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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 133 KB, 1280x440, perf 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9298018 No.9298018 [Reply] [Original]

What do you need fixin', /fa/?

>> No.9298048

my life

>> No.9298055

Tfw 7inch dick and feel too small. I probably have to work through my inadequacy issues.

>> No.9298057


My penis is a massive 9 inches long but it curves 120 degrees to the right when it enter action mode. It's like Captain fucking Hook down there.

When I was a kid I was bloody prolific at skateboarding but one time I bailed and my penis got sandwiched between a rail and my thigh, thus causing scar tissue to form, the doctors said it was nothing but when puberty hit, I was suddenly a far right extremist in terms of phallic bearing.

I can only wank by massaging the tip, wading down to the shaft is just painful.

>> No.9298058

i need social skills and to learn how to do things without viewing myself as too inadequate to even try

>> No.9298061

i have an 11 inch penis which really pisses me off because its so close to 12 inches

>> No.9298064
File: 638 KB, 330x186, man choking on piece of steak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was suddenly a far right extremist in terms of phallic bearing.

>> No.9298108

Isn't 9 inches pretty much average?

>> No.9298119


the average is 5.5 inches

>> No.9298121 [DELETED] 

>every guy on the internet claiming to have an above average penis size.
Great meme guys.

>> No.9298124

my dick is 13 inches but my balls are so small. I just want bigger balls to match my pretty big dick.

also some mild gyno

>> No.9298127

>tfw 6"x6" dick
>tfw square

>> No.9298140

this bait right here

>inducing insecurity in /fa/ggots 101

>> No.9298151

probably add a second vagina for more accessibility

>> No.9298159

When i was like 12 i fell out of a tree and landed on a branch that pierced by pants and went into my ball sack and hit one of my balls.

Long story short my right ball sags down more than the left.

>> No.9298162

>every guy on the internet claiming to have a big penis
Epic meme guys.

>> No.9298163

do short story long with vivid description

>> No.9298165

Does anyone else get saddened by this?

>> No.9298168

My spine is like a mario kart track and fkin shoulder full of autism, crackin' everytime and dislocating itself
Then get fit

>> No.9298183


>> No.9298186

Man, I was against cosmetic surgery but damn...

>> No.9298187

my nose is bent to one side because I broke it as a kid and it grew back poorly. It bleeds every summer and winter and makes my face look like shit. Fixing it soon I hope.

>> No.9298191

shit, that IS a lot pretty

>> No.9298195


There was a fair bit of blood, but the nurse was a female, so that was a bonus cause she was touching my balls etc. I had to have a few stitches, but the actual ball was slightly damaged and you can feel scar tissue on the ball itself, and its the weight of that scar tissue that makes it heavier, hence why it sags more than the other ball.

>> No.9298201

I have a 22 inch penis but mild acne scarring :'(

>> No.9298202
File: 406 KB, 519x389, 1417804886286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9298207


Is this considered a birth defect? Like the chin didnt grow properly? Gawd id hate to have a chin like that.

>> No.9298214

>have 7 inch dick
>7 inch girth
My dick is literally as girthy as it is long
Bitches love it but I'm half Hispanic, so the skin is super brown but the head is like bright rose pink and it looks like a fucking berry burrito. A few grills have said stuff and now I'm really upset

>> No.9298215

biology tip for you - every man has one ball hanging lower than the other

>> No.9298218

#1. weightloss (down to 130)
#2. botox on upper lip for gummy smile
#3. teeth whitening
#4. minor gum contouring
#5. veneers, two composite at the top and one at the bottom, to correct small teeth/slightly crooked (ideally all porcelain top and bottom but not necessary + very expensive + invasive)
#6. rhinoplasty
#7. small ammount of filler in chin

>> No.9298219


Holy shit. Really? I thought it was cause of my scar tissue.

>> No.9298224

look up some ballsack pictures on google - it's a pretty rad feature evolution gave us - the balls dont hit each other when we run

>> No.9298247
File: 6 KB, 160x210, 10482568_1608844886005206_2876550998535610085_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up some ballsack pictures on google

>> No.9298251


>> No.9298254

>tfw 7.5x6
Also half Hispanic

>> No.9298256

well, i've seen a bunch of ballsacks during my summer practices at the uni hospital, so i can confirm that, indeed, one ball hangs lower than the other

>> No.9298282

I don't like my cleft chin

I mean my dick is tooooo big

>> No.9298296

>tfw 6 inch dick
It's a meh life I lead.

