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File: 55 KB, 439x600, Travis Fimmel-GHR-000417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9368370 No.9368370 [Reply] [Original]

I'll be blunt and tl;dr in the end.

Today some scout from Rick Owens gave me a card while I was coming home from Uni, he told me he saw me last Monday and has been walking around since. Told me to give him a call if I changed my mind because initially I said I wasn't interested. Also told me he'll be in town for another week because he's basically on vacation but not really, so if I need him, I should phone him and arrange a meeting. Threw away the card, but wrote down the number because I wanted to give it some thought first.

Two years before this, I got a similar offer at the gym by CK. I said no.

When I was 16, a couple from Givenchy approached me at the beach and wanted a deal.

I want to ask you, /fa/, what would the advantages of being a model be? I usually don't post here, but this is the only fashion related board on 4chan and you guys probably know a lot more about modelling than anyone else.

I'm usually secluded, if I'm not, I spend time with my girl or my friends, but I don't like this exposure that comes from modelling. I don't want to cut my hair (I have long hair), don't want to shave (beard is like pic related, but shorter), don't want to fuck around with my physique because I finally managed to reach my goal body (thank Heavens I'm not a manlet too). It just seems that there aren't many advantages besides a pay check and being able to rub elbows into the industry.

Plus, I want to write. I want that to be my profession. What kind of respectable author was a model before publishing a book?

Should I accept the offer, take some retarded photos, collect some money and move on?

Or does this have serious consequences in the long run if I want to do something more serious with my life?

Tl;dr Got a modelling shot, the third one in my life so far, dunno if I should accept or not, what are the advantages of being a model?

>> No.9368384

being a model and submitting a manuscript is going to be more interesting than being one of tens of thousands of nobodies who also want to be writers

>> No.9368398

Try it, what is the worst thing that can happen?

>> No.9368412

I get what you're saying.

But wouldn't that prompt people to criticize my work and assume I'm a dumb jock who writes because he has a platform to do so based on the money that came from modelling?

I mean, Sasha Grey published a fucking book. It's not like there is a standard for the already prostituted word "writer", but I want to be taken seriously.

Dunno, I could look like a jackass. I don't know the first thing about modelling and hate having pictures taken of me.

>> No.9368414

What kind of respectable author worried about lifestyle precedents of other authors?

If you're not doubt anything you particularly enjoy right now, I would do it. If you really have been approached this many times then likely you would so decent in industry, meaning you'll have a lot of chances to travel and indulge in cultures you otherwise wouldn't, from a pretty unique perspective. Not to mention rubbing elbows leads to really interesting stories and interaction.

As a writer myself, I think the opportunity would be great.

As far as physical choices go, if you're in that much of a demand, you could probably keep your hair. They probably wouldn't give you any trouble about build either, given that they ask most people to work out once they're scouted.

>> No.9368420

If anything, being a model will help you publish a book.

>> No.9368430

Eh, ignore the Swype errors, I'm typing from mobile. Basically what it comes down to is that you shouldn't worry about it effecting writing, if you're writing is good enough it will be seen as that despite any status / lifestyle attributes.

>> No.9368437

It's probably going to sound pretentious, but I've been avoiding activities that authors I respect didn't partake in. Authors who were actors before, musicians or simply entertainers before writing, are hard to take seriously. It's something I'm immediatly inclined to do and I know I'm not a unique snowflake in this kind of thought.

Travelling would be fun, though. It's something I've always wanted to do, but I have a limited budget, so like I said, the paycheck and the travelling would be immensly appreciated. I work as a mechanic in part time for fuck's sake, not that I don't like it, but it's boring.

I fail to see how, Anon.

I'm really hoping you're right. Because I never gave this some serious thought before.

>> No.9368440

i wouldnt say being intelligent is highly correlated to being a good writer. its really more about practice/dedication and editing. inspiration and intelligence are backburner skills for the craft, in my experience.

unless you want to be the next joyce, i wouldnt sweat it.

>> No.9368460
File: 383 KB, 1000x676, copy_of_joyce_eye_patch_at_beach_from_beinecke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been dickriding me about my supposed intelligence since I was a kid, but it couldn't be further from the truth. I practised writing like you said since I was little, I don't think there was nothing else I wanted to do besides being a Paleontologist. It's the one thing I'm certain I'm 100% I do right and I'm afraid to jeopardize it somehow.

Funny, I was reading Ulysses this morning.

>> No.9368492

Being a model could only help you. The more you knowledge you have about shit the better you can write about it, just look at david foster wallace. Also you could just use a pseudonym.

>> No.9368497

post a pic

>> No.9368520

>Commit suicide by the time I reach 45
Sounds about spot on. I was going to use a pseudonym most likely, my parents decided to be creative with my name and my family name is weird as fuck, even by Norwegian standards.

