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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 14 KB, 300x300, :fit:.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9256998 No.9256998 [Reply] [Original]

I've read the sticky multiple times, and I've browsed /fa/ for a few solid months without commenting, and I have to say, most posters/posts are for slender, tall guys. Can we get a thread going for /fa/ inspiration for strong, manly dudes like pic related? Things like skinny jeans don't really work when you have muscles.

>> No.9257007

I second this thread

>> No.9257027

>joggers and hoodies
>carpenter jeans, flannel and an axe

Sorry, but being bigger than a male model is usually counterproductive to /fa/.

>> No.9257038

See /fit/

>> No.9257067

lel what does fit have to do with this

>> No.9257077
File: 195 KB, 406x384, OnionCat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my struggle though. I love fashion. All I want to do is look fashionable, but I don't want to give up lifting. Is there truly no fashion for the manly man?

>> No.9257104
File: 59 KB, 530x575, shortmanstyle_header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most posts are for slender, tall guys
>strong, manly dudes

Manlet general? Just say it OP, it's ok. I recommend going for anything with vertical stripes and a hiarcut that accentuates growth (like HY). Wear some mocs with support at the outsoles and heels.

>> No.9257111

stop doing leg exercises, cut hard, do a shit 💩 load of HIIT cardio. so to put it bluntly, ottermode.

>> No.9257121

epic post dude
you sure showed those disgusting short people

>> No.9257126
File: 1.52 MB, 2136x3201, 2.-Maximiliano-Patane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really fucking get it (which I doubt from your pic in OP) you could maybe pull off some stuff from the 90s

>> No.9257128

kanye is always a good inspiration since he's pretty stout

>> No.9257136


>> No.9257178

Yeah let's get some kanye inspo going

>> No.9257405

If you actually have muscle then slim fit will fit like skinny.

>> No.9257414

manlets, when will they learn?

>> No.9257415

It's funny because when someone mentions something about being "muscular" or "manly", some skinny faggot pops up yelling about manlets and shit

>> No.9257432


>> No.9257435

Techwear is your friend

>> No.9257443

Is there a section in the sticky on it I missed? Where can I learn more about it?

>> No.9257460

Quit trying to be fit. It is a ridiculous fad that will collapse in on itself in ~5 years.

And before you post some 80 year old bodybuilder what i mean by fad is that bulking and building muscle has gone from a hobby reserved for real hardass working class men, and has been adopted by whiny whiteboy pussyfaggots like you OP. Eventually something else will become cool, and you will have wasted countless hours of your life, and even more money than that, building your ugly, useless balloon muscles.

>> No.9257469

when you stop posting that shitty meme

>> No.9257473

the sticky is pretty shit imo
it's outdated and very incomplete
if you're gonna follow the sticky you'll be dressed in all Rick Owen and think you're the shit

>> No.9257477


just a typo before you guys freak out

>> No.9257480
File: 1.07 MB, 5616x3744, goodluckcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been lifting, as well as doing sports my entire life. My father was a respected gymnast and coached the female Guatemalan olympic team. Being fit is not a 'fad' to me you faggot. Being fit is an important part of my life, and should be a part of every man's life.

>> No.9257485

Well is there something else I can use as a guide? I'm big on learning by example, but when it comes to fashion I think it's good to have a little help.

>> No.9257509

if the most important thing in your life is making your arms look like constipated balloon animals then you are a pathetic faggot who needs to find something better to do.

>> No.9257521

That arguement comes back at /fa/ as well, man.

>> No.9257523

There is a difference between fitness, and curlbros

>> No.9257525

that has literally nothing to do with being fit. with bodybuilding, you can sculpt your body into whichever shape you fancy, its not all balloon muscles. I've been lifting for over a year now and i'm still skinny, just toned. working on strength now

>> No.9257528

Is this board /fit/ 2.0 now?

>> No.9257533
File: 106 KB, 683x1024, yeallday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was, because then there would finally be fit fashion. I'm gonna kick this off with some kanye inspo.

>> No.9257565


>over lifts until body is deformed
>wants to still fit in clothes
>wants to continue body deformation

what is balance you faggot.

>> No.9257579


shut up dyel

> 2015
> needing clothes to compensate for shit body

>> No.9257591

The thing that effay can't pull off because they're too busy looking like Kanye.

>> No.9257597
File: 3 KB, 300x57, payload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks tall here doesn't he?

>> No.9257598

not everyone wants to be muscular

>> No.9257613
File: 38 KB, 366x549, rob_evans_major_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> your lazy ass will never look this good

> prioritizing clothes instead of body

>> No.9257625


>doesn't understand men can have muscles and dress well

you probably have a big ol gut to help you secure your "gains". prove me wrong. either way your deformation shows everyone you meet how insecure and autistic you are.

>> No.9257646 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 720x520, body2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>doesn't understand men can have muscles and dress well


> you probably have a big ol gut to help you secure your "gains".

