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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 39 KB, 1280x428, acne-logo-e1378210123639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9273599 No.9273599 [Reply] [Original]

The Acne sale has started in case you wanted to cop something. Fucking Charles coat I wanted has no sale. Welp, time to rape my credit card

>> No.9273610

>inb4 people who have never touched acne say it's trash because that's the hot new trend

>> No.9273627

I own it. Looks homosex. All of it looks homosex to the point where girls in bars are shocked when I say I'm straight. It's REALLLLLY fucking faggoty. Truth btw.

>> No.9273638

nice meme joke

acne washes are goat, but yeah their graphic/print hoodies and tees are gay as fuck. you can't seriously call a black pair of jeans gay, or a washed blue pair of jeans gay. without branding to give you reason for it, you're just being an unfunny fag

>> No.9273644


Most of their jackets and coats are pretty dope too

>> No.9273656

yeah true. basically anything that has a graphic or words on it has the potential to look gay af, but everything else from acne is fine. the only thing people can bitch about is quality, which is still pretty good tbh. pprobably just poorfags who have never owned anything besides some acne graphic tees

OP, im form the US, and when i go to the acne site i don't see a mens sale anywhere. what gives? i need some jeans

>> No.9273669

Always get a 404 when I want to access the sale

>> No.9273671
File: 280 KB, 1439x781, Screen Shot 2014-12-30 at 23.30.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not missing much, these are the only jeans on sale.

Shit sale.

>> No.9273673

Mm right satin skinny trousers definitely aren't gay. Everything is skinny and/or dainty. Luckily I got the Drifter trousers instead of Ace satins so I only look bicurious in them as opposed to full queerboy.

I actually have ACNE stuff it was my first effay brand.

>> No.9273681

the drifter trousers are normal, nothing even slightly gay about them

and tbh, i've tried the satin on in person and they look completely normal. not shiny or anything. they're pants with what feels like some technical fabric (it isn't but thats the vibe you'd get if you ever saw them in person). still, you're nitpicking. by your logic i can call every label gay if i cherry pick certain pieces.

>> No.9273690

jesus christ what the fuck. fuck you acne. i want the max light vintages

>> No.9273702

if you think acne is good, youre the poorfag m80

>> No.9273711

like people have already said, their coats are pretty great and their denim washes are the best available. seriously, if you haven't seen the max lt vintage in person you're a fag, they blow all other light washes out the fuckin water.

so yeah, acne is fine. don't have shit taste and you won't buy their shitty, flamboyant, tacky overpriced graphic tees and pastel pants, and you're set. it's as simple as that really. sorry if you have a hard time understanding this trian of thought, we can't all be mindless memeochrome goofs

>> No.9273728

Dude they are gay. You would never catch Tatum or Arnie in dainty little skinny trousers. Their legs wouldn't fit but assuming they did fit... I doubt even Kanye would go there and he pulls off skinny leather pants. Even the material is dainty and thin like a lady's moisturized hands.

Sorry but that's the truth only gays and teens (twinky teens at that) walk about in Drifters. Probably that's what their named after, their wearer's drifting sexuality. Look at Bai he works there so he wears LOADS of ACNE and you can tell from a mile off that he travels the Hershey Highway. Gay prints, gay tiny little quarter sleeves in silky material.

Everything about the brand is gay. I always shop at luxury stores, Harrods, Liberty, Selfridges, etc... ACNE is displayed real girly with studio lights etc it's embarrassing to browse.

Not in Selfridges they just stick it on shelves but still... It sucks to admit as I wear Drifters a LOT but it really detracts from my masculine presence.

>> No.9273737


You seem to have a genuine concern about homosexual aesthetics. Tell us more about it anon

>captcha: rrick

>> No.9273762

Yes I do. I was convinced by /fa/ to look gay for a long time. My friends were embarassed to be with me they said people would assume we was a couple because of my faggy silky costumes.

But I realize now that I want to embrace my masculinity, I want bitches to look and not question if I'm gay and men to not think I'm a frail wimpy faggot.