>> No.9298305

>all koreans

>> No.9298323

extreme mouth breathing?

>> No.9298329

Forehead is too large. I'm not gonna pay for the reduction surgery, though, so i guess i'm stuck with bangs forever

>> No.9298398

>toning up: years of anorexia have left me skinnyfat as hell now that I'm back at a semi-healthy weight
>nose job
>buccal fat removal
>upper eyelid surgery
>cheek liposuction
>chin or neck liposuction
>lip injections

I'm saving up right now. Going to do at least one of these before the end of the year.

>> No.9298404

lmao how big's ur willy manlet

>> No.9298423

>Tfw chin is too strong
>Tfw erectile dysfunction

>> No.9298437

jesus christ is it necessary for all those procedures

>> No.9298444

Nose (significant nostril asymmetry)
Excessively protruding brow ridge

>> No.9298477

jesus just work out or something

>> No.9298647

Hello I have an average sized penis and my girldfriend is pretty happy with it.

>> No.9298658
File: 425 KB, 250x139, tumblr_inline_mvnjbbvCKW1qjqtjc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was suddenly a far right extremist in terms of phallic bearing

>> No.9298668

I thank God this isn't me

>> No.9300881

Where'd she get this done? looks good af.

>> No.9300897
File: 12 KB, 239x211, sweaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forehead reduction surgery

I'm googling this now.

>> No.9300899

Oh, it's just hairline adjustment. I was prepared to see some serious shit.

>> No.9300934

>me, half hispanic, 7 x 6
that settles it

>> No.9301059

would like to fix my slightly uneven eyebrows and the dark circles under my eyes but I think I'll live with it, it doesn't concern me that much.

>> No.9301067

my chin is a little lopsided, maybe 1 cm farther down on the right side
nobody seems to notice but me, but it still pisses me off

>> No.9301074

long face syndrome from mouthbreathing
skinny fat
no facial hair

working on all of them though

>> No.9301081

she went from a 6 to a solid qt kristen stewart 9

>> No.9301087

my noze
its a good size bc small noses irritate me. nice straight and defined but at the tip is slightly dips down ruining my sharp aesthetics :/

>> No.9301092

Heavily contemplating getting a nose surgery because I have this slight bump at the top of the bridge which makes it look larger than it should. It doesn't suit the rest of my babbyface.

Also, depending whether I end up going bald or not, I'm thinking of getting my hairline lowered so I don't have to wear bangs all the time (although I've always preferred that).

>> No.9301095

she also held her face at a much less terrible angle and put on a bunch of makeup

but yeah the nose is great

>> No.9301106

>Nose has been broken a few times and is crooked as fuck
>Need to lose weight
>Would like a stronger hairline
>would like to be about half a foot taller
None of it really bothers me apart from my weight, not all that fat, just don't look great shirtless and kind of have tits

>> No.9301161

High hairline, it's always been that way but I'm getting paranoid I'll start balding despite no one in my family going bald.

And I've got a weak chin, makes me look like a mouthbreather.

>> No.9301199

forhead because it makes me look stupid and more manly
nosejob, so it's smaller/cuter

wish my hips were bigger, but i've read that corset training is a good way to give the illusion of broader hips.

>> No.9301216

Much like that girl, I'm getting my nose fixed. I want the bridge smoothed and the tip raised a bit.

Getting my ears pinned back. They stick out too much.

I'm getting laser hair removal. Everywhere. Gonna be dolphin smooth. Shaving a shit and waxing ends up more expensive than LHR. If you're in a city with good competition the prices are crazy cheap.

In the past I've wanted lip plumpers but for now i am ambivalent. I don't quite like the shape of my lips but current medical technology does not provide adequate results.

>> No.9301222


Braces. That's all

>> No.9301229

I'd love to get laser, but
>tfw brown-skinned

>> No.9301284

I don't understand buccal fat, nobody looks different. I don't even understand what it does.

>> No.9301303

I know your feel

>> No.9301396


Underrated post

>> No.9301558

>not fat
Chose one

>> No.9301579

Honestly the only think I think I could ever want would be a hair transplant on my face so I could grow a nice, thick beard. I've always wanted one since I was a kid because a lot of the older role models in my life had very good facial hair. Also, everyone says I look much better with some kid of hair on my face.

