like reddit and it's driving me nuts

>> No.9388002
File: 824 KB, 4928x3264, edc_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9388049

did you make that shoelace keychain thing yourself?

>> No.9388060
File: 690 KB, 1200x900, edctote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yesterday's EDC.

Doesn't include iPhone, keys and some other crap.

>> No.9388082

are you a baby or poor?

>> No.9388101

Not even that guy but:
>not drinking the worlds finest water

its been proven to be cleaner and taste better than even tap water, a thing which few bottled water brands can claim.

>> No.9388126


>> No.9388146

are there instructions on the interwebs somewhere?

>> No.9388167

>buying water

>> No.9388177
File: 1.24 MB, 3774x3438, 1422276947256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wallet is shit tier
apart from that yeah.
wheres that guy with the vial of cocaine? i saved the pic because of #goals but he seemed like a chill guy and id like to see if he has added anything to his edc.

>> No.9388184

Poor? Why? You buy designer water? kek.
Also Cristaline best water.

>> No.9388185

I like the taste of it.
My apartment's water lines stem from 1342, what comes out of the tap is bloody battery acid laced with rust.

>> No.9388191

post the pic please brah

>> No.9388198
File: 424 KB, 900x900, goals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9388201

fucking cool

>> No.9388202

oh I remember this one

effay af

>> No.9388234

yeah proper smart, even though some guy was moaning at him saying that the only reason he had cocaine was to seem 'edgy' lol

>> No.9388237

it's called a cobra knot

>> No.9388250
File: 704 KB, 1404x712, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an insightful and worthwhile photo

>> No.9388257

Literally how every smoker looks like
Nonsmoker: Hey you should stop smoking because it's bad for your health, and it affects those around you, also it hurts your wallet while hurting you.


>> No.9388267

Are you literally retarded?

You know what else is bad? Drinking. Why don't we ban drinking, huh? That's bad for your health and wallet too, except - unlike smoking - you do stupid shit and can wind up killing yourself or others because of it. Violently.

If a smoker wants to go out on their balcony every day and enjoy something in private, then what's the fucking problem?

>> No.9388272

why the fuck a stethoscope?

why are edc threads always autism generals

>> No.9388278

maybe hes a DOCTOR saving LIVES dummy

>> No.9388283


Maybe he's a medic? That's a Littmann those don't come cheap.

>> No.9388284

>I put on my doctor's mask and stethoscope

>> No.9388288

>who smokes

Toppest of keks.

>> No.9388292

smoking as a doctor is great though cause if you get cancer you can just cure yourself

>> No.9388293

stay butt hurt, it's your own fault your addicted to nicotine

>> No.9388297

And yours that you're addicted to caffeine.

Oh no wait, I mean junk food.

Or was it alcohol?

Everyone has a vice, retardo.

>> No.9388315


Many doctors do? Do you really think people only smoke because they dont know the risks?

>> No.9388318

im addicted to cum

>> No.9388372

>not drinking rick owens's distilled piss

>> No.9388389

>not maximising your lifetime

I bet you eat bread too

>> No.9388405

>carrying a bullet everyday
off the autism scale

>> No.9388409

> all this shit people carry with them

Phone if I might need it.

>> No.9388415

I'm a med student
It's just a classic II, good enough, god forbid you have one fancier then the prof.
A lot over here do.

>> No.9388426
File: 3.83 MB, 4922x2490, DSC_4953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my watch on the first pic!

>> No.9388433
File: 2.10 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheap knives
>no guns

It's like you guys don't even want to protect your virginity.

>> No.9388440

>A lot over here do.


>> No.9388459

please go back to /b/, this place is already shit but lets keep the trash in the bin...

>> No.9388523

So, how's Mississippi? Didn't know rednecks cared about fashion.

>> No.9388541
File: 218 KB, 1020x768, mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9388543

That gun looks pretty stylish

>> No.9388563


>> No.9388578

nice job posting your cc number on 4chan IDIOT

>> No.9388609

>cope pouches

If you're going to dip, at least do it properly and lip some original Cope or something. Absolutely disgusting.