When I went out in my DH's to a club I did fine making out with four girls which is more than any of my friends managed. Women looked at me in a different way than they do when I turn up in silky queer stuff. When I'm in ACNE they think they've made a new gay best friend. Some women even offer to buy the jumpers off of me once or twice in the past to wear themselves.

You can still look good and retain your manhood I don't think you can with ACNE unless you're VERY careful.

>> No.9273790

nice bait. sorry you took the time to type that cuz i didnt finish reading it


lmao, you have shit taste in men even for a homo

>> No.9273793

DH's? dior hommes? lmao those are even gayer you fag

>> No.9273794

dh is just as gay as acne seeing as acne is just a poor quality dh ripoff

>> No.9273800

>dressed by /fa/

how embarrassing, this is a place for collecting bits and sinews of good information over time, not entire wardrobes in a short time span

>> No.9273813

>implying there's even a tiny bit of truth to those stories

g u l l i b l e

>> No.9273818
File: 41 KB, 542x400, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>to cop

oh commoner from ancient Rome...

>> No.9273823

i wear fucking dior pleb-tron

im assured that my fucking jacket is made from the finest fucking coating wool available, straight from loro p mills

my jawnz are grade a jap-selvadge or whatever the fuck those silly denim heads argue about all day

way better than the plasticy, weird dye smelling stuff i bought at the greene st acne

its passable, but its not quality, which i hope you will one day understand, poorboi

>> No.9273825

I don't know which men are hot they are just too manly to wear dainty ladyboy satin trousers.

No they aren't omfg. Why talk if you don't own them? See fits of people in 17.5s they look rugged as opposed to the dainty Drifters made for nancyboys.

>> No.9273833

how about the ace jeans?

>> No.9273846

Yes they are true. My friends wear Burberry Brit and Hilfiger etc. That's the average man... I remember we was going to go to a bar and I turned up in the marble tee and Drifters and he was like wtf is that and said he feels embarassed to be seen with me and people will think I'm his bf.

When I've been out in my Romantic sweater women have asked me if I'm homo and one I remember said they love it and can they buy it (!) but that might've been twice.

Last time I was about to go out I was gonna go with another fag outfit but the top was shit quality and creased up so bad I had to change. So I went with Diors and a shirt. You legit get looked at and treated differently.

>> No.9273848

acne max and dior 17.5 are identical cuts lmfao

>> No.9273858
File: 284 KB, 640x480, stay_pleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>2015-18 hours
>wearing dior
>wearing selvedge from 2011
>thinks he not a pleb

god i hope your post was a poor attempt at humor.

>> No.9273876

Trunks I have Drifters and DH. One looks gay. The other looks rugged. It's not just the cut is it it's the material, thickness, etc. so wtf are you laughing at? How are fairy-tier Max satins or thin cotton trousers going to look as manly as thick selvedge denim?

>> No.9273885

Sorry you cheaped out on an inferior ACNE product. If Dior wearers are plebs what does that make knockoff Dior (ACNE) wearers? You're just thinking with your hurt emotions.

>> No.9273920

Go on their site right now. The men's collection could easily be labeled women's and nobody would suspect a thing.

>> No.9273928
File: 10 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, its all about the cut

no one can see whether your denim is thick or thin or 100% cotton or selvedge if its basically skintight anyways

>> No.9273933
File: 86 KB, 340x510, 1395059714311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9273934
File: 266 KB, 500x576, relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying i own any acne

nah just swung by this thread to shit on your "finest" dior and "grade-A" denim.

u mad tho?

>> No.9273935

I don't think you've been following the thread. We are discussing Drifter trousers and satins being swapped out for DH.

>> No.9273938


sorry u got offended poorboi


its cool tho, i wont mock you or anything for wearing knockoffs. wtv floats ur boat m80

>> No.9273948

no ur not following

>> No.9273953

It's good stuff. Not really gonna get Momato (you know the brand I mean with the Japanese thing and the peach, I can't remember it now) in slim cuts like that. If you do you'll have to get lucky. Denimheads seem to love wide baggy cuts where "slim" looks bootcut.

