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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 39 KB, 1000x599, Drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9326961 No.9326961[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the most /fa/ drug?

>> No.9327001
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>> No.9327003

Being in complete control of your thoughts and actions.

>> No.9327005


>> No.9327007

Nope it's blow. It keeps you slim and confident.

>> No.9327009

cocaine and heroin is the general consensus

now gtfo

>> No.9327012


>> No.9327013
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That's what I told your mom when she was blowing me last night

>> No.9327016

haha what are you some kind of pussy or something
loosen up bae

>> No.9327026

fair choice, hard to argue
but vapes can look dorky as cigarettes are always cool

>> No.9327028


>> No.9327043

Did blow for the first time on NYE with buddies, got super shit faced off expensive whiskey and railed a fat line. Had the best night but come morning I wanted to literally kill myself because of the hangover. Will probably only try coke again when sober

>> No.9327057

You're a fucking loser. Go get high and forget your life is a complete mess, like you always do.

>> No.9327066

I did coke first time I went to a bar. I was drunk and high as fuck and my bro comes over and says want to try coke and I'm like yea why not. I ended a marriage that night and hooked up with 6 other girls. And got into a bar fight. I'm never doing coke or going to bars again.

>> No.9327073

But LSD/Shrooms are the most artistic drugs there for they should be the most /fa/ because art is fashion.

>> No.9327079

anything but vaping is effay

i'd rather be a pack-a-day-smoker than

>> No.9327080

yea enjoy cancer bitch

>> No.9327085

than be a vapelyf fgt

>> No.9327208


coke by far

>> No.9327220
File: 29 KB, 288x216, BRR07681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adderall is by FAR the most /fa/ drug.

It's not addictive and makes you sharp as fuck. Everything else is pleb tier

>> No.9327228

>likes adderall
>says everything else is pleb

stay 15 faggot.

>> No.9327231

isnt that the appeal

keep drinking that flouride and eating ur antibiotic pumped cage meat tho

>> No.9327244

are you even 18?

spedballs win, everything else is shit

>> No.9327263

>Not addictive
Yeah keep telling yourslef that m8

>> No.9327264

>not addictive

>> No.9327272

Weed will always be /fa especially if you do a lot of blow with it.

especially if vaping with a pax while rocking tech wear

>> No.9327276

no one is in control of their thoughts or actions, drugs just allow you to become depersonalized and realize this.

and most /fa/ drug is heroin

>> No.9327280

vaping is the gayest thing on the planet second only to being a delusional pothead

sorry to be the one to break it to you

>> No.9327281

Why the fuck would someone say that?

>> No.9327285

Joints are the best and the most /fa/

>> No.9327296


Not the same guy but it's actually not, when I got prescribed I thought it was but looking into it it's not really and doesn't have very huge long term side-effects as long as you respect it and don't abuse it and use it recreationally. Like the effort of success for many people it can become physiologically addictive, also there's a bit of eurphoria but you build tolerance fairly fast so unless you keep upping the dose you don't really get it. But I guess I legitimately have ADD so I'm not sure how it works for normal people.

>tfw I'm able to fall asleep on adderall

>> No.9327306

you retard, adderall withdrawal has physical symtoms

>> No.9327308

Most /fa/ drugs are dissociatives and psychedelics. What's not /fa/ about being able to search yourself and gain new perspective?

>> No.9327309

Definitely cocaine and heroin, bit both are pretty bad for you, and that's not very /fa/ in my opinion. Cigarettes fall in there too. I'd say vaping can be pretty /fa/ if its discreet, not a giant robot cock. As far as psychedelics go I'd say various research chemicals are way more /fa/ than LSD or psilocybin, but I don't know too much about them.

>> No.9327319


Eh, I haven't ever noticed it then. I only get the same come down which I get every single time since my first time. Haven't noticed a difference between the come downs when I take it twice daily
for 3 weeks and the come down after a 2 week break.

>> No.9327366

amazing projection there m8.

Name one other drug that
1. Doesn't have a harsh comedown
2. Makes you feel alert
3.Doesn't make you tweek out/act retarded like other drugs such as marijuana/cocaine/shrooms/lsd/benzos

Protip: You cant

>> No.9327374

cocaine, heroin, mdma

>> No.9327389

>/fa/shion as art related drugs
LSD, shrooms, and other psychadelics

>/fa/ lifestyle drugs
Cocaine, heroin, designer drugs, prescription drugs

>> No.9327392

Nicotine, Water, L-Tyrosine.

>> No.9327398


>> No.9327405

OP can't get enough
OP sucks dick for cock

>> No.9327406

have you even tried cocaine??? its literally adderall x10
just admit u can only score shitty college drugs

>> No.9327410

its addictive dick head

>> No.9327420

I've tried cocaine and its painfully obvious to anyone who's not high on coke that you're on something. It's not /fa/ to walk around looking like a tweaker.

Cocaine is the most /fa/ at parties but if you actually have shit to do during the day adderall is GOAT.

Fuck outta here you nerd

>> No.9327443

>durhur cancer is cool

>> No.9327445

I prefer adderall to cocaine overall

cocaine obviously feels better but the comedown sucks and you look fucking retarded to everyone who's not on cocaine

>> No.9327448

yep, u havent tried real coke

>> No.9327460

Also vapes haven't been around long enough to study long term effects. With cigarettes, at least you know what you're getting into.

>> No.9327463

lmfao what are you talking about
you can do blow and be totally functional

you probably snorted bath salts

>> No.9327468

>I haven't tried real coke
You're the biggest fuckin nerd. Go back to smoking your paco and thinking its cocaine

>> No.9327474

I never said it's not functional. I said it's obvious to anyone who's not a total dumbass that you're on something.

>> No.9327484

lol uve seen too much Vice docs but i doubt uve tried anything besides weed and adderalll

>> No.9327497

Molly is v pale. Spread that good vibe all night!

>> No.9327543

Ok bud

>> No.9327564

being /fa/ isn't actually a good thing. it means being pretentious and edgy and largely basing preferences on other people's perception of the self rather than doing what makes you personally happen

so lololol lets do coke only faggot hippies do acid haha