I know you're not going to want to hear this, but from an ex-dipper, stop while you can. At least switch to snus or e-cig, don't keep putting that shit in your mouth. None of my business, I know, but the long-term effects aren't cancer, it's the gingivitis and the tooth staining. Veneer ain't cheap bruh, it's really not worth it.

>> No.9388616

That's the default pic from amex's site, IDIOT

>> No.9388617

trolled softly XD

>> No.9388633

On my person: iPhone 5s, Saint Laurent card holder, car/apt keys on Mont Blanc keychain, Orbit Wintermint, and matte black Zippo.

In my bag (TNF Kaban, because snow today): Lenovo X1 Carbon + charger + travel charger, iPad 2 w/ AT&T + charger, Blackberry Q10 Int'l + charger, AT&T HotSpot + charger, additional iPhone cord, Barneys compact umbrella, Rag & Bone knit hat, leather fingerless gloves (Barneys?), meal replacement bars, half a kale + mango juice, bottle of water, Skyn condoms, half a pack of Camel Blues, and a legal pad I think.

>> No.9388658
File: 191 KB, 1000x891, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaced the book with a kindle.

>> No.9388740
File: 7 KB, 197x197, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to post a pic.

I usually just carry:

>sometimes a blunt

>> No.9388757

Drinking in moderation is not bad for you. Smoking in moderation is.

>> No.9388773

what do you do with the other half when you buy a new pack

>> No.9388823

A lil dipski for the lipski I see

>> No.9388856

lmao you literally respond to his post fitting the exact description of a smoker he outline
stay buttmad smokers

>> No.9388862

You smoke pipe?

>> No.9388964
File: 2.68 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_0300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replaced book with kindle

Scum. Then again, I wouldn't expect any different from a Murakami reader.

>> No.9388973


God damn, the autism in these threads

>> No.9388993

I fucking love EDC threads

>> No.9389049


>> No.9389060

how do you like that backpack?

>> No.9389074
File: 69 KB, 402x604, 1416074036323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


being a sharp is more autistic than carrying a bullet

>> No.9389079

i wish i hadnt quit
i wish i could smoke

>> No.9389087

>I wouldn't expect anything different from a Murakami reader.

You're reading a book that's now a major motion picture in a theater near you, what a coincidence. Smh you can't pretend to be superior about literature when you're inherent vice a month after the movie came out.

>> No.9389089
File: 437 KB, 1000x771, edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9389096

I've been reading Pynchon for years.

Got all the books down except for Against The Day and Mason & Dixon.

I wanted to re-read Inherent Vice to refresh my memory as I am a fan of PTA films. And the film is not out in Denmark yet. Not until 2 weeks into February.

No pretending here, m8.

>> No.9389161

8/10 would carry

>> No.9389204

>people actually carry knives with them

Fucking virgins

>> No.9389226

>he doesn't open boxes

>> No.9389249

I did smoke pipe frequently. But not so much lately. I still carry the lighter just in case.

>> No.9389255

I bought those gloves but they sucked at keeping my hands warm, so not a huge fan.

>> No.9389257

what kind of headphones are those? look pretty sweet

>> No.9389264
File: 3.34 MB, 2982x1678, tmp_11752-IMG_20150128_180843978378171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yer cotton pickin fingers off my EDC

>> No.9389292
File: 97 KB, 997x1500, every day cuckold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good choice of film and pencil

>> No.9389297

What's the knife for

>> No.9389305

Smoking pleb
Conflicting style
Homeless in a city
Pretentious cockhead
Art student
Geek janitor
"Squeal like a pig, boy!"
Trust fund baby/10
OG hipster
All black
All edgy

>> No.9389327

I love how most of you autists carry a pocket knife.Are you a afraid a granny is going to rape you and steal all your shit?

>> No.9389340

opening and cutting stuff. you got me- it isn't on my person nearly as often as the other items. it just seems like SOP to include a knife in every EDC photo

>> No.9389345

wtf is EDC

>> No.9389348
File: 1.21 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9389350


Ever man and many of the women I know carries a pocket knife, for use as a tool. I use mine every day. Wealthy northeast neighborhood.