>> No.9273959


>he unironically defending dior
>he is serious

lolol okay, friend. that jacket looks expensive. did you spend your whole paycheck or did your daddy buy it for you because he couldnt make it to your christmas party?

>> No.9273965

Yeah what are you talking about? You responded to someone mentioning non-denim pants with something about the cut of acne and dior jeans. Obviously satin pants look gay. I think drifter means the suit.

>> No.9273966

dude, you BOUGHT the romantic sweater? hahahahahahahahahaha

no wonder people are calling you a fag (in your imagination, since none of this has ever actually happened to you)

you have shit taste. in one of my FIRST posts ITT i said don't buy the tacky, branded shit and you'd be fine. lmao the romantic shirt is the worst i can even think of. worse than "You First"

and like trunks (who is still a fag) said, the acne max and diors are identical cuts.

>> No.9273972

The same way you got your Geobaskets. Or do you walk around in Uniqlo and Nikes like 99.99999% of the board?

>> No.9273974


>did this guy just out of a time machine from 5 years ago?

>> No.9273984

well the fact that the guy was saying
>See fits of people in 17.5s they look rugged as opposed to the dainty Drifters made for nancyboys.

should hint at his level of retardation, as he's comparing slacks (trousers, pants to be worn with the matching suit) to fucking denim. no shit the denim is going to be thicker than the trousers you ignorant fuck

>> No.9273985


Would it blow your mind if I said none of the above? I don't want you to have an aneurysm.

>> No.9273990

it does look pretty bad

>> No.9273992

Can someone post untailored fits for different cuts on jeans for acne? The mr porter site has max and ace cash looking barely different whereas the ones on acne is a lot more obvious differences

>> No.9273995

This clothing is great for those who don't want to get laid ever.

>> No.9274001
File: 111 KB, 384x797, 1033715_IMG_0390-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you're right these guys look so rugged in their diors

>> No.9274003

get a load of this insecure closeted fag over here

>> No.9274005

Yes it has happened I hate arrogant people like this who doubt everything. Fucking go out somewhere in the gay trousers and top then I'll call you a liar when you get comments and women asking if you're gay. Fucking mollycoddled moron... Alternatively you live in San Francisco or some metro queer Tumblr city.

Also as pointed out just now nobody is mentioning their jeans but the Aces are PROBABLY gay looking or for twinks considering no alpha jock could fit in something tighter than 17.5 DH.

>> No.9274007

that outerwear all lokos like shit

>> No.9274009
File: 36 KB, 318x480, 122561_090120[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manly and rugged as fuck, dont you just wish he was pounding your ass right now

>> No.9274014

momotaro you fuckin pleb

>> No.9274019

no, i bought it

with my daddy's money ofc


i get that ur butt-blasted but its cool

you can idolize ur slp and ur hack acne crap, its ur opinion dude

sure, ur a filthy pleb, but u seem pretty happy w it :D

>> No.9274025

Where is sale? Sale is kill on my computer.

>> No.9274028
File: 107 KB, 720x480, 1000x500px-LL-9768494a_44782_427878438537_555933537_4842647_7559843_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow pure manly men

>> No.9274033
File: 539 KB, 628x1086, dsc02095[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m a n l y

>> No.9274034

> europe ?

>> No.9274038

> europe top ?

>> No.9274041

I have Jil Sander slacks they are thin still but not dainty like ACNE. Literally half the board buys ACNE crap because it's cheap so their jew senses tingle that they can save money so now half the board is converging to defend this camp AF brand worn exclusively by camp men.

Also if you follow the story I said I switched from the fairy pants to denim I'm not shocked at the fact that they're more rugged and thick. But it made a big difference to my overall look and vibe and I looked much manlier and attractive.

