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9263907 No.9263907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is straw actually dead guys? ;-;

>> No.9263924

saw facebook status showing he passed...
apparently hung himself

>> No.9263926



are the only 2 trips that are deceased AFAIK

>> No.9263931


I love you

>> No.9263937

how do you know? where'd you find this info

>> No.9263984

Bumping for truth and suicide is not funny

>> No.9263999

>suicide is not funny


>> No.9264006

He's a super high school level stalker

>> No.9264022

blah is definitely dead, idk about jackal

>> No.9264027

He's not dead. All these newfriends pretending to have known him are getting on my nerves. He's left because of you, fuck off.

>> No.9264040


he will be watching our dope cops and sick fits from heaven

>> No.9264056

I know strawberry from high school, RIP.

>> No.9264078

Pretty much this.

It's sort of like when Robin Williams died, everyone cared for some reason but they didn't know about him prior to the hearing of the news. And now they don't give a fuck.

It's disgusting

>> No.9264090

>sick fits
Yea sure

>> No.9264118

yeah, wtf were the kids who were born in 2000-2002 crying about when robin willams died?

they weren't even old enough to see flubber, or Aladdin

>> No.9264128

Well his fits were pretty shit so by his standards /fa/ fits would be sick fits

>> No.9264132
File: 68 KB, 1129x668, 1419724595540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9264138

he was an idiot, and he dressed horrid and wasn't relevant for years

the new fags that want to blend in and comment like its some facebook sappy bullshit are pretty funny though

>> No.9264142

The movies exist on DVD, VCR, and the fucking internet retard. You don't have to live during a certain time period to know something.

>> No.9264146


pics or it didn't happen

>> No.9264151


>> No.9264167

howd he ko?

>> No.9264171


>> No.9264185

Wait is blah actually dead? Last I heard she was a hooker

>> No.9264189

which fit did he die in?

>> No.9264199

straw been dead you fucks don't believe me but try to message him on grailed, tumblr, or Skype


>> No.9264209
File: 501 KB, 648x968, tumblr_lgzljyQxSh1qzmq2ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jackal was also a hooker

berry also did some cam whoring back in her Lolita days

>> No.9264217

yeah she died of an overdose or something a few weeks ago, look it up on the archive

>> No.9264224

He was last logged onto Sufu 4 hours ago and even made a post. Stfu.

>> No.9264235

You know what he meant you little shitter

>> No.9264258

blah ded? since when?
i thought she had a nice career sucking cocks in toronto

>> No.9264263

look it up on the archive, she overdosed a few week backs

>> No.9264270

I hope Sieg doesn't die on us or else I'd never know the stalker level shit he does.
Keep it up brah

>> No.9264279

i'm probably next TBH

>> No.9264296

"Look it up in the archive" = "I'm full of shit"

>> No.9264306

This time, they're right doe, I was in those threads when they were posted.
Stop being lazy you fuck

>> No.9264319

~~(⌒▽⌒)~~ Berry! ~~(⌒▽⌒)~~
How'd jackal / blah go anyway? Assuming we don't just mean dead as in no longer on 4chan.
I know blah put herself in a real bad spot, but never folowed

>> No.9264378

Sieg don't say things like that

>> No.9264387

He's probably right though. Heart disease, diabetes, etc. = ticking time bombs.
Of course meth could get trunks at any time.

>> No.9264394

"Look it up in the archive" = I don't know enough about it to try and act like I do
fuck off dickhead