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/fa/ - Fashion

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9334618 No.9334618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/
serious question. do you guys think i'd be able to model??

>> No.9334636

ur p qt but not like rly qt so its a no from me sry

>> No.9334709

i cant tell, take a pic where you arent storing nuts in your cheeks for winter

>> No.9334712

post height a measurements.
you face is kind of boring.

>> No.9334725

how many rats n other small woodland animals u got living in ur hair?

>> No.9334726

Holy fuck you're an asshole.

>> No.9334739

Like this guy said, you do have a kinda boring face. I think most models usually do though. We'd have to see a full body shot and measurements.

But very bangable

>> No.9334740

my asshole hair is groomed more than whatever that shit on her head is im sure

>> No.9334741

ur cheek looks shopped
my opinion - no

>> No.9334743
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No, you probably need to cut 20+ lbs. to bring out your jaw. You can literally see your cheeks weighing down your face.

You look too short.

Your hair isn't well maintained, needs to be oiled/conditioned better, you need to not dye it retarded shit.

Eyebrows are a bit too thin.

You probably have stumpy legs.

With that said. You could probably lose 20lbs. and model for your school newspaper.

>> No.9334746


lol hell nah don't waste your time.

he's right that shit is nappy as fuck. i've seen egyptian mummies with better hair.

>> No.9334749

There/s being confident and then there's being self centered.

>comparing your buzzed head to her female hair

m8, fuck off

>> No.9334753

I suggest losing some weight, especially around cheeks. Nice strong chin tho

>> No.9334755



>> No.9334758

>buzzed head

i specifically referred to the hairs growing in and around my anus

>> No.9334763
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>> No.9334765
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yeah, you can model for dove's real beauty. Just gotta get real soapy and lather well ;))

>> No.9334769

probably not but youre cute at least

>> No.9334772

oh I thought you were calling your hair asshole hair since I called you an asshole

>not shaving your asshole

the fuck dude, that shit is DISGUSTING, and makes it IMPOSSIBLE to wipe properly after a shit, and toilet paper gets all caked and fucking stuck in it too

>> No.9334775

>look at me making witty comebacks
lel mr potatoe head

>> No.9334778

>shaving your asshole

wtf? fag

now you can get shit particles directly inside your razorburn! enjoy gangrenous ingrown hairs!

>> No.9334782
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only picture i have where you can see my whole body (that's recent at least)
admittedly am a bit short tho i'm only 4'11 lol

>> No.9334786

posting ur high school crush on 4chan isnt nearly as funny as u think it is bud

le epic trolls tho

>> No.9334787

what exactly is the point of these types of threads? threads where the ops ask for advice on clothing/haircut that would fit them at least have a chance of them being sincere and not fishing for compliments from shut-in fashionistas, but this "am i model material???" is /soc/ level

>> No.9334790

Nah I don't use a razor. I use a beard trimmer. So there's a little bit left but still feels smooth, therefore no ingrown hairs. :)

>> No.9334791

well, this is a troll thread, so best to just sage and move on.

>> No.9334793


if you were 5'11 you would struggle to be a model. at 4'11 you're fucked.

>> No.9334794

abandon hope

>> No.9334801


good thing this is actually me lol

>> No.9334803

5'11 is a fine height for a female model

>> No.9334806


Damn girl, I would pick you up, slam you on the bead, and ruin you for future generations like the military industrial complex.

>> No.9334833

wow this wasnt i a troll? wtf

you cant model at 4'11" for a career at least

>> No.9334841
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>military industrial joke

too real man, too real.

>> No.9334855

Classic case of man jaw, huge chin too. You also need to lose like 20 pounds.

>> No.9334862
File: 48 KB, 722x349, Everything is normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9334863
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start drinking some milk goddamn

>> No.9334865
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>> No.9334866

heard there are some dwarf agencies looking out