>> No.9274045

dude, you bought the romantic sweater and you're talking shit? you just made a horrible life choice right there and any flak you got was 100% deserved. also, you probably just look like an actual faggot if people said those things to you. post face, flamboyant little twink

(still can't believe you paid money for the romantic sweater. or maybe you paid your bf in blowjobs? that would explain a lot)

>> No.9274049


>insults me with brands that are as pleb status as his own coveted ones.

still waiting for you to name a company i wear. oh wait, a commoner like yourself wouldn't know any brand he didn't find on google

>> No.9274053

I'm in the US.

>> No.9274054

wow dood ur so cool and obscure, only OFF THE GRID underground designers here breh

why is this board just about brandwhores and not actual fashion

>> No.9274058

godammit, i dont get why ppl think dior is rugged

no, its not fucking rugged

its comfy, and non-dainty

but not even CLOSE to being rugged

RRL is rugged
Samurai is rugged
Evisu is rugged-ish

dior homo jawnz are not fucking rugged

but again, they are comfy as fuck when broken in, which is why i have two pairs

>> No.9274061

Real funny this. Now let's start posting people in their Ace Satins and compare which group looks higher testosterone.

>> No.9274064

PS i've worn my drifter trousers countless times and maybe (just maybe) since i *don't* have absolute shit taste, my outfit actually looked good because i've received nothing but compliments on my fits. sorry for your misfortune tho

>> No.9274071


>says the guy name dropping his shitty pleb "high fashion" brands everywhere

>> No.9274075
File: 220 KB, 1240x1736, zoom_071514_TKMAN_DImitri_7063[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>charles coat

how does it feel to have bad taste?

>> No.9274078

>Evisu is rugged-ish
Evisu is an embarrassment.

>> No.9274082

It looked good... And gay. Just like Bai. We all know what an ACNE fit looks like dude Bai has countless good ACNE fits and unsurprisingly they ALL scream "I like cock!". You looked homosexual or sized up no exceptions.

>> No.9274083

i only have one post in this thread and it was a knee jerk response to your pretentiousness. what now faggot?

>> No.9274085
File: 19 KB, 387x490, 590047421b_12_f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're comparing the worst pants (satin) with denim. obviously the denim will look more manly you incoherent pos

that's like me saying why don't we compare people in their leather dior pants to people in literally any other kind of pants?
>pic related
leather trousers are gay af (yeah acne probably has them too, but that's exactly my point. you're cherrypicking to bolster your inherently shitty argument)

>> No.9274093

oh wow, i am sooooooooooo sowwy for insulting u o mighty fashun deity with your ccp, gosha, simone rocha, haider ackermann, jw anderson, and what not

we are not worthy :o

>> No.9274094


Excited about receiving it. Damn, the days of wait after a purchase are the worst thing ever.

>> No.9274100

Yeah but DH feels like pure testosterone when you change into them from Drifters. I'd say they're sexually neutral.

>> No.9274102

ok i can't argue with trolls, peace

>> No.9274105

because youre changing from suit slacks to jeans ya fuckin knob

>> No.9274108

quality is horrible there is nothing interesting about it and it probably costs 800$

its not inherently ugly its just a really stupid thing to purchase

>> No.9274112

that's not on sale though

>> No.9274121

I would actually say the MAJORITY of ACNE looks gay. I originally didn't want to even bring up DH but it came up in my story. What I'm saying is that the general style they go with is very limp-wristed.

As stated you would have to be VERY careful shopping with ACNE if you wanted to avoid an outfit that gives homosexual vibes. Maybe the Max denim would be ok.

BTW Kanye could pull off the leathers while retaining a masc aura.

>> No.9274123


How do you know it's horrible captain crunch?

>> No.9274132

might come as a shock cleetus but if u dont live in hickville kansas a store near u might actually stock acne, crazy i know

>> No.9274143

No you can't argue because you KNOW you looked camp. Post a masculine ACNE Drifter fit I would legit be curious to see if such a thing exists.

I SORT of managed it once but looked more Harry Styles than alpha jock... And was only wearing one ACNE item.

