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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 85 KB, 1518x647, clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9308015 No.9308015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who keeps a visual inventory of the items I own so I can play mix and match?

>inb4 poorfag. I know.

>> No.9309113

"visual inventory" what does that mean, mang.

>> No.9309118

i wear the same shit everyday and just change outerwear so no, I don't

>> No.9309129


Explain visual inventory.

>> No.9309138

"visual" means something you can see
"inventory" means keeping track of what you have

So "visual inventory" is when he keeps track of his clothing using pictures, rather than just a list that is made of text

>> No.9309144
File: 1.92 MB, 449x266, 1420656687751.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys not study English or something?

Visual: relating to seeing or sight.

Inventory: a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a building.
A fucking image you idiots.

>> No.9309163

autism general?

>> No.9309288

Ehh not a bad idea I guess, but too tryhard for me. Just wear some clothes man, if you're attractive it won't really matter anyway.

>> No.9309293

It's a good idea if you're trying to curate a minimalist wardrobe or work on downsizing.
I'm planning on creating one for the latter so I can see what shit to sell on when it's placed next to everything else at once n

>> No.9310698

no because i already have the clothes so i can just get up and look at them?
shit clothes btw
not because of cheapness either those are just really shit

>> No.9310701

I don't do it, but that's pretty smart. I need to keep track with what I have or don't have.

>> No.9311523

Nah, I keep track of my entire wardrobe with different websites. I'm OCD or autistic like that.

I recently started using this website called fitbay. It's alright. I got over a 100 followers in 2 months. All these fuccbois mirin my fits.

>in b4 shill

>> No.9311531
File: 119 KB, 1400x1400, Wardrobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"visual" means something you can see
>"inventory" means keeping track of what you have
op doesn't know thats called a wardrobe

>> No.9311566

All these plebs. There's nothing wrong with being organized.

>> No.9311569

Why are you on a fashion board if you have an attitude like that?

>> No.9311577

good idea OP. Might make one now, while im bored enough

>> No.9311650

The same thing can be said with a pantry but don't tell me you've never opened your pantry, or refridgerator for that matter, and though 'ergh I don't know what to make'.

>> No.9312397


fuck, you make me want to do it now

>> No.9312404

Whats the point when you look exactly like an average pleb anyway?

>> No.9312805


I did it once when I was deciding what clothes I had to get rid of. I even took notes saying stuff like "too small on shoulders" or "stain that won't go off"

Then I just kept adding and removing items in a .psd document and never stopped.

Post yours if you are so patrician that you need to call other people "average plebs" over the internet.

>> No.9312831


>> No.9313314


>> No.9313368

this is fucking full blown autist

>> No.9313396 [DELETED] 

You thinking someone keeping track of his inventory is somehow weird is what's really autistic.

>> No.9313402

Why? People keep track of all sorts of things. People keep track of the music they listen to or books they own etc. What's so weird about keeping track of your clothes?

>> No.9313657


no you are not, I've been doing this so I can see what colours I should buy

if that's your visual inventory you've posted though then you should drown yourself in the bath

>> No.9313662


Not only that also autism as fuck
Go back to r9k

>> No.9313936


Might end my life on saturday. Tomorrow I can't because I'm having lunch with a pretty lady.

Please, everyone, feel free to bash my choice of clothes and suggest improvements.

>> No.9313952

I get what OP's at, but with that many clothes why can't you just... look at your closet.

>> No.9313960

don't kill yourself man
they'd have to bury you in one of your shitty fits and all the other ghosts will call you a fuccboi

>> No.9314002 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also own a nice backless tuxedo to buried in.

>> No.9314016
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also own a backless tuxedo to be buried in.

>> No.9314074

How the fuck is this "tryhard?" You're literally the only person who thinks it is.

>> No.9314126
