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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 47 KB, 372x500, 1420669690988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9309654 No.9309654 [Reply] [Original]

why is it very attractive men always dress in menswear or mall tier stuff? do they just not care?

>> No.9309668

they never felt the need to overcompensate unlike 99% of this board. They don't feel the need to be "different" when theve been accepted by society since day one. same with females.

>> No.9309700

because menswear is the most attractive style for men

prove me wrong

>> No.9309715

because they want to look good for regular people, not for /fa/

>> No.9309727

Because they aren't losers who need to obsess over what they are wearing so they think other people can be impressed. Same thing with guys who work out and walk around with wifebeaters all the time

>> No.9309741



dressing for society has nothing to do with genetics

OP is just stating an opinion

>> No.9309743

look at the number of posters

>> No.9309745

Pretty much this. Fashion isn't a very exciting concept to most people as an idea in and of itself. For most, their interest in fashion is more so a satellite for another interest - such as belonging to a subculture, attracting people, embodying a lifestyle.

Some people participate in fashion for fashion's sake, some people participate for ulterior reasons. Either is fine really.

>> No.9309759

>7 posters
>7 replies

>> No.9311177

Because it objectively looks better.

>> No.9311609
File: 9 KB, 188x268, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're handsome anything you do makes ugly people want to do as well.

Why do you think people think smoking is cool?

>> No.9312403

Some people have to dress certain ways for you know, their jobs.

I wouldn't choose to dress business casual every day but it's our dress code.

>> No.9313379

This. If I'm working in an office I have to wear business casual. If I'm working in the kitchen I have to wear pants and a simple shirt long enough to tuck in. Not my fault I choose colors that work well, good fitting stuff and am handsome so people think I have a great sense of fashion when I don't.

>> No.9313663

>why is it very attractive men always dress in menswear or mall tier stuff?

Because that's how most everyone dresses

>> No.9313692


because being good looking doesn't prevent them from being a pleb.

>> No.9313739

>mall tier shit
I don't know where you're getting this notion from.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. Are you 9 years old? There is nothing you can possibly wear that looks nicer then a high quality, well tailored suit. Follow basic colour theory and add nice accessories and you'll literally be the best dressed man on rhe planet.

The only drawback is that you can't wear that in a casual setting without being over-dressed.

The only thing that can match this, would be a Class A military uniform or formal wear. Those being even more exclusive, both in terms of attainment and appropriate settings.

>> No.9313914

Why is it that very attractive females always dress in mall tier stuff?

OP your post is total blanket statement. There are plenty of attractive people who wear high fashion clothing. There are also attractive people on this board who don't "always dress in menswear or mall tier stuff."

>> No.9315813

...and what's wrong with mall clothing? I swear God I never understood this, why would everyone want to spend 300€ on a fucking pair of jeans? I dislike most fast fashion too, but there are more
expensive and more quality stores in malls than H&M and pull&bear that still don't cost an arm and a leg.

>> No.9316443

They're just parroting.

>> No.9316470


Because they don't want to look gay.

I'm pretty myself, but my face is already delicate enough not to wear androgynous clothes.

>> No.9316555

>ease of vailability
>most of society has agreed menswear looks good
If your working a day job at an office going to the mall and buying menswear is the easiest and most accepted thing to do. Wearing more daring stuff takes more time and effort and you'll actually have to go out and seek opportunities to wear them in appropriate environments. Being "into fashion" is easier in college where you have more free time and nobody cares what you look like

>> No.9317249

name at least 3 male fashion designers that are athletically fit/don't have a mangled face/not compensating for something besides trick ownes

>> No.9318725

It's not rocket science. When you're 6'3" tall, a 10/10 in appearance, etc, you don't need clothes or good shoes to compensate for your ugliness.

If you were blessed with out-of-this-world beauty, you wouldn't spend an inordinate amount of time trying to look perfect (as you're doing now in /fa/). You would put your attention elsewhere.

>> No.9318801

Attractive people are 1% of the population. Effay people are <1% of the population. Thus, attractive and effay people should be <.01% of the population aka you likely won't find them in the wild.

>> No.9318878

usually just morons with no ability to comprehend fashion beyond the local j crew and what GQ tells them what to wear

its the face of the modern male
equivalent of pumpkin spice girls

also highly likely to harbour homophobic tendencies and won't wear this or that for fear of looking ""gay""

>> No.9318886

I can't. Hardly any designers are attractive, tall, lean etc.