I'd never use a knife for protection. If you're that worried about getting attacked get a gun or pepper spray.

>> No.9389353

how do you use a pocket knife everyday if not for self defence? i'm just curious

>> No.9389354


>He EDCs a professional sports photographer's camera with a 50mm lens

>> No.9389370

oh, come on. you can get one for $400 and it's only an inch taller than a D700. sports togs do not use film anymore. I hope you are just pretending to be simple; some people like to use AF film cameras

>> No.9389372


Most common ones are opening letters, opening boxes, cutting stuff that needs cutting. Prying/scraping if I have to. I use the screwdrivers on Swiss Army knife pretty often. Just opened a bottle of beer. My last two girlfriends carried a couple knives and used them for similar stuff, plus artsy things.

I carry a SAK every day. Just had mine repaired under warranty because the pivots wore out. I sometimes carry a locking folder when I think I'll need something that won't break.

I've never understood the whole "OMG he carries a knife he's going to kill someone" epic maymay. I get the feeling these people grew up in some kind of extremely protected environment or are afraid to use their hands.

>> No.9389377


It's a camera the size and weight of a cinderblock. If you want an AF film camera that's like the worst possible for EDC. Who the fucks carries a D700 with them anyway?

>> No.9389379

underrated post

>> No.9389393

My Leica is getting a CLA.
You must have bitch arms.

>> No.9389395

Why bother taking pics?

Actual EDC:
-Small pocket knife

Day trip EDC, add:
-Larger pocket knife
-Pocket flashlight
-Pen (discontinued Rotring 600 ballpoint for you pen autists)
-Kobo Aura
-P&S digital camera

When I feel like being /k/, add a Smith 638 or a Sig P6 in an IWB.

>> No.9389397

>I get the feeling these people grew up in some kind of extremely protected environment or are afraid to use their hands.

>> No.9389402

>You must have bitch arms.
nice attitude

>> No.9389408

hope you don't live in America. Hope you don't expect my taxpayer money when you get cancer. Filthy bitch.

>> No.9389409

You're probably the same guy who says basketball shoes and boots are too heavy. Stop being such a little bitch.

>> No.9389422

nice assumptions

>> No.9389435


>> No.9389595

wow you do drugs you're soooo cool

>> No.9389710

>implying this is an untrue statement
>implying the coke is placed or presented in any way that begs attention

>> No.9389728

wow you don't do drugs you're soooo cool

>> No.9389765

>supporting the drug industry and all it's harmful effects on society

>> No.9389804

>the drug industries harmful affects on society

I dont use coke but I get my molly from a supplier in the netherlands (where there are public facilities to check for the quality of various 'illicit' drugs) and I grow my own dope.

There are no harmful effects on society, the harm comes from prohibition which creates information asymmetries which make the exorbitant return rates on illegal trade profitable and create the opportunity for predatory dealers to sell dangerous or low quality drugs. Without prohibition there are no such information asymmetries. We tried it before with this thing called the 18th amendment and it lead to
2)high circulation of dangerous, often toxic, low quality liquor
3)exorbitant profit margins for criminals

but please tell me more about how its totally working this time even though prohibition in the largest drug market on Earth (i.e. America) has created entire nations run by cartels (see Afghanistan, Colombia, Mexico etc etc)

Having sold weed I can guarantee that if it were completely legal Id have been out of a job. Commercial producers operating within the confines of the law can produce far higher quality drugs (which are not often harmful, most coke is bad because its either straight crack or cut with up to 60% meth/laxatives etc etc) and most people who use them illegally have at least some incentive from the 'taboo' nature driving them to more extreme methods of imbibing said chemical (i.e. most people in countries where coca plants are legal prefer to steep the leaves in hot water because its healthy and non-addictive).

or Im sorry do you think drugs are bad all the time mmk?

>> No.9389818

be a bigger sperglord. you must not have any friends to do drugs with

>> No.9389833

>and all it's harmful
>it's harmful

This is how you end up when you don't do drugs

>> No.9389834

nah dude, like, I get that, and I'm not against drugs, like, overrall, it's that coke, like right now, is made for the most part by little kids in shacks and sold by cartels- not an industry that I feel should be supported. It's not safe and exploits the poor. If it were regulated, then sure, I'd say go for it, it's your own body.
Thanks for setting up a good argument, though.