You're putting this in perspective, though. Should probably take advantage before my hairline gets fucked up, every man in my family has the Vegeta look and I reckon I have only a decade left before it happens.

I really don't want to do that. I never posted a pic of me on 4chan, won't do it now. Sorry m8.

>> No.9368535

Making life decisions based around whether or not famous authors did them is incredibly dumb. And if you truly believe in not having any former associations affect how someone perceives your work, use a fucking pseudonym.

Also your travel excuse is lame, I was born into poverty and have only worked jobs in a range that's barely above minimum wage and have traveled the entire United States.

>> No.9368545

this happened

op isnt autistic

>> No.9368546
File: 1.84 MB, 1800x2700, 1405482178629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never posted a pic of me on 4chan, won't do it now. Sorry m8.

this kid did and look at him now


>> No.9368568

Like I said, I know for sure I'm not the only one who thinks that an author who was an actor or musician before publishing a book only did so because of his already pre-existing fame. It's why people don't take Russell Crowe seriously as a musician.

And I've travelled before, been doing it since I was 17 on my own, working only to finance my travels. Things got worse when I had to start paying for housing, college fees, etc. Plus, travelling in Europe isn't the same as travelling in the US, it's not just getting in your car and driving.

Why so aggressive?

Here's the deal, if I ever move on with the job for RO, I'll post the pics before they officially come out on here. Screencap my post.

Also, damn. Male models have fucked up faces, that guy you posted gathers a lot of features I deem ugly. Is it why I get picked on by these scout folks? Is my face weird looking? We live in a world where Benedict Cumbersnatch is considered beautiful. Plus, I have a big as fuck nose. It's straight, nordic, but big as fuck.

>> No.9368602
File: 997 KB, 2048x2048, caara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, damn. Male models have fucked up faces, that guy you posted gathers a lot of features I deem ugly. Is it why I get picked on by these scout folks? Is my face weird looking?
Pretty much, yeah. Conventionally attractive people are already a dime a dozen; they need pretty people who can stand out from the crowds.

>It's probably going to sound pretentious, but I've been avoiding activities that authors I respect didn't partake in. Authors who were actors before, musicians or simply entertainers before writing, are hard to take seriously. It's something I'm immediatly inclined to do and I know I'm not a unique snowflake in this kind of thought.

Nah man, that IS pretentious as fuck. JK Rowling was fucking homeless dude and nobody cares. I just finished reading a business book called "Me Inc" which was written by Gene Simmons, a musician who used to be famous. Having diverse experiences is only going to help you in life dude.

>> No.9368633

>Pretty much, yeah. Conventionally attractive people are already a dime a dozen; they need pretty people who can stand out from the crowds.
So basically what that scout guy told me, along with the others, was that I look weird. Well, shit. I'll be honest, I never actually noticed models at all, be it male or female, in the sense of observing a pattern of beauty, the only one I know is the guy I posted and even that is because my friends kept bugging me to watch his show because they said I look like him. But the more I look into this the more I notice male models look seriously fucked up today.

What I mean is that difficulty helps build credibility. Being homeless is a good inspiration. I lived in a bar for 5 months because I was working there while on the beach, didn't make enough to pay for rent and food, so had to go there. A lot of insp came from those times. Beach sluts are apparently a thing too.

>Gene Simmons
This is exactly the kind of mindset I'm predisposed to, the one I was talking about. All I know about him is that he was a fame hogging attention-whore who sued people left and right for illegally getting his music and that he has a reality show. It's so hard for me to take a book done by someone like that seriously it's basically a deterrent for myself to do anything BUT writing.

You could be right. I could be missing out on a great opportunity here, because like I said, if I do this I have 10 years tops before I go full Vegeta with my hair line. Seriously considering giving the guy a call tomorrow.

Any idea of what should I say? Don't want to get fucked over, for what I read (in my limited research) they usually take advantage of models early on because they have no idea of what to do.

>> No.9368634

do what you want to do. if youre a good enough writer what you did in the past wont matter.

also like others have said modelling could provide you with some interesting experiences that might in turn make your own writing/perspective more interesting.

but i dont think you have just a general anxiety about the work that writers do before they get published but rather with the images attached with being a male model, specifically. i personally think it would be an interesting and eye opening job, but many people might think its a pussy job compared to lets say being an ambulance driver during the spanish civil war.

but fuck what other people think op. if you take the job it might be something you'll always be able to look back fondly on. if you find that its hollow, meaningless work (which probably isnt a stretch although like i said the work could be fun) then quit and never mention it again.

my 2 cents good luck

>> No.9368664

You have a solid point about the image people have of male models, dumb jocks who were born beautiful and did nothing else. Hell, I'll come clean and say that was my opinion of them until recently.

