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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 178 KB, 1742x1536, 10372993_745826742146552_3510911689999497235_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9375065 No.9375065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tear me apart, give me advice, ect.

>> No.9375066
File: 173 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 1-24-15 at 8.42 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic I just took.

>> No.9375068

why post shit on the internet, man?

>> No.9375070

ur mom

>> No.9375071

You look like that German blogger

>> No.9375072

I'm looking for advice on what hairstyles I'd look good in, and just advice in general.

>> No.9375073

lose weight, shave, take out the brow piercing, get a haircut and burn the clothes.

there you go

>> No.9375076

redo your whole life

>> No.9375078

>lose a couple pounds
>dont try to dress too edgy

>> No.9375079
File: 136 KB, 2048x1536, slickedback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any better ? Could I pull of dreadlocks ?

>> No.9375080
File: 88 KB, 720x480, 1340926598139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL!11!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! please kill you self.

>> No.9375082


Lose Weight. Buzz-cut in order to start anew with that hair - without the hair color. Remove piercing. Shave your teen-mustache. Get rid of the edgy stuff on the wall as well as the comic things - you're hopefully not 12. Don't wear tees with jeans jackets - I can smell your foul armpits from here.

>> No.9375083
File: 27 KB, 350x468, 1327811120616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ugly face
>that facial hair
>that weight
>those drawing in the wall

>> No.9375085
File: 831 KB, 225x144, 1419121826670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.9375088

Rydelik, is this you?

>> No.9375089

shave, bro.

and get a facial wash for acne.

>> No.9375092

i'm serious, though, is it you? this is max, i'll text u a pic of the thread to prove it's me.

>> No.9375109

wow. Actual advice. Not just "Kill urself fegit" or other shit that has nothing to do with what I asked.

>> No.9375116

what about


>> No.9375120

Your virgin is showing.

>> No.9375127

>this f0ckin thread

OP, instead of asking for advice you should read the sticky first

don't mean to be rude, but you're making a shitty thread w/o purpose when you should be reading the sticky, all the advices you want are there, so please

stop posting

>> No.9375153

u forgot nosejob

>> No.9375202

change your life, see yourself as the biggest piece of shit, You are literally under the average looking guy. You are ugly, people see you as ugly, people can't take you seriously like this.. You must change and that's a fact.

>lose weight, a BMI bellow 21
is very fucking easy, I drooped 24lbs last year. Just count calories, don't eat sugar, and drink coffee. If you want to eat something eat integral rice and meat, a lot of meat without oil.
>learn shit
learn how to cook, how to skate, how to paint, how to repair households, learn a second language.
>stop directing your life through a fad
don't listen this fuckers, don't wear flashy stuff, don't follow trends, and don't make your life a pop culture collage, don't use meme's don't put meme's on your wall, get paintings, aesthetically pleasant colors,

>Exercise yourself

Be minimal,

>> No.9375212

This nigga looking like he came straight outta 2004 lmao

>> No.9375254

honestly OP Imma try to give you constructive criticism

I mean you deserve to be made fun of but its kinda moot because you actually probably dont give a fuck anyway and its not your fault, not everyone can be pretty

start doing more cardio with a bit of weight training and calisthenics mixed in, your goal is to not look like a fucking pig

get a nice haircut, any rendition of short back and sides is good, buzz it, I dont give a fuck

finally buy basic clothes, plain white tees, black, grey, navy, burgundy, toned down colors, and get slim fit pants, if you live in tropical climate get shorts, just make sure they dont go pas your knees

>> No.9375330

I can tell you want to go for a unique look, but it's not working as is, and thankfully I think you realize this. Being fashionable yet unique is not easy, and, sorry to say, you have to start out being a little bland. Can't branch out into more daring territory until you have a solid fucking foundation for how you dress. Deep metaphor: Can't do calculus if you don't even know how to add or subtract. 1. Shave your facial hair off. 2. Get a regular haircut. Just ask your barber for something simple. No fauxhawks. And you mentioned something about it, but I'm going to lay it down: Don't you dare go for dreads. Don't you fucking dare. 3. Read the sticky 4. Go to /mfa/ for a while and lurk. 5. After several months, maybe a year, come back to /fa/ and lurk some more here. 6. People mentioned losing weight. Yes, it would help, but just start out by dressing better. Trying to juggle working out and dressing well at the same time when you're just starting out in both is setting yourself up for failure. Small goals work better.

>> No.9375467

The good news is, you're a salvageable case. You can easily turn yourself into a handsome looking guy, but here are your problems:

1. The weight. You're not grossly 400 pounds overweight, but you're clearly fat and need to lose at least 20-30 pounds.
2. The hair. I get that you want to do something different, but trust me, it just looks like shit. Go for something basic for now like a fade
3. The clothes. You look like you just woke up from a coma from the 90s.Ditch the tapered denim vests, the flannels, and the gross looking graphic design shirts. Start off basic with either neutral or darker colors

when i was 35 pounds heavier and fat as shit around a year ago, I felt like the only thing I looked good in was these american eagle shirts


they're cheap, incredibly comfy, made out of good material and will make you look decent regardless of how big you are (unless you're as big as a trailer truck)

next you should get yourself some jeans. you've gotta find what works for you. most skinnier/average people will wear a slim or skinny fit since it compliments them nicely. for someone of your size i wouldn't recommend a skinny fit, but you dont want to go full baggy pants either, just find something that fits you nicely and isn't too tight around your ass

finally, the facial hair. it works for some people and for others it doesn't. for you, just shave it off completely. try again when you get a few more pounds off your weight. Also, remove the eyebrow ring thing

>> No.9375471

Straight? look at the photos again lol

>> No.9376475


You would look way better if you were about 20-30 pounds lighter here

I'd reccomend having a skincare routine, multivitamin, water and sleep better on top of losing weight and you will look bretty good

>> No.9376536

jesus christ keep this filth at /soc/ where it belongs holy shit

>> No.9376565


>> No.9376577


>> No.9376580

ok I'm going to ask
do you own a "fedora"
if so pic with you wearing it.

>> No.9376690

For some reason it looks like you smell bad... Get some perfume dude.

>> No.9376701

This is what i imagine 90% of 4chan looking like.

>> No.9376746

Okay, in order of priorities

1- Get rid of that haircut. Go for something simpler, something that doesn't scream edgy.
2- Shave that moustache. It's ugly, better nothing than a teenager moustache.
3- Lose the piercing. It's just kinda bad.
4- No band shirts, no ripped jean clothes. Try and wear some normal, not too casual but not formal either clothes sometimes. Jeans that fit you well (doesn't have to be too skinny), a plain tshirt or collared shirt, nothing complicated.
5- Lose weight. I know it's not nice to say but really, being a bit overweight can be the difference between having a unique style and looking like a creep.