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File: 65 KB, 960x756, 10931377_10153003958360489_3487121168025858196_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9346452 No.9346452 [Reply] [Original]

So the LA techno underground scene right now is all about BLACK. Black black black black. Black punk leather with some strappey goth bits and boots, mixed with a hint of that heavy drapey ninja goth shit.

Where can I buy this kind of stuff online? What is the style even called?

>> No.9346457

it's called basic bitch, because all black is basic bitch now

can't wait for this trend to end

>> No.9346461


Eh I like it. It fits for what Techno is these days. Dark mechanical and brooding.

>> No.9346475
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>wearing black
>a trend

>> No.9346486

Im just happy that "Nu Rave" is dead.

>> No.9346493

name another time in the last decade where it was completely normal for every single person at your local starbucks to wear all black

>> No.9346499

only fuccbois are saying this or even a little bit worried about it
monochrome clothing is more popular now that it was in the past, but if you aren't a malltier fuccboi you shouldn't be worried about 'plebs' hopping onto anything. they shouldnt be able to look like you by buying shit at topman

you're sounding like a trendhopper to be honest, if it's 'basic bitch' now then why wasn't it in the past? if you legitimately never liked monochrome clothing then fine, but if you're only starting to dislike it now that it's more popular then you're the definition of a hypebeast. feeling less like a snowflake now?

>> No.9346503

It was dead in like 2008 m8.

>> No.9346511

i have to agree; if you're worried that basic bitches are styling on you now, that's your problem

>> No.9346513


you sound like you're 40+

>> No.9346527
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So you all just gonna be bitches, or can you actually link any webstores?

>> No.9346534


>> No.9346546
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Yea I know Rick Owns. Black Asteroid in the OP Pic always pushes Rick. Too bad he's an actual designer and everything costs a gorrilion dollars.

>> No.9346571

the gap, h&m, etc.

>> No.9346604

balck is modest and arrogant at the same time -yoshi yamamato

>> No.9346669
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I hate you.

>> No.9347103

>LA underground

sorry hombre, you can't into techno

>> No.9347120


well the thing with black is if you don't put some serious or at least close to serious money down it's not gunna work

there is a very thin line between looking like a burglar/emo and looking like a chic eccentric goofninja

it's all in the texture

and if you don't put the money down you'll look like a loser that can't into colors rather than someone who is "above" colors.
anyway if you 're looking for cheap shit you can find black stuff ANYWHERE you melon

gap, zara, h&m, banana republic, nordstrom, etc etc etc

>> No.9347125


>LA Techno
>Wes Eisold

Yeah, no.

>> No.9347751

>really like techno
>dress like I have an interest in techno
>never made a friend who likes techno

life isn't worth the effort involved

>> No.9347765

you are definitely right about texture, you will never get good textures clothing for cheap, and with black clothing it will be much more obvious, because there won't be color to distract you from the shitty or bland construction. which is also why high fashion or avantgarde fashion in black compared to fast fashion in black really has about as close to nothing in common, the looks aren't even similiar. so even if fast fashion is pushing some sort of black/white shit, its so far off from black used in high fashion its an absolute joke. im not even sure there is anyone on here who honestly is so fucking dense that they are not trolling when they use words like "memechrome" or "black is over"

>> No.9347767

what is la referring to, los angeles, louisiana, latin america

>> No.9347796


>> No.9347806

What is underground LA techno?
Looks like a bunch of fags pretending to be Alec Empire 20 years too late.

>> No.9347923

Goth revival/Emo in the 2000s.

>> No.9349588

I live in LA, what are some good things to see?

>> No.9349600

Frank & Tony on Sunday.

Not techno, but some great house.

>> No.9349611

techno is so fucking lame

>> No.9349620

Totally agree.

>> No.9349709


who is this

>> No.9349711


I'm sorry did you not notice Chris fucking Liebing, and Black Asteroid in the pic?

>> No.9349721
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>> No.9349739


im not goin to argue that LA doesnt have a techno scene, but the CLR stuff is pretty much jock techno for euro megafests and italian bros.

i would def check out an interface party though, moe drumcell is a nice guy and ive beaten out my share of truncate tracks even though the dude is milking it hard with too many releases and remixes

>> No.9349747


i love techno and pretty much avoid most anything "dark", mechanical, brooding... theres tons of stuff out there m8

>> No.9349809

What is Techno these days? Someone post a track

>> No.9349818

Everyone in this pic looks p cool

>> No.9350025

i'd stare into those eyes for at least 1 minunte

>> No.9350041

All Saints is pretty decent for blacks and neutrals. Kickass leather jackets too.