Never was shy or ran from good experiences, this is probably one of those things I'll reminisce about when I'm old and ugly.

Thank you, Anon.

>> No.9368683
File: 166 KB, 788x1180, tumblr_nfyqh5ZWMk1shx66no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no that was a basic as fuck model...

>> No.9368692

You should do it OP. Becoming a model is an experience reserved for only a limited number of people. Don't let all the traits you were lucky enough to be born with go to waste (this coming from a manlet).

Also if you got anything decent written in English, send it over or post it on /lit/, I'm intrigued.

>> No.9368695
File: 1.35 MB, 938x1180, tumblr_mwl87nQpQh1rdx9uvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9368698

>Today some scout from Rick Owens

Rick Owens isn't a modeling agency. There are no scouts representing Rick Owens.

Please fact check your fake stories.

>> No.9368716

>Gene Simmons
>All I know about him is that he was a fame hogging attention-whore who sued people left and right for illegally getting his music and that he has a reality show. It's so hard for me to take a book done by someone like that seriously it's basically a deterrent for myself to do anything BUT writing.

just looked up net worth of him and one of his former band members; they were in the SAME band:

Gene Simmons $300 million
Peter Criss -$1 million (yeah that's a negative sign)

I wasn't even born when that band was around, neither do i know anything about their work, but I sure would take him seriously if I was reading a book he wrote about business.

But from an artistic or creative point of view, and as your average book consumer (your biggest market, right?) I have never even cared or bothered to look up authors' pasts.

>> No.9368719

op i think you are over-estimating what modeling entails.

At best you'll walk some high end shows, do some campaigns for some shops then be tossed like a hot potato when you hit your mid 20's unless you have something super interesting about you, even then you have a sell by date of 30.

worst, you'll be in a show or two, get booked for independent brands that never quite take off and then go do something else with your life.

it's not porn and its not like you'll be tyson beckford or heidi klum, it feels like you have a way more grandiose idea about what male modeling is about and how few of them are actually even thought of as more then a hanger, especially male models, who all fall into very specific looks, the rest just blending in and being niches

do it. you want to be a writer, no one gives it shit, it make you more interesting if you have more life experiences.

what interesting story have you heard from a person going straight from college to writing or just doing their career shit for a living.

>> No.9368725

>implying people scout on behalf of designers and not agencies.

At least try to make it believeable.

Also Jesus Christ, Travis Fimmel is a beautiful man.

>> No.9368726

also this, even with a most basic of understanding, everyone should have caught on that this story is fishy as shit, companies go to agencies, or requets models from agencies they've works with in the past.

givenchy, ck? theres no way in fuck you have a loot that appealed to calvin klein, givenchy and rick owens simultaneously.

Unless your a muscular black or latino guy on one side and a pale white rocker looking dude on the other, with a catalog model from the front.

whats next, did YSL contact you to?

>> No.9368751

I'll most likely do it, been brewin on the thought all day and I usually don't take too long to make a decision. If anything, it'll help pay the bills.

Also, I'm genuinly paranoid about my writings. I'm afraid of getting plagiarized or some shit. So much that I keep a little notebook with me at all times writing down whatever thought comes to mind so I don't forget it and don't show it to anyone.

He said he represents Rick Owens. Explicitely, gave me a card with a watermark on it and everything.

Don't know what you're getting at here.

Jesus fucking Christ, Peter Criss is literally a failure.

>But from an artistic or creative point of view, and as your average book consumer (your biggest market, right?) I have never even cared or bothered to look up authors' pasts.
You're on to something here. Like I said, I'm certain I'm not the only one to be judgemental about an author's work because of his past, but chances are that there are a lot more people out there who don't do that.

You're right. I have a good couple of years of doing this and then I could sit on some cash and take some time off. Never saw a model past the age of 30.

Then again, never took much interest in that. Don't know what will I have to do, but as long as it's not degrading and as long as it doesn't fuck with my image, it probably won't be too bad.

Again, why would be the point of making something like this up? I have absolutely zero interest in this kind of thing and this is the first time I put some thought into it.

Calm down, Jesus.

>> No.9369030

jesus christ do it or dont, all this back and forth, do you want to be convinced of doing something you already dont want to do? go take some lsd and hopefully ego death because jesus you are far too self conscious about your hypothetical success and self. no one but you and one dimensional literature nerds obsessed with themselves, like yourself, will care and respect about another boring "core" writer who didn't betray the path more than one that did. others wont care or find it interesting.

>> No.9371752

If you end up working for Rick Owens, you have to be okay with walking down the runway with your dick hanging out.

