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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 730 KB, 640x954, toy-shoot-fuccboi-923-body-image-1419353119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9252160 No.9252160 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Vice has shit on all of this board's memes, what's next?

>> No.9252166

vice didnt shit on anything

just showed again how uncreative they are and how they have to steal content from fucking 4chin lel

>> No.9252193

It was a fashion shoot, which vice does all the time in the magazine

The fact that ppl don't get it and are shitting their pants is so cringeworthy

>> No.9252199


The title is "Depressing Male Subcultures: Buy the Christmas Action Figures Now!"

I wouldn't call that a fashion shoot. I would call it shitting on all of you goofninja sadboy retards.

>> No.9252216

The title is "look at this depressing males and laugh"

>> No.9252223

I'm so fucking tired of seeing this now.

>> No.9252226

"Look at these losers and their hobbies!"

>istip captcha

>> No.9252230


>having a passionate hobby makes you a loser or obsessed
Welcome to 2014(+1).

>> No.9252251
File: 767 KB, 640x954, toy-shoot-fuccboi-923-body-image-1419353640[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how they made that Sepera-thing into an actual outfit. They're actually ripping off some russian weirdo.

>> No.9252298
File: 251 KB, 640x954, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serves you fags right for following outdated trends like "lunarcore" and "yung lean 2001"

To avoid future rekt-age I recommend the following restoration-approved trends:

_palewave (going to be big next year)
_ironic normcore (unhyped supreme clothes like henleys and buttondowns, vintage adidas etc.)
_SF software engineer/young urban professional (yuppie) core (a youthful take on dadcore)

Stay far away from:
_goth anything (goth ninja, dadgoth, health goth, stealth goth, wealth goth... it ain't 2005 myspace any more)
_any styles mocked in the VICE shoot

>> No.9252310


You're an idiot.
Drop trip, curl up, die.

>> No.9252376
File: 39 KB, 483x117, Screenshot 2014-12-25 23.26.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the worst trip on /fa/ even worse than pickfuck
anyone who is debating whether to follow this young mans advice consider that he thought ralph lauren polo and dsquared some of the best menswear available this year - also pic related
he is an mfa crossover and has failed to produce any advice/critique/fits worth anything

>> No.9252396

Srsly I've been noticing he's in like every fucking thread lately. I try to just ignore him but he doesn't do jack shit except fucking post here all the fucking time. He's like Jaden smith in the rap game. He thonks if I see it enough I will come to like and accept it.

>> No.9252418

i dont see one for gothninja so i am safe :)

>> No.9252426

Are you blind?

>> No.9252484

>Copying outdated trends from an out of touch board of spergs


>> No.9252501

>spending $£ on the next memey trend
cooool man nice alexander wang/h&m

>> No.9252508
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that article just goes to show how far down the SJW pipeline Vice has gone. Almost every other article on there for the past couple months was either a pro feminist article or a white people are racist article. Now to beat the dead horse even more this "Depressing Male Subcultures: Buy the Christmas Action Figures Now!" comes out. It never ends. Now even the way you dress is "depressing".

>> No.9252562

i know a few writers from Vice from my time living in LA. most of them are pretentious, hacky, insecure blowhards.

>> No.9252584

Am I supposed to be reading vice?

It seems like a bunch of college kids/fresh college grads pretending to be doing stuff that is sort of kind of like work so mom won't cut them off.

>> No.9252609

>older than college kids
>browses 4chan

>> No.9252621

How insulated do have you have to be to think that making fun of your fashion is part of a shift to anti-male media?

>> No.9252644

Sadboys fit was fire

>> No.9253281

Not him but "depressing male" is pretty one-sided. They're completely ignoring the fact that these are fashion trends and that means women follow them too.

>> No.9253312

in what world?

>> No.9253342

this. why are they 'male' subcultures? there's sadgirls too. and fuccboi isn't even a fucking subculture, its just a term used to refer to people who are poorly dressed

>> No.9253378

Vice is so fucking shit

>> No.9253384

black metal what? that doesn't even remotely look black metal anyway.

