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9353439 No.9353439[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are interracial relationships /fa/?

>> No.9353449

White guy and asian girl is the only acceptable one. Otherwise it's totally disgusting.

>> No.9353454

this post is like the embodiment of 4chan

>> No.9353455


>> No.9353457

Black female

Asian Female

Latina Female

White Female

>> No.9353467
File: 3 KB, 36x26, Fedora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9353468

what about indians and arabs?

>> No.9353474

Indians grouped with asians
Arabs grouped with latinos

>> No.9353476

Pretty much

>> No.9353484


>arabs grouped with latinos


>> No.9353487

Skin colour I think

>> No.9353495

Arabs are closer to Whites than they are to Latinos since Latinos have less Caucasian admixture on average.

>> No.9353496

Easiest way to id aspies or weird fucks isa white/jew male with a 3/10 asian.

>> No.9353502

Arabs are grouped with latinos in terms of appeal/skin color.

>> No.9353503
File: 102 KB, 803x430, raughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this

>> No.9353505 [DELETED] 

White bois only date shit ugly Asian chicks. Somehow their taste in Asian girls are total crap.

It's either they really have bad taste in Asian girls, or their yellow fever is fedora euphoric level.

>> No.9353527
File: 157 KB, 500x333, le.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everywhere I go I only see white bois with shit ugly Asian chicks.

It's either they actually have bad taste in Asian girls, or their yellow fever is fedora euphoric level they just want to put their dick in anything yellow.

It's gross.

>> No.9353536

Maybe they have low self esteem. It's more common than you'd think!

>> No.9353542

Yellow fever fedora man or 2/10 Asian chick?

>> No.9353607

Is that Louis C.K.?

>> No.9353611
File: 193 KB, 994x1262, CK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Louis "The Cuck King" Szekely? Yes, yes it is.

>> No.9353613

I was le trolling with that post, being white myself I find asians hot but I don't think I could ever be with one, all around my city I see euphoric looking kikes with ugly chinks, disgusting. Even if I had a hot chink gf Id still feel like a yellow fever weeb. It's a nightmare tbh.

Also, asians in general are weird as fuck, completely and utterly easy but once you talk to them for prolonged periods they're erratic psychos.

>> No.9353615

Is he a white apologist or something?

>> No.9353623

his jokes are often self-deprecating white ones

>I'm so uncool, I need samuel jackson to fuck my wife in front of me and make me dance, whites are such nerds!


>> No.9353634

>self deprecating
>I love being white.
Why is /pol/ so retarded?

>> No.9353635

White women are just prettier imo. There's something stately about the way white peoples eyes are set back in their skulls. Their faces are just so much more attractively angular. I love girls with sharp jaws and pointy cheekbones. Also brown eyes are pleb as fuck. My gf has green with dirty blonde hair.

>> No.9353641

Did you even watch the video? I'm not fucking /pol/ either that is literally what he talks about.


>> No.9353645

why did you just list every option?

>> No.9353646

>settling for the asian girl

Beyond beta

>> No.9353655

Tumblr has discovered 4chan

>> No.9353667

Wow, that shit went right over your head.

>> No.9353688

Fedora is a response to militant atheism, learn to meme, faggot

>> No.9353735

Idk why but I'm very attracted to Latina women

>tfw race traitor