>> No.9371756

>Threw away the card, but wrote down the number because I wanted to give it some thought first.
Yeah, no.

>> No.9374472

Why would you turn that down
it'd be cool to wear nice clothes and travel

with big names like those brands it's a no brainer networking with people like that or their associates you'd be running into
networking is how I got most of my art out there, I'm in a published poetry compilation of locals in my area.

>> No.9374484
File: 124 KB, 500x665, Mishimaoiled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of respectable author was a model before publishing a book?

The kind that becomes the most well known author in their country of the entire century. Pic related.

Moreover, you may meet people in the publishing industry, friend-of-a-friend stuff is the key to success. I went to a high-end university, and simply by putting myself out there I met tons of people offering me business opportunities.

Go for it, man.

>> No.9374488

Honestly, it depends on your character and drive. My friend got scouted and did burberry/prada campaigns etc. mostly jobs in japan and italy.
He's self-destructive and blew most of his money on cocaine in tokyo, came out on the other end with some good stories but ultimately it was just another short-lived phase of his life.
You could draw upon your experiences for your craft, you could save money to focus solely on writing - or you could treat it as a joke, feel lonely and want to get on the first plane home. It's entirely up to you, but I wouldn't belittle the opportunity just because of your pre-conceptions.

>> No.9374490

Hunter S Thompson was a model in his 20's...

>> No.9374493

op dont be a faggot tyler mcferson posted his face on /fa/ multiple times and as far as i know he isnt dead and no one tried to rape him. (and that was before he became a model) so stfu man up and post your face so we can tell if you have potential.

>> No.9376278

You're not going to become "famous" to the general public as a model, so don't worry about losing credibility. Hell, if anything you could add to the whole "I'm poor and doing whatever I can do afford perfecting my craft"-thing and make some cool contacts.

There won't be anything to come back and bite you in the ass, no. Most likely it won't have any effect on your work as a writer, aside from possibly meeting some cool people.

Do it if you want to is what it comes down to.

>> No.9376297


To further make a point - you're being overly paranoid. This is like you would refuse to play football because Ronaldo could use his fame to publish a book and make it a best-seller. You're not going ti become a super-model, especially not against your will.

>> No.9376312

b a s e d m i s h i m a

>> No.9376324

Its just a job. So if you have a steady income and arent into fashion or modelling, don't go for it. I landed a contract one year ago and it didn't change my life in any way. I say go for it. You can always decline any job offer anyway, and accept one when you feel like making some extra money. You'll get to know people who know people who know people who write. But yeah. In the end its just a job

>> No.9376328

being a model may affect your writing (in terms of the life experience), depending on what type of writing you want to do

>> No.9376346

People are actually taking this fan fiction seriously???

Brands don't have scouts for their brands. There are agency scouts but people who scout for a specific brand do not exist lol

What kind of imaginatory fan fiction idek

>> No.9376571


a lot of people working for a label might "scout" some people that look interesting, without actually being hired as a model scout. it's not too rare, a friend of mine looks like a goddamn vampire with a super cool birthmark over his face and he's been approached about walking for specific brands without being signed to an agency tonnes of times.

>> No.9376592

U could get a shitload of inspiration for writing from modelling world

>> No.9376596 [DELETED] 

Were you there when it happened?

Worked in the industry. It doesn't happen like this, much less three times.

>> No.9376628

real or not, yolo.
like honestly, it's an experience that'll be a worth while ride, and its not like you're desperate to be a model and want to suck dick to go places.
They want you, so it should be fairly easy riding. Basically just do it, whats better, reflecting in 4 years time knowing that you where a professional model doing fun shit, or writing some book called 'the inner snuggle (parody of struggle)' being a pro-femdom novel about not being able to snuggle your girl.

>> No.9376639

You should try it. Make sure they don't ask you to pay money because a real scout for a real agency wouldn't do that. depending where you live, make sure the agency is reputable. Check models.com agencies list to make sure it's reputable. They will maybe want you to shave, or not. The more things you say you won't do, the less jobs you'll book. the bulk of time taken up in the modeling world is waiting at castings, waiting at jobs, etc. so you'll have a lot of time to write if you can write on the go. Also clients will pay for you to travel to them, so if you book a show in Milan walking for Prada, they'll pay for your flights and hotels.

>> No.9376892

You have to carve out your own path in life, man. Also, I think you're overplaying the fame that could come from this. I mean, the majority of male models aren't exactly widely recognised so i don't really think it would be a detrimental factor.

>> No.9376895

if this is true the only reason you wouldn't want to be a model and also a writer is either that you are buying into some myth of writers that is probably B.S., or you are looking for excuses to avoid modeling.