Unfortunately thanks to genetics I missed the boat on being able to grow a decent beard. I can grow a moustache that would make Stalin feel insecure but my hair on my cheeks in patchy as fuck. I'm going to wait until late 20's finally deciding whether to go through with it. It's only been getting stronger and it may reach levels I'm comfortable with by itself.

If I wanted to be nick-picky I have a bit Italian nose and I would like a stronger jawline. But I'm pretty happy with how I am.

>> No.9301604


but really:
>my hair
>unconcscious posture

damn, i let myself go these holidays

>> No.9301646

had my jaw moved forward for health reasons (I swear) about three weeks ago
swelling went down and I started looking sexy in like a week

>> No.9301652
File: 45 KB, 640x640, 10646780_739623626086225_5003977897877505871_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up some ballsack pictures on google

>> No.9301662

obviously it needs to be pointed out that there is different lighting, makeup and skin but holy shit that woman just went from a 5/10 to a 9/10!

Skin condition that I can't get rid of (been to 4-5 different doctors) will look horrible when I eventually go bald... and I'm about 25 pounds overweight. Working on the fatness anyway.

>> No.9301701


>> No.9301710

Can relate. Mine is over 8 inches but curves downward and looks like a sad old man. Never even tried to use it on m'ladies despite countless offers.

>> No.9301807
File: 66 KB, 498x771, 1994 Stephane Sednaoui 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking berry burrito
holy kek

>> No.9301825
File: 5 KB, 249x203, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuU3ZCmawgFop4v-Hh1tNzL7wf5nFyzP7lT8aDerbkZSW_tA56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my jaw is fucked
one side clicks when i chew hard on things or bring it too far to the left after bringing it to the right
also it always feels like it fits weirdly? like as if its alignment is constantly shifting
are there any non-surgical fixes for this

>> No.9301832

oh my god /fa/ my tire just exploded while I was going 100 kph on the freeway and I could have died jesus christ
this is the only thread I have open on my phone but I want to tell you to please stay safe fam

>> No.9301833

I hope you're 4' tall

>> No.9301838

>tfw 5.1x5.5

>> No.9301882


>> No.9301902

get a splint from an orthodontist, it's basically a mouthguard you wear when you sleep and it helped me immensely with my jaw clicking

>> No.9301923


>> No.9301971

i already use one and it doesn'te seem to help much
but its kinda old
should you replace it periodically

>> No.9302188


>> No.9302296
File: 76 KB, 960x912, 1393843606274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nose (significant nostril asymmetry)
same here

It used to bother me but I've gotten over it when I realised I was pretty ugly in general.

I bet I'd look a lot better if I hit the gym and grew some mucles, I'm quite the skinny faggot right now. I'm 6 foot 3 and look like a stick.

I do have a 10 inch dick, which is great.

>> No.9302321

>dat elven-tier nose
Mad jelly OP


>> No.9302442
File: 60 KB, 327x638, Photo 01-03-2014 17 34 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nose

>> No.9302526

I really wanna finish my nose this year. I got stuff done in Korea last year, which I'm happy with but it was TOO subtle/natural. I don't want a completely new face or anything but a bit more tweaks and I should be good.

I think I wanna remove my chin implant and get a sliding genioplasty too. I assume you have to remove the implant when getting one? Asymmetrical issues can only be fixed with a genioplasty and since I'm traveling so far I might as well

>> No.9302539


I-I think y-your n-nose is c-cute anon...

>> No.9302557
File: 130 KB, 396x381, 1409438267534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not cool to have imperfections anymore
>the slightest thing wrong you you must change it
>everyone bust cut uip their body to get as close to an unrealistic ideal as possible
>natural beauty doesnt exist anymore
>people only care about how you look

>> No.9302580


>> No.9302581

pointy nose is cool m8

>> No.9302585
File: 944 KB, 881x889, 1409492113189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmetic surgery for my wide nose but ill have to save up around 10,000 for a good surgeon (as I've been told). Also more slim fit clothes. I'm 6'1 and weigh 135lb so everything looks baggy on me, even slim straight jeans
>tfw I have to go back to skinnies

>> No.9302592

but it stick up, like a little snout


>> No.9302606

Get a haircut faggot

>> No.9302608

If it makes you feel better mine is barely over 6", that's measuring from the pubic bone, not from the skin, in which case it's more like 5.5"

Jk it's as long as my arm

I don't mind being an ugly cunt just give me a gf

>> No.9302623

My hair's not even that long yet

>> No.9302656

nose does not fit the face at all, can easily tell that it has been operated. liked the old one better. also make up in second picture. this is the reason i am hesitant about plastic surgery. surgeons that are not artists.everyone saying this this girl's looks improved, kill yourself and your barbie aesthetics

>> No.9302816

Imaging watching this girl eat food.

