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/fa/ - Fashion

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9273154 No.9273154 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9273176

Well I better fucking kill myself then.

>> No.9273184


>> No.9273188
File: 58 KB, 256x320, 1345323162181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think every man should have a big enough sense of self not to let what some fucking faggot designer dictate how they perceive masculinity

i mean if you like sports and reading the newspaper, good for you, but if you actually do that shit just because tom ford said to, then you will never have the respect of anybody worthwhile

>> No.9273217
File: 78 KB, 356x334, rafruby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2015 - 1 day
>listening to Tom *chuckle chuckle* Ford

>> No.9273228

well people have done dumber shit from listening to /fa/ (injecting heroin, getting surgery for elf ears etc) so i'd rather listen to Tom Ford

>> No.9273230

tom ford is a huge fag but this isnt a bad list

>> No.9273249
File: 12 KB, 300x300, $(KGrHqV,!qME+oIsHfEvBP7Ui-crVQ~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aka how to pretend to be a finance worker pretending not to be a cunt

did get a laff out of
>a beautiful day watch with a metal band

>> No.9273261

i always thought /fa/ telling people to do heroin was a joke

jesus christ everyone here really is an autist

>> No.9273273

"Where do you think you are?"

>> No.9273277
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>getting surgery for elf ears

>> No.9273297

that was their own idea, though. did it anyways even though /fa/ said "no" in many different ways of saying no.

>> No.9273309

>Perfect teeth


>> No.9273312

1. y, many people told me I have a great humor. pretty dry and dark sometimes.
2. y
3. y
4. n
5. y, one of yours, Tommy Boy :^)
6. n
7. y
8. n
9. y
10. n
11. n, my underwear game is terrible
12. n
13. n, i dont wear watches
14. n, i dont wear sunglasses
15. y, perfect as in perfectly real & healthy. they are a tad yellow though.


>> No.9273322

It's clearly sexist.

>defining what is manly

please. gender-neutral stuff is better to recc.

>> No.9273323

is there ANYBODY who doesn't think that they themselves have a good sense of humour tho

>> No.9273342

"well, I laugh at my jokes"

>> No.9273353

serious question about point 11, is throwing away underwear and socks every 6 months necessary? if i keep my stuff clean and in good condition, is there any point to this? some of my 3yo underwear fits me better than anything i could find right now

>> No.9273360

>owning 3-year-olds' underwear


>> No.9273367

No I've had the same underwear since 6th grade they've stretched a bit but otherwise mint condition

>> No.9273386
File: 87 KB, 1200x1200, ACDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accurate list. Only fags don't have these things.

Here's my "beautiful watch with a metal band".

>> No.9273395

who the fuck is tom ford? nah tom ford you listen to me you better have a better high end designer trainers collection than me if you wanna chat shit u cunt fucking wasteman u aint got shit on me mate fucking suit? a tuxedo? are you a fucking waiter? daily read my ass

>> No.9273412

top pleb tbh

>> No.9273413

Are you me

>> No.9273465


>> No.9273494

>perfect teeth

Teeth with some character are infinitely better. I'm planning on getting a little work done on mine but the Tom Cruise shit is dumb.

>> No.9273625

who is tom ford?

>> No.9273649

reminder that tom ford has a receding hairline and should b ignored

>> No.9273657

He's just trying to sell his shit

>> No.9273692

I find this list to be roughly 50% bullshit, and 50% legit. Most of it is simply one man's opinion (well, all of it is one man's opinion, but some of the items on the list are actually good to have). & keep in mind that this "every-man list" is coming from a man who take baths -- baths, as in, soaks in a bathtub -- upwards of five times a day. He actually said that on particularly stressful days, he might take a bath every couple of hours.

>> No.9273693
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>2015-18.5 hours
>taking advice from Lord the Plebs

>> No.9273697

>perfect teeth

>tfw live in the UK and it costs a fortune for clear braces :(

>> No.9273700


lolwhat. I've never heard of this. Can you link to interviews or whatever about this? sounds funny as fuck

>> No.9273706

>tfw perfect teeth but shit skin

t-thanks Tom

>> No.9273713

his interview for vogue

guy is a shitty old designer queen trying to peddle his smut to a larger audience (i.e.: the general public) since now none of his crap isnt even close to being on the innovative edge of fashion