>> No.9389848
File: 978 KB, 500x277, colbert-brain-on-drugs-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9389850

Well then your problem isnt with cocaine its with the illicit nature of the industry which leads to things like any coke in the US being stomped af with really bad, addictive or otherwise toxic cut, a problem that stems exclusively from people who have your reservations about illicit psychoactives. Those people and people who understand that prohibition concentrates wealth and makes consumers more vulnerable.

>> No.9389866

You are right. It's not something I'd ever do, but if it were legal, then I imagine it'd be much safer,because it'd be controlled, like alcohol.

>> No.9390084
File: 1003 KB, 2228x1666, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the shitty res, lighting and overall picture

>> No.9390088

>iphone 5

>> No.9390094

Also his keychain says Toronto.

>> No.9390105
File: 306 KB, 600x450, 1412490844988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw its actually a 4

>> No.9390109

Don't be upset, the 4s is statistically the best iphone. I myself have one and have done research on it of course.
unless you have just the 4 then you're a poorfag.

>> No.9390114


>he actually believes this

>> No.9390115

Tell that to your liver ya alcoholic cunt

>> No.9390122
File: 914 KB, 370x282, 1421173788277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you've acknowledge the disparity of your situation. good luck anon

you're poor.

>> No.9390131
File: 975 KB, 229x302, 1387949594001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foxhound keychain
You're pretty good

>> No.9390155
File: 2.26 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_0671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9390162

No I'm not I have an iphone 6+ you're the poor one

Well of course, I believe everything on the internet, who would lie on it?

>> No.9390163
File: 2.26 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9390165

talk shit post fit fuccboi
i have 2 mac airs, an iphone 6, an iPad air, 1 iPad and a brand-new mac pro I haven't even bothered to open yet

>> No.9390199

What are you 10?

>> No.9390210
File: 123 KB, 940x915, vqUNdHW[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sigh* Do I must?

Here is a picture of my 6+ & 6 when I got them early from my pa-pa.

>> No.9390216

I drive so I can't be 10.

>> No.9390219

>literally using that excuse

>> No.9390226

I meant that I own a car so I can't be 10. Atleast in my state. Besides I only use it for Netflix whilst i'm on the road.
Just admit your poor dude. Owning an Iphone 6 won't change that.

>> No.9390234

>Using car for netflix
Thats what your vita is for dingus

>Just admit your poor dude. Owning an Iphone 6 won't change that.
You wont be saying that when I marry an indian princess and inherit all of her father's wealth.

>> No.9390796

Denon AH-D7100

>> No.9390903

wow, /fa/.
Don't do this to me..

>> No.9390904
File: 54 KB, 1339x753, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9390958

Don't you have a house?

>> No.9390965
File: 1.03 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9391000

Damn, watching all these edc threads make me want to have a smoke. P cool edc btw doop_doop. You dress v nice too

>> No.9391435

I EDC my Rotring too.
And damn those earphones look nice - how's the sound quality?

>> No.9391448

What headphones are those?

>> No.9391454

My regular carry bag is a Bally briefcase, and I usually only carry the laptop, travel charger, Blackberry + charger, Hotspot, and the misc stuff.

Just have a lot I'm carrying because I'm travelling this week and the weather has been shit.

>> No.9391461

thanks :3

reealy good for in-ears
can't go back now
and yea, the rotring just has that weight to it

can only recomend these

>> No.9391474


>> No.9391480
File: 399 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20150129_165150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ the crappy phone I used to take the photo

>> No.9391491

do you have a fedora to match with that wallet chain?

>> No.9391501


>two knives
>a gun
>a kubotan
>a bullet
>dog tags

Am I being rused?

>> No.9391505


>> No.9391506


It's actually attached to my keys

What would be an effay key strap?

>> No.9391513



>> No.9392067


Best knife in the thread. Too bad this isn't /k/, because it looks like shit otherwise.