Now that would be a strange sight.

>> No.9302832

same lmao

anything above an 8x6 is useless imo. too big

>> No.9302839
File: 427 KB, 960x1280, 1420572822956970037198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw yellow teeth with brown stains
It's not even my own fault, I had huge doses of penicillin when I was born
Not like I can explain that to people when I meet them

Thinking about bleaching my hair, wearing distressed beat up shit and going for full on addict aesthetic

>> No.9302879


>> No.9302969


>> No.9303003

Does it really affect you jawline that much?

>> No.9303008

she looks like laura fraser

>> No.9303038

Not him but I don't mouth breathe and still have a girl jawline.

>feels bad man

>> No.9303065

shit man that's bad, can you not get them whitened?

>> No.9303276

They're completely fucked to the core, chemical whitening will likely be useless
Considering veneers but that's expensive long term

>> No.9303328

Jesus Christ, Bob's Burgers is leaking into reality.

>> No.9303338

sorry to hear that my dude

>> No.9303355

w2c eyes in second pic?

>> No.9303390

Kristen Steward nose and face are worse than OPpic.

>> No.9303409

She unhinges her jaw and swallows her prey whole.

>> No.9303565
File: 297 KB, 668x760, face transformation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to be Chad McMasterson in 3 easy steps

>> No.9303645

only problem with my entire face is my stupid fucking nose. Once I finish college and get on my feet a little the first thing I'm saving for is a nosejob so I can finally be fully happy with my appearance.

>> No.9303674
File: 7 KB, 213x255, 1410559985228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9303688

My nose looks kinda inflated. I think because of the way I blew my nose growing up

I'm getting mpb. I've slowed it down but my hair is dangerously thin

As I wore braces in high school, the roots of my teeth eroded to about 50% of their size. So I will be losing my teeth early. I'm hoping by then, dental implants will have progressed so you can replace all your teeth

>> No.9303695

what's wrong with it

>> No.9303700

I guess I could add that I have a small dick(4.5")

>> No.9303702


Fuck life

>> No.9303703

My top front teeth are worn down and have chipped in places too, looks fucked.

Who knows if that's fixable.

>> No.9303710


>> No.9303787
File: 582 KB, 755x1080, fatnose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's bulbous

>> No.9303810

I sort of see what you mean but I think it looks nice, luckily your face structure suits it

>> No.9303827

my face structure is good but I think a different nose could suit it better. I just don't like it mainly because it's very non-white looking.

>> No.9303860

well it's up to you at the end of the day my dude but i'd be happy with it if I were you

>> No.9303870

He looks like Zachery Levi

>> No.9303873

half of it was fixing her nose the other half was lighting, angle and make-up designed to sell the surgeon's practice to future idiots

>> No.9303891

Half of that is the angle of her head, makeup & lighting

>> No.9303903

regardless shes still a qt

>> No.9303924

she looks like st vincent

>> No.9303933

nope, i know balls packed nicely together

>> No.9303942

dat upper lip. i bet you have a hard time keeping your mouth closed

>> No.9303978

not really, no

>> No.9305170

how the heck has his nose been fixed?

>> No.9305219

i'm probably the only person in the world that prefers curved-out or straight noses rather than curved-in noses
she was just so beautiful before. that's so sad

thanks OP i just lost my job from excessive crying

>> No.9305226
File: 394 KB, 438x747, why..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as op

would rather have a pointy nose than this

>> No.9305288

I had that on two of my teeth but much worse from when I fell down a flight of stairs as a kid. I can't remember the procedure's name but the dentist covered my teeth with some white shit and now they look normal, maybe look into that?

>> No.9305295

i would like cheek bones please

>> No.9305379

That's as /fa/ as you can get without having a septum that's totally flat.