Rick Owens is fit but he does have a mangled face though so I don't know why you mentioned him.

>> No.9318888

tall poppy syndrome detected


>> No.9318889

That's assuming that they are mutually exclusive groups. Without knowing what percentage of attractive people are /fa/ and what percentage of /fa/ people are attractive, you can only give a range. With your assumptions that attractive people make up 1% of the population and /fa/ people make up <1% of the population, you can only know that between <0.01% of the population and 1% of the population are /fa/.

>> No.9318899

i'm tall gorgeous and better looking than everyone else and still spend most of my income on lovely designer garms

because i like wearing cool things

since when is fashion exclusively about looking more attractive

the fucking morons on this board i swear to god

>> No.9318929

Back to mfa with you

>> No.9318935

post pic. I bet you're ugly as shit but just deluded.

>> No.9318942

hes right but im sure ur board meeting will be v impressed with ur 4chan approved air forces and uniqlo parka
#so fash

l o l

>> No.9318983

fox and the grapes the post

keep reaching tho

broke ass suburbanite trash

>> No.9319293

He's right though

Especially that bit about military uniforms. It's a shame they reached their peak in the late 19th century

>> No.9319327

>mens wear
>not being an outdated costume

pls go fuck off

>> No.9319612

Are you referring to attractive men and women in commercials and on billboards? They look good despite whatever they are wearing.

Most of them are displaying their attire to sell to the average person. Obviously it is working as people believe they will look good if they emulate attractive people.

In reality attractive people can pull of anything and still look good. Average people will only look marginally better with quality clothes with good fit etc.

>> No.9319888


I bet you two must have well paying jobs (drenched in sarcasm).

>> No.9320927

depending on the field a suit will be viewed as a negative, alot of silicon valley comps will flat out not hire you if you come to an interview with a suit on.

>> No.9321335

>good job
>having a boss who won't hire a great prospective employee because they dress well.

Any respectable person won't shut someone out of a job because they took the time to dress well. They will however, deny someone the opportunity of they show up dressed like a slob.

>> No.9321434


>i'm tall gorgeous and better looking than everyone else

prove it

>> No.9321445

i got denied the job at uniqlo because i wore a suit to the interview and they straight told me i overdressed

>> No.9324884

>good job
I rest my case.

>> No.9324975
File: 70 KB, 761x950, 287_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can wear as many /fa/ fits as you want, but it is only a mask over your ugliness, and everyone will instantly make the same conclusion when they see you wearing ninjacore rick.

Only attractiveness matters, not what clothes you wear.

Deal with it.


>> No.9324985

this dudes p ugly

>> No.9324992
File: 97 KB, 761x950, 287_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur p retarded

>> No.9325002

his features arent symmetrical and wtf is that birthmark on his cheek? also lmao look at his torso i mean come on

i see kids that look like this everyday while their girlfriends are staring at me.

>> No.9325003

Those legs are disgusting. You also wear a watch on your wrist, not half way up your arm.

>> No.9325011
File: 381 KB, 800x1199, Alessio-Pozzi-Model-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his unique facial scar!
>his watch!

And herein lies the problem.

If you seriously think this person is unattractive, you now have the answer to why no grill has ever touched you.

>> No.9325015

Well, you're a dumbass and you ruined this thread. I'm out.

>> No.9325018
File: 102 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n7s27dyHWB1rb5vl8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Go be unattractive somewhere else.

>> No.9325019

nigga your the one with not one, not two, but 3 PICTURES of a male model and you say we haven't been touched by girls?

This man isn't good looking. He has a baby face, he has no jawline, and he probably cant grow facial hair

>> No.9325028
File: 212 KB, 1366x2048, Tomas_Maier_020_1366_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You will never be this attractive.

Just deal with it and stop crying.

Improve your body, not your clothes.


>> No.9325070

being /fa/ is a crutch

>> No.9325078


damn hella mirin

>> No.9325088

u (fag) see his sexy muscles bcuz u have nudie pics of him saved on ur pc and are obsessed with fag activities like getting sweaty in the locker room, other normal people (staight guys/women) see his wide piggy nose, asymmetrical face, moles, and weird jawline bcuz unfortunately for uggos like u/him u cant make up for shitty facial genetics and emberassing height deficiency by just posing shirtless all day

>> No.9325099

>let me point out all his imperfections because I am jealous

>> No.9325108

dat ss15 bottega veneta

I loved that collection

>> No.9325109


If this dude is a famous model I should go sign up with an agent cause I'm way better looking than him

>> No.9325117

what is there to be jealous of? dude is fucking ugly

>> No.9325124

oh yeah?

post pics faggot.

