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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 86 KB, 615x864, Jonah-Hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9253284 No.9253284 [Reply] [Original]

And they said full-figured men can't be /fa/...

>> No.9253286

They were right

>> No.9253322

>full figured

>> No.9253336

You mean fat.
>inb4 SJW with their 'fat acceptance' bs

>> No.9253339


>> No.9253347
File: 780 KB, 1000x997, 2103194214234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full-figured men

Full-figured? Full, figured?

>> No.9253353

>OMG, DONT OBJECTIFY THAT STRONG MoS(Man of Size. Though he may identify as a womyn, so my apologies to jonah if that is the case) YOU WHITE, STRAIGHT, MALE, CIS, PRIVILEGED SHITL0RD!!!... AND IF YOU REPLY TO THIS POST, I WILL TAKE IT AS AN ATTEMPT TO RAPE ME OVER THE INTERNET!!!!!

The sad part? That isnt even a fucking exaggeration... Though theres a pretty good chance they wouldnt defend jonah hil unless he claimed to be trans(since hes pretty much everything they hate. White, neckbeard, comedian, etc..)

>> No.9253363

>tfw part of the /fa/ hivemind
kek. I don't even need to post anymore.

>> No.9253386

Fat people can be /fa/, but that picture doesn't help the case whatsoever.

>> No.9253394

only on MFA are fat men considered fashionable

>> No.9253436

I'd suspect he is stealing a shit load of stuff

>> No.9253456

>Fat people can be /fa/


>> No.9253458


>> No.9253481
File: 43 KB, 260x337, rtr2aeov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9253502


>> No.9253655

damn how did he gain that much weight that fast?
he got into pretty great shape after Superbad, how do things go south that quickly?

>> No.9253818

w2c shoes?

>> No.9254217
File: 58 KB, 807x538, 1417368719219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't get a job, imagine how you would feel being made to get fat for a role right after. He's probably thinking about what the point is and let himself go.

>> No.9254807

I was thinking the same fucking thing. I just saw him in Wolf of Wall Street and he looked okay. That movie didn't come out too long ago. Jesus.

Some people are just dealt a bad hand in the genetics lottery.

>> No.9255100

he probably thought, chicks will fuck me because i'm famous … why the hell do i need to get fit?

>> No.9255111

For the /fa/gs who think he looks good, would you be saying the same for someone who is not Jonah Hill?

>> No.9255225
File: 78 KB, 540x786, HAuHvkP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes fat as shit and probably gets way more pussy than me.

>> No.9255641
File: 159 KB, 968x1277, 08445654564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. Big boned guys can be as /fa/ as anybody else.

>> No.9255658 [DELETED] 


>> No.9255669


Wow he was really fat

>> No.9255679

that's from 2014

he has been back to his usual form for a while now

>> No.9255705
File: 107 KB, 722x1280, a686dd7dafb130b2b92a8b30bb912a6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beard seems to be mandatory for /fa/ big guys.

>> No.9255712
File: 812 KB, 953x961, 4544o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9255713


It is also mandatory for my erection.

>> No.9255746

In the gay community, yeah

>> No.9255777

he can only play certain roles with his acting ability and those roles are dependent on either being fat or incredibly awkward looking like Michael Cera

>> No.9255779

these are hideous

>> No.9255796

>Some people are just dealt a bad hand in the genetics lottery.
Right, genetics.

>> No.9255800

calm down nerd

>> No.9255807

Of course they are but they'd be even more hideous without those outfits is what OP is trying to say I think.

>> No.9255812

the bait went so harsh down your throat
you disgust me

>> No.9255820


Does anyone else hate this style now? It's like every dumbass on the planet wants to look like this because they think it's cool and /fa.

I like the beard personally but that hair style is bs.

>> No.9255823

whats with this obese landwhale circlejerk?

fuck off fatties, theres no such thing as a big good looking man, being obese is an illnes, now fuck off to the gym and lose weight

>> No.9255834

Why did he get fat again?

>> No.9255856

well he fucks parasitic attention whore pussy, still pussy I guess. Good for him

>> No.9256080

Is it just me or has Jonah gotten even fatter?

>> No.9256083

>D-did I d-do it right guys?

>> No.9256141


Stance-core right there

>> No.9256466

He looks like a gengoroh tagame character

>> No.9256688

you're a big guy

>> No.9256714
File: 44 KB, 640x640, 1415570899507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in free will
>believing in the 'self'

>> No.9256922

disregarding the haircut, it looks good bro

>> No.9256948

>Some people are just dealt a bad hand in the genetics lottery

>believing this

>> No.9257037

it hides the 4 extra chins and the baby face

>> No.9257046

instead of dressing well they should just start eating well

>> No.9257079

>implying it's not diet
>implying an extent of free will doesn't exist within the partial framework of biological determinism

fedora fatty pls

>> No.9257092
File: 103 KB, 598x899, 1419463723654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not only talking only on the scale of genetics you myopic turd.

>> No.9257106
File: 806 KB, 2258x2934, 89359283592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Everyone believes himself, a priori, perfectly free—even in his individual actions, and thinks that at every moment he can commence another manner of life. ... But a posteriori, through experience, he finds to his astonishment that he is not free, but subjected to necessity, that in spite of all his resolutions and reflections he does not change his conduct, and that from the beginning of his life to the end of it, he must carry out the very character which he himself condemns..." - Schoppy

>> No.9259664

He thinks if he gets skinny people won't pay attention to him and he will be just another face.

>> No.9259792

>big boned
>full figured

At least embrace it... what's this PC bullshit? Fat piece of shit

>> No.9259860

>that $10 Chinese watch


>> No.9259899

No, it was 21 jump street that he was at his peak.... Then he slid back.

The funny thing is, the movie released before 21 jump street was money ball, which was made like 3 years before 21 jumpstreet, but only released a few months apart... He was MORBIDLY obese in that(prob. at his worst), and looked near underweight in 21 jump street.

Sarah silverman joked about it in one of the roasts on comedy central.

>> No.9261427

It's the malefashionadvice uniform. It's beyond oversaturated now. That's probably why you hate it.

>> No.9262419

he looks so frightened :}

>> No.9262533


damnnnnnn, people do change, but I guess they were always going to in his example.

>> No.9263610
File: 86 KB, 548x618, 1367463075636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