>> No.9305437


>7 inch

honestly 7 inches is the standard for a healthy, normal, Caucasian male. Anything less than 5'' is a deformity.

>> No.9305467


>> No.9305877

same, were pretty good with that size tho

>> No.9305885
File: 110 KB, 671x652, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If things go right Ill be getting a forehead reconstruction during may

>> No.9305904

Jidf pls go

>> No.9305911

Why has no one called out the fact that there is actually an attractive trip on this board?

>> No.9305916

troll or not this is true

>> No.9305937

i basically don't have a chin and my nose is ugly as fuck

but you can't tell from the front which is okay i guess but i seriously have the worst side profile of anyone I know, makes me self conscious as fuck. not gonna post pics cuz im a pussy

>> No.9305960

whats wrong with your forehead?

>> No.9305999

if you are a female go for it
if you are a male get a chin implant so it evens out and you look more masculine

>> No.9306058


>> No.9306181
File: 2.91 MB, 270x332, 1380092223550.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when puberty hit, I was suddenly a far right extremist in terms of phallic bearing.

>> No.9306789

brush your teeth nigga haha

>> No.9306804
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 1418094608449.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomato nose

>> No.9306968

I'd be at least a 7 or 8 if i didn't have such a big fuckin WASP-ass pointy nose.
My pee pee is plain vanilla 7 inches, not awful but nothing special.

The only thing i really wish i could fix is my subtle man-tits. Even when i was going through rehab and down to 115 lbs, they were still kind of there.

>> No.9306977

>a forehead reconstruction during may
you mean an agumentation? Your chin will look even smaller then. I'd do something else if you'd really have to. But in my eyes you're fine. Maybe post a front shot

>> No.9306985
File: 24 KB, 388x399, faec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know.

>> No.9306988

what do you think is wrong?

>> No.9306990

>plain vanilla 7 inches
ur making me and my 5 inches feel bad

>> No.9306999

I need to learn how to style my own hair. I can't do shit with this gel like my stylist can.

>> No.9307000

Nothing. My face/build is /fa/ as fuck and i love myself

>> No.9307005

You just look pissed as /fa/

>> No.9307017

You look like a Serb mobster named Vladimir

>> No.9307031

Serbs rarely use vladimir also this dude looks more like an albanian

>> No.9307065

>knock knees
im gonna just cut my legs off above the knee and get prosthetics
that way i can also stop being a manlet

>> No.9307084

you could break them professionally by a doctor and then grow back straight and even taller. but it's not really advised like any cosmetic procedure

>> No.9307122

You left out the part where you have to wear leg braces that need daily adjustment for a year, all the while being in constant pain. Does that sound like it's worth an extra inch?

>> No.9307135

few inches more and better than cutting them off. also I didn't say it's worth it

>> No.9307172

you may have physically overcome symptoms of anorexia but obviously the inadequacy and insecurity is still a major problem, see a doctor

>> No.9307344

Tits, ass, laugh lines and maybe my nostrils?

>> No.9307415

yeah generally you shouldnt want to fix more than one thing about your face...remember surgeons are not artists and are liable to make you look stupid anyways

>> No.9307467

pics pls? srsly

>> No.9307470

tits or gtfo

>> No.9307472

Shaving it down

>> No.9307490
File: 271 KB, 960x1074, IMG_6418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forehead & nose

should i actually get a rhinoplasty tho? the NHS might do it if i tell them it's the cause of my depression

>> No.9307493

what exactly would you change about this

>> No.9307503

smaller nose, less curved forehead? i dont know, im ugly as fuck but dont know where to start.
what would you change?

>> No.9307504

fix that jawline
u look skinny but your jaw is made of dough

>> No.9307515

your nose is already small and your forehead is fine

like >>9307504
says your lower jaw seems to be more of a problem in profile - you could possibly do something with orthodontic solutions? idk but you look fine anyway,

>> No.9307531

thx, yeah like >>9307504
said, its v doughy but im 6ft x 130lbs, im already bare skinny, can't lose weight so maybe ur right.
my teeth are almost perfect tho so they cant straighten them anymore really

>> No.9307536

Do you receive satellite transmissions through your ears?