>> No.9325126
File: 1.97 MB, 3000x4000, 1420855736025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9325130

m8 i can be that attractive.
anyone can.
also that pic is probably v photoshopped

>> No.9325131

epic dude, u sure 0wn3d me with that pic

>> No.9325132

please control your autism, there is nothing special about your mancrush, please take this shit to /lgbt/ or /fit/

>> No.9325133
File: 220 KB, 780x1045, givenchy-fall-winter-2014-2015-campaign-mert-marcus-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ricardo Tisci overrules you tripfaggot.

>> No.9325138
File: 139 KB, 559x973, 1381607303049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9325142
File: 116 KB, 640x640, yt6w16X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is nothing special about him

Never claimed there was, except the fact that he is more attractive than you.


>> No.9325153
File: 87 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mm296zweOo1qg22hlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not that attractive, out of every person in the world you choose this guy?

pic related, much better looking in every way.

>> No.9325168
File: 876 KB, 500x281, 1420431801702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9325172

gotta be honest anon, you are completely right. Everyone here on 4chan tries to nitpick details about people to make them seem unattractive in order to make themselves feel better, it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.9325174


anon why are you defending him so much? is this you? lets see your face

>> No.9325180

trunks you have the body shape of a female and the face of a goblin

>> No.9325183

only a givenchy fan would be enough of a faggot to lust over this ugly wog

>> No.9325186

on what are you basing your asumption that he is more atractive than i am?

>> No.9325187

not sure if srs, dude has 1.6 million instagram followers(majority which are women) and he's not even famous except for his looks.

>> No.9325189

u have the bantz of a 12 year old

>> No.9325194

This guy pretty much too good looking, like when I look at him, I can't even find one thing to make fun of

>> No.9325196

The fact that it is truth? The picture you posted of the hair faggot is moderately attractive, but we already know he ("you") is a manlet among other things.

>> No.9325198

fuck this is pathetic

asking some stranger on the interneet to post pics of himself, not to compare with how attractive u are, because ur too scared to post ur ugly mug, but so u can size him up with ur male modelfu man crush

hahahah fuck this is gay and stupid, post ur own face uglyboy

>> No.9325207

You first, uglyboy.

>> No.9325224

You can make fun of the fact that he doesn't have bright eyes but shit tier mud eyes duh.

>> No.9325225
File: 78 KB, 950x1266, mikkel-jensen-digitals-dailymalemodels-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Models will always be more "good-looking" than the average /fa/ poster.

This simple fact will upset only those who think their Rick Owens knockoffs make up for their unattractiveness.


>> No.9325228

yeah he has poop eyes like a dog, OP's pic is best guy itt

>> No.9325229
File: 261 KB, 750x1000, 1393554121995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much point but here

feel free to call me an ugly fag and then not post any pictures of yourself because ur a scared, ugly bitch

>> No.9325231

exactly, only flaw I can point out is his skull is a bit narrow to be a truly dom slayer, but that is nitpicking to the extreme, he is flawless.

>> No.9325234

>he expects anyone to believe this is actually him

Doesn't matter. This man isn't hideous by any means but hardly as attractive as anyone else itt.

>> No.9325238

Handsome but not muddle tier ears are weird af and you probably are buzzed bc you are balding

>> No.9325241

eyebrows too thick
eyebrows extend out too much
lips too small
terrible hair

I thought /fa/ was more discerning than this?

>> No.9325254



you can see the hairline right there kek

>> No.9325256

lmfao, back to /fit/ or /lgbt/ my friend

>> No.9325262
File: 29 KB, 495x302, Tom-Cruise-495x309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair is shit and played out and he has shit tier effiminate eyebrows. Pic related is what a mans eyebrows should look like

>> No.9325265

>my friend

All my friends have hair though.

>> No.9325269

hairline lmao

>> No.9325275

shirt looks like a dress

>> No.9328193

Face is actually very nice.
With a different shirt the fit would be 8/10 tbh