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/fa/ - Fashion

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9257127 No.9257127 [Reply] [Original]

Do you and yours make an attractive /fa/ couple?
Not me and mine.

>> No.9257156

We're a very attractive/cute couple, but not that /fa/.
My gf is quite short and has a pretty lacking sense of style.

>> No.9257164

Yeah, I think I'm very effay and my hands aren't bad either

>> No.9257170

my ex girl and i werent /fa/ at all lel

i was going through some weird phase where i wanted to dress as simply as possible but none of my clothes fit me and she is just a bad dresser in general

>> No.9257294

I'm a 6'1" 165lb skinny fat who dresses worse than he thinks he does
my gf is a 5'6" 85lb qt3.14 with a thigh gap to kill for who dresses pretty damn effay

we make a cute couple and we fuck like rabbits :^)

>> No.9257306
File: 250 KB, 392x3912, znVapMi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ex and I look like Dave Skylark and "Sook" form the Interview.

Like, a lot.

>> No.9257307

>5'6" 85lb
jesus christ

I am 5'8 and 120 and I already look like a twig. Gf is 5'3 and 115 and she is just about perfect so yo gal must be auschwitz tier.

>> No.9257316

she has the physique of an 11 y.o boy. barely any tits or ass. i like it

but she eats way more than i do and never gains a pound

>> No.9257335

>i like it
well to each his own then, more power to you
my gf used to be <100lbs but it's because she ate like a bird. Since we've started dating I always cook for her and she's filled out nice. I used to eat like a bulldozer but I started getting reflux when I was 12 so I stopped eating and growing as much

>on topic
I'm more effay than my gf but I make mistakes, she's learning too. I'm showing her that you can get Madden boots for $20 with the right coupons instead of getting chinese shit from Plato's closet for $50

>> No.9257417

yeah im sure you look like james franco

>> No.9257454

My gf is into lolita fashion.

>> No.9257484

I'm Harry she's cara, we don't dress fa but we look good. Between us we will make model babbys

>> No.9257536


>> No.9257545
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>> No.9257554

im sorry
fuck off elitist fagioli

>> No.9257559

I'm too poor to dress effay right now and she dresses like a basic white girl so no not really.

We both like fashion if that counts for anything though.

>> No.9257564

We would be if she removed that restraining order.

>> No.9257566

Doesnt count for shit

>> No.9257571


post fit or lose trip.

>> No.9257577

Neither do you

>> No.9258020


>> No.9258025


>> No.9258038


>> No.9258086

>tfw no gf

I blame it on my hook nose and 5' 7'' height.

>> No.9258107
File: 133 KB, 1023x681, MAIN--Kim-Kardashian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her husband is 5'6. Height is no excuse, consider suicide

>> No.9258114

Kanye is not 5'6" you fuckin nerd

>> No.9258117

but she is ugly and Kanye is missing the hook nose

if I'm not at least 5'9'' by my 21st birthday i might :^(

>> No.9258142

>she is ugly

>> No.9258147

ok im not the biggest fan of kim k but nigga

she is better looking than anyone you will ever date

>> No.9258152

Attractive? Yeah. Effay? Naw.

She's a tumblrcore qt and Im blue collar workwear cunt. I usually joke about being the most attractive couple when we go out, but since we live in the midwest, it's sadly usually the case.

>> No.9258208

>tfw tomato upvotes your post

>> No.9258243
File: 164 KB, 747x1000, feel_guy_irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf

>> No.9258267

How tall is he then? Everywhere I have seen people discussing his height 5'6 is the most common. He certainly isn't taller than 5'9

>> No.9258276

my condolences

>> No.9258280

Not really. I'm too short and he wears sweatshirts I keep telling him don't suit him.