>> No.9274146

i love you trunks

>> No.9274148


yo just cuz it ain't rick owens ot julious doesn't mean it's shit quality.

if you are for real calling acne "horrible quality" then you have perception problems m8

>> No.9274155

Just to clarify the one item was the Drifters. And I used a black cap etc looked a bit manlier... Like a slightly cool 15 year old boy.

>> No.9274158

You may be more autistic than OiOi.

>> No.9274160


yeah, i figured you handled it. But what makes you say that?

>> No.9274162

This it's shit. The entire board is pretty much penny pinchers that's why everyone flocks to Acne.

>> No.9274164

its made in eastern europe out of poor quality stretch denim

comparing middle market fast fashion to something like julius would be surprisingly retarded if u hadnt already proved time and time again that ur a fucking idiot

>> No.9274174


>> No.9274179

this thread isnt about acne sales anymore. have you not read any of the thread? people are just bashing acne in general and trying to claim dior homme is less gay

>> No.9274186

Their sweater cuffs stretch out very easily. I guess I have no other complaints quality wise. In fact the Drifters are great quality. In fact I will miss them (they're ripped) a lot... As homo as they are I have many memories of those trousers. We shared happy holidays together and fun nights on the town. RIP trousers gone but never forgotten.

>> No.9274189

My post was about the sales though.
>that outerwear all lokos (oops) shit
was about the outerwear on sale. some of their outerwear is nice. not the ones on sale though.

>> No.9274196

trunks, honestly, why do you bother talking shit? half of your wardrobe is terrible and the other half you just buy to resell. i'll admit your outfits are pretty unique but that isn't a good thing when you look like a flamboyant wizard. i mean you bought those y3 space boots, you bought (and still wear) used cp's, you play magic the gathering, you were a line cook at some shit diner, you live(d)/grew up on vancouver island (campbell river is for inbreds, everyone knows this), etc.

>> No.9274203

>uses kanye in support of his stance

fucking dropped

>> No.9274208

oh shut the fuck up, you're from campbell river and just recently moved to van. dirty river is just as backwards as any hickville kansas town, don't deny your roots cunt

>> No.9274218

yeah, if you manage to look gay in an outfit where your most "flamboyant" piece was a pair of trousers, i'm gonna need to see your face. you must look extremely homosexual dude

>like a slightly cool 15 yer old boy
>i wore a black cap to make it manlier
oh fuck off

>> No.9274228

oh ok yeah i didnt even look myself but i believe you there

>> No.9274230

so why are you talking shit about him and just perpetuating the cycle of stupidity?

>> No.9274242
File: 222 KB, 960x960, 1412125429134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes, and these are all valid points but to call them *horrible* quality??

hell no. far from horrible quality. Almost every consumer piece has it's flaws, but you have to be a spoiled brat to think acne was horrible quality.

compared to 90% of the clothes out there, especially those of the people immediately surrounding you in public , it's WAY better quality in fact.

Of course it's overpriced for what it is, but that's fashion. Fashion brands like Acne are not priced at production value, just like luxury cars.

>> No.9274245

Haha I moved on from here a long while ago I used to like super slims and gay looking things... And thought the teenyboppers in WAYWT were great. They are great sometimes, in fact... But not when I'm getting on for 23. I'm not actually into Kanye but I respect him because he looks like a man and that's what I want now and moving forward. I'm not into prancing around in goof alienating myself from people I've been convinced are "plebs" anymore.

>> No.9274246

i'm not the kansas guy he was talking to if that's what you meant

but trunks needs to learn his place, he's not cool, hes not unique, he's not avant garde, he doesn't know as much as he thinks

i mean come on, does it not bother you that a high school diploma-wielding line cook from a town with a population barely larger than my uni feels like he can talk shit?

>> No.9274253

i just think your view of everything fashion related was distorted as fuck and now you realize that you have no taste and are compensating for that flaw by bashing brands that you couldn't wear without looking like a fudge packer

>> No.9274285
File: 61 KB, 640x640, IMG_20141228_035021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. The guy in the pic with me is the one who was ashamed to be with me when I had the marble tee and drifters.

The cap worked because it made me look more like a Harry Styles swag-wannabe than a queer.