>> No.9273714

Same this feel sucks
>accutane you can start working now

>> No.9273715


>> No.9273716

1. Obviously. Who doesn't think they have a sense of humor?
2. Bullshit. Newspapers are obsolete at this point, and most news is useless anyway.
3. If it said "physical activity" instead of "sport" i would agree.
4. Agreed
5. Agreed
6. Agreed
7. Agreed
8. Agreed
9. Agreed
10. Agreed, i guess
11. Bullshit - keep your underwear & socks until they are starting to look fucked up / get holes in them etc.
12. Not a necessity. For most people, your well-cut dark suit will be fine for most occasions that you might wear a tux to. Unless you're specifically being invited to black-tie events often.
13. Agreed, I guess
14. Agreed, kind of. Though I find myself liking the idea of wearing sunglasses more than actually wearing them.
15. "Perfect" is stupidly unrealistic. I think as long as they're not rotting, horribly crooked, or badly discolored, you gotta just deal with what you were given. Unless you're rich -- then get em fixed.

>> No.9273729



He starts talking about it around 10:40

>> No.9273732


>britfag telling us about their fucked up teeth
>like every other country doesn't laugh about that already

>> No.9273739

I've been on it twice, am recovering from ablative laser surgery that made me look like a burn victim for a week afterwards, I hope you don't have to go through the same m8

>> No.9273743
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>mfw I always thought that was Ari from entourage before he got a hair transplant

>> No.9273752


thanks dad, how's the golf, uhh, thing?

>> No.9273775

he's also been in a relationship with a sixty year old twink who appears to be atrophying due to AIDS

cool story I suppose but he's Tom Ford, he could fuck literally anyone and get away with it

>> No.9273796

Tom Ford is probably old enough to be your dad considering this board's demographic of little children. His advice is great for men who are fully matured (e.g. 35+)... But I think men that age can just emulate James Bond.

>> No.9273859

Your complaints make you sound like a boy, son.

That list is for an accomplished man comfortable in his own skin.

1. Or at least the ability to pretend
2. Keeping up with current affairs is important but i don't necessarily think even the broadsheets these days are the best source.
3. The reason why it says sport is that it implies social activity.
4. Surprisingly yes, rogue neck hair here and there.
5. This can change for going out scent or sports scent etc
6. But not black, charcoal at most
7. AT LEAST one pair that you keep in good condition and maintain
8. Tailored to perfection
9. Again, fitted
10. For work and play
11. 6 months is good rule but if you have a lot of underwear and socks like me then using is fine. But if you want to impress ladies having holes or tears in your underwear is a massive turn off.
12. I have 3, black peak lapel, midnight blue shawl collar and double breasted peak. Yes, I goto enough black tie events but also other functions where it's required.
13. A leather band is just as versatile as a day or night watch. But metal band a classic example would be a Submariner, leather band, ook at the IWC portuguese.
14. Wayfarers or Aviators. Classic and timeless and will fit most people's faces.
15. Unless you've got 18th century British teeth, but if it makes you feel happy.

>> No.9273921

>Your complaints make you sound like a boy, son.
? We basically 90% agree with each other, except you elaborated a little more than I did.

>> No.9273982

>white socks

>> No.9274022

>reading comprehension.

Evidently you were "FUCKING DROPPED".

>> No.9274046


>> No.9274107

there really isnt any need for more than one peak-lapel black tux

UNLESS you WANT to have many tuxedos

which is okay, but lets not pretend theyre actually necessary

>> No.9274125
File: 25 KB, 800x340, fassbender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll disagree with the perfect teeth.
Imperfections of the face are infinitely more absorbing than societies ideals of beauty.
Of course, I'm not speaking on cracked-out-esque type teeth.
Understated under-bites are one of the most masculine traits a man could possess.

>> No.9274163

Don't remember how I've came to this, but I've always thought of Thomas Carlyle as an irrelevant mouthbreather.

His platform has been derived from pseudo-masculinity.

>> No.9274170

>go to a black tie event about once a month with the same people
>wear the same tux 3 times in a row
>close friend pulls me aside to tell me that i need another tux because people have started to notice that i only have 1 tux

no one wants that

>> No.9274183
File: 1.99 MB, 245x160, tf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo of Thomas Carlyle for reference.

>> No.9274232

well then yea, if you're going to actual black tie events that often, then shame on you for ever thinking you could get away with having just one.

>> No.9274249

>used wikipedia to figure out his full name

congrats, now why the fuck are you calling him that?

>> No.9274280

This isn't a bad list for someone with a successful career that may find themselves in situations that call for some things on the list.
Otherwise, it is bad for 18- kids here on this board. Children dont need a tuxedo.

>> No.9274283

makes him seem "deep", /fa/ attracts these insecure pieces of shit looking for validation through brand consumption

>> No.9274302

He has always been a commercial designer, designs clothes to SELL, not to push the envelope or be haute.

