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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 539 KB, 592x580, currentbod3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9311451 No.9311451 [Reply] [Original]

what is some good faspo for fatasses like me?

>> No.9311454

literally anything
clothes (esp. fast fashion/mall shit) at large are created to fit an overweight frame
just don't go trying to wear skinny and slim fitted shit because everything that's regular fit already fits you

>> No.9311455
File: 75 KB, 814x846, 1959474_731096876926141_8435127997670841631_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fatspo but i'll give you some advice for free. Go to lowes and buy the ugliest two piece grey tracksuit you can find and wear it until you're no longer a disgusting piece of shit.
you're welcome

>> No.9311458

yeah but i want to find a guy who looks like me who pulls off a certain fashion. i currently wear ill fitting clothing from macys and want to go to H&M and get a dozen shirts and like 5 pairs of pants, do they even sell fatty clothings? im 210 lb at 6'0

>> No.9311466

get down to 155 than we'll talk

>> No.9311478

Shouldn't inspiration for fat people be thin people?

>> No.9311492

Look at Kanye

He's fatter than you and black. Anything he pulls off you can too.

>> No.9311501

Nah it's 2015. We need to stop discriminating overweight people because they can't help it, they're just built that way! We need more plus sizes, because real women have CURVES. You need an XS? You're disgusting and anorexic and you're fat shaming!! Right? Right...

Fuck. Fat people everywhere. You don't respect your body = I don't respect you.

OP isn't that fat though.

>> No.9311504

He's buff, dude. Blind haters everywhere lmao

>> No.9311559
File: 361 KB, 880x586, 1413415390254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm perpetually bouncing between getting fit and gaining weight. heart surgery twice, one knee reconstruction and a torn meniscus in the other. my life for the last 3-4 years has been 6 months of being overweight and 6 months of gradually getting back to a standard weight before my body gives up all over again.

fashion is a big part of my life, I studied fashion design briefly before switching to another field of illustrative art and being a fatty makes it rough. Most people would say impossible. I mostly agree. But I mean, you can still dress well. You might not look model tier /fa/ but fashion is about conveying an aesthetic, an attitude, an ethos. You can do that if your body is a mess, it's just a lot harder.

I don't mean to sound pro-fatty fa cos I'm really not. Just settle into that 'im not skinny' melancholy and make the most of it. Indifference itself a highly sought-after fashion aesthetic. Just embrace it, and get fit in the meantime.

>> No.9312114

thx mang

>> No.9312141

my body size is a little like yours op. 5'11" 164lbs.

usually wear a M but i have these stupid fat belly that are fugly as shit when i wear M sized shirts

>> No.9312155
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>not being XS

Fucking gross, your blob bodies make me wanna puke.

>> No.9312165

So I take if you don't lift?

>> No.9312169

is that charles carroll?

>> No.9312188

Honestly you don't even look that fat. Maybe a little chubby. Just eat healthier and exercise and you can probably slim down alot.

>> No.9312201

you must have some really nasty sperm, like super chunky and yellow. (BMI Effects sperm, this is called "nasty spunk")