>> No.9253389

lel...trolled by vice. The butthurt is palpable

>> No.9253393
File: 1.85 MB, 2736x3648, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a way I feel like they're sort of making fun of their own writer Hamilton Morris

>> No.9253429

this dopey cunt. why the fuck do I care about some disheveled 25 year old taking drugs? like every 25 year old on Earth?

>> No.9253439

All I said was i feel like they're making fun of their own writer or whatever her is

>> No.9253444

Are you dead?

>> No.9253460

And somewhere in the mountains poet's head just exploded.

Get off this board. I've never seen a poster worse for it. You're not just an idiot, you're an aggressive idiot who spends most of his posts on putting down others and doing lame-ass trendhopping in just such a voice some people might believe you have the faintest clue what you're talking about.

Take your toxic shit to SZ and kill them instead, please. Watching you and Eugene Rabkin race to the bottom would be fun.

It was a poorly thought out, dumb piece I'm pretty sure someone made just to troll /fa/ one day, because >>9252251.

But there is something distinctively and depressingly male about some clothing subcultures - see that Zero History passage about mallninja and "gear queer" that gets posted all the time.

>> No.9253834
File: 1.98 MB, 245x286, laughing manthing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A white guy experiments with fashion
>"Hurrr depressing male subcultures!"
>A nigger wears Nikes and exposes his chest
>"Wow! Look at the evolution of black male masculinity through fashion! So progressive!"

Vice ladies and gentlemen!

>> No.9253869

pretty much. self-hating white liberal faggots. I wouldn't be surprised if one of their faggot male reporters wrote the article

>> No.9253874

I didn't like the article but I like a lot of the other things VICE produces. They cover counter cultural topics that nobody else does.

>> No.9253903

Hehe someone new might just believe you have the slightest idea of what you're talking about...

Great buzzwords... "SZ", "gear queer", "subcultures", even some nice name dropping too "Eugene Rabkin"

Sounds like you are a true fashion patrician huh? :D lelelel

>> No.9253965

that article was dumb as fuck. cyber punk was literally autismcore to the fucking max. they couldn't even properly style the nonexistent trends they were showing. Vice is nigged as fuck. '

>troll article/10

>> No.9253966

"Subcultures" was in the article name... pls do all a favor and commit seppuku

>> No.9254225
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Like >>9253966 said, "subcultures" was the title, and it's accurate anyway.

"Gear-queer" is a word I've absolutely never used myself except in reference to the Zero History passage where Bigend uses it. Mostly because it sounds like it should be something awesome instead of what it refers to.

There has to be no one who's spent half an hour on this site who isn't also aware of SZ and no one who's into fashion writing who doesn't know who Rabkin is.

Really, the insider-y or oldfag-y thing in my post was when I remembered poet said he was moving somewhere in the mountains.

"Buzzwords," fuck, from a dude whose post had:
>outdated trends
>youthful take
>ain't 2005 myspace any more

Sit down and... well no, don't shut up, tell me what you're in this for. What does fashion mean to you? Why do you think and feel about this stuff?

Everyone likes to hate on VICE because of the shit Gavin McInnes did seven years ago, parachute journalism, and Williamsburg real estate drama, but they're an incredibly useful thing to have in the media today and mostly do genuinely good work. Like, would you rather just have CNN and the NYT on it?

>> No.9254334
File: 159 KB, 683x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never visited Style Zeitgeist or read any fashion writing to be honest, but thanks for the detail explanation on gear-queer and everything.

>Sit down and... well no, don't shut up, tell me what you're in this for. What does fashion mean to you? Why do you think and feel about this stuff?

Good question actually. I think I got into this fashion stuff because I was tired of dressing badly - wearing fluorescent tees and denim shorts and stuff like that in middle school. I cared (and still do care) about my appearance and I think fashion forums like /fa/ definitely helped.

When I first got into this shit, I didn't know anything about clothes. But now I can name like a hundred brands off the top of my head and I now know the difference between a sweater and a sweatshirt like everyone else here does.

I'm starting to think that wearing expensive designer clothes and "experimenting" with outlandish outfits isn't necessary just to look good though. I mean, if you enjoy fashion, there's nothing against that. But giving money to clothing companies is not a very productive hobby in my opinion. There are lots of better hobbies that actually produce value.