>> No.9307538

i meant to move your lower jaw forwards, not to fix your teeth
though if they're straight already and perfectly aligned it would just give you an underbite, which is worse
so idk

but you look fine anyway, just an average look

>> No.9307544


Bit off topic but, what the name for the type of underwear the guy at top left is wearing?

>> No.9307549


A crown?

>> No.9307744

>weird shaped head, small upper part or something
>big neck
>shitty nose like OP (not as bad but still)
>need to fix my teeth
>probably been a mouth breather so god pls fix me
>big neck again, also, neck and face are like one piece, you can't see any bone at all
>short torso/long legs
>average or even smaller than average dick

Fuck my life.

>> No.9307788



>> No.9307798
File: 75 KB, 342x754, IMG_20150107_192133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose and scars on forehead are the only things that bother me. I won't be touching the nose unless I break it tho.

I'm not good looking and this is an unflattering pic, but it's what I managed with my smartphone.

>> No.9307805
File: 441 KB, 1920x1200, laughing giraffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was suddenly a far right extremist in terms of phallic bearing

>> No.9307820
File: 95 KB, 720x804, IMG_20150107_184214809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c healthy skin?

>> No.9307825

Boxer briefs.

>> No.9307840
File: 6 KB, 278x181, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9307848

just wear makeup faggot

>> No.9307857

okay, um, hm.

posting that pic here will probably make you reconsider the nose thing.

>> No.9307945

ofc this isn't just from mouthbreathing.
Sure mouthbreathing can affect the bonestructure slightly, but nothing near this.

Source: im a medfag and gf is dentist

>> No.9307968
File: 57 KB, 506x828, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, looks pretty fucking bad, but I don't want to resort to surgery for something that doesn't cause me any problem in daily life, might reconsider if I become rich enough, but it's a big if.

Last shitty pic.

>> No.9307997

get ripped my friend, this will fix the tits

>> No.9308081

forhead is ok, just get a nice haircut and no one will notice it. and what is wrong with the nose? it looks pretty normal to me

>> No.9308095

I remember talking to you like years ago, you're the tranny from Australia who's mom is paying for your FFS

If I remember correctly you have giganto man-hands

>> No.9308487

Sleeping with a fresh towel every night helped me lose my acne.

>> No.9308878


its not that bad.

men can look good with big noses. it is less forgiving for woman

>> No.9308993

You look like Peter Pan

>> No.9309025

i think if you grew your hair into a jewfro you'd look cuter

>> No.9309059

Everybody keeps saying how much her looks improved, but I don't buy it. Of course it looks better from the side, but look at Cheryl Cole. She has a nose like in the first pic and she still looks beautiful.

>> No.9309503

7in girth... That literally can't fit in girls unless they have huge vaginas bro.

>tfw master 5.5in girth

>> No.9309522

>tfw still in middle school

>> No.9309531

I'm skinny as fuck.

>> No.9309537

Ignore the towel shit get acne medicine (accutane if you dont mind being uncomfortable as shit for months)or get on a legit skin care routine (dermatologist approved)

>> No.9309555

>implying everyone is as insecure as this board

>> No.9309579

IRL Neville Longbottom

>> No.9309590

Stop touching your fucking face, thats what worked for me. i stopped touching my face and i take showers before i sleep. Once i wake up i immediately wash my face with water then dry it.

>> No.9310166

It's not so bad, you just need proper skincare routine and some antibiotics...

>> No.9310291
File: 41 KB, 640x480, jewl0rd supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is suffering.

if there is a god, he's fucking cruel.

>> No.9310311


>> No.9310317
File: 27 KB, 620x413, 135162278__02_444516c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish

>> No.9310356


uhh girl in the OP isn't ugly, but she obviously doesn't have the same facial features as cheryl cole. the same slightly hooked nose isn't gonna look the same on everyone


>> No.9310376

>wash your pillow every week
>dont wash your face more than once a day, you'll only irritate it that way
>drink only water

>> No.9310399

but your nose is cute, anon... ):

>> No.9310416

why do you torture me?

>> No.9310437

gigantic eastern european nose goes well with man bun

bitches love it m8 dont worry : ▶ )

>> No.9310453

no they don't. only bitches with bad taste do.

>> No.9310454

that isn't a hooked nose, that's the definition of a roman nose. a hooked nose would bend downwards while hers points up, it just has a hump.

