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/fa/ - Fashion

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9309902 No.9309902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We discuss /fa/ tripfriends

>> No.9309921


>> No.9309923

Some of you guys are just way into this board and that's super lame

>> No.9309933

I'm back B) . 2 bad none of u newfags remember me.

>> No.9310673
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I feel like the hate for trunks is really unwarranted and probably perpetuated by butthurt faggots that he called out on their autistic shit. Some of his fits are really fuckin dumb but its also pretty stupid that raw denim and small print flannel wearing fuck boys give him shit for being creative and drastically different and being /actually/ passionate about fashion. dudes pretty fucking smart and knows how to talk shit and explain why shit is fucking retarded since im riding dick.

>> No.9310687
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>> No.9310693

What the hell is the matter with you that even have an opinion about this shit

>> No.9310700

i feel like no one cares

>> No.9310706

Good cautionary tale. It's important to accept when you aren't suited for a type of look you'd like to pull off.

>> No.9310707

levis a pretty cool dude

hes come a long way

the only people hate him are coincidentally just 15 year old turds

>> No.9310714

Trunks pls

>> No.9312384

Question for everyone... does anyone actually like Trunks?

>> No.9312386

he's a genuinely cool guy and could talk about things and actually has opinions and isn't afraid to voice them out

>> No.9312418

if you're better than oi, which is a feat attainable by the dumbest of humans, you're cool enough for me

>> No.9312429

I always like to see /fa/scist and mamma post.

That is my trip story, thank you for your time.

>> No.9312445

Then go back to Reddit you mongoloids

>> No.9312450

lol im the best

>> No.9312452

Trunks hardly shitposts anymore and whenever he disagrees with faggots he seems pretty reasonable
The only reason why people even 'hate' him anymore is because it's le ebin maymay

>> No.9312454
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Ayy lmao

>> No.9312462

thiscunt can't even get trad skinhead right
>fat braces
>cargo pockets

>> No.9312465

>actually has opinions

hes like a step above birthday in terms of actual fashion knowledge and personality wise all he does now is mimic pigfuck. if i wanted to talk to a friendly twerk-lite id talk to tinfoil; at least he recognizes hes kinda an idiot

>> No.9312478

ly bbz

>> No.9312482

That's even worse you downie

>> No.9312496

Knoch is objectively the best

good looking
good fits
gives advice

I miss lelders

>> No.9312509


>> No.9312514

No. He's unnecessarily asshole-ish on every board he posts. He's just a socially inept weirdo. His fits and knowledge were just as bad as most new people when he first started posting here. He's been in the game longer and has no patience with anyone.

>> No.9312520

I like it when he actually drops knowledge. But he's always a jerk about it.

His style of posting is the same as most shitposters. Ad hominem attacks on people for looking different or wearing a brand he doesn't like.

>> No.9312524


>> No.9312535

back to tumblr plz

>> No.9312546

that smiley face man is a pretty cool guy

captcha: checkmark i'm not a robot

>> No.9312554

What? Are you retarded? What does that have to do with Tumblr you meme spouting idiot. You want this place to stay a shithole? It's why most of the good trips left. Asking for a bit of common decency while posting is not that weird.

>> No.9312561

Does mammadod still browse /fa/?

He's my favourite person that ever browsed this board and all his fits were always on point

>> No.9312572
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>> No.9312577
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>> No.9312581

here come the tears

>trunks was mean to me when I was being a sperg boo hoo hoo

>> No.9312583

someone go to another meet up and kill him

>> No.9312586

he still posts every now and then usually just naming as mamma or moma or similar

>> No.9312592
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>whaaaa stop being so mean to trunks >:(

it cuts both ways faggot

>> No.9312594

he's funposting quite bad sometimes, but i really enjoy his fits lately

too bad he'll always be remembered from that horrible skirt fit he posted some time ago

>> No.9312595

nice memes, faggot
you literally contributed nothing

>> No.9312598
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>> No.9312602

The only one being a 'sperg' is trunks.

>> No.9312607
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>> No.9312608

Was hoping he would cut himself. Shame.

>> No.9312612

goddamnit, this webm made me nervous
i cut myself in the finger while doing the same exact thing to an apple with a kitchen knife

>> No.9312616
File: 281 KB, 472x800, hand_over_the_CPs,_fuccboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't chance the stance

>> No.9312624

Stance is a little insecure for my taste. But he knows my songs. Thats pretty cool

>> No.9312627
File: 2.11 MB, 1080x606, stance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't outdance the stance

>> No.9312629

is it legal to carry a pocket knife with you in straya?

>> No.9312635
File: 48 KB, 640x426, stance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't glance the stance

>> No.9312641
File: 160 KB, 600x398, stance_and_kramer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't stand the stance

>> No.9312642

how can you guys hate on him, this shit is fucking hilarious

>> No.9312647

woah, didnt know they make dbss in blue

>> No.9312662 [DELETED] 

It's legal in most of the civilized world.

>> No.9312681

I don't think that's a pocket knife. It's not a folding knife and its blade is too long. Doubt even that's legal in Australia.

>> No.9312683

>He's unnecessarily asshole-ish on every board he posts.
Welcome to 4chan

>> No.9312690

nobody wants to discuss tripfags, what a useless thread you narcissist fucks


if your name isn't listed, you're either shit or completely useless

>> No.9312694
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>I-I used to have a crush on stance