>> No.9392095
File: 414 KB, 2000x1000, EDC Perspective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess my major

>> No.9392105
File: 28 KB, 1060x465, Alexander-Wang-Pocket-Keychain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9392112

>homeopatics in general
nigga u stupid thats not equivalent to this vial of coke that our hermes guy had presented to us

>> No.9392117


>> No.9392119

faggotry science im 99% sure

but this gerber folder is nice and fits the overall stillhouette I like that, what's the model?

also I assume that this leather bag is used to store all your pencils?

>> No.9392123

tumblr major

>> No.9392146

If you like grains in your teeth. Dentist tells me chewing is better than smoking if you switch pouch location. Also I brush my teeth a lot

>> No.9392154

I looked at Gerber's website and it appears to be their EAB knife which takes standard utility knife blades

>> No.9392164

Of course he's telling you that, because it'll be his pocket you're filling down the road. Pouches won't last you long anyways; your nic tolerance will get higher and you'll be packing two pouches versus one, which will be on both sides.

Pouches are for queens, at least have some respect for your vice.

>> No.9392173

Yeah, but I’m on a scholarship right now
Indeed, it’s the EAB. The exchangeable blades are pretty handy

>> No.9392253

Being a homeopath killed my friends mum who from what was easily treatable ovarian cancer that turned into a tumour so large she looked 9 months pregnant and had to be carried out of their house by 3 firemen, only to die a week later in a hospice.
Fucking idiots.
And I'm a fucking meditating, acid taking, philosophy student hippy.
Homeopathy is for dickheads.

>> No.9392321

where's the big black dildo that usually comes with the SHARP pin?

>> No.9392360
File: 172 KB, 1024x537, DSC_6779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9392366

>two knives
u better have some good explanation for your autism son

>> No.9392372

What are you fucking retarded? one is a Swiss army knife, which the actual knife on it sucks dick, the other is a knife you can actually use to cut shit.

>> No.9392443

If you seriously suggest that a Victorinox is unable to cut anything with its blade then you're the retarded one. Although you can have a job related to some serious cutting where a lockable 15cm blade is less than enough, then beg my pardon. But for every-day carring? Cmon, we've been there just like every single one of us was an overdressed dadcorefag, it's something that you eventuall grow up from

>> No.9392488


I'm the guy who posted the pic, not the one you're responding to. The Vic blade will cut anything but, it's fragile and it can close on your fingers if you're not careful. I'd rather not take the risk if I'm cutting something heavy.

And the locking knife has an 8.5cm blade. I don't EDC a sword.

>> No.9392549

>I don't EDC a sword.

>> No.9392692
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>> No.9392719
File: 1.10 MB, 2426x1214, IMG_20150129_235113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two knives
>diver on a nylon strap
kill urself my man.jpg

>> No.9392727
File: 146 KB, 800x532, DSC_2173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do you like the MDV106? I had an MDV102 before I got the Citizen.

>> No.9392790
File: 38 KB, 500x500, Fossil-Fossil-Mens-Stainless-Steel-Chronograph-Black-Dial-Watch-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except from not having illumination its great, I also like its looks more than 102, its more of a classic diver. The rubber strap it comes with it is terrible tho, but I can't stand rubber bands and metal bracelets in general. Its gonna be my beater now since it was scratched a couple of times so I've bought a fossil 2600 to replace it. I cannot decide between a black nato and brown leather strap for the fossil now

>> No.9392808
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything more is dead weight.

>> No.9392812

you actually read that in public? the covers alright, but still..

>> No.9392914


The book is the least of his problems

>> No.9394512


70's cereal child rapist/10

>> No.9394537

>no edgy knife or bulky vintage electronics

it's like you don't even define your personality by your possessions faggot

>> No.9394844

I smoke cause i work in hospitality, you will never understand... no one does

>> No.9394913

>I smoke cause i work in hospitality, you will never understand... no one does

Bruh, that's like saying "I use smokeless tobacco because I work in IT Support...no one gets it"

>> No.9395297


I got some dirty looks.
One woman (repulsively fat with short dyed hair) even screamed "PEDO!" at me on the subway.
Bloody prude.