>> No.9310464

i have TMJ disorder and they gave me a splint which did nothing. sometimes your face is just not symmetrical ; - ;

>> No.9310543

Get yourself to a doctor you goofy fuck.

>> No.9310548


>> No.9310557

>barbie aesthetics
please kill yourself
>nose does not fit the face at all
actually it fits her perfectly, the one that didn't fit was the one she had prior

>> No.9310574

I did the same but with undershirts

>> No.9311788

I feel as though in general I'm pretty cute, and I've got things going for me, and I recently got a haircut and it complements my face well, but wholy fuck my nose. Probably the singular most hated thing on my face, I've been teased about it/had offhand jokes made since elementary school so I can brush things off easily, but every time I look in the mirror it's just damn. I could have been so pretty.

>> No.9311829
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>> No.9311847

honestly you're really good looking, i wouldn't change anything

>> No.9311864


jelly hook nosed jewess detected, go turn some unbaptized babies into matzoh or something

>> No.9311865
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>all these people saying that 7 inches is average

>> No.9311875

kinda looks like cara's nose

>> No.9311876
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>> No.9311879

what do u mean?

>> No.9311881

New breasts

>> No.9311885


disgusting, you must hang out with trashy low class men

>> No.9311889
File: 9 KB, 330x238, ribery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1: bang Ribery

>> No.9311893

nose and adam's apple

>> No.9311898

5.5 inch girth bro checking in also 7 inches long

>> No.9311903

Lose weight, rhinoplasty, grow out my hair. Possibly a breast lift with those fat grafting augmentation things. And then I have to fix my skin, I don't get acne or anything but my skin is very uneven and parched looking.
After those things I don't think I'd look good yet but then I'd have the base to decide on other things

>> No.9311907
File: 754 KB, 1040x430, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chin and a jawline. I have pretty good cheek, so when I was like 8-9% bf, it looked pretty good. But jawline is still total shit and I pretty much don't have any chin at all.

>> No.9312111

): i'm sorry

>> No.9312187

Nose, jaw & pore size.

Jaw looks fine (I move it "out" for photos) but it is misaligned, I'm seeing a maxillo-facial surgeon in a few months though and I'm likely getting it fixed because it's uncomfortable.

>> No.9312225


>> No.9312578
File: 40 KB, 476x473, 1420654146865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's okay, i believed it at first and for a split second i didn't hate myself.

>> No.9312589
File: 804 KB, 1976x2088, 1408559983102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8% bodyfat
you are retarded.

>> No.9312639

holy fuck, your face is a piece of shit ahjahahjajaja
>huge and ugly nose

>> No.9312644

are you fucking blind, retard? that nose is hardly big. the ears are a bit big but that nose is normal.
another fool completely disconnected from reality. remove trip now.

>> No.9312651

There is literally nothing wrong with your nose and forehead. I wish I had yours. You're pretty cute bro. Yes homo.

>> No.9312671

went from a 2 to a solid 8.5

>> No.9312679

>asymmetrical big wide ears
feel like dumbo the elephant

>> No.9312688

thx m8 pls b ldn
thx for defending me luv u xx
thx bb

>> No.9312820

would kiss on the nose

>> No.9312928
File: 1.18 MB, 209x180, cutesushi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and ppl say /fa/ is a hostile environment

>> No.9313118


w2c this elusive method of "working" on facial hair

>> No.9313144


Clearly on gear.

Still though, impressive transformation

>> No.9313826
File: 487 KB, 441x516, 600full-mike-bailey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You look like the nigga from Skins

>> No.9314158

my life

>> No.9314202
File: 2.75 MB, 400x225, 1414001432659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an utterly shit character only redeeming thing was his dad. Fucking love Tucker-dad

>> No.9314363

i have an underbite. It isn't horrible but it's at least moderate. Besides the discomfort and tmj jaw clicking, the facial deformity and appearance of it is the most embarrassing thing i've ever experienced. It drains my confidence so hard every single day

>> No.9314519

in american pls

>> No.9314771


She would be an amazing boxer
>go for the chin, champ !
>she got no one, coach !

>> No.9314784




>> No.9315141

Hey! We have the same penis! We should totally hang out and compare just for fun lol.

>> No.9315151

tfw thin lips

>> No.9315215

>tfw acne scars and overall shitty skin
>all confidence is lost
It's hard covering up with makeup since my face is pale as shit.
Other than that, I'm okay with my seemingly normal facial features and body. It's not like plastic surgery can
fix my horrible personality.