>> No.9350049


Someone is actually being helpful tonight.

>> No.9350530


Fuck yea Interface and Droid parties in general. Needs to be more of those.

You remember Mega / iComplex back in the day? They teamed up with Droid a few times. Insane fucking parties.

I'll be at TechnoState tonight. They throw super small underground warehouse parties. very old school vibe. Check it out.

>> No.9350603
File: 284 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Varvatos

>> No.9350659

Can you afford to drop $2500-$3500 on single pieces of clothing?

If you can't, don't bother because I'm going to assume that most of these people are rocking some variation of RO, MA+, Julius etc.

>> No.9351781

... which was a trend. Great job at disproving >>9346475!

>> No.9352526



Anyway, I follow dance music fairly closely and I have no idea what the "LA techno scene" is. The LA scene is shitty beat music (Shlohmo, Flylo) and poppy house (LOL Boys, Samo Sound). The only decent thing to come out of that cultural shithole is Fade to Mind

>> No.9352660


Nice. Atmospheric, melancholic, serious, but too slow. Lacks energy. You'd have to play this pretty early in the night. No ones gonna be slammin the dance floor to that track.

>> The LA scene is shitty beat music (Shlohmo, Flylo) and poppy house (LOL Boys, Samo Sound)

wat. Try going to some undergrounds and raves.

>> No.9352689


Pretty different. Varvatos is very much about that archetypal old school rock. Shaggy shearlings from Camden Town in the 60's, Bob Dylan wearing a a shirt undone just so, Slash in a threadbare tee with a leather jacket thrown on top; those are all much closer reference points for Varvatos than most of what's been discussed in this thread, I'd think.

>> No.9352777

>tfw you just started wearing all black
>tfw you're about 5 years too late
I wish I had the money to afford this shit back in 2009

>> No.9352815


Wes Eisold was pretty terrible live tbh. Didn't really improve Bryan's track. Would have been better if they just recorded the vocals, produced it properly, and played samples. But I guess their friends so whatever.

>> No.9352938

>No ones gonna be slammin the dance floor to that track

You're a moron

>> No.9353016

Is that guy Wes Borland from Some Girls?

>> No.9353541

Have three. Thse


>> No.9353575

Just cop the entire Zara black collection lmao

>> No.9353627


Uh what? So people who go to techno parties are just supposed to just stand around and look effay? You fucking kidding me? Dance and have a good time, that's the point.

>> No.9353636


Fuck yes Cleric. That's what I'm talking about.

>> No.9354088
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>> No.9354121

so memeochrome finally reached the masses huh

>> No.9354214

American techno scene sucks , is super commercialized and is yust expansive from what i gather.

also your mdma is mixed with a lot of shit,
> everyone is memechrome and well dressed at techno parties here.
> ex-goth girls that dress good

Fucking love this shit.

>> No.9355673

The best techno scene is in Europe but I heard there are some great spots in the US as well

>> No.9355682

weird. in the uk it's just about wearing comfortable clothes for dancing in that you don't mind getting fucked up. just like jeans, a record label tshirt and nikes. maybe a cap if u want to look a bit ruder. people dressing up in black designer stuff is weird

>> No.9355706

>still listening to techno
are you guys seriously that far behind the times?

>> No.9355735

what are you talking about? techno is HUGE at the moment. probably the #1 genre in clubs right now

>> No.9355751

it was wes eisold in some girls
(yes it is him)
wes borland was (is?) in limp bizkit

>> No.9355769

lol not anywhere i go to

its not the nineties anymore

>> No.9355790

where do you live? what clubs are you going to? here in london all the biggest clubs have regular techno nights

>> No.9355808

i live in atlanta

>> No.9355855

I LOL at that.

>> No.9355858


>> No.9355869

Definitely not the scene, what you posted is the meme of neo-goth, and does not represent anything but pitchfork 2012

>> No.9355946

I laugh at faggots like you

>> No.9355953

top 3 influential music city in the number 1 influential country in the world

stay mad fagits

>> No.9355960

what kinda music do clubs play where you're from? hip hop and stuff?

>> No.9355962

Niggah I've been wearing all black since middleschool. Colors are not trends

>> No.9355963

>Good for anything but nigger music