But at least for me, I feel it's pointless. It sucks up your time and money, and I gain little in return. I'm already self-confident. And I already look well-dressed in basics like Uniqlo or APC or whatever. But in threads like WAYWT, people who dress fashionably, but in a basic way, end up getting their fits dissed and I don't really like that. And I'm starting to hate the toxic attitude on this board. How can you be successful if your influences are people who spend their time shitposting and wasting money? To be honest, all clothes are are just fibers sewn together, more or less they're the same and nobody could care less.

But yeah whatever that's my answer to your question. tldr: i dont care about fashion. it's a waste of time and money. i just need to look good and that's all

>> No.9254369

How? In the interview that pic was taken for, he says he only owns one button down, two of those three sweaters he's wearing aren't his and that's like his only pair of black skinnies (watch his videos, he's always wearing the same jeans, the same greyish blue ocbd, and that peacoat, or variations of them). One of his responses in that interview was "I don't want to show up in chemistry class/lab in anything too avant-garde". He cares more about other things. Also he doesn't really write for them anymore, at least not regularly. He's working on his book.

How is he dopey? He's closer to 30 and studies psychoactive drugs academically. He was friends with Alexander Shulgin and has gotten published in scientific journals. He just writes about what he is interested in. He's actually very knowledgeable

>> No.9255102

'I've never visited style zeitgeist' drop the trip and visit it and come back when u aren't retarded

>> No.9255108

l0l get a load of this new faggot turd
sz is fucking trash

>> No.9255781

friendly reminder to filter restoration

>> No.9255844
File: 160 KB, 360x495, 25AT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you fighting

everyone knows the first parade in fashion battling is the fit fight

so i declare it now
fit fight or fever be d a d c o r e f u c c b o i ' s

>> No.9255866
File: 239 KB, 800x800, DANFEELS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




holy shit this is fucking bad.


There is a reason why cashmere costs 100x more than cotton. There is a reason why different mills produce different grades of fabric.

It's so painfully obvious you just stepped into this world a year or 2 ago because otherwise you wouldn't have spouted half of the stupid shit you just posted.

I wouldnt be all riled up if you were merely stating your opinion, but when you start saying shit like
> To be honest, all clothes are are just fibers sewn together, more or less they're the same and nobody could care less.
it just makes you look like a total idiot that has no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

Why don't you actually READ up on the history of fashion starting from the 1900s and you'll gain a greater understanding on what this industry really is why it is actually an important piece of society.

I recommend reading into how Balenciaga, one of the best couturer so far, got his start in the fashion industry and how this is a world you barely understand.

At least read a synopsis on his life so you can gain an appreciate for what is haute couture and WHY certain clothes cost so much.

I could go on and on how fucked ur post is but i got work tomorrow.

>> No.9255882

chill nerd he obviously doesnt care about fashion history, I dont think you need to read about fashion history starting from the 1900s to figure out that theres more to clothes than fibres sewn together
>look at me i read a book about balenciaga! i know my stuff guys!!

also restoration drop drip youre a dumbass

>> No.9255890

yo where can I buy books about fashion that aren't written by housewives and don't cost like 100$ per page? ebook are fine too

>> No.9255891
File: 567 KB, 445x799, 1408847908994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur basically the same dude... both clueless, dressing horribly in apc rags, hated by the entire board, butt of constant jokes and hatred, complete retards... only difference is that youve read up on more dumb shit from 100 years ago that no one cares about and actually think u have a worthwhile opinion on anything despite the fact that u need a second, third, and fourth opinion on weather to cop common projects, homeboy uve been here like 3 years, this dude has been here 3 weeks and is only slightly more embarrassingly stupid than you

>> No.9255897
File: 696 KB, 600x800, 1405619935277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do u fuck up something this basic this horribly? with the newtrips at least u know theyve only been in the game a month at most, i could understand dressing like shit 3yrs later if u were actually doing something remotely interesting or unique with ur fits... but nah

>> No.9255898


I don't have it personally but there's one of those "party memes" based on Sepera, a trip on russian /fa/. He wears burzum shirts, Detroit baseball caps and adidas trainers. So whoever made that "action figure" isn't even making fun of /fa/, he/she is making fun of russian /fa/.