>> No.9315237


UND3RR8D P0457

>> No.9315238


do you have a skincare routine, anon?

>> No.9315245


You look cool in a like, Rutger Hauer-esque villainous kind of way.

>> No.9315275

I never knew mouthbreathing actually fucked you up like that. Glad I never did it, damn.

>> No.9315685

me neither but my jaw still hangs loose like a fuckin moron

>> No.9316859

So like I had all four wisdom teeth removed yesterday

Will this give me a more caved in look under my cheek bones?

>> No.9317013

keep it :^)

>> No.9317034

>everyone calls me jew, because big nose
>forward head in fixing thanks to /fit/
>170cm (5'7) manlet

Not that I would want to change my nose structure, but I would love to have some 10-15cm more. Not possible because 22 already and no more height for me.

>> No.9317036

don't think so

>> No.9317046
File: 151 KB, 500x558, 1388164657212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha manlet kill yourself already

On a serious note, 170 cm isn't that small though. Especially if you're American. If you'd be willing to undergo extremely painfull operations to extend you're bones you must be one insecure fuck

>> No.9317056

you can alter your shell but that doesnt mean you will alter your genes for your siblings

>> No.9317058

underrated post

>> No.9317060
File: 564 KB, 427x596, 1394466887737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting kids

>> No.9317065

when you're done being 16 you'll think otherwise, because living into your 40-60 with only clothes you bought with your parents money from teenage years will be sad as fuck
now fuck off with your meems

>> No.9317072

>wanting kids
baby boomer amerifat detected

>> No.9317077

>still projecting without saying anything worth awhile
literally slit your wrists

>> No.9317080

lmao any decent developed country has incredibly low birth rates. c'mon bro common knowledge. when you're more educated you're far less likely to have a kid.

>> No.9317086

have fun hugging your clothes and rick ovens sandals in your death bed

>> No.9317093

lmao angry boy. i dont mind as long as i got a doge and some plants

>> No.9317098

if you're only having children so there's someone to love you i got bad news for you son

>> No.9317099

>I can only wank by massaging the tip, wading down to the shaft is just painful.

This is actually a serious problem, have you asked a doctor about it since?

>> No.9317115

Just lift faggots smh

>> No.9317120

Unless you have some serious shit you guys should just accept your very normal and natural traits.

Celebrate that big nose or slightly wonky teeth or whatever it is. It's what makes you unique.

I really think in the OP picture the girl in the before shot looks much cooler to hang out or even date. After the surgery she just looks very normal.

>> No.9317792

''''''''''''''''''''''developed''''''''''''''''''''' :/

>> No.9318285
File: 34 KB, 268x1600, 3dfc4f7e-c85e-4d3a-ac72-8f3ef55d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is surgery the only way out?

>> No.9318587

that honestly looks fine

>> No.9318665

really cute
the nose works, at least if you're kind of short

>> No.9318672

she looks gorgeous in the after pictures kek

like you gay nigga da fuq?

>> No.9319207

i like the leftie

>> No.9319611

if it's a serious problem, don't fuck around with skincare routines and shit you found on the internet, just go to a dermatologist. My acne was just as bad, but i've been prescribed minocycline and it has improved heaps after about a month.

>> No.9319615

Fucking kek, that body is totally achievable natty.

>> No.9319616

i have the same scar

>> No.9319621

whats the problem? generic asian nose and lips faggot.

>> No.9319638

>opting out of the gene pool
Nice one faggots, looks like I'll be the one whose genetic will live on forever

>> No.9319679


It's the gay as fuck curve at the middle of the nose.

>> No.9320142

It's amazing how often people dwell on their own flaws, even if they are insignificant.

>> No.9322792

just my skin is shit.i get complimented on my looks enough to not be insecure about it anymore.i need to get around to trying another complexion/and acne cream though. kinda gave up for a while, but broke out pretty bad recently and its been pissing me off.

>> No.9322857

you look good.

>> No.9323715

This gives her some character, I would say stay like this, unless it's really affecting her health.

>> No.9323735
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Being normal with gf > "Unik" with no gf

>> No.9324380

>mouth breathing

>> No.9325029

I don't like my nose but I wouldn't say It really makes me ugly.