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/fa/ - Fashion

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9362573 No.9362573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey poo poo in this thread i am going to stipulate some general guidelines to follow on /fa/ doing so will improve the board 100 fold.

all recommendations posted in the OP are final, beyond criticism and objectively and irrevocably correct and true.

i speak from a position of enlightenment and cognitive illumination.

i am the tutor and you the student, i am the master and you the slave, heed my advice and you will prosper, reject my teachings and you will experience woe and disillusionment.

1. niggers are shit, the creator/evolution(whichever you prefer) was nice enough to put a convenient, race wide warning sign on all niggers: they're the colour of shit and they are shit.

kanye west is shit, X rapper is shit, they're all shit, they dress like shit and they look like shit.

2. being a liberal/marxist/moron is not cool, being politically ignorant is for stupid people. now, that doesnt mean you should subscribe to two party politics dichotomy, because as we truth seekers know, both sides - conservative and liberal - are out to jew you(literally.) however you should be a moral and social conservative; a proud powerful white man, a nationalist, a man who loves his people, a man who would never sire mixed children.

3. gay people are mentally ill, homosexuality is not a genetic trait it is a fetish developed as a result of trauma. this also applies to transexuals, although they have a much more insidious illness. transsexualism is a death sentence, most transexuals kill themselves before they reach middle age - this is a form of natural selection.

4. jews are inherently evil, they're an insidious blight on society, they produce nothing but misery and sorrow, they are usurers and pornographers, rapists and pedophiles. in fact, most races other than the white race possess insurmountable faults that make them enemies of peace and the human condition. asians can be our allies, but they too lack many of the traits that make the white race the pinnacle of humanity.

>> No.9362579
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5. if you're ugly it aint gonna happen, especially if u got an ugly body. the majority of u are skinnyfat estrogenised goyim

thats why in the waywt theres so many wide hipped, knock kneed dweebs who make skinny jeans look repugnant.

how to fix? get yourself some fluoride free toothpaste. dont consume products with soy in them, that means soy of any kind, compounds etc.
avoid processed food,
exercise in some form.
yoga and consistent stretches

half of the reason you losers have such horrible proportions is because you are all tight and hunched due to extended r9k tfw no gf sessions on the internet.

when walking lead with your hips, your hips and pelvis should be tucked inward, not poking out(lordosis)


find one for lower body as well.




>> No.9362583

whats the most effay way to rub another man's feces allover your body?

horizontal lines?
circular patterns?

please help, I want to be aesthetic

>> No.9362592

good question, this video should help


>> No.9362596

>being attracted to that plastic mess, probably not even realizing it's plastic

Pleb as fuck

>> No.9362601

Hello pigfuck how goes the lynchings?

>> No.9362606


whys this guys face so long ????

thinking maybe his mum must of had a super tight vajayjay and his head got caught and squished up mid birth

>> No.9362609

>covering your fucked up proportions with your hood
ayy lmao

>> No.9362611
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>> No.9362635

The best part is when people just walk past like its an everyday occurance. And that zangief super was pretty impressive aswell.

>> No.9362663
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You're correct on all points except for parts of 3.
Though homosexuality is a disease and mental illness, it's an epigenetic trait - not necessarily heritable or caused by trauma.

Transexuals by and large are almost certainly some combination of gay/straight and fetishists.
There is some argument to be made along the lines of ambiguous genitalia that isn't physically apparent, but the statistical probability of these children being born compared to the trans population renders it a moot point afaic.

>tl;dr gays appear to be born gay, but are still afflicted degenerates nonetheless.
>trans of all ilk are absolute degenerates by the conventional means

I love this webm

>> No.9362685

true, this is an interesting informative read too

>> No.9362691

Good luck pigcuck

>> No.9362692


did the nigger dead?

>> No.9362703

tfw the entire west coast looks up to a couple of niggers

kanye the plain jane nigger

and his bitch of the sand variety

if nietzsche didn't get the clap from the whore he lost his virginity to he would be laughing at americuck

>> No.9362710

Fuck off you ugly wog

>> No.9362716

implying your bitch isn't messaging him on fetlife right now

you'll be licking his cum out of your bitch/sucking his dick friday night like a fucking cuck

>> No.9362719

Nice projecting fag lol

>> No.9362721

the irony of calling someone a cuck while publicly sucking another mans dick

>> No.9362722

we've all been in college

we've all sucked a little dick on the 5th floor of the library stacks

everyone knows thats why they call it the fagstacks

>> No.9362726

Sounds like you know from experience loser
Americans are such cucks
Aren't you like 27 years old? Hahaha

>> No.9362734

27 years young and suck dick better than any of you faggots

straight guy, sucks better dick than you fags

hows that make you feel?

>> No.9362748

Holy shit stop trying lmao

>> No.9362755

None of this is /fa/ related aside from the bits about personal health and fitness. Go back to /pol/ you off topic autist. Why do you try so hard to spill your shit here on a fashion board? This political stuff is completely unrelated to a board about sneakers, hairstyles or nail polish.

>> No.9362763

i'm american and i wake up at 4:30am just so i can participate in these threads

>> No.9362772

dumb fag
make me sick

>> No.9362773

thanks for serving your country.

>> No.9362791

thank you for the kind words. just wish more of my fellow countrymen would do the same. soon the janitor will wake up and have a fit when he sees this and delete it. the first thing he does in the morning is check to make sure every post on /fa/ conforms to SJW standards

>> No.9362870

> asians can be our allies, but they too lack many of the traits that make the white race the pinnacle of humanity.

what, central asians too?

>> No.9362889


Pigfuck what if I like to have sex with girls of different races?
Isn't that a form of conquest, true to the power of the white man?

ofc I wouldn't take one over a white girl but is it so wrong?

>> No.9362905

as long as ye dont marry/procreate you can do so at your own peril

>> No.9362913
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Do not respond. You can't argue with mentally ill people. Report and ignore.

>> No.9362914

So, whats the follow up?

>> No.9362931

Don't try to reason with Nazis.

>> No.9362934

better nazis than this cuckold liberal self-devouring world under the watchful evil jewish agenda tbh.

>> No.9362945

that tiny mouth and thin eyebrows make me so uncomfortable

>> No.9362953

i dont speak of all asians
jews fear the samurai

>> No.9362957

hay monkey lipz