I posted a picture on boxing day or the day after of when I had to change from the gay pink sweater and drifters to DH and a shirt. Ofc /fa/ thought the jumper and trousers was "qt" (bad thing) but I looked MUCH older in the jeans and shirt and women responded to me better.

I would show you past ACNE fits but they're on another pc.

>> No.9274292

before you post anything else, post a fit. any fit. even if its one of your bad ones, idc, just post a fit and give us context

>> No.9274304

so are you on the right of the left? and dude why would you buy a pink sweater that says ROMANTIC on it? of course that looks homo...get some taste son.

>> No.9274318

I will have to go downstairs. Most of my /fa/ era fits are homo looking I will show you...

>> No.9274325

wow if you come through i'll have to apologize m8. never in a million years would have thought you were serious. how did you manage to make yourself look gay with drifters as your only acne piece? lol well despite our different opinions im glad you got away from your /fa/ influenced fits

>> No.9274398
File: 93 KB, 696x800, Boring Boring Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 2013 I am kind of embarassed by my weight and appearance then. It's probably not as homosexual as imagined but I want to move away from camp stuff as I'm 22 years old now.

I actually got Common Projects so the shiny patent leather added to the gayness. I will post the Romantic sweater but it's severely embarassing.

I will probably post a new fit tomorrow of what I'm trying to move towards.

>> No.9274411
File: 63 KB, 463x581, 27-09-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In England this isn't a style men "do". They only do skinny fit jeans but jeans you can get away with more. I originally had Ace satins which was even worse.

It was mostly women who thought I was homosexual. Men didn't comment apart from friends.

>> No.9274445

thats just a black tee, jeans, and black shoes....>>9274411
there's nothing gay about either of these fits

they're not great, but they arent blatantly homo either. honestly i imagine most people in england dressing far more gay and acting like little cunts

>> No.9274449

Your pants don't fit well and those boots are kinda gay. I live in a rural area where frat boy style is dominant. Sure some people think I'm kinda gay but girls eat that shit up and I also was voted best dressed back in HS.

>> No.9274453

is it just me or are these jeans a bit too baggy?

>> No.9274456

>In England this isn't a style men "do"
perhaps not the style in you fit pic but there are lots of fashionable men who aren't dressed in particularly masculine clothing around london

also, that fit is shit because your clothes dont fit. you dont look gay. the 'romantic' print is a little over the top but people wear sweatshirts with rihanna printed on them here to. that's the sort of fit you see on men out and about every day

>> No.9274502

Probably doesn't look as homo as imagined but it does for a 22 year old man especially to walk into a club that way when all men that age have shirts and jeans, or henleys and bootcuts... You will literally never see a man in skinny cotton trousers and dinky rayon tops where I'm from in London. Everyone here looks like they do in Green Street (the film).

I say that even though I still use the first outfit (with Common Projects derbies) but I want to migrate to a more masculine style that makes me look my age.

>> No.9274505

what shoes? can't see from the pic, and when was this taken?

>> No.9274509

Why is there no sale for me (Sweden)?

>> No.9274518

nvm, cp derbies?
anyways i'm sorry london isn't very fashion forward or accepting of modern styles
come to toronto some day, you'll like it

>> No.9274537
File: 103 KB, 734x672, 01-01-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... That's actually another thing when I used to post here I was scared of any extra material so I ended up buying stuff small AF. It's seriously okay to have a little room it can even be good. I think taper will make a comeback soon.

Probably thrift rubbish. I didn't have a good pair of shoes until the Christmas sales in 2013.

>> No.9274543

>london isn't very fashion forward or accepting of modern styles

>> No.9274564

Would be okay fit if your parents actually fit. But I understand what you're saying when you want to dress your age.

>> No.9274565
File: 149 KB, 882x662, IMG_2404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently sitting around dressed in full acne waiting for NYE tonight, freshly copped derbies and an over-sized waterproof anorak.

feels really good man.