It's mindblowing.

>> No.9255905

yeah its basically something that was relevant for about a week about a year ago which must have been when mr vice was doing his "research"

>> No.9255910

russian /fa/?
what the fuck is that, the only places I can think of that would have their own /fa/ is 420chan and krautchan

>> No.9255913

>trunks of all people calling other people's fits out

>> No.9255917
File: 49 KB, 259x491, 15AT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo lads this thread is too many posts too deep to be without f i t b a t t l e s

get on ur shit or get out

>> No.9255923
File: 431 KB, 1280x1215, 6c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually looks like he just found bunch of /fa/ related party pics and based this shit on them.
I'm pretty sure all of these are featured in those and they look very similar to the fits in those pics.
Really just makes whoever wrote the article eve more of a faggot.

>> No.9255926

How are you guys so immature/dumb to realise that Restution or whatever is name is just trolling.
He's just some kid in school trying to annoy everyone and he's doing a good job of it.
Just ignore/filter him and move on, christ, it's not that hard

>> No.9255929

He's not wrong tho, at least when he fails horribly is because he is trying something new, but when he wants to do something derivative it's always clean and nice.

>> No.9255949

i'd buy those figures and have little tea parties with them and pretend i had /fa/ friends

>> No.9255953


>> No.9256890

Trunks is /fa/s best poster, prove me wrong.

>> No.9256932
File: 190 KB, 750x485, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude, i appreciate what you're saying and i respect a lot of hard work goes into clothes and of course there are different fabrics etc. but what i meant was in the end, even fancy cashmere or whatever is just clothes, it's nothing more than that, at least for me

a lot of innovation and quality and design et cetera goes into lots of other things too, paintings, cars, books, even shampoo probably, and of course they're all different

i respect some people are interested in it, but it doesn't mean i should be too

if i was obsessed with every single thing i owned, not just clothing, then i wouldn't have time for anything else

and who is to say fashion is a better hobby than something else? someone whose favorite hobby is cooking would probably say it's more important to know about spices and recipes and stuff than knowing about different grades of merino wool

but yeah that's just my opinion dude and by the way you seem like a cool guy who knows a lot about fashion

>> No.9256945

are all Vice employees stoned smelly hipsters

>> No.9256961
File: 268 KB, 439x587, Screen Shot 2014-12-27 at 18.54.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trunks is /fa/s best poster, prove me wrong.
>prove me wrong.
Ok here I go

>> No.9256966
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>> No.9256971
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>> No.9256978

W2c shoes?

>> No.9256990
File: 805 KB, 616x801, Screen Shot 2014-12-27 at 18.58.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one. I could go on and on though. The dude's delusional, he hasn't really mastered his own style, he is a classic example of a fashion victim. Buys high fashion pieces for the sake of them being "high fashion" and supposed good quality. He knows nothing about achieving good, cohesive aesthetics in his outfits. He's making himself look like a clown on /fa/ without probably even knowing it.

>> No.9257001

w2c the shoes to the right of the velcros?

>> No.9257021

Why the fuck don't you go to /p/ or /ck/ or any other hobbies then you fuck, you're literally spending your time ruining people's experience of a board dedicated to what they're interested in, you're not a nice person, I mean it man, whatever else you do, if you give half your fucking money to homeless people and volunteer with dying puppies, you're spending your time ruining a platform where people discuss stuff they care about. I mentioned /ck/, now I've never really been on /ck/, but what you're doing here, is as if there were plenty of people really interested in cuisine cooking, and they went on /ck/ to talk about it and chefs and what they're doing, along with a bunch of threads of passerbys just wanting to know how to cook well, and you're one of those passerbys, but instead of just browsing and learning, you infect the whole fucking board with patches of rot (your posts) and make everything shit, just fuck off, or at least go Anonymous so your bullshit can be disregarded

>> No.9257028




>> No.9257029

I think he has the most punchable faces I've ever seen, top 5 at least, it just expresses his entire fucking dreadful person

>> No.9257033

Agreed 100%. Why people respect him and his opinions on this board is beyond me. It really is, rarely do I feel such disgust about a person. And I'm a very accepting and loving person in general.