I've the sickest v taper in my gym, small waist

>> No.9257657

i don't want to look like that i want to be a twink
but keep forcing your fragile masculinity on me please

>> No.9257668
File: 4 KB, 300x57, payload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because buyin clothes is easy and lifting is not, also need time and willpower

>> No.9257675
File: 131 KB, 430x583, brandon-carter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> tfw when you undress in front of a grill and you look like shyte


>> No.9257678


then you have photo's? whatever you say fatty fat fat. fat.

>> No.9257691
File: 270 KB, 270x416, swchleaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


spend your limited free time doing something productive (like lifitng for aestethics) instead of shitposting on a mongolian flute board

>> No.9257693

absolutely disgusting...
why are you on a fashion forum again?

>> No.9257696
File: 198 KB, 3000x1688, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9257703


wait, are you people literal faggots?

fuck I'm out

>> No.9257831

He looks tall in most pictures.

>> No.9257901

back to /fit/ where u will mire other people's bodies and look at current ass threads, but it's ok it's not homosexual at all

>> No.9257951

why do /fit/ fagets think you need to look like a fucking freak in order to "lift"
people who are truly fashionable lift too they just don't look like deformed aberrations.

>> No.9257974

>end of 2014
>having problems with who people choose to fuck
plen as fuck

>> No.9258024

I tried on skinny jeans once. although my very homosexual friend said they looked good..they were way too tight to be comfortable. What works for me, casual jeans wise is boot cut, specifically the American eagle brand fits well on me. Tight enough in the thigh without being uncomfortable. then again i also wear cowboy boots.

My biggest frustration is finding regular short sleeve shirts that have a decent sleeve length that fit my torso well. I don't like having my guns on show everyday, i think i look a fool.

>> No.9258065
File: 283 KB, 590x885, 1371529366047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never understood skinny jeans. It's like a sign saying: Iam a huge fagget and girly girl

but that's /fa/ in general. Alot of boypussy fagget clothing.

>> No.9258160

I kind of agree with this. But, you're fooling yourself if you think a lean, ripped, muscular body (which should really be the ideal for /fa/) isn't going to make you more attractive and can/should coincide with a strong fashion sense.

Bulking, obsessing over fitness/gains, and fitness culture, however, is quite literally a guiltless way to explore latent homosexuality and is almost exclusively a masturbatory activity. It is indeed a trend. So many young men now have aesthetically defined muscles, something that simply did not happen in decades past. So much emphasis on proteins and routines and competitions and gym selfies... it's ridiculous. It's not about being strong/manly, it's about posting your body on social media...

I work out obsessively, but I'm naturally skinny-fat. Meaning, I have a bit of gyno, bit of fat on the hips/ass, etc. so working out 6 days a week is the only way for my body to look "sexy" and worthy of the /fa/ clothes I prefer to wear. I'm still very slim, can barely keep on weight, but I'm ripped - t-shirts look great on me, as my arms are totally defined and shoulder are sleek and muscular. There is certainly a balance between /fit/ and /fa/ that can be achieved. But fitness culture is not about looking good, it's about inflating yourself like a balloon to out-do your bros and post pictures for people to leave flattering comments for you....

>> No.9258167

please post fit

>> No.9258178

gay this faggot that

god this thread is pathetic

watch out suburban america the gays r gonna get u

l m a o

>> No.9258180

I'm short. Skinny jeans make my legs look longer.

I have small feet. Skinny jeans make my feet looking bigger.

I have a decent sized package. Skinny jeans bring that to the forefront.

But, if you're 6'+ and 185+ skinny jeans are going to make you look like Russell Brand. I'm talking about wearing super skinnies that still almost look baggy...

>> No.9258204

>hurr durr x: skiny ;( jeans :) are gay amirite guys xD

Sorry you're fat and can't wear them.

>> No.9258222

w2c boots

>> No.9258229

>>>>American Eagle

caption: urpoo

>> No.9258289
File: 30 KB, 217x208, 1357031191986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok. because i wear a brand that works well for me in both comfort and fit.

cmon man admit it you dressed in this crap for years and you now dislike it because of your own /fa/ fails. running around with their giant eagle logo on your shirt and whatnot.

jeans are jeans, if they fit well wear them, it doesn't matter if they cost $400 or $5.

>> No.9258296

damn u got me.

jk. i agree tbh. if they look nice thats what matters most. just givin u a hard time lad

>> No.9258297

or rather brand. I'd wear Hitler brand jeans if they fit me right. idc if they killed 5 jews for every pair they sold.

>> No.9258861

>spend your limited free time doing something productive
i do, but not enough

>> No.9259028

>jeans are jeans, if they fit well wear them, it doesn't matter if they cost $400 or $5.
>I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about

>> No.9259350

GIVE ME 1000!