>> No.9274566

It's not. Only in very specific areas e.g. central where there's all the azns in Kenzo and Knightsbridge/South Kensington etc... London has many rough areas where everyone looks like football hooligans.

>> No.9275050

hem your pants dude

>> No.9275066
File: 103 KB, 600x600, 1401333178493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London is literally the fashion capital of the world you mindless, ill-informed cunt-bag. Drop trip, or continue spouting pathetic gibberish only to be laughed at by everybody here.

>> No.9275084

stop being an overheating nerd and just wear some shorts dude

>> No.9275089


>> No.9275092

W2c derbies?

>> No.9275162

Yeh, lemme hide behind another thinly constructed argument that's not even mine. You generalized the entire city as "[not] very fashion forward or accepting of modern styles."

First off, have you ever even been to London? For all we know, you could be a 10 y/o sitting at home with your cock out; we've never seen you or your fits.

Secondly, do you really expect an ENTIRE city to be dawned in glorious designer brands? There is such thing as social stratification.

>> No.9275348


That comment is true to an extent but it's pretty obvious you've never actually been to London because it IS actually a very fashion forward city.

Even just walking around regent street on tourist heavy seasons you will see quite a lot of cool styles.

Especially if you go around Savile Row and SoHo, and then Shoreditch and Camden for the more hipster/grungy outfits.

pls stop talking out of ur ass. just like the other day when you said there is no difference between the material of a $100 shirt to a $10 one

>> No.9275362
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My legs r too hairy :^)
plus its pretty cool once the sun goes down

I have another pair for sale on grailed atm

>> No.9275371

I live here the majority of London people think Ralph Lauren is what you put on when you want to dress up. Regent Street etc is the VASSSST minority. And Camden people wear random shit from the market covered in spikes made in China lol.

>> No.9275403

>Almost every consumer piece has it's flaws

unsurprising statement coming from someone that wears apc and common projects

>compared to 90% of the clothes out there, especially those of the people immediately surrounding you in public , it's WAY better quality in fact.

fuck no

you want quality buy northface, patagonia, carhartt, etc which is what 90% of people are wearing

200$ for acne is a joke, my 50$ levis had better build quality, similar denim

>> No.9275464

your town must be backwards as fuck dude, that fit is just bad, not blatantly homosexual...

>> No.9275477


hey trunks


eat shit dirty-riv hickboi

>> No.9275517

Look who it is again, trunks. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because youre a tripfag does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

>> No.9275594

hey trunks, what is some good quality denim that fits skeletons, like myself?

Ready to take the next step up from levis

>> No.9275640

reason i bought the max cut. best jeans i ever had for now. i don't want to jump in the skinny bandwagon and i always thought skinny is gay shit.

>> No.9275665


bro 90% of people are not wearing all those brands you just mentioned.

the fact of the matter is not a lot of people care as much about quality as the people on /fa/ do.

Anyway that being said you're missing my point.

I already said I agree acne is overpriced, JUST LIKE ANY "HIGH" FASHION BRAND, yes that includes rick owens and julious. If you seriously think those brands are not overpriced then it's just a matter of what is important to you.

if you don't think julious is overpriced it is because you are willing to pay that much for his clothes. TO YOU personally you think it is worth it to pay however much for a sheer dress. But for me and a lot of other people, it is overpriced. Just like how acne is overpriced for you.

>> No.9275666

This 17.5 DH faggot is still around? Goddamn. Take your manly-man "club" fits to the club, and score with the millions of women who apparently want 17.5 DH. Or you could continue to sit on /fa/ and spam 17.5 DH all over the board to your hearts content.

>> No.9275670

Not that guy, but its spelled "Julius" not "Julious." Also, you're fighting a fake troll trunks...

>> No.9275678

thanks for correcting me i know i was spelling it wrong but didn't care to change it

even if it's fake trunks I just wanted to get the point out there that what is deemed overpriced is all relative to what one thinks is worth it

>> No.9275701

Of course its fucking relative. Everything in the goddamn world is relative; making the argument that it is relative is not really an argument at all.

I don't even give a shit about this argument, and don't own any Acne or Julius.