>> No.9257052
File: 212 KB, 1200x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to see if anyone has posted this yet, straight from vice lel

>> No.9257057

lunarcore is a "subculture" now lol? p. sure it's just a meme/obsession of a few posters on /fa/. I barely every see anyone dress like that in wayt or wherever. and obviously never ever irl. p. lol that the fuckboys at vice write articles on /fa/ memes now tho, we out there /fa/m

>> No.9257059

this is literally what the thread is about

>> No.9257091


i think he meant the image itself just so people who are too lazy to look it up can see

>> No.9257132

looks pretty /fa/ to me

>> No.9257140

So, Vice paid someone money to "write" an article AKA take some pictures and have a Tumblr graphic designer photoshop them regarding a relatively slow board on a website that is only popular due to one board, and not even the board the "article" is about?


>> No.9257163

If they do the same thing they did here, but with a bunch of girl meme clothes like American Apparel and Tumblr girls and shit, then it would be slightly more funny, because it would be a lot less of a shitty clickbait for people on here.

>> No.9257177

Hey I resent that Tripsknk and I are the only remaining members of old /fa/ and both of us still dress shit

I'm just here for the nudes of that fat English idiot

>> No.9257191

>I'm just here for the nudes of that fat English idiot

Who, matt helders/lelders?

>> No.9257467

How do I become a writer for vice and can I do it from home

>> No.9257832

I've just about had enough of these petit bourgeoise normies appropriating our memes for clicks and ad revenue

>> No.9257956

Vice is great for covering conflicts and political crisis that other news outlets just don't.

The only drawback is that since it's marketed to young people you occasionally have to put up with an article that screams "I got paid to be a spoiled white faggot."

So it's more or less Rolling Stone with too many leddetor interns.

>> No.9258743

You truly are the worst trip

>> No.9258800
File: 17 KB, 225x263, a-for-effort-paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to be more subtle next time.

>> No.9258938

lol when ur legs are that fucked up and ur ass that fat why would u wear skinny jeans?

>> No.9259392

kek thats fucking great

>> No.9260590

Their youtube channel is good (vicenews) their main site is a garbage dump tho

>> No.9260614

he's basically the /fa/ equivalent of /fit/'s supermang- he's a complete retard but he's everywhere

>> No.9260630

that's vice news

>> No.9260803


damn, puttin the fedora down on deeze fugbois

ps. I only cringed twice reading this

>> No.9260819

Worked at vice, can confirm

>> No.9262746

you don't work at vice by writing like a retard (aka you) unless you were the fucking janitor or something

>> No.9262754

guys stop bullying??? it's mean

>> No.9262765


>You need to blow your cover so a low level attention whore fagget on 4chan believes you and he can proceed to shitpost every single thread in sight 24/7


>> No.9262958

It's because that fatty from vice (I think he is to /trv/ something like rick is/was to us) tryed to get into some rick/raf basic fuccboi shit. And failed miserably. Got mocked hard because of it, here on /fa/. He got really butthurt and told his hipster friends to make this for him.

>> No.9262968

wait what do sjws have to do with this. are they involved in everything that offends you

>> No.9263009
File: 504 KB, 1200x580, toy-shoot-fuccboi-923-body-image-1419354529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone seen this yet?

>> No.9263279

Hamilton looked better without a beard.

>> No.9263328
File: 367 KB, 2124x1872, 1362625927466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9263335

Suck a lot of Dick and whenever someone has done something worthwhile shun them and paint a target on their back while pandering to the group that hasn't tried but still feels like they deserve an award.

>> No.9265117


>> No.9265123

get an english degree from some mid-tier school
and get an unpaid internship and you can go write for vice or GQ or whatever wearing your pyjamas at a tiny shared office at conde nast while pretending you're a real journalist

>> No.9265938

>all the gothninjas look mad an displeased while being at a party

Always gets me.

>> No.9266312


double irony, all of the fits are terrible by /fa/ standards