>> No.9274407

yeh, which is how i think he devalues the biz as a whole

i get it, u like porn, and sleaze, and excessive gung-ho masculinity, so fucking what

the uncle terry of fashion

>> No.9274441


>> No.9274447

name one designer who isnt motivated by profits

get these 14 year olds out of my /fa/

>> No.9274470

charles james
early emilio pucci
late game rick owens

which is why they (today) have something called MANAGERS to make sure they dont hemorrhage money everywhere

go into a designer's studio, any non-hack designer, they will have sketches and forms of the most outrageous crap imaginable. why? because they wanted to be creative, to do something new, different, to "push the envelope"

tom ford does no such thing. he says he almost never does do-overs, or designs he thinks wont sell. hes a hack

and u dont know anything about the process, and yet feel as if its ur place to give ur retarded opinion. amazing

>> No.9274547

>not motivated by profits

You've already drank the cool aid, im not going to waste my time with a literal brainwashed idiot

>> No.9274558
File: 684 KB, 1920x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you like golf? Golf courses are so pretty.

>> No.9274607

man made nature like a golf course isn't beautiful. it's weird.

>> No.9275049

I'm speaking on the man, not the brand.

>> No.9275057

>Name one individual who isn't motivated to gain money in a capitalist society.
Your words are almost as empty as asking: Name one caveman who isn't motivated by self-preservation.

>> No.9275136
File: 993 KB, 1533x2300, Tom_Ford_66ème_Festival_de_Venise_(Mostra).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how a good set of hair and a nice smile are not on his list. Just googled his name and this is his wider smile I could find.

>> No.9275252


>Le checklist
>check all the points bro, check them all and you become a list checker!

Of course he is american

>> No.9275259

hide fedora threads

do not respond to fedora threads

>> No.9275267
File: 1.54 MB, 2360x1568, preamble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest country in the world was organized by a checklist.

Fuck off eurotrash/sympathizer.

>> No.9275274

>greatest country in the world

greatest at being fat

>> No.9275290
File: 9 KB, 191x264, laughing_elf_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The greatest country in the world

>> No.9275296

Name a better country than the United States?

>> No.9275298

everyone, me included, told that retard not to get elf ears
that was like one of the best to to listen to /fa/ but no lets make my ears pointy and never ever get a job, a significant other or any kind of respect from anyone ever again

>> No.9275302

anywhere thats not america
see: the other 195 on this planet

>> No.9275305

Until he finds the one job at Disneyland that requires elf ears...

Until he finds that one weird girl that loves elf ears...

>> No.9275306

But none of those are Murrica.

>> No.9275308

that's the point

>> No.9275309


>> No.9275313

They're shit though.

Crumbling economy and nobody else respects anymore.

>> No.9275315

>13. n, i dont wear watches
>14. n, i dont wear sunglasses


>> No.9275317

well duh that's a whole lot to pick from
the bahamas are better than the us.
italy is better than the united states too

>> No.9275325

Nearly 90 percent nigs. Disqualified.

Laziest workforce in the world, second only to Greece.

>> No.9275329


>> No.9275335

there are positive things you can associate with italy and the bahamas, the us is only negatives

>> No.9275340

but /pol/ is anti usa
anti gubbermint

its just some 12yo /b/ turd who drinks flouridated water everyday

>> No.9275350
File: 54 KB, 476x244, bollywood-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best doctors
>best medicine
>best technology
>best hollywood
>best music industry

There is a reason American culture has permeated every other country, even third-world countries.

America is the gold standard for literally everything.

/pol/ is anti black and brown skin in usa, not anti-usa.

>> No.9275354

russia is the only respectable first world country left

>no tolerance for cucks and fags
>wild west street justice
>no feminists or sjws
>most freedom per capita
>better at dota than south americans
>invade who they want, tell that nig obama to go fuck himself, tell the eu to go fuck themselves
>run by an alpha male with strong christian values
>singlehandedly won ww2

>> No.9275388

>vlad putin
>christian values

Would a christian use his political power to funnel money through foreign investments into offshore accounts while leaving his country in financial shambles directly stemming from isolation from the global community by invading sovereign nations at will for absolutely no gain at all whatsoever?

That was a rhetorical question. Of course a christian would.

>> No.9275412


>> No.9275413

i really strongly agree with this. all these people on the facial aesthetics threads don't seem to understand this

>> No.9275462

yes. I know its not good

>> No.9276690


>> No.9276701

>tfw smokers teeth forever