>> No.9275773

im not trunks, but he's just going to say buy some used obscure designer jeans on rakuten or ebay so he feels superior and knowledgable

>> No.9275775

hate to break it to you, but i own ace and max. they fit me the exact same in the thighs, only difference is the amount of taper;. max's are still skinny as fuck dude

>> No.9275813


I know that. I'm not making it seem like some epiphany or some profound thought that "it's all relative"

but you have to be lucky to never have encountered someone that forgot this

>> No.9275889

Can't access the sale from Europe, it doesn't show any.

>> No.9275923


I was gunna say I have ace and although they are indeed skinny they are not like jeggings which is what that anon is making them out to be.

If you have fat legs of course the ace is going to look gay

>> No.9276092

For the price it is trash it's not really a trend but a fact. Literally the only thing actually worth getting from them is the jeans and even that is debatable since the ridiculous mark up these days.
Though I guess if they fit you really nice they are worth it.

>> No.9276116

Are their coats trash too?

>> No.9276119


I'm the OP. I'm from Switzerland and I asked on the live chat when the sale was going to be. They asked for my country and confirmed it was starting on the 30th. Well, more like the 31th at 00:03...

>> No.9276121

what model of jeans r these

>> No.9276209

They aren't bad but again the markup for what you get is ridiculous and there are probably way better options with the price.
Using the same amount and getting second hand you are going to get some seriously fucking good shit.

>> No.9276489

This is literally the worst sale ever.

>> No.9276517

im from switzerland as well, can't find any items for sale

>> No.9277850

ok listen here cunts. I have acne ace cash and uniqlo denim and my qlos fit me better. Better taper and acne quality really isn't worth what you're paying.

>> No.9277867
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>> No.9277875


i have the skinniest uniqlo cut and have tried the acne ace, the ace was wayyyy more tapered towards the bottom and overall fit my skellington body way better

however i do agree acne denim quality is really only in the $70 range

>> No.9277895


i own the same pairs as you. the ace fit way better in that they taper more (if that's what youre looking for). max offer a little larger thigh and taper less than ace, but still more than uniqlo. also, the uniqlo denim is more comfortable but that's because the large amount of polyester added and the denim is noticeable thinner/cheaper. not saying acne is superb quality, but just feeling the two you an tell uniqlos is a tier below. i really don't know how you're jumping to the "better taper" conclusion. i can go measure the two pairs right now, the uniqlo do not fucking taper better than ace. that isn't a bad thing necessarily because it depends on the fit you want. also, if you apy retail for acne you're retarded. you can always find ace/max in black or various shades of blue/grey for ~120.

and, finally, my aces have faded nicely. if that isn't your thing, there are the stay cash which will maintain the pure black look, but uniqlos denim won't do that. idk, basically what im saying is you're wrong.

>> No.9277905

more comfortable at first**

after wearing my acnes for a bit they are comfy as anything

tbh you probably just have fat legs dude so you need the stretch and the larger cut of uniqlo

>> No.9278144

Still no sale in Sweden...

>> No.9279644


no sale in here, Turkey.

>> No.9280350

I wear a lot of acne. Girls have never questioned my heterosexuality.

>> No.9280470

When is it supposed to start for us Europeans?

>> No.9280478

Started already. Login to your account.

>> No.9280501
File: 127 KB, 1901x985, HAvuXwh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still nothing.

>> No.9280515
File: 182 KB, 1577x773, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you purchase something in their online store before? If not, that might be the reason. So far only the "VIP Sale" has started.

>> No.9280519

Oh that must be why, does it say anywhere when it's starting for the rest of us?

>> No.9280531 [DELETED] 
File: 3.30 MB, 4128x2322, 2014-12-30 18.10.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one? grad gift

>> No.9280541

wrong place lmao
go to the watch general, fuccboi general, or start a thread

>> No.9280875

acne is trash
all the girls laugh at men that wear acne js

>> No.9280897

>or start a thread
don't do this, just stick to posting in the generals.

>> No.9280941

>tfw VIP